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China requires censoring all computers

it's just a software ,offering us a choice to filter the pornographic imformation .you don't have this kind of software in india ?it's odd,indian might probably kill a young girl if she lost her virgin before getting married。 since you know nothing about software,let me tell you a secret , sofeware can be deleted anytime.....

With due respect, no need to be apologetic. Censoring is must for retaining the morals of the society. Limits and rules should be there for everyone in every field. As far as Indians are concerned they should remember their own three monkey statue which delivers the same message. The Message is:

"Don't see evil, don't hear evil, don't speak evil."

Learn to write proper English before pointing towards anyone else......India is a forward looking democracy and the government does not and can not restrict anyones fundamental rights....:rolleyes:

Because Indian government know that Indian women are cheap.
What is your definition of a peaceful protest?

Does it include....pelting stones on Police....burning Vehicles....shops.....damaging Police vehicles.... and crying foul when police retaliate with Tear gas and other retaliatory measures.....

Are you allowed to do the same in Pakistan.......do the authorities allow you to burn vehicles...and damage public property...

Will you not do the same if your sister is raped by the army and if your family is slaughtered in front of your very own eyes. The Kashmiri nation doesn't want to live with you because your government is cruel. Is this called democracy. My foot. Indians are the most pathetic nation of the world full of folly and hypocrisy. The world's biggest terrorist and peace destroyer is criticizing other nations .Hahah.:guns:
Do you have any evidence of the claim of India army men raping or damaging anyone in Kashmir...... It could be a job of any "Kashmir man".... and there is a tendency to blame army for everything in Kashmir.....

Let the Kashmir police investigate and then we shall talk on this.....

A few biased media articles on your side of the border is all that you read...and you start shouting anti India slogans......

The Kashmir Police for your information comprises of Kashmir men and women so they would be doing an honest incestigation ....wait for the reports and we shall see....

Separatists are always kept under vigil....I can highlight instances in Pakistan when separatist leaders are kept in control so that they are not able to create any nuisance...its the same around the world.....be it any country...

The whole world witnesses it and the whole world knows it. That is why you are not being permitted to become the permanent member of the UN security council. If the world didn't know it or if anyone didn't have any proof. You would have been included.
aimraul, instead of talking about India's child marriage, can you stick to the topic and tell us how one joins the 30000 opinion makers, and how do you convince us you are not one of them.

Omar, discuss kashmir and recent protests in the relevant thread, there's one open. trying to derail inconvenient threads (mainly china related) is getting old now.

Don't tell us in our forums that what we have to say and what not. Since you have brought the topic of freedom of speech yourself. You should know that your India is the enemy of freedom of life. This point is being made and now you don't have any answer for that. So shut the **** up.
Whatever you may call it....the constitution of India gives rights to have an opinion on everything that effects our life.....If your Country does not allow you to do so ...you can not go around bashing people or countries who do that.....

And thats democracy for you...

Do you know any difference between writing things on the paper and implementation. Welcome to the real world Jackass!
Oh so that's what hurting you. India is better than Pakistan in being the worlds biggest democracy. Does it mean allowing people to pelt stone at its forces and distruct public property. BBC has carried the correct report, Mr. Gilani was arrested as a precautionary measure. Pelting of stones was reported. Storming of Police station was reported, but that's what a biased eye fails to see. It fails to see the word "Alledged" and it fails to see that inquiry is being conducted. A biased eye fails to see that a democratic country does not have a soothsayer which will point to accused.

BTW Kashmir is not the topic of discussion here.

Hurting! Hurting!!..........? India is a biggest failure and unless she changes her political and economic system. She is bound to collapse. She has to give rights to her citizens, freedom of speech and has to lessen the in equality of distribution of wealth among her vast population. She has to settle regional differences within her own people. The situation in India is the opposite of your statements and claims.

Hello Sir, you could have considered his command over English knowing the fact that China has never been a British colony unlike India. Even if you go to Russia and Europe, you will find people who neither understand English nor try to speak in it despite the fact that they live closer to the Great Britain than the Indians of India. Anyway Sir, do not you think, you missed one word, 'finger' between 'towards' and 'anyone' and an apostope (') after 'anyone' and before the 's'. No offence Sir.

Can somebody close this thread please ?
China has already backed off from the plans to install this software on all computers and the thread has not been on topic for a while.
Great. But still wont change the fact that India is the world's Biggest Democracy and we love it !!!

Anyways, yet to hear anything from you related to the thread topic. Are you generally this vague or is today special.

I do have many links that could prove the posts, but unfortunately in China people may not be able to open those pages. Yeah!! Great firewall of China.

No sensible person dis agrees that indeed India is the world's biggest democracy. But the question is that "Is India the world's best democracy?".

There is a difference between Good democracy and lulli langdi (crippled) democracy. I leave the decision on justice loving and reality knowing people.
The problem is not with the software per se. The issue is with government forcing the installation. The individual is no longer in control of what he/she reads, but the government is.
Added to the fact is the issue that government is actually paying 30,000 people to post on blogs/forums with pro-chinese views, things become really scary.

There is no way to say if a Chinese guy has understood all sides of an issue , on top of that there is no way of saying for certain any chinese poster (even you!!) are not getting paid to write whatever they are writing.

It is better to concentrate on economy rather doing bak bak and delivering freedom speeches. Chinese government provides chances and employment to the people. They need to keep them on track. If the people will focus what the outer world is saying about their government , they will waste their time on changing a functional and far better political system than the Indian way of democracy. A fool proof dictatorial system is better than a crippled democratic one.
A Slap on Democracy

Legal Issues

Contributed by Mike
Thursday, October 3rd, 2002 @ 10:20AM

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Fighting Net Censorship Abroad
from the what-about-at-home dept
A new bill has been introduced in Congress to allocate $100 million to fight internet censorship in countries like China and Saudi Arabia. The idea is that it would give this money to the same organization that runs things like Voice of America to support tools that get around localized censored internets. I find this somewhat ironic, since the government is still pushing for its own ability to censor the internet at home and forcing ISPs to block other sites while other "free" societies like as Australia routinely block sites without telling anyone which sites are being blocked. Are we going to use this money to fight internet censorship at home also? Or just in the countries we don't like?

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BT Censorship in the West by Rory Winter on Jan 6th, 2007 @ 3:18pm
Net Censorship and British Telecom

For some months now, I have been helping to co-author a book, The Ultimate Tragedy, with a Canadian Muslim, Abid Ullah Jan, who runs a website called the Independent Centre for Strategic Studies and Analysis (ICSSA), http://www.icssa.org

I use British Telecom as a server. Until recently I was able to access the site with no problem. About two weeks ago all that changed and the BT Server will not access it. After several lengthy sessions with their Technical Support people BT admitted to me that it was a server problem and promised to resolve the problem and get back to me. Well, that was about a week ago and I'm still waiting.

Meantime, I found it possible to access the ICSSA site using a proxy program called Circumventor as well as an IP anonimizer called Hid-My-IP. It appears that only the BT server is blocking this site which is otherwise accessible.

My concern is that BT is doing this for political reasons. Abid's site is clearly anti-imperialist and very critical of the US, UK and Pakistani governments. He tells me that, earlier on, ICSSA was being blocked by the Musharraf regime in Islamabad. As both the US and UK security services work closely with their Pakistani counterpart, the ISI, I wonder if someone in MIF has designated ICSSA as a "terrorist" site?

It appears that here is another instance where the "war on terrorism" is being used as an excuse for totalitarian behaviour. It's the kind of thing which I guess would NF hence my informing you of what's going on.

I would be interested in your views and advice as to what I can next do to help expose BT's censorship to the world.
Can somebody close this thread please ?
China has already backed off from the plans to install this software on all computers and the thread has not been on topic for a while.
do you know how many people said bs to this software what protect child not to get lust films and pic?and you must don't have interest in knowing it can be f@@k away by yourself,do you?some fathers or mothers will keep it for sure,but us =====no.
for u it's a good news to bash China,happy with you for your dream,and it will make your india stronger for sure,and you should find more things like these to make your india a superpower and:usflag:'s media follower
Fighting Net Censorship Abroad
from the what-about-at-home dept
A new bill has been introduced in Congress to allocate $100 million to fight internet censorship in countries like China and Saudi Arabia. The idea is that it would give this money to the same organization that runs things like Voice of America to support tools that get around localized censored internets. I find this somewhat ironic, since the government is still pushing for its own ability to censor the internet at home and forcing ISPs to block other sites while other "free" societies like as Australia routinely block sites without telling anyone which sites are being blocked. Are we going to use this money to fight internet censorship at home also? Or just in the countries we don't like?

Blocking websites is different from installing software in a PC to monitor what you browse.

One is Censorship and the other is Invasion of Privacy.

I hope you understand the difference.
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