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China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

cool down. it is about border settlement, not go too far for alliance with Inida.
China, Russia and Iran alliance is possible, but that is to deal US and west, has nothing to do with muslim.

I don't think we can easily settle border issue with India these days unless they handle us AP, which is highly unlikely. No point to make a fuss here.

Please see my first post on this thread:
China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says | Page 6

Border settlement is your mutual issue and for you to solve or keep as it is.

Inclusion of Iran in SCO based alliance will affect your future relations with the Arab and Sunni Muslim world. After what Iran has done in Syria, pretty much entire global Sunni Muslim population is upset with Iran's current govt.
Please see my first post on this thread:
China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says | Page 6

Border settlement is your mutual issue and for you to solve or keep as it is.

Inclusion of Iran in SCO based alliance will affect your future relations with the Arab and Sunni Muslim world. After what Iran has done in Syria, pretty much entire global Sunni Muslim population is upset with Iran's current govt.

Naturally. You don't subscribe to the idea that the SCO will lead a One World Order do you? lol
Seeing the reactions here i am reminded of a proverb in my mother tongue which roughly translates to "There is no wife no delivery but name for the newborn is already decided!!!!"
India should settle it with Pakistan too... sacrifice for peace, stability, and economic progress of the region... !
In between all this China-Japan love demonstration, I think I need to point out that cultural links between Pakistan and India are much stronger than those between China and Japan. :p
The only ' all weather' care & concern is that of a mother to her child.

Besides this all relationships are transnational. The sooner nations realise this the happier they will be.

Nothing moves nations more than economy & jobs. To achieve this nations make friends & ' enemies' as they go along.
Which I've been saying, and then I get called Indian.
Seeing the reactions here i am reminded of a proverb in my mother tongue which roughly translates to "There is no wife no delivery but name for the newborn is already decided!!!!"

Such is the language of nations, my friend.
Such is the language of nations, my friend.

What is the point of all these assumptions when nothing concrete has happened. If assumptions have to be made it should be on possibilities/problems in this settlement left hanging for more than half a century. :drag:
Chinese say ByeBye to disputed South of Tibet areas, i think it's good deal for both China and India.

China own Aksai Chin areas, left South of Tibet to India where Indian had been living 3-generation family in there, no hope to return China. If no war between China and India, China should early realized the truth.

I guess this is the best peaceful way of solution and will be acceptable to the general public sentiments of either countries as well.

In India, no one want Askai Chin, but no one can afford to lose AP.

China is India's #1 trading partner at a bilateral trade between both countries almost $50 billion this year. If they settle their border issue and focus on economic integration , it would benefit both parties for the long term.

You are too friendly to be on this defense forum :lol:

Keep it up. :tup:

China already have de fecto occupation in AP and indian government never disclose that to the Indian. Indian border guard were permitted for occasional patrolling along the territory but have to drop the weapons with the sight of Chinese soldiers and remain still as long as the chinse are in sight.

Bangladeshi :lol:
Naturally. You don't subscribe to the idea that the SCO will lead a One World Order do you? lol

It has potential to make the world multi polar, which I believe is good for the world. I think you meant this:
New World Order (conspiracy theory) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You see the West has systematically dismantled and colonized Muslim ruled areas and fragmented our states. Ever since Muslims appeared on world scene we have been their historic enemy. So they do not see logic in this. If they were logical in their approach, things would not turn out the way it did since 2001. Naturally we would like to see a player that do not have historical baggage with us. Chinese were never ruled by Muslims and so were Japanese. That is not the case with Russia or India. But China hopefully will be able to control anti-Muslim tendencies of Russia, we are hoping. India is whole another beast, no one knows them like we South Asian Muslims do.
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