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China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea

So overall Korean technology is still ahead than that of China?

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This thing will stay on the paper for many decades, and no one would even take a look at it.

Why J-20 can generate so many discussion, but not this thing and your Shinshin? The answer is quite obvious.

We have a saying in Japan: 「口でなく手を動かせ」

its similar to the Chinese saying: 和“向移動手,而不是口”。
I am in too

As a new recruit, normal I don't know and care who is whom, If I agree what you said, I ll give you my thumb up, as I did insofar in numerous times to nationalities other than Chinese, be them US,Japan,India or Turkey. The Mod can confirm it.

In light of what my fellow Chinese posters have said, now I get a strong believes based on my limited encountering that @gambit and @jhungary are not bona fide Chinese affair observers. It is their intention, not their opinion or socalled professional judgement, that rang the alarm for me.

Instance One. When I argued military tech is more important for countries, @gambit said: it is not war time right?. If he was truly an US ex-serviceman, he would know how many wars the US have been engaged till now and how the US folks,let alone army personals, view their military tech supremacy.

Instance Two. @jhungary wrote in Japan Beats China in HSR in India thread (couldn't find the thread,from memory )that he daily commuted on Chinese-made train in Sydney and stated few things suggesting or implying the quality of the Chinese-made train is inferior. I don't use train myself, but I read Sydney Morning Herald everyday and never once did I read any news coverage about poorly-made-Chinese train in ten years. If even western local media does not regard it as a problem, what made @jhungary think otherwise? Can @jhungary provide any news coverage to us to support his very claim?

That said, your turf, your rules.

Then I don't know where have you been in the last 10 years

Channel 10 National News - Waratah Train problem

What if Australia had made the Waratah trains? | Manufacturers Monthly

This is from Sydney Morning Herald

Waratah trains derail Downer

Daily Telegraph

No Cookies | Daily Telegraph

No Cookies | Daily Telegraph

Another one from Sydney Morning Herald

Waratah trains stalled again

There are many more before almost all the problem fixed in 2014, just type Waratah Train problem in google, you bound to find many
Korea did a great job ! Excellent abilities just like Japan ! Permit me to share, folks !

Nippon Banzai!



ISS's Furukawa Speaks with Japan's "Young Astronauts"





Where is your proof to back up your claim? I've been asking for days now and you still haven't given me proof on the 13 industries.

Put up or shut up.

The one who can only claim from thin air without proof is you.

I have proved Korea excel China in some areas of technology (Display, Semiconductor, Medical, Automotive, etc). Those are enough to prove that what KIET says is reliable enough.

It is time for you to prove the other way round, if you dont agree with what KIET say, and I am still waiting until today.

Remember you failed to prove that China ahead Korea in PC etc.
Well, you have to ask Uncle Sam why they are so obsessed about China's military development.
That is a stupid comment, implying that somehow that obsession is unique to US. Look at your own PLA, kid. If you want to talk about obsession, why is the PLA modernizing after US ?

Let's not ignore Korean auto industry, buddy. Hyundai is like a phoenix player nowadays. It came a long way!

Love their Hyundai Genesis 2016!

I test drove the Genesis and liked it. I would say that if the badges were removed, it would have been difficult to part the Genesis out to be Korean. I was impressed. But I am a cheapskate. Never bought any new car/motocycle and most likely never will.
Korea's High-Tech Economy Threatened by Chinese Catch-up

(Bloomberg) South Korea is famous as a high-tech powerhouse, from Samsung’s smartphones, the world’s fastest internet connection speed and world-beating innovation.

And while presidential hopefuls are laying out plans to develop new technology to drive the economy over the next five years, here is a reality check: the advantage of Korean companies over their Chinese competitors is closing fast.

In five years’ time there’ll be little difference between the tech of Chinese and Korean companies in most sectors, including high-end smart phones, wearable devices, memory chips, and smart electronics, according to a report by the state-run think-tank Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade.

“Of the main industries, it seems Korea has a competitive edge over China only in the semiconductor and display sectors,” said Kim Hyeon-wook, an economist at SK Research Institute in Seoul. “The government shouldn’t sit back, but needs to create a cohesive blueprint that sets the agenda and necessary reforms to move forward.”

The “Made in China 2025" strategy aims to push the world’s second-largest economy beyond labor-intensive work into more sophisticated sectors, from robotics to aerospace. It will enable increasingly advanced industries and make its companies into Korea’s “strong rivals,” according to the industrial think-tank’s report.

China’s rapid catch-up in technology comes as Korea struggles to find new growth engines to replace traditional manufacturing such as shipbuilding, which has struggled recently. And the rivalry is especially stark in new technologies.

According to a report by the Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology, the average gap with China on 24 key industries like biotechnology and displays was 0.9 years. This means if Korean companies make no effort, China would catch up in that amount of time.

“China’s improvement of industry is changing the structure of the value chain between Korea and China,” according to Cho Chuel, the director of Chinese industry research at Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade. Rather than the previous vertical structure where Korea made value-added, high technology products, competition will become more equal, and Korea will need to invest more to produce competitive products, he said.

“I would like to see new policies that can fundamentally change Korea’s industrial structure,” said Lim Hyun-seo, the chief executive officer of Tankerfund, a peer-to-peer platform startup in Korea.

“Korea has highly sophisticated industries, but there needs to be a discussion on how the country can prosper from here.”

The candidates for president are also pushing policies on supporting artificial intelligence, the internet of things, and robots, although it remains to be seen if these outlast the term of whoever wins.

Previous governments laid out plans to boost industrial competitiveness -- such as former President Park Geun-hye’s creative economy initiative and Lee Myung-bak’s green growth agenda -- but they were short-lived due to political change.

Source: Bloomberg News by Jiyeun Lee


In five years’ time (means 2022) there’ll be little difference between the tech of Chinese and Korean companies in most sectors.
If these reports are accurate, this will make South Korea very nervous. The THAAD fiasco is not helping them in this.

The other big advantage of China is the size of its market. Moreover, China can do things/projects at China speed, scale and cost. No competition in this regard.
Internet, software and artificial intelligence are ahead of China? China's internet companies like BAT(Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent) are famous all over the world. Where are Korean companies? China's software like wechat is popular in many countries. Does anybody use Korean software? As for artificial intelligence, China just won a champion in a chess competition.
China owns only 0.9year advantage on satellites? Are the S. Korean mad?

S. Korea owns advantage on IOT (Internet of Things)? Then where is the Korean equivalent of B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent)?

S. Korea owns advantage on Networks? Are they aware of the existence of a company called Huawei?
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China owns only 0.9year advantage on satellites? Are the S. Korean mad?

S. Korea owns advantage on IOT (Internet of Things)? Then where is the Korean equivalent of B.A.T (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent)?

S. Korea owns advantage on Networks? Are they aware of the existence of a company called Huawei?
I watched a SK's talk show.
The host of the show said, "There is only one country in the world who looks down on USA. Which is North Korea. There is only one country in the world who looks down on China. Which is South Korea."
No wonder South Koreans support to deploy THAAD. They have no idea how bad the things will turn to mess up with China.
Internet, software and artificial intelligence are ahead of China? China's internet companies like BAT(Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent) are famous all over the world. Where are Korean companies? China's software like wechat is popular in many countries. Does anybody use Korean software? As for artificial intelligence, China just won a champion in a chess competition.
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Not clear indeed.

Perhaps it is measured by the number of patent accumulation. Korea start industrial r&d much earlier, no wonder if she still accumulate more patents at the moment.
I think the title of this thread: "China rapidly narrows technology gap with S. Korea" is outright wrong and misleading by itself.

TECHNOLOGY encompass so many aspects...

Just explain how the KOR is leading in these fields nowadays???

- AEROSPACE INDUSTRY: rockets, satellites, space stations, docking technologies, remote sensing, space explorer, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), in short just anything related to the aerospace... then the Quantum Technologies

- MILITARY TECHNOLOGIES: anything from air, sea, undersea, land to space

- HIGH-SPEED RAILWAY INDUSTRY, also incl. the non-HSR (just look at the world's highest railway: Qinghai-Lhasa line, how can KOR ever have a project like this)

- INFRASTRUCTURE: BRIDGES, TUNNELS, Undersea Tunnels (how can KOR ever have a project like HK-Macau-Zhuhai); DAMS (Three-Gorges Dam everyone), ROAD BUILDING (look at the Karakoram Highway etc); SEAPORTS (I recall someone at PDF did mention that the Chinese companies do supply about 90% of the seaport's heavy equipment around the world); AIRPORTS (look at Beijing newest airport); SUBWAY constructions, etc

- POWER GENERATION PLANTS: various modes from the "Green Technologies" to the fossil-powered ones to the NUCLEAR power generation

- COMPUTING TECHNOLOGIES includes but not limited to the Supercomputing ones... personal computing, portable computing, medium servers and enterprise levels etc

A handy read: "10 Years Later, Looking Back at the IBM-Lenovo PC Deal" at PC Magazine - some excerpt at below:

I recently spoke with Peter Hortensius, who is Lenovo's CTO and a senior vice president who joined Lenovo as part of the executive team that came from IBM. He told me that Lenovo's dedicated focus on delivering innovative products and being willing to branch out in new areas is key to its growth.

Last year, it bought Motorola and IBM's server business, adding new breadth to its product offerings. Although relatively new to the smartphone wars, over the last five years, Lenovo becamse the No 3 smartphone vendor in China and No. 4 globally. It is also the No. 1 PC vendor in the world with an extremely strong position in China in business and consumer PCs.

[...] Any one feels free to add up.... :-) just need too much resources to cover it comprehensively :-) LOL

What I clearly see is CHINA has the resources that the South Korea does NOT have and WILL NEVER have!

SIZE (geographic; scale of economy), financial resources, human resources, natural resources... if the South Korea does still maintain some leads in some particular narrow fields such as Display Technologies; Semiconductors etc... China is catching up rapidly in those sectors.

On the other hand I don't see how the South Korea can ever catch up in the Aerospace Industry; HSR and so on... the South Korea simply does not have the scale of economy to jump in those sectors, after all the South Korea is just a medium to small country, look at its landmass and population... how can it exceed over a nation as huge and determined and effectively managed as China in OVERALL technological field? Perhaps 10 or 20 years ago it might be true (yet in aerospace and rocketry fields since China had the genius, Mr. Qian Xuesen, China never lag behind the KOR) but no more today except in few particular narrow fields yet at the same time the South Korea lacks behind in many other technological fields as briefly mentioned above.

One article above mentioned that the KOR still has some lead over CHN in Shipbuilding, but I don't see KOR engages in any DEEP-SEA submersible like Jiaolong and so on. And If CHN keeps on building aircraft carriers, helicopter carriers and so on, how can KOR maintain its lead in [overall] shipbuilding industry??? The one by Bloomberg is misleading for it leaves out many fields of technologies and just covers those limited sectors whereas KOR is perceived as leading, still in some fields like IoT, Network etc its accuracy is highly dubious!


Look! How big the Korean Peninsula is!
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