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China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea

So overall Korean technology is still ahead than that of China?

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And why you compare Korea (Hyundai) with Japan (Toyota) and Germany (Mercedez) ? :lol:

Why dont you compare Korea (Hyundai) with China (Geely, Chery, SAIC, BYD, etc) in term of technology (read: quality, patents, performance, etc - not price, market share, image, etc).

In term of Quality, Korea is leading now. This is the prove:

Korean Brands Lead the Industry in New Car Quality
Fewer Problems Reported with New Vehicles in J.D. Power 2015 Initial Quality Study (IQS) | J.D. Power Cars

They even surpass Japanese car in term of quality, based on the problem score.
And how about Chinese car quality? :laugh:

Two types of people buy Hyundai:

1. Low income people that want a new Hyundai over a used car.

2. People with very long commutes that need a 'workhorse' car. They basically drive their cars like crap and let Hyundai cover the car repairs for the next 100,000 miles. It's hard to say how much profit Hyundai is even making in an arrangement like this. I guarantee you Hyundai's market share in the US will disappear the moment you remove that ridiculous 10 year/100,000 mile warranty.

Also I'm comparing Chinese-owned Volvo against Hyundai. Volvo is an over-engineered car designed to be reliable in the cold and harsh environment of Scandinavia. Volvo as a company can trace its heritage back to 1927 and has a long history of quality and reliability.

BYD is a world leader in electric vehicles. For 2016, the BYD E6 will get a bigger battery that will let it go up to 250 miles/400 km between charges. That’s nearly as far as the Tesla Model S, but for a lot less money. More importantly, the BYD E6 blows the Nissan Leaf away in terms of range. Also let me remind you again that BYD has a near monopoly in large electric trucks and buses. There's a reason why Warren Buffett invested in BYD for the long term. The guy didn't become a multi-billionaire for no reason.

I'll gladly take Volvo and BYD over Hyundai.

Let me ask you one simple question. If you had $60-70k to buy a car, would you honestly spend it on a Hyundai Equus? Be honest.
It is you embarrassing your self with consistent idiocy.

I have shown you LG OLED 77 inch. => 1 prove
I have shown you how BOE struggel with OLED, thats why your Skyworth, Changhong, and Konka buy OLED panel from LG => 1 prove

So total: 2 prove


It is you embarrassing your self with consistent idiocy.

I have shown you LG OLED 77 inch. => 1 prove
I have shown you how BOE struggel with OLED, thats why your Skyworth, Changhong, and Konka buy OLED panel from LG => 1 prove

So total: 2 prove


You dumb. I've explained you many times that the OLED cost could come down when the production technology become mature and economic scale reach.

And Quantum dot is not really considered the same thing as OLED, OLED still has edge:

Thus, while QD TVs produce beautifully rendered, realistic colors that compare favorably to OLED, they fail at creating a perfect black that OLED absolutely excels at generating by literally going dark.
This is why Quantum Dots aren’t quite as good as OLED in 4K TVs -

Dream on.
You are so ignorant.

China and Korea on par with Quantum, but Korea ahead in OLED. So totally Korea is ahead. You cant ignore OLED just because you dont like it or you think the market is not good. We are talking about technology mastery not business; furthermore the battle is still on. So live with it :laugh:

I have prove you korea still ahead in automotive. Your bragging simply market share and Volvo name only show your clueless about technology mastery.

LOL. You the clueless boy why dont you tell this to Panasonic' boss Mashahiro Shinada, who is very much experienced in TV business and technology compared to amateur like you :laugh:

OLED TVs will get cheaper, Panasonic's TV boss says, predicting that the self-illuminating television tech will be within reach of average consumers in a few years' time.

I'm very confident panel cost will go down," says Shinada, arguing that growth in OLED for business purposes (when the tech is used in signs or retail displays) will help to lower prices on the consumer side too. The TV boss expects that if panel suppliers can improve their yield ratios -- that is, the number of OLED panels produced that are fit to be put into TVs, rather than scrapped -- prices will drop dramatically. "Last year, the panel suppliers' yield was very, very low level" Shinada said. "But currently this ratio is now growing."

Panasonic TV chief: OLED televisions will be affordable in 2-3 years - CNET

I've told you, if the production technology become mature the price will go down, but you seems so dumb.

The reason why Skyworth, and numerous chinese tv maker jump into OLED wagon because they share the same understanding with Shinada that they should be in the wagon so that they wont be left behind in business when the price has come down and become affordable.

The reason why LG and Samsung also jump into Quantum Dot, is simply because they are so big and leader in TV business, so they should not be left behind in most TV sectors.

Your reasoning doesn't work. :no:

You are the one who claim China is ahead Korea in solar panel, so the burden to prove is on you as the claimer.


I did not claim Korea ahead China in PC industry, it is you who claim China is ahead Korea in PC industry.

So the burden to prove is on you as the claimer. :laugh:

And why you compare Korea (Hyundai) with Japan (Toyota) and Germany (Mercedez) ? :lol:

Why dont you compare Korea (Hyundai) with China (Geely, Chery, SAIC, BYD, etc) in term of technology (read: quality, patents, performance, etc - not price, market share, image, etc).

In term of Quality, Korea is leading now. This is the prove:

Korean Brands Lead the Industry in New Car Quality
Fewer Problems Reported with New Vehicles in J.D. Power 2015 Initial Quality Study (IQS) | J.D. Power Cars

They even surpass Japanese car in term of quality, based on the problem score.
And how about Chinese car quality? :laugh:

LOL. Martian's bragging OLED invention by USA has nothing to do with comparison between China and Korea. It seems he only want to shield his and your shame because you guys cannot prove that China is on par with Korea in OLED technology, while I did.

Joke of the day :laugh:

LOLs .. LOLs.

Profitability indeed influence company's capability in R&D, but ..
Profitability is not the measurement of technology mastery at all.

Your logic really funny :laugh: :lol:

OLED will never be commercially viable because people don't adopt a technology just because it has deeper blacks. One of the dumbest reasons you have given. Anyone can produce a technological gimmick and say this is the "worlds best" and "next generation" when no one is sure it will even be accepted by the consumer. Why would companies waste resources of producing a display technology that's not accepted in the mass market?

OLED is like 3D TVs that needed glasses, it's a useless gimmick, not a viable technology that will be accepted in the market.

As Xunzi said, companies produce technologies based on the viability in the commercial market. If it's not commercially acceptable, smart companies will not produce it because it's an absolute waste of money. LG puts its money on a gimmick technology called OLED which is hardly revolutionary and hoped it would be a success in the market and hoped others would follow. Even Samsung didn't believe in OLED which is why they went in a different direction. Now both are realising OLED is a useless gimmick with "deeper blacks" but people don't buy TVs because it has deeper blacks. Most people don't even like deeper blacks. People prefer bright TVs, not more black. Now LG has invested so much money on a technology that's commercially unviable and now wants to get more and more companies to buy OLED and shoving it down people's throats. A couple of Chinese companies are giving OLED a try by buying LG OLED to see if it has a future before they produce their own OLEDs so they don't have to waste their resources in producing a technology that will fail.

If they waste money on a commercially unviable technology, their profits will shrink and other Chinese brands will win which have put their future in LCD and QDot TVs.

This is why LG is moving to QDots as LCD-based TVs will remain the mainstream technology. LG is starting to realise OLED will never take off.

Any random company can come up with a random technology from their research labs and say this is the "next generation technology" but unless it's adopted by the market, no one will produce that technology. Technologies are adopted based on success in the market. Companies produce goods and services to make profits. Only if a technology is accepted in the market will companies pour money into that technology and try to grab market share to increase their profits.

If smartphones were never adopted initially, no one would produce smartphones. But because iPhone took off, smartphones became an accepted technology and every company started to produce smartphones. Some random smartphone companies come up with random technological gimmicks like 3D smartphone but it's not commercially viable. So no one else produce 3D smartphones. OLED is such a gimmick.

Panasonic TV boss is the last person you should be taking advise from considering the disaster Panasonic has turned into.

Companies should produce a product because the consumer wants it. Companies should not be producing random technologies and telling the consumer that you should buy it. That's not how it works.

This is why OLED is a technology that will never replace LCD based TVs. There will be derivatives of LCD technology like QDot that enhances the experience but OLED will fail like plasma TVs failed.

On commercially viable display technologies such as LCD and its derivatives like QDot, China is equal to Korea.

So you have failed. I don't want to further embarass you.

Now, I need proof of other 13 or 6 industries you said Korea is ahead of China.

List each industry and show us how Korea is ahead of China.

Go on.
OLED will never be commercially viable because people don't adopt a technology just because it has deeper blacks. One of the dumbest reasons you have given. Anyone can produce a technological gimmick and say this is the "worlds best" and "next generation" when no one is sure it will even be accepted by the consumer. Why would companies waste resources of producing a display technology that's not accepted in the mass market?

You are delusional.

Your chinese TV makers are racing with OLED buying the panel from LG and they have sold them! and you deny this fact saying it is not commercially viable.

Joke of the day. :laugh:

China panel manufacturers reported to make investment in flexible OLED display in 2016

And this should shut your mouth, unless you are denial person.

OLED is like 3D TVs that needed glasses, it's a useless gimmick, not a viable technology that will be accepted in the market.

Oh really?

Tell me what device needed to watch OLED?

As Xunzi said, companies produce technologies based on the viability in the commercial market. If it's not commercially acceptable, smart companies will not produce it because it's an absolute waste of money. LG puts its money on a gimmick technology called OLED which is hardly revolutionary and hoped it would be a success in the market and hoped others would follow. Even Samsung didn't believe in OLED which is why they went in a different direction. Now both are realising OLED is a useless gimmick with "deeper blacks" but people don't buy TVs because it has deeper blacks. Most people don't even like deeper blacks. People prefer bright TVs, not more black. Now LG has invested so much money on a technology that's commercially unviable and now wants to get more and more companies to buy OLED and shoving it down people's throats. A couple of Chinese companies are giving OLED a try by buying LG OLED to see if it has a future before they produce their own OLEDs so they don't have to waste their resources in producing a technology that will fail.


In fact chinese panel maker are racing with making OLED too, only their technology is still behind

News Detail
About IRICO-彩虹网
BOE struggles with low OLED yields, aims to start making flexible OLEDs by 2017 | OLED-Info

I've told you many-many times! Like always you are DENIAL and talking rubish.

If they waste money on a commercially unviable technology, their profits will shrink and other Chinese brands will win which have put their future in LCD and QDot TVs.

This is why LG is moving to QDots as LCD-based TVs will remain the mainstream technology. LG is starting to realise OLED will never take off.

I ve told you: LG is KING, they have luxury to participate in any kind of technology in order to remain KING.

I've explained this to you. All you can do is playing deny and ignorance. :lol:

Any random company can come up with a random technology from their research labs and say this is the "next generation technology" but unless it's adopted by the market, no one will produce that technology. Technologies are adopted based on success in the market. Companies produce goods and services to make profits. Only if a technology is accepted in the market will companies pour money into that technology and try to grab market share to increase their profits.

If smartphones were never adopted initially, no one would produce smartphones. But because iPhone took off, smartphones became an accepted technology and every company started to produce smartphones. Some random smartphone companies come up with random technological gimmicks like 3D smartphone but it's not commercially viable. So no one else produce 3D smartphones. OLED is such a gimmick.

Again, you are talking rubbish.

Samsung to Manufacture Flexible OLED displays for Apple’s iPhone
Apple Eyes OLED For iPhone Displays: Samsung, LG Likely Suppliers: Report

Panasonic TV boss is the last person you should be taking advise from considering the disaster Panasonic has turned into.

Companies should produce a product because the consumer wants it. Companies should not be producing random technologies and telling the consumer that you should buy it. That's not how it works.

This is why OLED is a technology that will never replace LCD based TVs. There will be derivatives of LCD technology like QDot that enhances the experience but OLED will fail like plasma TVs failed.

On commercially viable display technologies such as LCD and its derivatives like QDot, China is equal to Korea.

And who you are taking advise from when claiming that OLED is not viable? Xunzi? martin?
The ones that you are taking advice are not TV experts, they are simply fanboys just like you.

It is hillarious to see you compare Panasonic boss who is expert in the industry vs fanboys.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Another PROVE from another EXPERT:
OLED TVs To Cost 20-30% Less Than LCDs?

Any expert you want to bring to support your opinion? Or you still consider xun zi and martin as experts above them

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

So you have failed. I don't want to further embarass you.

It is hillarious to see how you play DENIAL, IGNORANCE, and DELUSIONAL, just to prove that China is already head to head with Korea in display technology :laugh:

You should be embarassed. Most of you like to accuse indian and vietnam members delusional and denial, but in fact what you are demonstrating here are worse.

Now, I need proof of other 13 or 6 industries you said Korea is ahead of China.

List each industry and show us how Korea is ahead of China.

Go on.

Oh I have! but what for??

If at the end you IGNORE it, deny it.

You want believe the evidence I will show you instead you will blindly taking advice from xun zi, martian, and other amateur fanboys here :laugh:

OLED TVs To Cost 20-30% Less Than LCDs?
Panasonic TV chief: OLED televisions will be affordable in 2-3 years - CNET

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You are delusional.

Your chinese TV makers are racing with OLED buying the panel from LG and they have sold them! and you deny this fact saying it is not commercially viable.

Joke of the day. :laugh:

China panel manufacturers reported to make investment in flexible OLED display in 2016

And this should shut your mouth, unless you are denial person.

Oh really?

Tell me what device needed to watch OLED?


In fact chinese panel maker are racing with making OLED too, only their technology is still behind

News Detail
About IRICO-彩虹网
BOE struggles with low OLED yields, aims to start making flexible OLEDs by 2017 | OLED-Info

I've told you many-many times! Like always you are DENIAL and talking rubish.

I ve told you: LG is KING, they have luxury to participate in any kind of technology in order to remain KING.

I've explained this to you. All you can do is playing deny and ignorance. :lol:

Again, you are talking rubbish.

Samsung to Manufacture Flexible OLED displays for Apple’s iPhone
Apple Eyes OLED For iPhone Displays: Samsung, LG Likely Suppliers: Report

And who you are taking advise from when claiming that OLED is not viable? Xunzi? martin?
The ones that you are taking advice are not TV experts, they are simply fanboys just like you.

It is hillarious to see you compare Panasonic boss who is expert in the industry vs fanboys.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Another PROVE from another EXPERT:
OLED TVs To Cost 20-30% Less Than LCDs?

Any expert you want to bring to support your opinion? Or you still consider xun zi and martin as experts above them

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

It is hillarious to see how you play DENIAL, IGNORANCE, and DELUSIONAL, just to prove that China is already head to head with Korea in display technology :laugh:

You should be embarassed. Most of you like to accuse indian and vietnam members delusional and denial, but in fact what you are demonstrating here are worse.

Oh I have! but what for??

If at the end you IGNORE it, deny it.

You want believe the evidence I will show you instead you will blindly taking advice from xun zi, martian, and other amateur fanboys here :laugh:

OLED TVs To Cost 20-30% Less Than LCDs?
Panasonic TV chief: OLED televisions will be affordable in 2-3 years - CNET


LOL you are incredibly dumb. Did you even read the links you gave?

All your links are rumours about company X MIGHT invest or buy OLED. These are rumours buddy, not facts. Technology sector is full of rumours which prove to be false in the end.

You are such a noob :lol:

Do you even understand what commercially viable is? Did you even understand what me and Xunzi said? Or did your humiliation blind you from seeing reality?

LG is making deals with Chinese brands by selling OLEDs to make it popular and TRY to make it commercially viable by distributing it to other brands. Chinese brands are competing with each other and looking to get ahead and are willing to give OLED a try. They are taking a wait and see approach and giving OLED a go. They will not produce OLED panels themselves until it's proven because it's commercially unviable as OLED has proven to be a failure in the market. Whoever sells OLEDs will fail, be it Korean or Chinese brands unless OLED is accepted in the mass market. If Chinese brands sell OLED in big numbers and outsell LCD, then you will see Chinese companies produce OLED. OLED is a simple technology to master if it proves its commercially viable.

QDot can do pretty much everything OLED can do and is commercially viable because producers don't need to alter its factories to produce QDot which saves on cost. Companies are here to increase their margins. This means QDot TVs are affordable technology to the consumer and is thus commercially viable.

LG is desperate, just like you, to prove to everyone that OLED is the future and everyone should buy it. Everyone else is reluctant and a few companies will give it an experimental try to see how it goes. But they will never sink resources into a display technology that is not in demand with the consumer in the first place. If it's not in demand in the market, no one will sink resources to produce OLED technology.

Unless OLED is accepted by consumers, it will remain a nice demonstration technology. Many companies in various industries come up with such gimmicky technologies and promote it as "future technology" but most of the time it's not adopted by the market and eventually disappears. That's how the technology world works.

LG is now stuck, it sees Chinese brands producing excellent LCD panels and taking market share so to get ahead LG came up with a thing called OLED. It invested a lot in OLED hoping it would be next generation technology that would be adopted. But the consumer market is not willing to accept OLED and all that money poured into OLED has been a waste. If LG stays with LCD and QDot, it's market share in display technology will shrink as Chinese companies have caught up in LCD and Quantum Dot.

That's why in the commercially viable technologies of LCD and QDot, China and Korea are equal. Therefore in display technologies, China and Korea are equal.

You have lost the argument long time ago and now you're bringing up rumours to soothe your bruised ego.

Now, I need you to give us proof of the other 13 industries you said Korea is ahead of China. Put up or shut up. If you cannot provide proof (not rumours) then you lose your argument that Korea is ahead of China.

We said China is ahead of Korea in technology overall and we are being proven to be correct.
We said China is ahead of Korea in technology overall and we are being proven to be correct.
And you are wrong. At best, China is at par with SKR and Japan, but not ahead.

Was the flat panel display technology invented in China ? Have China made any breakthrough in that technology ?
And you are wrong. At best, China is at par with SKR and Japan, but not ahead.

Was the flat panel display technology invented in China ? Have China made any breakthrough in that technology ?
As I said before, we don't like to discuss too much anything technological with a Viet, you needn't compare China with Japan or Korea, we just need ask a very very simple question "where is little Vietnam" is enough.:rofl:
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I have prove you korea still ahead in automotive. Your bragging simply market share and Volvo name only show your clueless about technology mastery.

The 2016 Volvo XC90 is better than Hyundai's entire line up of cars.:)

The 2016 Volvo XC90 just won the coveted North American Truck/Utility of the Year a few days ago.
Volvo's XC90 wins auto industry's top SUV prize

The 2016 Volvo XC90 is rank #1 in U.S. News Luxury Midsize SUVs.
Best Luxury Midsize SUVs Rankings | U.S. News Best Cars

The 2016 Volvo XC90 is the 2016 Motor Trend SUV of the Year.
2016 Volvo XC90 is the 2016 Motor Trend SUV of the Year

Looks like China's purchase of Volvo is already delivering results. It's called not reinventing the wheel. Instead of wasting decades trying to build a 'domestic' brand, China simply purchased Volvo and instantly got an established brand name and world-class technology. With Chinese funding, Volvo will eventually be built into the Lenovo/IBM of the auto industry. China keeps all the technology and profits. This is beautiful.
Buddy...The Soviet Union pretty much formed the foundation of post WW II China in terms of science and technology and that foundation was so cemented and so strong that it took Mao and his disastrous policies to nearly destroy that foundation.

I will keep it simple for you...

Suppose one day you wake up and found your neighbor have a contraption that he calls 'the wheel'. All this time, everyone have been hauling goods on their backs or drag behind them. Now there is a device that not only could bear a load but also move that load with much more ease.

Regardless of whether your neighbor chose to give you a wheel, help you to build a wheel, or deny you any access to the device, the fact that you know the device exists and works means the pain of discovery/exploration and experimentation was borned by someone else. Now all you have to do is bear the pain of ADAPTATION.

Adaptation is what China have been doing -- twice -- since the start of the 20th century to now.

The first adaptation was post WW II when the Soviet Union and China entered into that Marxist marriage. Post WW II China was so dependent on the Soviet Union that in 1956 the Soviet Academy of Sciences had veto power over China's first 12-yr development plan. Nie Rongzhen, Director of China's Science and Technology Commission gave the Soviet Union complete credit for China's early nuclear weapons program, along with the credit for guided missiles, aircrafts, and even manufacturing programs for production of all those weapons systems. The Mao instigated Cultural Revolution and the political divorce from the Soviet Union nearly destroyed the scientific and technological foundation that Nie Rongzhen and others worked hard to build.

The second adaptation is when the Soviet Union collapsed and China was forced to confront -- again -- at the relative backwardness she was compared to the West. We, meaning the collective West, followed what the Soviet Union did: Gave China plans for the wheel and even assisted China in building the wheel.

Of all the scientific and technological wonders that China boasts today, not a single one of them China had to bear the pain of discovery/exploration and experimentation. If China had to commit espionage to gain knowledge, that counts as an 'assist' in theoretical terms, not that we actually handed China that piece of knowledge in friendship.

Did the electrical light bulb came from China ? Did the microwave oven ? Did the NAND cell structure ? All of these three items are revolutionary in specific areas. The electric light bulb enabled society to live pretty much 24 hrs. The microwave oven freed up time from the kitchen. The NAND cell structure made mobile all information. The best indicator of what is a scientifically and technologically advanced society does not belongs in the lab but in the home and so far, everything in my house, and in your apartment, were not created in China. Built in China, yes. But not created from China.

That is not core technology but See if you can learn the differences.
Congratulations Buddy, you have proved again to us some of you guys are real dumb, not just playing dumb.

Dumb because you are believing you have possessed all knowledge about China’s past and China’s future path just because you have read some books /news about China. Also because you are believing most Chinese posters here, who know your language, read your literature and lived in the West for decades, would buy your crap. Out of curiosity, do/can you read Chinese?

No doubt the rest of the world including China has learned a great deal from you COLLECTIVE WEST in the last 100 years. But if this made you guys so arrogant then it is time for you to recall your humbled past where your ancestors learned, stole or robbed from the other part of the world for centuries. Are you sure your ORIGIN technology doesn’t have origin of others?

No difference to the progress of other aspects of human’s life and society, technological progress and development also has a phenomenon known as “path dependence”, that would answer all your queries about China ‘s technology today.

I will keep it simple for you…..

These days all people use QWERTY layout to type. Why? Why is the design of the 18 century with the sole purpose to slow sown the pace of typing so the ancient type writer would not jam still used nowadays? The answer is economical rather than technological:it is too costly to make any changes because this decision depend on past knowledge trajectory and decisions made.

You seemed a literate person and keen to China’s technology affair, so I’m gonna leave you with a non-math homework to ponder: What are the first-mover and the late-mover advantages? What are implications to China?
LOL you are incredibly dumb. Did you even read the links you gave?

All your links are rumours about company X MIGHT invest or buy OLED. These are rumours buddy, not facts. Technology sector is full of rumours which prove to be false in the end.

You are such a noob :lol:

The one who are talking rumours and speculation here are you and your friends.

Show me how the link talk about rumours please, and show me how your claim is backed by fac/ evidence and expert.

Do you even understand what commercially viable is? Did you even understand what me and Xunzi said? Or did your humiliation blind you from seeing reality?

LG is making deals with Chinese brands by selling OLEDs to make it popular and TRY to make it commercially viable by distributing it to other brands. Chinese brands are competing with each other and looking to get ahead and are willing to give OLED a try. They are taking a wait and see approach and giving OLED a go. They will not produce OLED panels themselves until it's proven because it's commercially unviable as OLED has proven to be a failure in the market. Whoever sells OLEDs will fail, be it Korean or Chinese brands unless OLED is accepted in the mass market. If Chinese brands sell OLED in big numbers and outsell LCD, then you will see Chinese companies produce OLED. OLED is a simple technology to master if it proves its commercially viable.

Who said Chinese display maker do not produce OLED and are not interested in investing in OLED until the they see it is commercially viable?

I've given proof that Chinese panel makers are racing in investing in OLED.
BOE, CSOT, Panda, Visionox, Tianma, they are investing in OLED.

So your argument fail, because you are talking without knowing any clue.

I have debunked xun zi and martian (the only fanboy expert that you are taking advice from :laugh: ) speculation

QDot can do pretty much everything OLED can do and is commercially viable because producers don't need to alter its factories to produce QDot which saves on cost. Companies are here to increase their margins. This means QDot TVs are affordable technology to the consumer and is thus commercially viable.

I have proved the other way round. All you can do is DENIAL and DELUSIONAL.

Look again the evidence that I brought above.

LG is desperate, just like you, to prove to everyone that OLED is the future and everyone should buy it. Everyone else is reluctant and a few companies will give it an experimental try to see how it goes. But they will never sink resources into a display technology that is not in demand with the consumer in the first place. If it's not in demand in the market, no one will sink resources to produce OLED technology.

Unless OLED is accepted by consumers, it will remain a nice demonstration technology. Many companies in various industries come up with such gimmicky technologies and promote it as "future technology" but most of the time it's not adopted by the market and eventually disappears. That's how the technology world works.

LG is now stuck, it sees Chinese brands producing excellent LCD panels and taking market share so to get ahead LG came up with a thing called OLED. It invested a lot in OLED hoping it would be next generation technology that would be adopted. But the consumer market is not willing to accept OLED and all that money poured into OLED has been a waste. If LG stays with LCD and QDot, it's market share in display technology will shrink as Chinese companies have caught up in LCD and Quantum Dot.

You repost.

I have debunked this above.

OLED is commercially viable, only currently it is aimed for high end market, not mid to low due to price.
But OLED will become cheaper in the future as I have given you the explanation and evidence. The production low rate is not forever. It is confirmed by display expert, not by fanboys that you are taking advice from.

That's why in the commercially viable technologies of LCD and QDot, China and Korea are equal. Therefore in display technologies, China and Korea are equal.

Equal only in QDot.

Look, you must SHOW EVIDENCE that OLED fail in the market, and will always fail in the market. Not by speculation.
Especially as your speculation has been debunnked by TV experts.

You have lost the argument long time ago and now you're bringing up rumours to soothe your bruised ego.

Now, I need you to give us proof of the other 13 industries you said Korea is ahead of China. Put up or shut up. If you cannot provide proof (not rumours) then you lose your argument that Korea is ahead of China.

We said China is ahead of Korea in technology overall and we are being proven to be correct.

No. It is you who already lost argument - by reposting without able to counter my argument and evidence.

The 2017 Volvo S90 flagship sedan was unveiled in Detroit a few days ago. This competes with cars like the BMW 5 Series.



Volvo was close to disappearing just a few years ago.
The Troubles of Volvo and Saab - Businessweek

How are they able to afford to design all these new cars?
Answer: Chinese funding.

You are so shameless by bringing VOLVO and claim as Chinese technology :laugh: :laugh:

I have given you questions regarding this VOLVO, and you never reply.

1. Is Volvo still registered as Sweden company? in spite of Geely purchase?

2. Has chinese car maker already learn and can absorb and emulate VOLVO technology, and can produce the car with the same quality??

3. When did Geely bought Volvo?

Because of this evidence:

LSA’s test makes an interesting contrast with a similar exercise in February, in which Sanford C. Bernstein, a research firm, stripped down two leading models of Chinese-branded car, to examine their build quality. In this case the Chinese firms were still found to be lagging their foreign rivals. So Chinese companies have not yet learned how to make world-class cars, but they have now cracked how to make top-quality construction equipment at attractive prices—and their foreign rivals should be worried.


I am tired of repeating again, again and again .. because of your ignorance, and dumbness.
The one who are talking rumours and speculation here are you and your friends.

Show me how the link talk about rumours please, and show me how your claim is backed by fac/ evidence and expert.

Who said Chinese display maker do not produce OLED and are not interested in investing in OLED until the they see it is commercially viable?

I've given proof that Chinese panel makers are racing in investing in OLED.
BOE, CSOT, Panda, Visionox, Tianma, they are investing in OLED.

So your argument fail, because you are talking without knowing any clue.

I have debunked xun zi and martian (the only fanboy expert that you are taking advice from :laugh: ) speculation

I have proved the other way round. All you can do is DENIAL and DELUSIONAL.

Look again the evidence that I brought above.

You repost.

I have debunked this above.

OLED is commercially viable, only currently it is aimed for high end market, not mid to low due to price.
But OLED will become cheaper in the future as I have given you the explanation and evidence. The production low rate is not forever. It is confirmed by display expert, not by fanboys that you are taking advice from.

Equal only in QDot.

Look, you must SHOW EVIDENCE that OLED fail in the market, and will always fail in the market. Not by speculation.
Especially as your speculation has been debunnked by TV experts.

No. It is you who already lost argument - by reposting without able to counter my argument and evidence.

I've countered your falsified arguments and debunked your mythical claims using your own links.

Go click the links and find out yourself. Rumours are not facts. You have no facts.

China is equal with commercially viable technology LCD and QDot. Thus, China is equal to Korea in display technology.

Experimental technologies like OLED that are being promoted by company X where it's not proven its commercial viability cannot be considered.

There are always companies that come up with such gimmick technologies and promote it as "next generation technology" usually by exaggerating its capability so consumers by into it which increases consumer demand and force other companies to start producing that technology. This happens all the time in the tech world.

OLED is a gimmick technology that no one else produces because the consumer is not interested in such a gimmick of 'deeper blacks'. It's a useless gimmick just like 3D glass tv and curved tv.

As I said, LG is marketing a random technology because Chinese LCD panel makers have caught up. LG invested into OLED, others invested into QD. QD is commercially viable because you can get a 55" tv for only 25% more than regular LCD. QD gives the same picture quality as OLED. OLED costs 3 times as much as regular LCD.

Costs cannot come down for OLED because it cannot be mass produced as it has no demand by the consumer. Any producer selling OLED will lose money. That's why Chinese companies are not producing OLEDs themselves and just buying LG OLEDs to see if this OLED gimmick might work in the market. If it doesn't work, they'll just abandon OLED and if it does work, they will produce it. OLED is an experimental technology. Plasma failed, OLED will fail too.

You have no argument left. All you got are rumours about Apple might use OLED in future phone. No proof, just rumours.

I have won the argument with regards to display technologies and how China and Korea are equal in LCD and its advanced technology QD. Experimental technologies cannot be considered as in every industry, many companies come up with their own gimmick technology and promotes it as the "future of the industry" and end up failing. This is why until OLED becomes mainstream, it cannot be considered.

You're going around in circles trying to prove the unprovable in display technology. You've conveniently ignored the other industries you mentioned where Korea is ahead of China. Now go prove it.
I've countered your falsified arguments and debunked your mythical claims using your own links.

Go click the links and find out yourself. Rumours are not facts. You have no facts.

China is equal with commercially viable technology LCD and QDot. Thus, China is equal to Korea in display technology.

Experimental technologies like OLED that are being promoted by company X where it's not proven its commercial viability cannot be considered.

There are always companies that come up with such gimmick technologies and promote it as "next generation technology" usually by exaggerating its capability so consumers by into it which increases consumer demand and force other companies to start producing that technology. This happens all the time in the tech world.

OLED is a gimmick technology that no one else produces because the consumer is not interested in such a gimmick of 'deeper blacks'. It's a useless gimmick just like 3D glass tv and curved tv.

As I said, LG is marketing a random technology because Chinese LCD panel makers have caught up. LG invested into OLED, others invested into QD. QD is commercially viable because you can get a 55" tv for only 25% more than regular LCD. QD gives the same picture quality as OLED. OLED costs 3 times as much as regular LCD.

Costs cannot come down for OLED because it cannot be mass produced as it has no demand by the consumer. Any producer selling OLED will lose money. That's why Chinese companies are not producing OLEDs themselves and just buying LG OLEDs to see if this OLED gimmick might work in the market. If it doesn't work, they'll just abandon OLED and if it does work, they will produce it. OLED is an experimental technology. Plasma failed, OLED will fail too.

You have no argument left. All you got are rumours about Apple might use OLED in future phone. No proof, just rumours.

I have won the argument with regards to display technologies and how China and Korea are equal in LCD and its advanced technology QD. Experimental technologies cannot be considered as in every industry, many companies come up with their own gimmick technology and promotes it as the "future of the industry" and end up failing. This is why until OLED becomes mainstream, it cannot be considered.

You're going around in circles trying to prove the unprovable in display technology. You've conveniently ignored the other industries you mentioned where Korea is ahead of China. Now go prove it.

LOLs. Its that all you can do? reposting, ignoring, without ability to counter my argument and evidence? and telling other to find himself the evidence of your own claim??

What a clown :lol: :lol:

Tell me why Chinese makers are racing in investing in OLED technology? and if you said the article is rumour, then prove it! not tell me to prove what you claim! LOLs :laugh:

Answer the question, argument, and evidence given to you one by one, not ignoring and reposting your same argument.

And what is your answer regarding my questions about Volvo?
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LOL. You the clueless boy why dont you tell this to Panasonic' boss Mashahiro Shinada, who is very much experienced in TV business and technology compared to amateur like you :laugh:

OLED TVs will get cheaper, Panasonic's TV boss says, predicting that the self-illuminating television tech will be within reach of average consumers in a few years' time.

I'm very confident panel cost will go down," says Shinada, arguing that growth in OLED for business purposes (when the tech is used in signs or retail displays) will help to lower prices on the consumer side too. The TV boss expects that if panel suppliers can improve their yield ratios -- that is, the number of OLED panels produced that are fit to be put into TVs, rather than scrapped -- prices will drop dramatically. "Last year, the panel suppliers' yield was very, very low level" Shinada said. "But currently this ratio is now growing."
Panasonic TV chief: OLED televisions will be affordable in 2-3 years - CNET

I've told you, if the production technology become mature the price will go down, but you seems so dumb.

The reason why Skyworth, and numerous chinese tv maker jump into OLED wagon because they share the same understanding with Shinada that they should be in the wagon so that they wont be left behind in business when the price has come down and become affordable.

The reason why LG and Samsung also jump into Quantum Dot, is simply because they are so big and leader in TV business, so they should not be left behind in most TV sectors.

Your reasoning doesn't work. :no:

Source: China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea | Page 20
You are a dummie. How many times do I have to tell you that OLED is simply a promotional tech that is being push as the next generation of display? Beside high production cost, low consumer yield, and imo the biggest issue is the low-life span. Nobody would pay a premium OLED TV that died in 2 years, especially when QD TV can accomplished the same picture quality (in fact, QD TV has better white pixel but OLED has better black pixel) with about half the price of an OLED and not to mention last forever.

LOLs. Its that all you can do? reposting, ignoring, without ability to counter my argument and evidence? and telling other to find himself the evidence of your own claim??

What a clown :lol: :lol:

Tell me why Chinese makers are racing in investing in OLED technology? and if you said the article is rumour, then prove it! not tell me to prove what you claim! LOLs :laugh:

Answer the question, argument, and evidence given to you one by one, not ignoring and reposting your same argument.

And what is your answer regarding my questions about Volvo?
Diversification? Some with deep pocket will invest in both OLED and QD (such as Samsung and LG). Let make no mistake about it, some Chinese makers will invest in OLED and some will invest in QD. What will be commercially viable and profitable remain to be seen. LED will continue to dominate the market place for now and in the foreseeable future.
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