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China requires censoring all computers

I have no interest in who won or lost.

The point was that your logic was dumb and should have made you Japanese if anyone went by it since they occupied your country.

I think you meant you understand english better in your last line...if you meant anything else my apologies since such sophisticated english is above my head.

I have no interest in your abnility of understanding neither since you have no idea about the difference between a sheer colonization for 300 hundreds years and an 14 year invation.
Hey, my friends,

Before you post messages here, remember, there are three kinds of people in this forum:

1. People who love China and say many good words about it and argue with other people who don't agree with them.
2. Poeple who love China too, but say many bad words about it because they care about China and they want China to chnage better.
3. Poeple who hate China for reasons we all know. They say bad words to China and post many negative news about China, only to get some comfortation. But actually they don't care about China at all as long as China stays poor.

I just find out that many indian people here belong to the third group. Don't argue with me, you go find it out yourself.

My advice to people belong to the first two groups:don't talk to people in the third group at all, because they want to argue with you and pour more bad words and bad news on you to get more comfortation since they hate you so much. There will be no conclusion, you will never convince them. It is only a big waste of your time. Let them do whatever they want, but just give them no response, and they will lose their interest and go away.
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i dont like the censoring program but it is really easy to remove if you know basics of computers and it only runs on windows right now anyways.
ps: im liking the green dam tan thats poping up on the internetz
i dont like the censoring program but it is really easy to remove if you know basics of computers and it only runs on windows right now anyways.
ps: im liking the green dam tan thats poping up on the internetz

Thats the whole damned point, you don't like it but hey who cares, its the government...you've got to do what they say...welcome to China.
whatever it is, it is China's internal affair and none of any indians' bunsiness.

It is easy, the reason why they bark on China on issues that are absolutely no concern of theirs is their country has nothing much to be proud of.

China has the largest internet and mobile market more than the population of the US, the largest car market, the largest banks in the world etc. etc. etc. Things they can only dream of achieving hence you can feel their utter bitterness, impotence and jeolousy in their rants on any possible bad news on China.

Half their population are illiterate so even if they somehow manage China's lucrative net penetration rates half their people can't even read what is on the net, only smiling stupidly at pictures.

I feel sorry for this sad country that they are fooled to think they are somehow equals of China or have any semblance to compare themselves to China whether it be social, religious, economic, political power, and race. They are fooled by white people to think they are equals of China becus they have a billion people. The Brits used them like slaves in servitude for 200 plus years now it is the Americans and Europeans that will use them as cannon fodder in their fear of China's rise. Talk about a country being screwed twice over.

Just pity them and ignore them. On this day an age China is the 2nd largest economy in a matter of months while they are 12th.

They are only good as internet warriors. Pity the fools . . .

PS: Welcome to India, the land of slums . . . .
whatever it is, it is China's internal affair and none of any indians' bunsiness.

It is easy, the reason why they bark on China on issues that are absolutely no concern of theirs is their country has nothing much to be proud of.

China has the largest internet and mobile market more than the population of the US, the largest car market, the largest banks in the world etc. etc. etc. Things they can only dream of achieving hence you can feel their utter bitterness, impotence and jeolousy in their rants on any possible bad news on China.

Half their population are illiterate so even if they somehow manage China's lucrative net penetration rates half their people can't even read what is on the net, only smiling stupidly at pictures.

I feel sorry for this sad country that they are fooled to think they are somehow equals of China or have any semblance to compare themselves to China whether it be social, religious, economic, political power, and race. They are fooled by white people to think they are equals of China becus they have a billion people. The Brits used them like slaves in servitude for 200 plus years now it is the Americans and Europeans that will use them as cannon fodder in their fear of China's rise. Talk about a country being screwed twice over.

Just pity them and ignore them. On this day an age China is the 2nd largest economy in a matter of months while they are 12th.

They are only good as internet warriors. Pity the fools . . .
Thats the whole damned point, you don't like it but hey who cares, its the government...you've got to do what they say...welcome to China.

huh... i have a house there, dont need you to welcome me to my own home. anyways my point is that while the censoring i dont agree with, at least the part with the crappy half *** program, but its not that big a deal to go around it, just like how people in the west bark about how the government in china filters the internet, yes its not a good thing(in my eyes) but its not difficult at all to get around it, soo its big news wise but not that big of an impact on my life
It is easy, the reason why they bark on China on issues that are absolutely no concern of theirs is their country has nothing much to be proud of.

So can I presume that the comments of any Chinese member on Indian issues as dogs barking?

I feel sorry for this sad country that they are fooled to think they are somehow equals of China or have any semblance to compare themselves to China whether it be social, religious, economic, political power, and race. They are fooled by white people to think they are equals of China becus they have a billion people. The Brits used them like slaves in servitude for 200 plus years now it is the Americans and Europeans that will use them as cannon fodder in their fear of China's rise. Talk about a country being screwed twice over.

Now now now, I think you don't understand the meaning of being screwed, let me give you a hint, it's what the japanese did to you in the 2nd world war, and for which you are still asking for apologies from them.
And being the racist you are, dude you don't even know but maybe half of your 130bn+ may be japanese.
So can I presume that the comments of any Chinese member on Indian issues as dogs barking?

Now now now, I think you don't understand the meaning of being screwed, let me give you a hint, it's what the japanese did to you in the 2nd world war, and for which you are still asking for apologies from them.
And being the racist you are, dude you don't even know but maybe half of your 130bn+ may be japanese.

by comparising the Japs with the british, your knowledge about China and her history is really limited and your posts about China are of little value.
So can I presume that the comments of any Chinese member on Indian issues as dogs barking?

Now now now, I think you don't understand the meaning of being screwed, let me give you a hint, it's what the japanese did to you in the 2nd world war, and for which you are still asking for apologies from them.
And being the racist you are, dude you don't even know but maybe half of your 130bn+ may be japanese.

point 1. no comment there are aways trolls on both sides

point 2. noone said we werent suffering defeats and deaths by millions in WW2 also that comment doesn't make you any better than him not to mention im pretty sure the hundreds of millions that survide the war did in fact reproduce. also rape is a very bad thing in china female sometime kill themselves rather than have the babies
how do you like it when i mention that England rape ur country for 200+ years, actually never mind India's very proud of speaking English and would love to be white
Blocking websites is different from installing software in a PC to monitor what you browse.

One is Censorship and the other is Invasion of Privacy.

I hope you understand the difference.

Preventing the truth to be heard and talking about freedom of speech while being hypocritical in action is not the practice of democracy. If you have read the American constitution you may know that it is written there that , the intelligence agency can tap any citizen's phone calls in order to protect the national interest. What privacy are you talking about. Is USA not a democra:bounce:ctic country.
Actually the west and India is jealous of China. India being a vast population almost equal to Chinese population can't match her economic progress. The west being economic monster for so long is afraid for the rise of an Asian country and a total full stop to West's aggression after Chinese rise.
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