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China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

You what?I can not undersatnd your logic.
I said BeiJing central government do not wanna disputed South of Tibet back, it's too late during 60years seized by Indian.
They do nothing to South of Tibet issue, we should realize the truth. I strongly feel BeiJing wanna drop this problem and make friends with Indian.
China is India's #1 trading partner at a bilateral trade between both countries almost $50 billion this year. If they settle their border issue and focus on economic integration , it would benefit both parties for the long term.
I said BeiJing central government do not wanna disputed South of Tibet back, it's too late during 60years seized by Indian.
They do nothing to South of Tibet issue, we should realize the truth. I strongly feel BeiJing wanna drop this problem and make friends with Indian.
First of all Aksai Chin a barren land there is no such thing disputed South of Tibet but a vast and valuable land of southern part of 4 Chinese conuties which are 墨脱,米林,错那 and 察隅.If our government do really wanna drop this problem and make friends with Indian then they are not different from traitors of our nation.
The main thing is to do with expectations.

Pakistani expectation - In case, of a war with India, China will militarily intervene.
Historical fact - Has not happened.

Chinese expectation - Control terrorism, so that it does not spread to the north western areas of China and ensure the energy corridor does not get affected.
Fact - Expectations being met.

Here-in lies the major issue. If, God forbid, war breaks out and China does not intervene militarily for Pakistan, its back to strategic depth or some other new strategy and the Himalayas will suddenly emerge between Sino-Pak ties.
First of all Aksai Chin a barren land there is no such thing disputed South of Tibet but a vast and valuable land of southern part of 4 Chinese conuties which are 墨脱,米林,错那 and 察隅.If our government do really wanna drop this problem and make friends with Indian then they are not different from traitors of our nation.
Playing chess ... it's a big deal ? Last time when PRC and Russia solve their disputed area at Sino-Russia borders, China also validly waived Stanovoy Range area, it ever belonged to China Qing Empire. It was bigger than South of Tibet.

So China should realize the truth, make a useful friend.
Playing chess ... it's a big deal ? Last time when PRC and Russia solve their disputed area at Sino-Russia borders, China also validly waived Stanovoy Mountains area, it ever belonged to China Qing Empire. It was bigger than South of Tibet.

So China should realize the truth, make a useful friend.
You mean you want to be a traitor,I don't believe it.Even Japan would not give up its northern 4 Islands why us so easily to give up our land to an alien nation?
China already have de fecto occupation in AP and indian government never disclose that to the Indian. Indian border guard were permitted for occasional patrolling along the territory but have to drop the weapons with the sight of Chinese soldiers and remain still as long as the chinse are in sight.
You mean you want to be a traitor,I don't believe it.Even Japan would not give up its northern 4 Islands why us so easily to give up our land to an alien nation?
works both ways m8, you lose some we lose some, we have been here for more than 4000 years together, living peacefully side by side

We can either choose to settle and look forward, or fuel an arms race, choices are up to us and we both would have to face the fate
You mean you want to be a traitor,I don't believe it.Even Japan would not give up its northern 4 Islands why us so easily to give up our land to an alien nation?
Im not the traitor, i just feel BeiJing wanna quickly solve the border dispute with India. If they do as soon as possible, i think South of Tibet will become another Stanovoy Range in Russia.

Now Sino-Russia has no lands dispute, and they'r strategic partners.
China already have de fecto occupation in AP and indian government never disclose that to the Indian. Indian border guard were permitted for occasional patrolling along the territory but have to drop the weapons with the sight of Chinese soldiers and remain still as long as the chinse are in sight.
We are here talking about India not Bangladesh :lol:
Im not the traitor, i just feel BeiJing wanna quickly solve the border dispute with India. If they do as soon as possible, i think South of Tibet will become another Stanovoy Range in Russia.

Now Sino-Russia has no lands dispute, and they'r strategic partners.

Does China want India as a strategic partner like Russia?
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