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China pushes Uighurs to give up fasting in Ramzan

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So You Indian Hindus are not worried about atrocities against Chinese Muslims but you are butt hurt that Pakistanis point out atrocities against Indian Muslims. Right.

What politics is attached to fasting? what politics is attached to offering prayers ?

If China continued such barbaric actions against personal beliefs and activities then US not need to unleash a war on them Chinese society would start becoming extremist in itself
If this is for ordinary Uighurs,I agree,but CCP could not even manage their own party members?Do you know the meaning of CCP is the Communist Party of China?
BTW, if that is a must, and there are no choices, the Chinese are not afraid of anywar,whether United States or extremists.
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So You Indian Hindus are not worried about atrocities against Chinese Muslims but you are butt hurt that Pakistanis point out atrocities against Indian Muslims. Right.

What politics is attached to fasting? what politics is attached to offering prayers ?

If China continued such barbaric actions against personal beliefs and activities then US not need to unleash a war on them Chinese society would start becoming extremist in itself
wow, using US to scare us? did US dare to unleash war on China? on the contrary, they are bombing your country day and night, hilarious.

You are the one acting delusional and kiddish here .

30 million live in caves in China - NY Daily News

Pakistan also played an important role in bridging the communication gap between China and the West by facilitating the 1972 Nixon visit to China. (otherwise the population in caves could have been 300 million)

China–Pakistan relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These are world known facts .Pakistan is a power to reckon with and can turn tables in any bodys favor. I respect your country and religion and expect the same for you .
US media told you so? they also said we would collaspe long time ago, go to celebrate with your india brothers.
and you delusion we owe you a big favor just because once you acted as a american errand boy? don't make me laugh.
So You Indian Hindus are not worried about atrocities against Chinese Muslims but you are butt hurt that Pakistanis point out atrocities against Indian Muslims. Right.

if CPEC would have been an IPEC or MPEC india , myanmar or israel wouldn't have had to deal with thekedari from land of pure. You know right that you are a joke in international circles ?
I love your reasoning.....if it was 1.8% then it is ok..... . I know it was hard though....... But then the point we are discussing is different...so let us stick to the topic....
As you had no answer to my reasoning so stick to topic?
I never said its ok yeah the magnitude is different and as compare to your decades of aggression against a much higher population of Muslims we just recently started hearing news from china and that too from one area not whole country like your India.
well, actually what i read was that the US wanted Ayub Khan to help India militarily but he refused saying that it was already enough that he was not helping China instead!

Actually Shah of Iran wrote to Ayub Khan to fight against China along with India but as you rightly said Ayub refuses saying the fact that he is not using the opportunity to take back Kashmir should be considered enough support for India.

Later Lal Bahadur Shashtri said "If pakistanis would have bleed-ed along with Indians, agar wo kashmir bhi maang lete to hum mana nahi kar paate"

It was a big opportunity lost where India and Pakistan, though to be two different countries, would have shown unity and a brotherhood for future would have been sealed.

Moreover, we would not have seen 65 and 71 and PDF would not have been come into existence.
Well the difference between doing it right and over doing needs to be attended. Ramadan is a month of peace in Islam and even wars were used to be halted during that time.

If Chinese authorities can link any violence with some of the Uighurs gatherings in Ramadan then their actions can be justified and its responsibility of Uighurs high ups to make sure no such thing happens and give govt the confidence by handing over/point out the trouble makers.

On the other hand if its china's state policy to ban fasting in Xinxiang its extremely wrong as you can not generalize things and punish masses for the sins of few and needs to be changed as oppression only leads to retaliation .

Both side needs to sit together and denounce violence.

we regard u as friend, now comes to our internal affairs, so u cant accept the differences between us and wanna meddle it?
u know we suffered a lot from those religious zealots in xinjiang and dont want them to wide spread,but we never stopped them from practicing faith,just dont put it above the regional stability.
if ur people cant understand and accept this,then we should think over how our friendship gonna work.:(:(:(
I read this same news last year too. Is it really true?
So You Indian Hindus are not worried about atrocities against Chinese Muslims but you are butt hurt that Pakistanis point out atrocities against Indian Muslims. Right.

What politics is attached to fasting? what politics is attached to offering prayers ?

If China continued such barbaric actions against personal beliefs and activities then US not need to unleash a war on them Chinese society would start becoming extremist in itself
i m saying many muslims take law/poltic into their hands over the world & give everyone the impression of meddling politic & threatening countries. If the muslims in china never involved in politic china gov still perceives any muslim as potential threat & would do precautious actions.
if CPEC would have been an IPEC or MPEC india , myanmar or israel wouldn't have had to deal with thekedari from land of pure. You know right that you are a joke in international circles ?

We are a joke or not leave that that is not your headache. You shyed away from responding what i said.

If this is for ordinary Uighurs,I agree,but CCP could not even manage their own party members?Do you know the meaning of CCP is the Communist Party of China?
BTW, if that is a must, and there are no choices, the Chinese are not afraid of anywar,whether United States or extremists.

I know what CCP is the point here is whether CCP or Govt of China or any other Chinese groups, if they continued to put ban on personal harmless practices of Muslims then world is going to take a huge advantage by using it against China and once that is started effectively then Chinese society is going to break up faster than expected and extremism would be getting stronger simple as that

wow, using US to scare us? did US dare to unleash war on China? on the contrary, they are bombing your country day and night, hilarious.

US media told you so? they also said we would collaspe long time ago, go to celebrate with your india brothers.
and you delusion we owe you a big favor just because once you acted as a american errand boy? don't make me laugh.

You sound like an Indian so go read what i said. US would need not to go to actual war but would use such actions by
You are the one acting delusional and kiddish here .

30 million live in caves in China - NY Daily News

Pakistan also played an important role in bridging the communication gap between China and the West by facilitating the 1972 Nixon visit to China. (otherwise the population in caves could have been 300 million)

China–Pakistan relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These are world known facts .Pakistan is a power to reckon with and can turn tables in any bodys favor. I respect your country and religion and expect the same for you .

Agree,Bro. In myview,China and Pakistan, builton the basis of mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs, in principle.From my personal perspective,I will welcome any criticism and suggestions from Pakistan brothers in
,so I always to explain some misunderstandings. In any case false information is easy to explain,but possible,that there will be some differences interms of governance,this time,that would require the good will and understanding each other I think.

We are a joke or not leave that that is not your headache. You shyed away from responding what i said.

I know what CCP is the point here is whether CCP or Govt of China or any other Chinese groups, if they continued to put ban on personal harmless practices of Muslims then world is going to take a huge advantage by using it against China and once that is started effectively then Chinese society is going to break up faster than expected and extremism would be getting stronger simple as that

You sound like an Indian so go read what i said. US would need not to go to actual war but would use such actions by
Wait,did you see my previous post? The majority ofUighurs is not prohibited during Ramadan.They are normal and illegal religious activities.AS CCP,did you understand what I said?All CCP members is an atheist,so what's wrong with that.

As for the other,you know,on the governance in the country,we have our own understanding,it may not make other people feel satisfied,but that is the best match for us,sure,we know China better,than anyone else.
we regard u as friend, now comes to our internal affairs, so u cant accept the differences between us and wanna meddle it?
u know we suffered a lot from those religious zealots in xinjiang and dont want them to wide spread,but we never stopped them from practicing faith,just dont put it above the regional stability.
if ur people cant understand and accept this,then we should think over how our friendship gonna work.:(:(:(

Pakistan has a clear policy of non-interference in internal matters of any country let alone China. You will see there is no never would be any official statement from Pakistan in this regard and also Pakistan never officially issued any statement about internal matters of India as well even not about Muslims there.

We as human and ordinary people can speak about human rights violation in any part of the world
Pakistan has a clear policy of non-interference in internal matters of any country let alone China. You will see there is no never would be any official statement from Pakistan in this regard and also Pakistan never officially issued any statement about internal matters of India as well even not about Muslims there.

We as human and ordinary people can speak about human rights violation in any part of the world

You seem to have missed this :

' In Pakistan, the government closed offices and schools on 7 December to protest the demolition of the Babri mosque.The Pakistani Foreign Ministry summoned the Indian ambassador to formally complain, and promised to appeal to the United Nations and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference to pressure India to protect the rights of Muslims"
Pakistan has a clear policy of non-interference in internal matters of any country let alone China. You will see there is no never would be any official statement from Pakistan in this regard and also Pakistan never officially issued any statement about internal matters of India as well even not about Muslims there.

We as human and ordinary people can speak about human rights violation in any part of the world
Agreed,but I think there also needs two things:

1, it must be established on the basis of facts.
2, each country has its own different situation,so we also need to avoid an arrow thinking,and should be more understanding and to lerant.

In short,don't fall into criticism of the games,to focus more on own State of affairs.
Pakistan has a clear policy of non-interference in internal matters of any country let alone China. You will see there is no never would be any official statement from Pakistan in this regard and also Pakistan never officially issued any statement about internal matters of India as well even not about Muslims there.

We as human and ordinary people can speak about human rights violation in any part of the world

ya,i get it.
but still i hope ordinary pakistani people could try to understand and accept the differences too, after all friendship building on a emotional basis will last longer.
for example i dont want my friend think im a bad girl whos doing the wrong and unacceptable thing if i support our gov's policy on this issue.
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