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China receives invitation to visit Iran's nuclear sites

Sonic The Best


New Recruit

Mar 22, 2009
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China receives invitation to visit Iran's nuclear sites

China has received an invitation from Iran to visit its nuclear sites, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman said Tuesday.

China will maintain its communications with Iran on the matter, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters at a regular news briefing.

Hong said China expects all parties to value the results of the Geneva talks and to push for constant progress in the dialogue process in the spirit of cooperation, flexibility and pragmatism.

China urges all parties to seek common ground and calls for joint efforts to settle the Iran nuclear issue, Hong added.

Iran has invited several ambassadors from the European Union, nonaligned nations, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, Germany and others to visit its nuclear sites, an Iranian foreign ministry spokesman said at a press briefing Tuesday.

Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany held two-day talks in December in Geneva. The talks ended with both sides agreeing to meet again in late January in Turkey's largest city, Istanbul.

China receives invitation to visit Iran's nuclear sites: China FM
I also wanna visit the sites and take photos of them before its made history!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Our record speaks for itself. Operation Entebbe has no parallels in history. But when we do something u chinis and some others start running like headless chickens at the UNO. :no:
Our record speaks for itself. Operation Entebbe has no parallels in history. But when we do something u chinis and some others start running like headless chickens at the UNO. :no:

And our record also speaks for itself for countering your immature move and i am sure we would complete the threat we gave to you in 82 :sniper:through indirect means ofcourse:azn:
Our record speaks for itself. Operation Entebbe has no parallels in history. But when we do something u chinis and some others start running like headless chickens at the UNO. :no:

First, are you an Indian or an Israeli?

If you are an Israeli, I would say that you should sort out your problems with Gaza... Lebanon... Syria... Palestinian authority... etc etc. before you even consider opening up yet another front, with yet another enemy.

Secondly I don't think Israel is strong enough on it's own to beat Iran in a one-on-one battle, especially considering the additional fronts that will open up with Hezbollah and Hamas during such a conflict.
China receives invitation to visit Iran's nuclear sites

Iran has invited several ambassadors from the European Union, nonaligned nations, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, Germany and others to visit its nuclear sites, an Iranian foreign ministry spokesman said at a press briefing Tuesday.

China receives invitation to visit Iran's nuclear sites: China FM

China isn't on some sort of "secret" deal. This is legit business. Probably civilian nuclear tech.
jews jews

they f@#ked by Europeans for 2000ys and they take it on the Palestinian. The islamic world were so kind to the jews during dark age and Holocaust.

And that was our mistake as it was said to s that the jews can never be our friends ......Hitler was doing right killing them:sniper: (jew)
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