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China releases 15-page Doklam statement, asks for 'unconditional withdrawal'

This is nothing more than your own FEEL GOOD stuff. It is the India soldiers who are sitting right there in the heart of Doklam while we speak and China is doing nothing but issuing mere warning. :p:

Actually it's the other way round. The cowards are making daily statements, doing some exercise miles away and afraid even to come anywhere close to Doklam, let alone initiate a war.

You know friend, BARKING DOGS SELDOM BITES. And we will obviously teach this to our kids with Doklam as an example. LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
So you knew that Indian soldiers are sitting on Chinese territory and you are daring China to do something.
Barking about going nuclear if China goes to war.

Now give some balls to your TIMID MODI and request your strangely silent Modi to say it loud the same to CHINA.
Warnings are to unsettle your Indian soldiers and many of them are already sent home for recuperation after enduring long periods of extreme pressure waiting for when China will strike.
Good strategy. :china::sniper::ph34r:
LOL when did you won a war even before it started, in your wet dreams ????
This is nothing more than your own FEEL GOOD stuff. It is the India soldiers who are sitting right there in the heart of Doklam while we speak and China is doing nothing but issuing mere warning. :p:

Actually it's the other way round. The cowards are making daily statements, doing some exercise miles away and afraid even to come anywhere close to Doklam, let alone initiate a war.

You know friend, BARKING DOGS SELDOM BITES. And we will obviously teach this to our kids with Doklam as an example. LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
We are winning it, 90% troop reduction, next there will be one Indian soldier left INVADING China.:rofl:
Btw, checked the latest MEA response?

Contrary to Indian media claim, they did not deny the troop reductions at all. :cheesy:
India is quiet as it has stated its position CRYSTAL CLEAR. China is howling as it has got big slap from India . China can not do a shit there . All the warnings and crying will continue ....it will not change India position. Claim of INDIAN SOLDIERS reducing is most stupid but thats the disinformation it needed ti manage the HUGE EXPECTATION of its cheer leaders.

Chew on this news below.

All the warnings and crying will continue ....it will not change India position.

Man you have no common sense of anything but just nationalism. I'm so confused why Indians see this statement as a warning. It is a STATEMENT OF FACT for anyone it concerns (NOT for Indians), mainly the third parties out of the conflict. It is to make the point clear that the Indian troops' trespassing is illegal, and therefore justifies any next move China will take. It is not a warning don't be pissed.

India is quiet as it has stated its position CRYSTAL CLEAR.

Indian hasn't been quiet at all. It has been using Bhutan and 'security concern' as the excuses for trespassing. But India is the one got slapped into face by Buhtan's silence and the facts stated in the 'item 9' of the statement. Indian is now losing every ground of this trespassing and therefore is CHOKING. All it can do is a quiet retreat, for face-saving which is always the highest priority of this matter according to Indians.

India is definitely choking in front of all the facts but the ONLY response is just about the number of its camping soldier 40 or 400. What the phuck? If India is really quiet why care so much about this tiny point but ignores all other facts? Now who is choking but desperately seeking for a face-saving exit?

Indians cannot even debate:
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We are winning it, 90% troop reduction, next there will be one Indian soldier left INVADING China.:rofl:
Btw, checked the latest MEA response?

Contrary to Indian media claim, they did not deny the troop reductions at all. :cheesy:

Wow, great I bet you are not more than 15 Year old. There is no such thing as winning, either you win or lose nothing else.

Now as per you logic our MEA never accepted that the troop size was reduced as well. Did they ??? :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Moreover, if you have issue understanding the latest MEA statement. Please check the following link.


Nowhere it is specified that our army had retreated. But you are free to accept what your media says. After-all it's all about feeling good right mate ??? :p:

So you knew that Indian soldiers are sitting on Chinese territory and you are daring China to do something.
Barking about going nuclear if China goes to war.

Now give some balls to your TIMID MODI and request your strangely silent Modi to say it loud the same to CHINA.
Warnings are to unsettle your Indian soldiers and many of them are already sent home for recuperation after enduring long periods of extreme pressure waiting for when China will strike.
Good strategy. :china::sniper::ph34r:

LOL, kid. Read your school books once again and please don't forget to remember this phrase. "BARKING DOGS SELDOM BITES." And it is China's Xi, who is barking for quite sometime regarding this issue. Do you expect Mr. Modi to behave in similar fashion ??? :p:
LOL, kid. Read your school books once again and please don't forget to remember this phrase. "BARKING DOGS SELDOM BITES." And it is China's Xi, who is barking for quite sometime regarding this issue. Do you expect Mr. Modi to behave in similar fashion ??? :p:
Keep comforting yourself that.
It seems China's constant warnings are having a delirious effect Indian soldiers and on you already.


Centre authorises Army to make emergency purchases for a short, intense war

See the panic, but its too late.
Poor Modi must be having sleepless nights.
Keep comforting yourself that.
It seems China's constant warnings are having a delirious effect Indian soldiers and on you already.


Centre authorises Army to make emergency purchases for a short, intense war

See the panic, but its too late.
Poor Modi must be having sleepless nights.

Seriously ??? Emergency purchase for short intense war and you call it panic ?? wow, then what do you call recent Chinese military drill in Tibet, Panic or preparation ?? If that was preparation, we are not doing anything else. But to comfort yourself you all call it whatever you like, but mid it while we talk here in this forum, it's the Indian soldier who is sitting in Doklam while PLA Soldiers are nowhere to be seen near Doklam. LOL :p:
Seriously ??? Emergency purchase for short intense war and you call it panic ?? wow, then what do you call recent Chinese military drill in Tibet, Panic or preparation ?? If that was preparation, we are not doing anything else. But to comfort yourself you all call it whatever you like, but mid it while we talk here in this forum, it's the Indian soldier who is sitting in Doklam while PLA Soldiers are nowhere to be seen near Doklam. LOL :p:
I question your intellect.
You compare panic buying of ammunition with the carrying out a military drill with ample supplies of ammunition and a show of force. Why the drama of emergency funds to buy ammunition if there is no shortage.
India daring for a war without adequate amount of ammunition is not STUPID I don't know what is.

I don't know where PLA soldiers were but I hope they are not so stupid like the Indians who have to suffer camping on a desolate patch of land on top of Donglang.
I wish the PLA soldiers are comfortable watching movies and surfing the Internet while the stupid Indian Jawans suffer mental disorders from stress while waiting for China to decide when to strike them at a time of China's choosing.
Wow, great I bet you are not more than 15 Year old. There is no such thing as winning, either you win or lose nothing else.

Now as per you logic our MEA never accepted that the troop size was reduced as well. Did they ??? :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Moreover, if you have issue understanding the latest MEA statement. Please check the following link.


Nowhere it is specified that our army had retreated. But you are free to accept what your media says. After-all it's all about feeling good right mate ??? :p:

LOL, kid. Read your school books once again and please don't forget to remember this phrase. "BARKING DOGS SELDOM BITES." And it is China's Xi, who is barking for quite sometime regarding this issue. Do you expect Mr. Modi to behave in similar fashion ??? :p:
Your media had been saying India officially denied troop reductions. This was the statement issued on that day, did you see them denying any troop reductions? :rofl:

Btw, this statement was issued specifically as a reply to the Chinese MFA statement on 2nd August.
I question your intellect.
You compare panic buying of ammunition with the carrying out a military drill with ample supplies of ammunition and a show of force. Why the drama of emergency funds to buy ammunition if there is no shortage.
India daring for a war without adequate amount of ammunition is not STUPID I don't know what is.

I don't know where PLA soldiers were but I hope they are not so stupid like the Indians who have to suffer camping on a desolate patch of land on top of Donglang.
I wish the PLA soldiers are comfortable watching movies and surfing the Internet while the stupid Indian Jawans suffer mental disorders from stress while waiting for China to decide when to strike them at a time of China's choosing.

Agreed PLA is too courageous to conduct a drill miles away and issue warning after warning. While IA is too coward to still block the Chinese construction in a desolate patch of land on top of Donglang and camp there even after repeated warning. :p:

Whatever keeps your boat afloat. LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Agreed PLA is too courageous to conduct a drill miles away and issue warning after warning. While IA is too coward to still block the Chinese construction in a desolate patch of land on top of Donglang and camp there even after repeated warning. :p:

Whatever keeps your boat afloat. LOL :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Glad you agree Donglang belong to China.
That is why I so pity those stupid Indian soldiers stuck on top of Donglang.
They cannot withdraw without deflating Modi's ego and affect coming elections.
They are very scared to stay too long lest China start attacking them.

Result is many Indian Jawans suffer mental disorders from severe stress waiting for when China will strike them.
You should know how torturous it is to be stuck waiting and waiting for don't know when your adversary will strike you, especially with all those warnings from China.
Cannot move at all, even a reduction of numbers on Donglang attract a lot of attention, not to mention withdraw completely.
Sad, pity those Indian Jawans, waiting to die.
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