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How can you make predictions what Kashmiris would do when they protest against Indian army for raping and murdering their people?

Your government arrested a Kashmiri activist before the protest that he called for could even take place, and Indians arrested him in his house, not when he was protesting.

Thats democracy in India.

Do you have any evidence of the claim of India army men raping or damaging anyone in Kashmir...... It could be a job of any "Kashmir man".... and there is a tendency to blame army for everything in Kashmir.....

Let the Kashmir police investigate and then we shall talk on this.....

A few biased media articles on your side of the border is all that you read...and you start shouting anti India slogans......

The Kashmir Police for your information comprises of Kashmir men and women so they would be doing an honest incestigation ....wait for the reports and we shall see....

Separatists are always kept under vigil....I can highlight instances in Pakistan when separatist leaders are kept in control so that they are not able to create any nuisance...its the same around the world.....be it any country...
THATS BS. Indian police arrested Kashmiri Activist Syed Ali Shah Geelani in his home before the protest that he called for could even take place.

So, precautionary arrest. Are you forgetting a certain Mr. Saeed recently arrested in Pakistan for similar reasons.
good point ,then tell me why the hell are some indian children being forced to get married before they know what hormone is

Brother do you understand the term called state policy??? Indian government doesn't force children to get married and only in minuscule backward section of India the child marriage is happening. and by law its banned.

But in china.. the government has peeping into your minds and controlling your thoughts.. the above reports just adds to the ever growing list of actions which gives weight to that fact.

Kindly discuss on the issue and not beat around the bush searching for other issues in india.!!!
Do you have any evidence of the claim of India army men raping or damaging anyone in Kashmir...... It could be a job of any "Kashmir man".... and there is a tendency to blame army for everything in Kashmir.....

Let the Kashmir police investigate and then we shall talk on this.....

A few biased media articles on your side of the border is all that you read...and you start shouting anti India slogans......

The Kashmir Police for your information comprises of Kashmir men and women so they would be doing an honest incestigation ....wait for the reports and we shall see....

Separatists are always kept under vigil....I can highlight instances in Pakistan when separatist leaders are kept in control so that they are not able to create any nuisance...its the same around the world.....be it any country...

For more than 60 years, most rapes in Indian Occupied Kashmir have been committed by Indian troops.

By the way, I didn't know BBC was Pakistani media.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Kashmiri separatist is arrested
aimraul, instead of talking about India's child marriage, can you stick to the topic and tell us how one joins the 30000 opinion makers, and how do you convince us you are not one of them.

Omar, discuss kashmir and recent protests in the relevant thread, there's one open. trying to derail inconvenient threads (mainly china related) is getting old now.
So, precautionary arrest. Are you forgetting a certain Mr. Saeed recently arrested in Pakistan for similar reasons.

Pakistan doesn't claim to be world's largest democracy, and Pakistanis are not so quick at sticking their heads in other country's affairs like Indians are.

One phrase to sum up India. WORLD'S LARGEST HYPOCRISY!
Then stop wasting your and others time here on this forum...the official language of this forum is English...so if you can't write a sensible paragraph in English...please don't invest your time and energy here...:hitwall:

sorry, my english is poor ,even for a chinese .how about the photo i uploaded,this young couple is so happy
For more than 60 years, most rapes in Indian Occupied Kashmir have been committed by Indian troops.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Kashmiri separatist is arrested

Do you have any proof of Indian Army men raping women and killing people for past sixty years.:hitwall:... This is just a great Pakistani propaganda to justify Anti India terrorist activities across India border...
Do you have a proof... and please don't post the you tube videos created by Anti Indian Pakistanis to show and brainwash young lads into terrorism....they are as good as posting a biased blog post....

The article you posted only speaks of His arrest and nothing else.....:coffee:
Pakistan doesn't claim to be world's largest democracy, and Pakistanis are not so quick at sticking their heads in other country's affairs like Indians are.

One phrase to sum up India. WORLD'S LARGEST HYPOCRISY!

Whatever you may call it....the constitution of India gives rights to have an opinion on everything that effects our life.....If your Country does not allow you to do so ...you can not go around bashing people or countries who do that.....

And thats democracy for you...
Pakistan doesn't claim to be world's largest democracy, and Pakistanis are not so quick at pointing at other country's affairs like Indians are.
Oh so that's what hurting you. India is better than Pakistan in being the worlds biggest democracy. Does it mean allowing people to pelt stone at its forces and distruct public property. BBC has carried the correct report, Mr. Gilani was arrested as a precautionary measure. Pelting of stones was reported. Storming of Police station was reported, but that's what a biased eye fails to see. It fails to see the word "Alledged" and it fails to see that inquiry is being conducted. A biased eye fails to see that a democratic country does not have a soothsayer which will point to accused.

BTW Kashmir is not the topic of discussion here.
sorry, my english is poor ,even for a chinese .how about the photo i uploaded,this young couple is so happy

India law does not permit Child marriages ....but there are people going against the law everywhere in the world....

Go to 3:08 when Professor William Baker talks about what he saw in Indian Occupied Kashmir. He's not a Pakistani, he's not even Muslim.

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Pakistan doesn't claim to be world's largest democracy, and Pakistanis are not so quick at sticking their heads in other country's affairs like Indians are.

One phrase to sum up India. WORLD'S LARGEST HYPOCRISY!

Yup, writing in All Caps make it very clear and true. Keep on the good work. Back to the topic. Why were these sites blocked again and are you sure these are all Pornographic sites?

It seems someone up there in administration considers truth as pornography. We call them communists.

Dont spend too much time on You Tube. It's banned in China and they might rethink their friendhip if you promote it so blatantly.
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