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China pushes Uighurs to give up fasting in Ramzan

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and as usual pakistanis wont show the enthusiasm to raise this issue which they show in the case of rohingyas
They dare not speak against their sweeter-than-honey friends. If had been in India our Pakistani friends would have gone to town lambasting India for destroying Islamic tenets. Loud mouth Sartaj Aziz would have gone to the UN to lodge a protest too!

But then that is China. Their masters can do no wrong! Hypocrisy at its best!
They dare not speak against their sweeter-than-honey friends. If had been in India our Pakistani friends would have gone to town lambasting India for destroying Islamic tenets. Loud mouth Sartaj Aziz would have gone to the UN to lodge a protest too!

But then that is China. Their masters can do no wrong! Hypocrisy at its best!

Its is china's internal matter but HOW DARE France Bans Burqah !!!
this is western propaganda against China,,,,muslims live very happily in xinxiang,like the rest of China...
only few extremists exist,who r being dealt with a systematic de-radicalization program.n above all its there internal matter.
this article is just an attempt by western zionists to divide China n shuddha desi friends
chotta lochan have hivemind mentality. If you try to go against the grain the chotta lochan will try to destroy you.
In the long run, once china settle dispute with india, one way or another,india should become china' long term strategic partner, which would make us feel far more comfortable.
Who is stopping you from that go ahead,oh i guess you both want to gain status of US while kept quite and try to work on way while India tries to do it while speaking a lot....go ahead.......
It's BS obviously.

Like I posted before, Ayub Khan actually made an offer of joint defence to India... AGAINST China.

So no, they didn't help us when India attacked us during 1962 during our worst ever famine. In fact they sided with India instead.

Bhutto's foreign policy legacy - DAWN.COM

Which was their biggest mistake. If they had sided with China during the 1962 war, they would have been able to take Kashmir from an already defeated India.
well, actually what i read was that the US wanted Ayub Khan to help India militarily but he refused saying that it was already enough that he was not helping China instead!
Their country, Their rule....
None of our business.
China is economy hub of world, they knows best from where the threats coming....
They are doing best for peaceful and non-violent China.
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I like this attitude..... and it should be the way...........

But wonder if it was some town in India...... Then.........
They suffered lot due to extremism and many innocent Chinese killed from violent Islamists. This trend was going very fast , so they took some initiatives to tackle the threats.
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Their country, Their rule....
None of our business.
China is economy hub of world, they knows best from where the threats coming....
They are doing best for peaceful and non-violent China.
Thank you ! Thank you for your patience and understanding,we just want to do the best for our country and our people.
National security and maintenance of law and order is paramount. China is within its right to impose the law as per the situation.
They suffered lot due to extremism and many innocent Chinese killed from violent Islamists. This trend was going very fast , so they took some initiatives to tackle the threats and that mentality ....

Yeah may be.... But what do you say, if India was the country taken such stand what could be the response here?
Who is stopping you from that go ahead,oh i guess you both want to gain status of US while kept quite and try to work on way while India tries to do it while speaking a lot....go ahead.......
Our stupid government made too much commitments toward pakistan in the past. looking at the attitudes of your people, We all know that pakistan will greatly damage our country in the future. One day our government will wake up and take the right path for sure.
Well the difference between doing it right and over doing needs to be attended. Ramadan is a month of peace in Islam and even wars were used to be halted during that time.

If Chinese authorities can link any violence with some of the Uighurs gatherings in Ramadan then their actions can be justified and its responsibility of Uighurs high ups to make sure no such thing happens and give govt the confidence by handing over/point out the trouble makers.

On the other hand if its china's state policy to ban fasting in Xinxiang its extremely wrong as you can not generalize things and punish masses for the sins of few and needs to be changed as oppression only leads to retaliation .

Both side needs to sit together and denounce violence.
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