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China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

Lol, I must be some weird alien. I hate PTI, pml, and now army too!
And Yes, I get called american agent :(
i never said u hate PMLN ... but the thing is i think u r a hypocrate .. u have problem with qadari living in canada and participating politics ... and u do the same .. u have problem with coming on plane in first class .. if u have money u will do the same ..
Lol, I must be some weird alien. I hate PTI, pml, and now army too!
And Yes, I get called american agent :(

American agent, Army hater, PMLn slave,
Yours truly

From reading your anti-Pakistan posts, I was sure that you were an Indian. :cheesy:

What kind of Pakistani hates their Army anyway?
Lol, i think lots of indians rating me...

But I'm being honest here. If India wants to be our friend, it's for her own interest. An enemy won't shake hand, only if it's beneficial for her.

Also no country can replace Pakistan. Iran doesn't border China, Afghan too unstable, India too big and won't bow to China. China needs to feed its western part or they'll face revoult. It needs gawadar for faster import and export. It's building railway for gawadar to china only, not entire Pakistan, because it needs the railway for her benefits. Take suez canal for example, everyone supports it, because it benefits everyone. But do all countries invest in Egypt? No, it wouldn't do them any good.

China isn't raping Pakistan badly, and perhaps it may have good intention. But, like i said, there's no free lunch. Unfortunately, if the members at pdf say CHINA BEST FRIEND PAKISTAN FOREVER, well, sad news but, no Chinese member hold high gov't position from PDF. And they're the decision makers. They know what they're getting through these investment.

Lastly, remember singapore had gawadar port? But it was given to China recently. So all these investments do play a role. If USA was investing money, it would've been given to USA. etc.

From reading your anti-Pakistan posts, I was sure that you were an Indian. :cheesy:

What kind of Pakistani hates their Army anyway?
I didn't say i hate army, he said it. He said it because he thinks I like pmln. He thinks pmln hates army.

So because he THINKS i'm pmln slave and because he THINKS pmln hates army, he THINKS i hate army too. Get it?

And I may seem like posting anti Pakistani, but all I want is Pakistan to wake up. A nation has no dad or mom to turn to. Pakistan must become independent and control its resources. China is there just as US was.

If i want betterment of Pakistan and it makes me anti pakistani, so be it.
Lol, i think lots of indians rating me...

But I'm being honest here. If India wants to be our friend, it's for her own interest. An enemy won't shake hand, only if it's beneficial for her.

Also no country can replace Pakistan. Iran doesn't border China, Afghan too unstable, India too big and won't bow to China. China needs to feed its western part or they'll face revoult. It needs gawadar for faster import and export. It's building railway for gawadar to china only, not entire Pakistan, because it needs the railway for her benefits. Take suez canal for example, everyone supports it, because it benefits everyone. But do all countries invest in Egypt? No, it wouldn't do them any good.

China isn't raping Pakistan badly, and perhaps it may have good intention. But, like i said, there's no free lunch. Unfortunately, if the members at pdf say CHINA BEST FRIEND PAKISTAN FOREVER, well, sad news but, no Chinese member hold high gov't position from PDF. And they're the decision makers. They know what they're getting through these investment.

Lastly, remember singapore had gawadar port? But it was given to China recently. So all these investments do play a role. If USA was investing money, it would've been given to USA. etc.

I didn't say i hate army, he said it. He said it because he thinks I like pmln. He thinks pmln hates army.

So because he THINKS i'm pmln slave and because he THINKS pmln hates army, he THINKS i hate army too. Get it?

Pakistan has the right to forward its interests and to foster relations with friendly nations that can best provide for those interest(s). Tho i must say that I believe that Pakistan should diversify her trade relations and strategic collaborations so as to prevent full dependency on any one power. In my opinion, Pakistan has A LOT of potential, and She has yet to even realize 15% of her potential.

I do look forward to more continued interaction between Tokyo and Islamabad.
Lol, i think lots of indians rating me...

But I'm being honest here. If India wants to be our friend, it's for her own interest. An enemy won't shake hand, only if it's beneficial for her.

Also no country can replace Pakistan. Iran doesn't border China, Afghan too unstable, India too big and won't bow to China. China needs to feed its western part or they'll face revoult. It needs gawadar for faster import and export. It's building railway for gawadar to china only, not entire Pakistan, because it needs the railway for her benefits. Take suez canal for example, everyone supports it, because it benefits everyone. But do all countries invest in Egypt? No, it wouldn't do them any good.

China isn't raping Pakistan badly, and perhaps it may have good intention. But, like i said, there's no free lunch. Unfortunately, if the members at pdf say CHINA BEST FRIEND PAKISTAN FOREVER, well, sad news but, no Chinese member hold high gov't position from PDF. And they're the decision makers. They know what they're getting through these investment.

Lastly, remember singapore had gawadar port? But it was given to China recently. So all these investments do play a role. If USA was investing money, it would've been given to USA. etc.

I didn't say i hate army, he said it. He said it because he thinks I like pmln. He thinks pmln hates army.

So because he THINKS i'm pmln slave and because he THINKS pmln hates army, he THINKS i hate army too. Get it?

Every time I read your posts, you seem to get more and more Indian. :cheesy:

So I'm not surprised that all the Pakistani members here seem to doubt you.

When I read this site on my smartphone, it doesn't show the flags, but it's usually pretty easy to tell who is who. Simply put, it's all about interests, what interests they serve and which they oppose.

I guess around 99% of your thanks came from Indians, that shows where your interests are pointing towards.
China is only interested in northern part of Pakistan and northeast of India where are really good places.But each one we have not gotten yet,too shame.
i never said u hate PMLN ... but the thing is i think u r a hypocrate .. u have problem with qadari living in canada and participating politics ... and u do the same .. u have problem with coming on plane in first class .. if u have money u will do the same ..
Dude, don't derail thread.We talked about this.

Did you read my thread about rupee devaluing? I was bashing pmln and people said I hate pmln. Basically at pdf, if you say something against a party, which is true, it makes you a hater.

Also if I had money, i'd invest. Business class costs a lot of money. Remember I gave bill gates example? he travelled economy class. He invested money and got rich. First class with emirates can cost $20000! Why would i waste so much money for 15 hour flight? I rather buy a big property and keep it forever.

Every time I read your posts, you seem to get more and more Indian. :cheesy:

So I'm not surprised that all the Pakistani members here seem to doubt you.

When I read this site on my smartphone, it doesn't show the flags, but it's usually pretty easy to tell who is who. Simply put, it's all about interests, what interests they serve and which they oppose.

I guess around 99% of your thanks came from Indians, that shows where your interests are pointing towards.
Well, that's your opinion. And don't judge book by its cover.

Also I don't need to defend myself saying I'm not Indian etc. My posts are always concerned with Pakistan. Reading one thread where i criticize pakistan doesn't make me Indian. Go read my post history if you will and see if I'm indian or not.

You'll see how many times I got bashed by Indians.
as they say it, 'there are no permanent friends or enemies, but only permanent interests'. history is full of such examples.
during 1962 war US came to the aid of India because China was perceived enemy of the US and the same guys sent their aircraft carrier against us during 1971 war. another instance is of Russians, now they are taking the sides with pakistanis, billions of dollars we paid them for their weapons, IAF alone has invested $30 billion in indo-russian FGFA programme, but such a strategic partnership doesn't count for shit now.
moral of the story - a country should try to become self-reliant in all fields instead of being dependent on other. to a great extent we have accomplished this, we have got the money and there is no dearth of suppliers of excellent weapon platforms, we'll do just fine without Russia.
as they say it, 'there are no permanent friends or enemies, but only permanent interests'. history is full of such examples.
during 1962 war US came to the aid of India because China was perceived enemy of the US and the same guys sent their aircraft carrier against us during 1971 war. another instance is of Russians, now they are taking the sides with pakistanis, billions of dollars we paid them for their weapons, IAF alone has invested $30 billion in indo-russian FGFA programme, but such a strategic partnership doesn't count for shit now.
moral of the story - a country should try to become self-reliant in all fields instead of being dependent on other. to a great extent we have accomplished this, we have got the money and there is no dearth of suppliers of excellent weapon platforms, we'll do just fine without Russia.
This is what I'm trying to say. Look at Egypt and Israel. Israel used to help Iran.

A country belongs to people, not one entity. Shah was pro western, not his sucessor. And see US and Iran relationship? Who are we to know what happens in Chinese election... If their next leader doesn't love Pakistan as much as his oredecessor did? Or if new Pakistani leader is elected who is very pro west and little heart for China?

If I say Pakistan has to become strong and self reliant, all Pakistanis come here and bash me saying I'm indian.

Yes, I've been called american raw cia agent etc. And please, Pakistan is no better. You've been with China and USA for long time, where it got you? It's time to stand on your own feet and see where it takes you. Stop trying what has failed us numerous times.
No chinese media reported that China is ready for a final settlement of its border disputes with India.



我们的信心来自于两国领导人对发展中印关系的高度重视,这是两国关系最重要的前进动力。此次莫迪总理就职后,习近平主席立即派我作为特使访 问印度。李克强总理第一时间发去贺电,并与莫迪总理通电话。习近平主席有望将在年内正式访印。这些都充分展示出两国领导人致力于增进中印政治互信,深化互 利合作的巨大诚意与决心。相信在中印新一代领导人的共同努力下,必将推进中印关系开创新时代,达到新高度。

我们的期待来自于中印合作的无穷潜力。尽管进入21世纪以来,两国各领域合作取得了快速发展,比如贸易额增长了20多倍,人员往来增加了近 2倍,中印直航航班从0增加到每周45个。但对于拥有25亿人口的中印两国来说,现在合作还远未达到应有的规模和水平。中印合作就像一个只露出冰山一角、 等待发掘的巨大宝藏,一座正在不断积蓄能量、等待喷薄而出的巨型火山,令人憧憬和向往。



答:边界问题确实是个难题,但只要双方有足够的意愿和决心,终究会找到解决的办法。过去30多年来,经过两国共同努力,中印边境地区总体保 持了和平稳定。实践证明,只要我们尊重和照顾彼此关切,坚持通过对话而非对抗的方式来管控分歧,就完全能够妥善处理好边界问题,把这一问题对两国关系的影 响降到最低。



Wang Yi minister how to look at the overall situation of Sino Indian Relations? Xi Jinping whether the president will visit India in the second half of this year?

Answer: since entering the new century, China India relations have entered a healthy development track. China is satisfied with the achievements of bilateral relations in recent years, more on the future development of bilateral relations with confidence and expectation.

Our confidence comes from the leaders of the two countries attach great importance to the development of China India relations, this is the most important bilateral relations forward. Prime Minister Modi took office after the President Xi Jinping, immediately sent me as a special envoy to visit India. Premier Li Keqiang first time sent a congratulatory message, and a telephone call with Prime Minister Modi. Xi Jinping chairman is expected to officially visit to India in the year. These are fully demonstrate the leaders of the two countries committed to the promotion of Sino Indian political mutual trust, great sincerity and determination to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation. We believe that with the concerted efforts of a new generation of leaders of China and India, it will promote the relationship between India and China new era, reach new heights.

The infinite potential of our expecting from Sino Indian cooperation. Although since twenty-first Century, bilateral cooperation in various fields has achieved rapid development, such as trade volume increased by 20 times, personnel exchanges increased nearly 2 times, China and India direct flights a week increased from 0 to 45. But for China and India has a population of 2500000000, now cooperation is far away to the scale and level of. Cooperation between China and India is like a huge treasure exposed only the tip of the iceberg, waiting to be discovered, a growing energy savings, waiting for the giant volcano, a longing and yearning.

In twenty-first Century, China India relations are the most dynamic and the most potential for bilateral relations. As two important forces in the world multipolarization, China and India to achieve peaceful development, cooperative development, inclusive development, will not only bring enormous benefits to the two peoples, also bound to safeguard Asian and world peace, to solve the development problem of all mankind to make greater contribution to.

Last year, India's former Prime Minister Singer's visit to China, China and India signed cooperation agreement "border", how does China view the agreements and border situation?

Answer: boundary problem is really a problem, but as long as the two sides have sufficient will and determination, will eventually find a solution. Over the past 30 years, through the joint efforts of the two countries, China India border area to maintain the peace and stability of the overall. Practice has proved, as long as we respect and accommodate each other's concerns through dialogue, and non confrontational approach to manage differences, we will properly handle the boundary problem, the problem is reduced to the lowest rung on the relations between the two countries.

Last year the two sides signed cooperation agreement "border", in the original series of the mechanism, another important efforts to further strengthen communication, to properly manage differences, help to promote the direct contact between the two sides of the border guards and mutual trust, promote peace and tranquility in the border area.

There are some problems left over by history or reality of interest between neighbours are not consistent. But I want to emphasize is, China and India, strategic consensus us beyond our differences, the need for cooperation is the first. Neighbors cannot choose, but friendship can nurture; issue can not be avoided, but the answer is innovation; cannot rewrite history, but the future can shape.
Chinese say ByeBye to disputed South of Tibet areas, i think it's good deal for both China and India.

China own Aksai Chin areas, left South of Tibet to India where Indian had been living 3-generation family in there, no hope to return China. If no war between China and India, China should early realized the truth.
I don't think so. Only some people know the relation of China and Pakistan is very good. Some other people even can't tell the difference between Pakistan and Palestine! And the rest people even don't know where Pakistan is.
Agreed. There's a person in quora he was asked how he sees the relation between China and Pakistan. He said he didn't even knew that Pakistan is their neighboring country months ago and he was approx 25-27 yes old. So true not many people in China know anything about Pakistan. So the relation is just political. There's no people to people contact.

Chinese say ByeBye to disputed South of Tibet areas, i think it's good deal for both China and India.

China own Aksai Chin areas, left South of Tibet to India where Indian had been living 3-generation family in there, no hope to return China. If no war between China and India, China should early realized the truth.
Agreed let's move on with whatever we have now.
Chinese say ByeBye to disputed South of Tibet areas, i think it's good deal for both China and India.

China own Aksai Chin areas, left South of Tibet to India where Indian had been living 3-generation family in there, no hope to return China. If no war between China and India, China should early realized the truth.
You what?I can not undersatnd your logic.
China is ready for a final settlement of its border disputes with India and prepared to invest more in the South Asian nation if trade rules are eased, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said late yesterday in New Delhi.

“Through years of negotiation, we have come to an agreement on the basics of a boundary agreement, and we are prepared to reach a final settlement,” Wang told reporters in the Indian capital near the end of a two-day visit that included a meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

India and China, home to more than a third of the world’s population, are seeking to prevent their territorial disagreements from affecting economic ties. China is increasingly asserting its territorial claims in disputed waters off its eastern coastline, raising tensions with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines.

“The Chinese are prepared to renew their ties with the Indians in a much more positive way,” Hoo Tiang Boon, a research fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, said by phone. “They understand that right now foreign relations in East Asia aren’t exactly ideal. The last thing they want is their western flank to create problems for them as well.”

China is India’s largest trading partner and their combined trade was $49.5 billion in the April-December period, according to Indian government data. The two nations are home to one third of the world’s population.

‘Buried Treasure’
Chinese companies would be prepared to invest in developing Indian infrastructure, including high-speed train networks, and the nation’s manufacturing sector with more attractive regulations, Wang said. The two countries agreed to relax visa rules to boost tourism during his visit, Wang said.

“China-India cooperation is like a massive buried treasure waiting to be discovered,” Wang said. “The potential is massive.”

The Chinese government may be motivated to resolve tensions with India as Chinese relations with Japan and Southeast Asian nations including Vietnam and the Philippines have deteriorated in recent months over other territorial disputes.

Modi, elected prime minister in May, has accepted an invitation from Chinese Premier Li Keqiang for an early visit to Beijing, Modi’s office said late yesterday.

Territorial Claims
India accuses China of occupying 38,000 square kilometers (about 15,000 square miles) of territory in Jammu and Kashmir, while the government in Beijing lays claim to 90,000 square kilometers of land in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.

India and China have both made claims to territory held by the other and clashed during a brief border conflict in 1962. The potential for hostilities was highlighted last year when India alleged Chinese troops had crossed into Indian-held territory in Ladakh. The incident, the most serious dispute between the neighbors in a quarter of a century, triggered a three-week escalation in tensions ending with an agreement negotiated by army commanders.

Modi in his election campaign this year promised to take a harder line on protecting India’s borders with China than his predecessor as the two nations aim to end troop clashes that have hobbled their relationship for the last five decades. Modi warned China to drop its “territorial mindset” in February and said his country’s weakness had encouraged China’s army to enter Indian territory last year.

“With China, Modi will be trying to balance trying to win their investment for things like infrastructure projects, and at the same time trying to reinforce the borders,” said Srikanth Kondapalli, a professor in Chinese studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi.

Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj met Wang on June 8 for more than three hours, Syed Akbaruddin, an Indian foreign ministry spokesman, told reporters in New Delhi then. The top diplomats talked about increasing Chinese investment into Indian industrial parks, he said.

“Both the leaders felt there was a tremendous untapped potential for growth of economic ties,” Akbaruddin said, adding that “everything” was discussed, including countering terrorism. “China is a neighbor with whom we share a long border. Our neighborhood is a major focus of our government.”

In his press briefing yesterday, Wang said: “We regard each other as a priority and each other’s development as an opportunity.”

Modi’s first trip abroad will be to Bhutan later this month, followed by Japan in July and then the U.S. in September, according to India’s Ministry of External Affairs. Modi is also likely to attend a summit with leaders of China, Russia, Brazil and South Africa next month and the United Nations General Assembly in September.

As a reaction to Pivot to Asia, China is trying to woo India, so India remains neutral and does not join the anti-China alliance.

Even aside from geopolitics, It is in Chinese economic interest to resolve bilateral disputes and develop a healthy business, trade and investment relationship with India. This is not necessarily a bad thing for other South Asian neighbors of India. More trade and business is good for all nations. Increasing business relationship will also have the potential to give China a leverage to influence and reduce India's interventionist foreign policy, which I pointed out in this thread:
Can Nonintervention-ist East Asian states reign in an Intervention-ist India?

But growth of business and trade does not mean development of military alliance or even the possibility of one in the future.

As long as China remains committed to equal or more business, trade and investment as well as future military alliance relationship with other nations in South Asia, such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal and possibly future allies like Bhutan and Maldives, then these nations should not worry too much about growing China-India business relationship.

If India can pull off the feat of becoming a military ally of China and are able to buy Chinese military hardware, only then these nations should start worrying, not before that. Besides how much of an alternative do nations like Pakistan and Bangladesh have? Is the West suddenly going to ally with majority Sunni Muslim nations?

Japan does not have the historical baggage like the West with the Muslim world, in fact Japan had quite a pro-Muslim stance before and during WWII due to geopolitical reasons. But today Japanese population have been brainwashed by zionist Islamophobic media that shapes the world view of global population. If Japanese govt. and people realize that their national interest would not be well served by following this blind hatred then they are welcome to become a more involved development partner in the Sunni Muslim world. If China can develop good business relations with India, Japan or even the West should have no problem doing it in a bigger scale with the Muslim world. But please do not expect any military alliance as a reward for this gesture.

Having said all this, China needs to be careful about how this new post-election Modi-era boost of China-India relationship looks to China's friend nations. If these nations do not get a proportionate or more business, trade and investment and a firm commitment for future military alliance, then it will be easy for China's enemies to portray this growing China-Russia-India-Iran nexus as some kind of anti Sunni Muslim alliance bloc of sorts. I think a China-Russia military alliance would be tolerable and even welcome by some, but having a future military alliance with India and/or Iran would be a red line for many majority Sunni Muslim nations. That would be a strong signal that China has firmly moved towards the anti-Muslim (Sunni) camp of the world.
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