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China rescued cargo ship hijacked by Somali pirates with other navies

After getting embarrased, Global Times has admitted role of Indian Navy:

Ship in Gulf of Aden rescued by Chinese, Indian navies
Source:Global Times Published: 2017/4/9 23:28:39

The Chinese and Indian navies on Sunday came to the rescue of a Tuvalu-flagged merchant vessel attacked by Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden, a move signifying what a Chinese military expert believes to be a boon rather than a threat to regional and global peacekeeping as a consequence of China's growing military capabilities.

After receiving a distress call Saturday night, the Indian warships established contact with the captain of the merchant vessel who had locked himself in a room along with the rest of the Filipino crew.
As 16 members from a nearby Chinese Navy ship arrived on the merchant ship, all 19 Filipino crew members were safe, while an Indian Naval helicopter provided air cover for the rescue operation, according to a report from the AFP.
Emboldened by the helicopter cover and Chinese boarding party's rescue, some crew members gradually emerged from the room.

This time I am on the side of India.
Indian navy did help to rescue the crew by not interfering, if not these poor crew would be killed by either pirates or indians.
This supposed to be a good thing, China, India AND Pakistan navies cooperated to fight piracy. But Indian media soured things and made it toxic by its sensationalized the event demanding China's thank you. First of all, China did thank Indian navy even before Indian media demand the thank you, Indian media just didn't know it because they can't read Chinese media. Second of all, China actually didn't have to specifically thank Indian navy, they are not saving Chinese ship or sailors. The one that should be thankful is the country that own the ship that get attacked and the country where those poor sailors came from. If India want a thank you, it should seek from those countries. China and Pakistan didn't even think about asking them btw.

Chinese navy rescued Tuvaluan ship hijacked by Somali pirates
People's Daily, China
Published on 13 Apr 2017

A Tuvaluan ship OS35 with 19 crew members was hijacked by Somali pirates in the Gulf of Aden on April 8, 2017. After receiving the alert from UK Maritime Trade Organization (UKMTO), the Chinese naval vessel “Yulin” immediately set out for the area and started the rescue operation.

On the early morning of April 9, a total of 16 navy special forces soldier covered by the helicopter boarded the ship OS35. They successfully rescued all the 19 crew members under the air surveillance and escorted them to safe sea all the way for the next two days.

The rescued crew members of OS35 sincerely thanked Chinese navy for being the only and the first among all the five warships nearby to save them.

"This operation reflects the highly effective performance of the Chinese Navy in fighting piracy. It is an example of China performing its duties as a responsible major country for regional peace and stability." said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying on April 10, 2017.




This time I am on the side of India.
Indian navy did help to rescue the crew by not interfering, if not these poor crew would be killed by either pirates or indians.

But the Indians want recognition for not interfering. The press should make a point that Indians didn't butch the rescue. They deserve that recognition.
For not interfering with our rescue mission yes the Indians does earn some recognition. BUT if they are now complaining about not getting enough attention, next time rush to the scene as quickly as possible and tape everything as evidence. A friendly advice to the Indian Navy in order to earn the extra praise, make sure you turn the loud speaker at the highest volume and announce as soon you have the ship at sight the Indian Navy is coming. It should give everybody (pirates and the crew) just enough time to jump off the ship before being blown to bits and pieces by the mighty Indians.

And now the Japanese wanted to claim credits after the Indians did LOL

In case people not knowing whats written on the report from the "Japanese Minister of Defense"
I will try to translate with my limited Japanese ability:D
"Japanese navy ship was to guard the perimeter of the hijacked cargo ship, making sure no reinforcement from the Somali pirates from sea while Indian navy helicopter defending possible air raid by the pirates from the sky
The defense cooperation between Japanese and Indian navy end up with flawless success
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" all is well:rofl:
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Another successful operation in the region just hours ago.

The Chinese guided missile frigate Hengyang of the 25th Chinese Naval Escort task force rescued a Panamanian merchant ship from pirates on Saturday.

The Panama merchant ship ALHEERA made a distress call at around 9:30 p.m. local time on Saturday, saying that it was under attack by five pirates.

Hengyang was patrolling the Gulf of Aden near the Horn of Africa and answered the distress call. A navy helicopter brought by Hengyang reached merchant ship at around 10:30 p.m., chasing the pirates away.

And now the Japanese wanted to claim credits after the Indians did LOL

In case people not knowing whats written on the report from the "Japanese Minister of Defense"
I will try to translate with my limited Japanese ability:D
"Japanese navy ship was to guard the perimeter of the hijacked cargo ship, making sure no reinforcement from the Somali pirates from sea while Indian navy helicopter defending possible air raid by the pirates from the sky
The defense cooperation between Japanese and Indian navy end up with flawless success
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" all is well:rofl:

bunch of cowards :rofl:
And now the Japanese wanted to claim credits after the Indians did LOL

In case people not knowing whats written on the report from the "Japanese Minister of Defense"
I will try to translate with my limited Japanese ability:D
"Japanese navy ship was to guard the perimeter of the hijacked cargo ship, making sure no reinforcement from the Somali pirates from sea while Indian navy helicopter defending possible air raid by the pirates from the sky
The defense cooperation between Japanese and Indian navy end up with flawless success
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" all is well:rofl:
Cannot get anymore hilarious. Don't think any sane pirate will want to attack a modern 4000 tonne warship.
Another successful operation in the region just hours ago.

The Chinese guided missile frigate Hengyang of the 25th Chinese Naval Escort task force rescued a Panamanian merchant ship from pirates on Saturday.

The Panama merchant ship ALHEERA made a distress call at around 9:30 p.m. local time on Saturday, saying that it was under attack by five pirates.

Hengyang was patrolling the Gulf of Aden near the Horn of Africa and answered the distress call. A navy helicopter brought by Hengyang reached merchant ship at around 10:30 p.m., chasing the pirates away.

Another opportunity for India to proclaim their accomplishments. India just read the news and post another news afterward saying that their ships are the ones making the rescue.
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