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China pushes Uighurs to give up fasting in Ramzan

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and as usual pakistanis wont show the enthusiasm to raise this issue which they show in the case of rohingyas

Before sprouting such nonsense, at least visit China and witness the outcome your self on whether the Government has banned fasting for Uighur Muslims. In China children under the age of 16 are forbidden to fast, however this does not include adults.

your whole countrty live on the mercy of Chinese authorities, show some spines and become self-dependent, then come to condemn our government.

No offence to you brother, however you should be careful in your threats towards Pakistan because the outcome will not be good. Some Pakistani's have no knowledge on the ground realities of Xinjiang, however you should educate them, rather than using insulting remarks.
ya,i get it.
but still i hope ordinary pakistani people could try to understand and accept the differences too, after all friendship building on a emotional basis will last longer.
for example i dont want my friend think im a bad girl whos doing the wrong and unacceptable thing if i support our gov's policy on this issue.

You are a bad guy if you support that ( if it is true ). Come on, why do you have to support any wrong thing your government do ( if any ). For instant I will protest any attempt (if any) conducted by our government to suppress any Christian or Shia (I am sunni) in Indonesia.
Lets get the facts clear only children's under the age of 16 and government officials are not allow to fast during Ramadan. Everyone else is free to do so. There is no total ban on fasting during Ramadan in Xinjiang. Personally I think this is a counter productive policy and needs to end.

We need to be less emotional about the responses from our Pakistani friends on this. Even friends can disagree.
You seem to have missed this :

' In Pakistan, the government closed offices and schools on 7 December to protest the demolition of the Babri mosque.The Pakistani Foreign Ministry summoned the Indian ambassador to formally complain, and promised to appeal to the United Nations and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference to pressure India to protect the rights of Muslims"

Indeed i do miss on purpose claims from BLOGS . You knew it as well that what you had posted is from unauthentic source that is why you did not post the source
Pakistan has a clear policy of non-interference in internal matters of any country let alone China. You will see there is no never would be any official statement from Pakistan in this regard and also Pakistan never officially issued any statement about internal matters of India as well even not about Muslims there.

We as human and ordinary people can speak about human rights violation in any part of the world

then why is pak govt issuing statements on daily basis against myanmar on rohingya issue and you can see their past stand on israel with respect to palestine .
ya,i get it.
but still i hope ordinary pakistani people could try to understand and accept the differences too, after all friendship building on a emotional basis will last longer.
for example i dont want my friend think im a bad girl whos doing the wrong and unacceptable thing if i support our gov's policy on this issue.

Ordinary people in Pakistan do not know what is going on in China neither they respond :)
Lets get the facts clear only children's under the age of 16 and government officials are not allow to fast during Ramadan. Everyone else is free to do so. There is no total ban on fasting during Ramadan in Xinjiang. Personally I think this is a counter productive policy and needs to end.

We need to be less emotional about the responses from our Pakistani friends on this. Even friends can disagree.

I am a Pakistani who has worked and lived in China. Therefore, I had the opportunity to travel and visit a number of cities such as Kunming, Chengdu, Dalian, Dangdong, Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong. The Uighur's and the Hui are allowed to fast during Ramadan, however children under the age of 16 and public officials are not allowed due to various reasons. China does not oppress its minorities in fact a number of positive benefits are provided to them. For example on education, where Uighur's can gain an entry into a university with less points. The main point is brother the western media wants to discredit China and media houses in Pakistan are funded by American agencies....prime example is how the Pakistan Army is ridiculed when the whole Pakistan respects its.
I am a Pakistani who has worked and lived in China. Therefore, I had the opportunity to travel and visit a number of cities such as Kunming, Chengdu, Dalian, Dangdong, Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong. The Uighur's and the Hui are allowed to fast during Ramadan, however children under the age of 16 and public officials are not allowed due to various reasons. China does not oppress its minorities in fact a number of positive benefits are provided to them. For example on education, where Uighur's can gain an entry into a university with less points. The main point is brother the western media wants to discredit China and media houses in Pakistan are funded by American agencies....prime example is how the Pakistan Army is ridiculed when the whole Pakistan respects its.
Hey, a new muslin BBQ which is said to be the first Hui Muslin BBQ restaurant in Wuhan(most are Uighur BBQ) was opened recently. Let me try first, and if the food is good, let me treat my Pakistani friends if you visit Wuhan.:-)
ya,i get it.
but still i hope ordinary pakistani people could try to understand and accept the differences too, after all friendship building on a emotional basis will last longer.
for example i dont want my friend think im a bad girl whos doing the wrong and unacceptable thing if i support our gov's policy on this issue.

If you come to Pakistan, then I will personally show you the hospitality and respect we have for Chinese citizens. Our friendship is based on a brotherhood, which reminds me of Lui Bei and his relationship with Zhang Fei and Guang Yu. China and Pakistan have a special relationship because we have stood by each other in good times and in difficult times.
Uighurs are not native to Xinjiang. I read somewhere some Chinese dynasty (Ming?) brought their loyal Uighur allies to the region after they defeated some hostile mongol tribes together. The Chinese let them settle there (southern Xinjiang?) to change the demographic balance in favor of pro Chinese ethnic groups. From this historical pov, present day Uighurs seem to be a bunch of ingrates.

@Chinese-Dragon @Kiss_of_the_Dragon

Hans aren't native either. Before Uighurs, Huns(who were Turkic in all likelihood) were living there, before whom, the Tocharians(Kushans) were there. Hans are colonizers. I don't care whom my comments here offend, but I support native populations throughout the world, whether they are in America, Australia, Andaman Islands, Xingjiang etc.

And I fully support the Uighurs. If someone settled thousands of aliens in my ethnic homeland, I would also grab a gun. With that said, Pakistan shouldn't intervene. This time, some other muslim country should take the charge. We're sick of war.
Hey, a new muslin BBQ which is said to be the first Hui Muslin BBQ restaurant in Wuhan(most are Uighur BBQ) was opened recently. Let me try first, and if the food is good, let me treat my Pakistani friends if you visit Wuhan.:-)

I love eating BBQ especially in Chengdu at 2am in the morning, sitting down in a stall drinking coke and smoking afterwards...those were the days:) Brother Jin, please review and give a score rating on the Hui BBQ restaurant:) I will love to visit you in Wuhan and we can try it together. What did you think of the Uighur BBQ...very similar to Pakistani BBQ.
You are a bad guy if you support that ( if it is true ). Come on, why do you have to support any wrong thing your government do ( if any ). For instant I will protest any attempt (if any) conducted by our government to suppress any Christian or Shia (I am sunni) in Indonesia.
but who r u? what do i care how u look at me?
different countries have different situation, for me i sufferd enough from extreme religious molecules and their attacks.
i support what i think its right and dont care what happend in ur place.
for example if i was the captain of a big group and theres a unsocial guy whos not only being dissocial but also make troubles,i will first ask him to change,if he refuse to be a good boy,just make him disappear. do u think i have that much time to discuss or admonish him again and again since i have so big a group to manage?
and if u have so much words to say, why dont u just take all extreme religious molecules and weirdos to ur home and live a happy life with them.
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And I fully support the Uighurs. If someone settled thousands of aliens in my ethnic homeland, I would also grab a gun. With that said, Pakistan shouldn't intervene. This time, some other muslim country should take the charge. We're sick of war.

Since Xinjiang is considered to be an integral part of China...then every single citizen should have the right to visit or even live in the land. The most tragic aspect of this region is that the police, public servants and the administration who are targeted and killed by terrorists are Uighur's themselves. Disgraceful behavior which is imported from Salafi ideology and needs to be stamped out.
Those commitments were made for your own good boy whole of western and central china is living in 1900's and cant be developed without a robust energy source which will and can come through only Pakistan.

Pakistan and china are natural allies strategically but don't bring that in religious discussion its different and needs to be taken differently.
True, there's no free lunch in the world, but it's better for China to have an alternative than to invest in an unstable country. Mind you, China is taking a huge risk when they can just sort some differences in India and replace India with you and they are the only country that is willing to invest a large sum money there.
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