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China protesters block railway, fight police



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May 1, 2010
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China protesters block railway, fight police

Sat May 1, 2010 8:22am IST

BEIJING (Reuters) - About 500 villagers in northeastern China blocked a highway and a railway line and fought with police in a dispute about land, state news agency Xinhua said.

The stability-obsessed Chinese government has become increasingly worried about rising public anger at environmental problems, especially pollution, illegal land seizures and other issues

In the latest incident, the villagers in Heilongjiang province gathered at an intersection of a railway and a highway early on Thursday morning.

"Police tried to persuade the protesters to disperse but protesters fought back violently, injuring some police and damaging some vehicles," Xinhua said in a brief report late on Friday. "The protesters returned home at around 8 p.m."

Xinhua said senior officials, including deputy Heilongjiang governor Du Jiahao had arrived to deal with the incident.

The report gave no further details about the protest, nor the reasons behind it.

In 2007, China had over 80,000 "mass incidents" -- or riots and protest -- up from over 60,000 in 2006, according to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The government has not given updated figures.

Many involved no more than dozens of participants protesting against local officials over complaints about corruption, abuse of power, pollution or poor wages.

But some small-town protests in the past couple of years have snowballed into violent confrontations involving thousands of residents. Many heard of the unrest through mobile phone messages or over the Internet.

China protesters block railway, fight police | World | Reuters
what's the problem here? the local government is denying their rights and they have the right to protest.

by fighting with police, they are wrong. this is just abuse of our justice system because our police don't carry guns on everyday missions. but the motivation is correct and hopefully higher officials will see this and the guilty will be brought to justice.

hopefully this will increase the attention to rural people. my own hometown had a protest like this before. more attention should be paid to rural development. a few less lights at the expo means hundreds of students get more books.
It's not as dire as 'Reuters' portray. I am not contesting the 80,000 figure. For 1,400,000,000+ human beings, 80k is not a big number.

I've been to China and seen with my own eyes this protests. Actually I got dragged into a fight because I wanted to break it up.

In my whole time there I saw only a few skirmashes, and these would be recorded. Most of the time was much more peaceful than Canada (and especially USA). And I went all over the place.

In my shorter time in India there were numerous riots in Delhi.

The thread starter should be 'fair' by giving things in context. Reuters is trying to imply that there are "much more than 80,000" mass incidents in China, which is a childish accusation.

Going by China's standard, there would easily be 40,000 mass incidents in USA. Easily. Fights happen so often in USA. Not just gang-related, but everyday.

China is more peaceful than USA (per capita), and by FAR more peaceful than India (which obfuscates its statistics). Been to all those places. And not just me but millions of tourists can attest to that fact.
It's not as dire as 'Reuters' portray. I am not contesting the 80,000 figure. For 1,400,000,000+ human beings, 80k is not a big number.

I've been to China and seen with my own eyes this protests. Actually I got dragged into a fight because I wanted to break it up.

In my whole time there I saw only a few skirmashes, and these would be recorded. Most of the time was much more peaceful than Canada (and especially USA). And I went all over the place.

In my shorter time in India there were numerous riots in Delhi.

The thread starter should be 'fair' by giving things in context. Reuters is trying to imply that there are "much more than 80,000" mass incidents in China, which is a childish accusation.

Going by China's standard, there would easily be 40,000 mass incidents in USA. Easily. Fights happen so often in USA. Not just gang-related, but everyday.

China is more peaceful than USA (per capita), and by FAR more peaceful than India (which obfuscates its statistics). Been to all those places. And not just me but millions of tourists can attest to that fact.
and when was that???
It's not as dire as 'Reuters' portray. I am not contesting the 80,000 figure. For 1,400,000,000+ human beings, 80k is not a big number.

I've been to China and seen with my own eyes this protests. Actually I got dragged into a fight because I wanted to break it up.

In my whole time there I saw only a few skirmashes, and these would be recorded. Most of the time was much more peaceful than Canada (and especially USA). And I went all over the place.

In my shorter time in India there were numerous riots in Delhi.

The thread starter should be 'fair' by giving things in context. Reuters is trying to imply that there are "much more than 80,000" mass incidents in China, which is a childish accusation.

Going by China's standard, there would easily be 40,000 mass incidents in USA. Easily. Fights happen so often in USA. Not just gang-related, but everyday.

China is more peaceful than USA (per capita), and by FAR more peaceful than India (which obfuscates its statistics). Been to all those places. And not just me but millions of tourists can attest to that fact.

there are protests against goverment officials but they usually go away quietly once demands are met/compensation is given. indeed though its much more peaceful than the US where mindless ghetto thugs and racist KKK members shoot each other on sight.
It's not as dire as 'Reuters' portray. I am not contesting the 80,000 figure. For 1,400,000,000+ human beings, 80k is not a big number.

I've been to China and seen with my own eyes this protests. Actually I got dragged into a fight because I wanted to break it up.

In my whole time there I saw only a few skirmashes, and these would be recorded. Most of the time was much more peaceful than Canada (and especially USA). And I went all over the place.

In my shorter time in India there were numerous riots in Delhi.

The thread starter should be 'fair' by giving things in context. Reuters is trying to imply that there are "much more than 80,000" mass incidents in China, which is a childish accusation.

Going by China's standard, there would easily be 40,000 mass incidents in USA. Easily. Fights happen so often in USA. Not just gang-related, but everyday.

China is more peaceful than USA (per capita), and by FAR more peaceful than India (which obfuscates its statistics). Been to all those places. And not just me but millions of tourists can attest to that fact.

1. care to explain the meaning of this BS???????

2. Why bring India into this china topic and posting off topic?

3. Thread starter is right he has just posted a news not commented upon it but you tries to troll.
Chinese riots r well known. Even recently chinese premier cut his foreign visit and came back to china coz of ppl riots.
This things happen in every country but freedom of speech, protest and press should be given. Other way how people would understand what actually going on and how they present their problems.
it was because of an earthquake that killed 2000 people, most tibetans. please don't twist the story, this isn't gossip time.

Twisting the story and trollish gossiping is common in Bharat mafia-controlled media.

Actually it's been quieter than usual (with several high-ranking Indian officials getting sacked for their big mouths).

Look at TOI (Times of India), they used to run nasty gossip about China, with their Indian readers regularly posting racist stuff against Mongoloids. But they edited and removed those nasty comments. Fortunately people archive websites, so they can't hide their past actions.
the more "democratic" a society is the more they lie. it's a necessity to hold onto political office (which is essentially winning the support of the big capitalist bosses).

just look at the oppressive US police state, its 3rd world cousin in india, etc etc.
Really shame on china, when she say ,she is developed country and super power braging out fanboy figures.when u hv genocide like uighur,tibet and much more god knows what, these gonna happen on daily bases
Really shame on china, when she say ,she is developed country and super power braging out fanboy figures.when u hv genocide like uighur,tibet and much more god knows what, these gonna happen on daily bases

we chinese never say china is a developed country
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