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China pushes Uighurs to give up fasting in Ramzan

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Our stupid government made too much commitments toward pakistan in the past. looking at the attitudes of your people, We all know that pakistan will greatly damage our country in the future. One day our government will wake up and take the right path for sure.
Those commitments were made for your own good boy whole of western and central china is living in 1900's and cant be developed without a robust energy source which will and can come through only Pakistan.

Pakistan and china are natural allies strategically but don't bring that in religious discussion its different and needs to be taken differently.
Well the difference between doing it right and over doing needs to be attended. Ramadan is a month of peace in Islam and even wars were used to be halted during that time.

If Chinese authorities can link any violence with some of the Uighurs gatherings in Ramadan then their can be justified and its responsibility of Uighurs high ups to make sure no such thing happens and give govt the confidence by handing over/point out the trouble makers.

On the other hand if its china's state policy to ban fasting in Xinxiang its extremely wrong as you can not generalize things and punish masses for the sins of few and needs to be changed as oppression only leads to retaliation .

Both side needs to sit together and denounce violence.
In fact, the vast majority of Uighurs in Ramadan without any restrictions,,just the CCP Party members and civil servants(not sure) in Xinjiang.This news with some evidence to reach the absurd conclusion,to mislead the people's feeling.
It's BS obviously.

Like I posted before, Ayub Khan actually made an offer of joint defence to India... AGAINST China.

So no, they didn't help us when India attacked us during 1962 during our worst ever famine. In fact they sided with India instead.

Bhutto's foreign policy legacy - DAWN.COM

Which was their biggest mistake. If they had sided with China during the 1962 war, they would have been able to take Kashmir from an already defeated India.

By 1960 President Ayub Khan offered a 'joint defense' proposal that was discarded by Prime Minister Nehru on the grounds of Indian neutralist position.

India reacted to the Pakistani-Chinese rapprochement of 1962-63 in forceful terms. For instance, the Indian defense minister underlined the "growing association between China and Pakistan" and remarked that the inherent hostility towards India was "driving Pakistan into the fold of china". Similarly Nehru warned the Indian Parliament about the implications of the combined threat of China and Pakistan as follows:

'They (the Pakistanis) have publicly declared that even if the Kashmir issue was settled amicably, Pakistan will not go either to the defense of India against China or change his friendly relations with Peking (Beijing)........'

(Peaceful Territorial Change - Arie Marcelo Kacowicz)

So Pakistan's offer to India of a joint defense predates and lapsed two years prior to the Indo-China '62 War. Afterwards because of Pakistan's border agreement with China of 1962-63 effectively brought about a rapprochement between Pakistan and China even if there wasn't any hostile between the two before that. The rest has been good from henceforth.

Now whereas I strongly agree that whatever India does to her Muslims (except the Kashmiris for that is a disputed region) and China does to hers is none of our concern. And whereas I have always pointed out that the largest ethnic Chinese Muslim minority are the Hui Muslims and I can't recall the last time I heard them having any problems so if China's policies were Islam-centric they'd be the first to suffer.

I must take strong exception to what your compatriot here is suggesting. Pakistan is not living off Chinese hand-me-downs; we are a proud and sovereign country thats been going through some difficult times due to the mess in the region but we're working on getting out of it. It was Pakistan that introduced China to the Muslim World with whom now you're trading in the tens of billions of $, it was Pakistan that introduced you to the West when the Sino-Soviet split had essentially made China a pariah state, it was Pakistan that fought vehemently for the Chinese seat at the UN to be given to the People's Republic of China instead of Taiwan, it was Pakistan that tested your military hardware gave you inputs into how to improve them (the F7PGs are a direct result of that cooperation which is precisely why they're a far cry from the earlier model Mig copies that you guys were building) and it was Pakistan that has stood by China on every international issue of note.
I must take strong exception to what your compatriot here is suggesting. Pakistan is not living off Chinese hand-me-downs; we are a proud and sovereign country thats been going through some difficult times due to the mess in the region but we're working on getting out of it. It was Pakistan that introduced China to the Muslim World with whom now you're trading in the tens of billions of $, it was Pakistan that introduced you to the West when the Sino-Soviet split had essentially made China a pariah state, it was Pakistan that fought vehemently for the Chinese seat at the UN to be given to the People's Republic of China instead of Taiwan, it was Pakistan that tested your military hardware gave you inputs into how to improve them (the F7PGs are a direct result of that cooperation which is precisely why they're a far cry from the earlier model Mig copies that you guys were building) and it was Pakistan that has stood by China on every international issue of note.

Agreed brother, I was responding to this post:

You share mutul intereest with us,Go fk off Pakistan helped china when everybody was trying to fk you from India to US and US to USSR,we are self dependent until 1971 your airlines were using our airspace to go into rest of world,remember you are surrounded by hostiles states all round...Chinese authority..bunch of commies killing thousand yearly....

It was simply incorrect. When we fought the US + 16 of her allies in the Korean War, we were the only ones fighting. When India attacked us in 1962 we were the only ones fighting.
If Chinese authorities can link any violence with some of the Uighurs gatherings in Ramadan then their actions can be justified .
Ramadan ends with violence in China’s restive Xinjiang.

As the holy month of Ramadan came to an end in China’s Xinjiang province earlier this week, militant violence flared in numerous towns and cities leaving close to 50 civilians dead.


Ramadan ends with violence in China’s restive Xinjiang | Asian Correspondent
I like this attitude..... and it should be the way...........

But wonder if it was some town in India...... Then.........

well show me the person I will show you the rules.
Indian case is different we got rid of hindus in 47 owing to their hypocrisy and grudge against muslims for being defeated and ruled by Mughals for centuries.

Hindus obsession with muslim has only worsened with time e.g in Bombay and delhi muslims are not allowed living spaces mean apartments in hindu dominant areas , Kashmir well name alone is enough to convey the message.
There are hundred of examples but as time doesn't permit I will put up only . india has 15% muslim population and 2% Sikh population but we seen plenty Sikh army chiefs but not a single muslim shows clearly how biased hindus are against muslims.

And that too despite the fact
This is Why India Will Have the World’s Largest Muslim Population in the Next Decade - India Real Time - WSJ

While in China muslims are only 1.8% so no comparison between Indian decades of aggression and betrayal of Muslims to Chinese issue.
IF this is true, and China is doing this, then that's just messed up. They should not intervene in people's personal religious affairs and order them around. Such actions will only further alienate and antagonize the native Uighur population against the Chinese government.

Replace China with India the all the hell will broke loose in PDF by saying "Evil Hindus" ,"Baniyas" , "Yet another day in India" and off course threatening us with your Muslim bomb . And PDF analysis will become polite and rational when china has done something like this
Replace China with India the all the hell will broke loose in PDF by saying "Evil Hindus" ,"Baniyas" , "Yet another day in India" and off course threatening us with your Muslim bomb . And PDF analysis will become polite and rational when china has done something like this
Just read post#56 to get your answer dear.
Those commitments were made for your own good boy whole of western and central china is living in 1900's and cant be developed without a robust energy source which will and can come through only Pakistan.

Pakistan and china are natural allies strategically but don't bring that in religious discussion its different and needs to be taken differently.
pay attention to your tone, kid. living in 1900? you delusion everyone living in a condition like pakistan? compare to yours, they are living like in a wonder land.

No body is interested in your religion and nobody care. don't get me starte about the trouble your religion caused all over the world just because they are minorities, russia, india,myanmar,phillipine, thailand, nigeria,kenya, europe, china ect ect, let alone your homebase middle east.
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The denial of Ramadan fasting by Chinese authorities in Uighuristan in condemnable. The Ccommunist authorites have destroyed mosques and Muslum monuments in order to destroy native Uighur culture. Millions of ethnic Hans are being settled in Uighuristan in order to change its ethnic balance in order to to make native Uighurs a minority.
@Beidou2020 @BuddhaPalm your opinions
well show me the person I will show you the rules.
Indian case is different we got rid of hindus in 47 owing to their hypocrisy and grudge against muslims for being defeated and ruled by Mughals for centuries.

Hindus obsession with muslim has only worsened with time e.g in Bombay and delhi muslims are not allowed living spaces mean apartments in hindu dominant areas , Kashmir well name alone is enough to convey the message.
There are hundred of examples but as time doesn't permit I will put up only . india has 15% muslim population and 2% Sikh population but we seen plenty Sikh army chiefs but not a single muslim shows clearly how biased hindus are against muslims.

And that too despite the fact
This is Why India Will Have the World’s Largest Muslim Population in the Next Decade - India Real Time - WSJ

While in China muslims are only 1.8% so no comparison between Indian decades of aggression and betrayal of Muslims to Chinese issue.

I love your reasoning.....if it was 1.8% then it is ok..... . I know it was hard though....... But then the point we are discussing is different...so let us stick to the topic....
although i dont agree with china's gov banning or interfere in any religion affairs of her people the problem is if any religious groups involved in politic, in this case muslims often take law/politic in their hands then be prepared to be intervened by politic...
i have said many times religions should stay away from politics....
The denial of Ramadan fasting by Chinese authorities in Uighuristan in condemnable. The Ccommunist authorites have destroyed mosques and Muslum monuments in order to destroy native Uighur culture. Millions of ethnic Hans are being settled in Uighuristan in order to change its ethnic balance in order to to make native Uighurs a minority.
Almost missed this post,your point of view is ignorant about China,I guess you get it from a Western or extremist media,right? Well,a more definite reply,all your accusations are false,they are very consistent with the Western propaganda,it even hadno value to rebut,over.
and as usual pakistanis wont show the enthusiasm to raise this issue which they show in the case of rohingyas

So You Indian Hindus are not worried about atrocities against Chinese Muslims but you are butt hurt that Pakistanis point out atrocities against Indian Muslims. Right.

although i dont agree with china's gov banning or interfere in any religion affairs of her people the problem is if any religious groups involved in politic, in this case muslims often take law/politic in their hands then be prepared to be intervened by politic...
i have said many times religions should stay away from politics....

What politics is attached to fasting? what politics is attached to offering prayers ?

If China continued such barbaric actions against personal beliefs and activities then US not need to unleash a war on them Chinese society would start becoming extremist in itself
pay attention to your tone, kids. living in 1900? you delusion everyone living in a condition like pakistan, compare to yours, they are living like in a paradise.

No body is interested in your religion and nobody care. don't get me started about the trouble your religion caused all over the world just because they are minorities, russia, phillipine, thailand, nigeria,kenya, europe, china ect ect, let alone your homebase middle east.

You are the one acting delusional and kiddish here .

30 million live in caves in China - NY Daily News

Pakistan also played an important role in bridging the communication gap between China and the West by facilitating the 1972 Nixon visit to China. (otherwise the population in caves could have been 300 million)

China–Pakistan relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These are world known facts .Pakistan is a power to reckon with and can turn tables in any bodys favor. I respect your country and religion and expect the same for you .
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