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China releases 15-page Doklam statement, asks for 'unconditional withdrawal'

Looking at Chinese here defending their coward leaders makes me sad.
Chinese on PDF have more guts and courage than the wimpy Xi, who has basically bent over before Doval.

What a tragedy to see the so called leader of China, Xi, basically being exposed Naked and spanked in front of the whole world.
Wonder if countries in SCS now will take turns to spank Xi.

LMAO , how can be nation be more coward that their foreign minister is begging for help, probably she got so scare to spanked nakely by China, now all sub continent countries are looking down at India for it claim a strong nation but still need US to protect it. :lol:

"One of the main challenges confronting the world today is the evolving situation in the Indo-Pacific. Strong India-US partnership is critical for peace, stability and prosperity in this region," Swaraj said

....Personally I don't want to engage a useless debate, I just wait for China to set Ultimatum, and we go from there, if there is a war so be it either we annihilate Indian army or will get the bloody noise as India claim...that remain to be seen.
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From what I understand the 360+ troops went back across the border
It's not Indian fault brother THE Bollywood movies and crap in it never wake them up to check realties. Waite in few weeks some Bhakt Production make a movie in it where a single Indian super hero soldier destroyes entire Chinese presence from place and CROWD start dancing whistling, and here we go delusional nation sleep happily again:lol:
Looking at Chinese here defending their coward leaders makes me sad.
Chinese on PDF have more guts and courage than the wimpy Xi, who has basically bent over before Doval.

What a tragedy to see the so called leader of China, Xi, basically being exposed Naked and spanked in front of the whole world.
Wonder if countries in SCS now will take turns to spank Xi.
Erm...seriously? After going to Beijing begging, the Chinese just repeated the same stand, withdraw and then talk. Omg, how delusional can you guys get? :rofl:
Ministry of Warning daily schedule

9 AM - Warning to India on Doklam
10 AM - Warning to US on SCS
11 AM - Warning to SCS states
12 PM - Warning to Japan
1 PM - Lunch
2 PM - Warning to India- Japan over trade coridor
3 PM - Warning to Mongolia
4 PM - Warning to Pakistan against any misadventures of their "assets" in CPEC
5 PM - Warning to African Countries, Sri Lanka, Myanmar etc to pay their debts
Chinese are idiots of 1st order. Their CCP said that Indian Army reduced to 40 personnel and these gullible idiots believed.
Fact is, there is no change in actual troop strength. This has been confirmed by the Indian Govt too.
@Han Warrior now you can go n wash ur undies. Itz all dirty with your mental maturation.

Indian are actually the idiot. You leaves 40 peoples there for what? You can't achieve any your target at all. China can take it as excuse to beat you at any moment. And China will take the moral high ground.
Your India actually can't withdraw at all. You leave your destiny to us. You don't understand our foreign minister already block your way home. Leave or not, you will all be the loser.
Your influence in south ASIA will fade day after day.
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Chinese are idiots of 1st order. Their CCP said that Indian Army reduced to 40 personnel and these gullible idiots believed.
Fact is, there is no change in actual troop strength. This has been confirmed by the Indian Govt too.
@Han Warrior now you can go n wash ur undies. Itz all dirty with your mental maturation.
Yah, can you show me the confirmation by Indian government?

Ministry of Warning daily schedule

9 AM - Warning to India on Doklam
10 AM - Warning to US on SCS
11 AM - Warning to SCS states
12 PM - Warning to Japan
1 PM - Lunch
2 PM - Warning to India- Japan over trade coridor
3 PM - Warning to Mongolia
4 PM - Warning to Pakistan against any misadventures of their "assets" in CPEC
5 PM - Warning to African Countries, Sri Lanka, Myanmar etc to pay their debts
Of your warnings, can you show me which are by the PRC government? Some are just commentaries from the media. No difference from your Indian media claiming victory in 1967.:rofl:


Finally found the official Indian response. Not denying the troop reduction at all. :rofl:. I think I understand the Indian strategy now, you feed some 'unofficial' tidbits to the Indian audience to potray a superior front but in actual fact you are cow-wards.
Indian is free and vibrant like any other democracy. Chinese media are just CCP mouthpieces. Whatever they write has got the nod of CCP.
Yah, can you show me the confirmation by Indian government?

Of your warnings, can you show me which are by the PRC government? Some are just commentaries from the media. No difference from your Indian media claiming victory in 1967.:rofl:


Finally found the official Indian response. Not denying the troop reduction at all. :rofl:. I think I understand the Indian strategy now, you feed some 'unofficial' tidbits to the Indian audience to potray a superior front but in actual fact you are cow-wards.
THere is a saying hathi chale bazaar kutte bahuke hazaar

aka when elephant walks the road doesnt matter how many dogs bark
Unfortunately you are correct.
Elephants can be very stupid.
Elephants don't care what is happening around them and when it did, they will cry,
When the Elephant stupidly stumbled onto Chinese lands, they thought they were in Bhutan.
They stupidly keep saying that they were invited by the Bhutanese despite increasingly vocal voices from Bhutan saying no such thing.
Yes the stupid and stubborn Elephant is ignorant that it is in the wrong and oblivious to the sane calls to retreat to safer grounds.
The stupid Elephant may soon be skewered and barbecued if it does not quickly retreat to its normal grazing grounds with the COWS.
Donglang belong to humans, the Chinese, out of bounds for Elephants and COWS.
At Pakistan's advice China has give a 15 page dossier to India ad India is looking out for the dustbin to throw it, but Made i China dustbin is not there, so we are importing one from china which has actively agreed to supply
At Pakistan's advice China has give a 15 page dossier to India ad India is looking out for the dustbin to throw it, but Made i China dustbin is not there, so we are importing one from china which has actively agreed to supply
I am so surprised that Indians need dustbins.
Its well known that Indians dispose their rubbish and shit onto the streets and rivers.
You confirmed it for us that you don't have dustbins and none can be found in India.
You are such a big shot to have such private info, or are you just a typical Indian big liar?
Last time, I read a story from your media, your people heard the news from the front, and cryed for India. They thought India would collapse by China's attack. It seems you guys already forgot that feeling.
We are not Sikkim, not Nepal, not Sri Lanka, we are the one who can beat your nation to death.
You country already lost your ball 50 years ago.
Don't you feel shame to say words like this.
we had a weaker nation. a 15 yr old kid. now we are in full youth. you are aged and old.
we have more spine than you.
i bet if us still cant defeat tiny nations. you and your tin can equipment in hands of minions. you dream of death to such a big country we will turn u to stone ages. try you chinese we are ready for war not just a tiny battle.
Omg, we didn't even need to fire a single shot, just give warnings, do a military exercise and these cowards are already pissing in their pants. Their PM start saying Happy Bday Prez. Xi, their poodles starts going to Beijing......not a single bullet and 90% of their troops retreated. :lol:. This will be stuff of legends, how Sun Tzu AOW was applied, no a single bullet fired, and we won a war!!! Our descendants will sing this in their poems about the cowardice Indians.:lol:

LOL when did you won a war even before it started, in your wet dreams ????
This is nothing more than your own FEEL GOOD stuff. It is the India soldiers who are sitting right there in the heart of Doklam while we speak and China is doing nothing but issuing mere warning. :p:

Actually it's the other way round. The cowards are making daily statements, doing some exercise miles away and afraid even to come anywhere close to Doklam, let alone initiate a war.

You know friend, BARKING DOGS SELDOM BITES. And we will obviously teach this to our kids with Doklam as an example. LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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