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China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says


May 29, 2014
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United States
China is ready for a final settlement of its border disputes with India and prepared to invest more in the South Asian nation if trade rules are eased, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said late yesterday in New Delhi.

“Through years of negotiation, we have come to an agreement on the basics of a boundary agreement, and we are prepared to reach a final settlement,” Wang told reporters in the Indian capital near the end of a two-day visit that included a meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

India and China, home to more than a third of the world’s population, are seeking to prevent their territorial disagreements from affecting economic ties. China is increasingly asserting its territorial claims in disputed waters off its eastern coastline, raising tensions with Japan, Vietnam and the Philippines.

“The Chinese are prepared to renew their ties with the Indians in a much more positive way,” Hoo Tiang Boon, a research fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, said by phone. “They understand that right now foreign relations in East Asia aren’t exactly ideal. The last thing they want is their western flank to create problems for them as well.”

China is India’s largest trading partner and their combined trade was $49.5 billion in the April-December period, according to Indian government data. The two nations are home to one third of the world’s population.

‘Buried Treasure’
Chinese companies would be prepared to invest in developing Indian infrastructure, including high-speed train networks, and the nation’s manufacturing sector with more attractive regulations, Wang said. The two countries agreed to relax visa rules to boost tourism during his visit, Wang said.

“China-India cooperation is like a massive buried treasure waiting to be discovered,” Wang said. “The potential is massive.”

The Chinese government may be motivated to resolve tensions with India as Chinese relations with Japan and Southeast Asian nations including Vietnam and the Philippines have deteriorated in recent months over other territorial disputes.

Modi, elected prime minister in May, has accepted an invitation from Chinese Premier Li Keqiang for an early visit to Beijing, Modi’s office said late yesterday.

Territorial Claims
India accuses China of occupying 38,000 square kilometers (about 15,000 square miles) of territory in Jammu and Kashmir, while the government in Beijing lays claim to 90,000 square kilometers of land in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh.

India and China have both made claims to territory held by the other and clashed during a brief border conflict in 1962. The potential for hostilities was highlighted last year when India alleged Chinese troops had crossed into Indian-held territory in Ladakh. The incident, the most serious dispute between the neighbors in a quarter of a century, triggered a three-week escalation in tensions ending with an agreement negotiated by army commanders.

Modi in his election campaign this year promised to take a harder line on protecting India’s borders with China than his predecessor as the two nations aim to end troop clashes that have hobbled their relationship for the last five decades. Modi warned China to drop its “territorial mindset” in February and said his country’s weakness had encouraged China’s army to enter Indian territory last year.

“With China, Modi will be trying to balance trying to win their investment for things like infrastructure projects, and at the same time trying to reinforce the borders,” said Srikanth Kondapalli, a professor in Chinese studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi.

Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj met Wang on June 8 for more than three hours, Syed Akbaruddin, an Indian foreign ministry spokesman, told reporters in New Delhi then. The top diplomats talked about increasing Chinese investment into Indian industrial parks, he said.

“Both the leaders felt there was a tremendous untapped potential for growth of economic ties,” Akbaruddin said, adding that “everything” was discussed, including countering terrorism. “China is a neighbor with whom we share a long border. Our neighborhood is a major focus of our government.”

In his press briefing yesterday, Wang said: “We regard each other as a priority and each other’s development as an opportunity.”

Modi’s first trip abroad will be to Bhutan later this month, followed by Japan in July and then the U.S. in September, according to India’s Ministry of External Affairs. Modi is also likely to attend a summit with leaders of China, Russia, Brazil and South Africa next month and the United Nations General Assembly in September.
seems like china going to leave Pakistan as USA did, if border disputes are settled.

Why Pakistan loves being used up and thrown afterwards like dirty underwear is beyond me.
I warned Pakistani brothers about this. Chinese won't be your friend because you have nice brown eyes. they care for themselves. I never seen a Chinese show the same affection towards Pakistan that Pakistani show towards China. It is my years observation of China towards their neighbors. I don't see why Pakistani are so special to them.
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I warned Pakistani brothers about this. Chinese won't be your friend because you have nice brown eyes. they care for themselves. I never seen a Chinese show the same affection towards Pakistan that Pakistani show towards China. It is my years observation of China towards their neighbors. I don't see why Pakistani are so special to them.
Pakis are just full of themselves I guess.

I live in a place filled with so so so many chinese! And if I were to ask where Pakistan from, they wouldn't be able to point (a bit exagerated, but this is how bad it is). There are not many Pakistanis here, so you don't get a Chinese saying hello to us or "oh, you from Pakistan, our modt friendly nation."

We're just living in delusion of 'higher than himalyas, sweeter than honey' and meanwhile China, just as US did, will rape our resources and we'll be like their nuclear waste (buried deep underground).

China will find much more wealth and power from India than Pakistan. Pakistan is just a tool to feed its WEstern border, through gawadar, and to sell its c.r.a.p (railway engines, super cheap toys, phones, etc)

\waits for them to come here, label me raw agent, indian, cia and american etc.
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That article doesn't explain how the border dispute is settled, it only discusses how a mutually beneficial economic relationship is currently more important than potential war over national pride.

If economic changes occur and it is no longer beneficial to one party, the border dispute is still in existence, and could again become a hot conflict.
That article doesn't explain how the border dispute is settled, it only discusses how a mutually beneficial economic relationship is currently more important than potential war over national pride.

If economic changes occur and it is no longer beneficial to one party, the border dispute is still in existence, and could again become a hot conflict.
In todays world, war is something that is not sought, unless you have coorporate intersts, like in US.

China and India are more about economy.Before, it used to be who has strongest navy, military etc. But it is economy that determines who wins the war. Britain economy sucked during ww1 and then US TOOK CHARGE.
In todays world, war is something that is not sought, unless you have coorporate intersts, like in US.

China and India are more about economy.Before, it used to be who has strongest navy, military etc. But it is economy that determines who wins the war. Britain economy sucked during ww1 and then US TOOK CHARGE.

I guess you meant ww2, but it's a little more complicated than just the economy of Britain that dethroned her from number one. Tthat can be discussed in another thread.
We Trust in China !!! UNDEINABLE true friendship
I guess you meant ww2, but it's a little more complicated than just the economy of Britain that dethroned her from number one. Tthat can be discussed in another thread.
True, but economy was one of the major reason. I also meant ww1. The economy started shifting to US after that and ww2 was final nail in the coffin,

The US did pretty good because its economy kept going due to lack of attacks (minus Hawaii). But yes, that can be discussed elsewhere.
In todays world, war is something that is not sought, unless you have coorporate intersts, like in US.

China and India are more about economy.Before, it used to be who has strongest navy, military etc. But it is economy that determines who wins the war. Britain economy sucked during ww1 and then US TOOK CHARGE.

That sounds like a nice story, but reality is never what public press conferences make it appear to be. This is more recent then OP:

If we have adequate manpower guarding those areas, there will be no chance of their forces transgressing. A massive road network, telecommunication, landing ground and facilities to be created for security forces, amenities and access to people. Why should people be restricted from going till the border areas?”
The MHA is already working on the plan, conceived during UPA’s tenure, to double the presence of Indo Tibetan Border Police force in Arunachal. Around 54 new outposts are to come up along the border and the number of security personnel will be increased to 30,000

Centre plans to encourage Arunachal villagers to settle along China border, sets aside Rs 5,000 cr | The Indian Express
seems like china going to leave Pakistan as USA did, if border disputes are settled.

Why Pakistan loves being used up and thrown afterwards like dirty underwear is beyond me.
You are too dramatic brother! Come to your sense. We have declared Pakistan as our USA's Israel. Everything is business. We urge Pakistan to make business decision with India as well to improve prosperity of the Pakistani people.
You are too dramatic brother! Come to your sense. We have declared Pakistan as our USA's Israel. Everything is business. We urge Pakistan to make business decision with India as well to improve prosperity of the Pakistani people.
Israel doesn't say 'sweeter than honey, higher than himalays' because it doesn't live in dillusion. Look where Israel is at miltarily and economically. If US doesn't support it, it can live off its own and fight multiple Arab nations alone. Meanwhile Pakistan continues to live under dillusion that the world, especially China, can protect her.
Israel doesn't say 'sweeter than honey, higher than himalays' because it doesn't live in dillusion. Look where Israel is at miltarily and economically. If US doesn't support it, it can live off its own and fight multiple Arab nations alone. Meanwhile Pakistan continues to live under dillusion that the world, especially China, can protect her.

There are no such thing as permanent friends and allies, only permanent interests.
Israel doesn't say 'sweeter than honey, higher than himalays' because it doesn't live in dillusion. Look where Israel is at miltarily and economically. If US doesn't support it, it can live off its own and fight multiple Arab nations alone. Meanwhile Pakistan continues to live under dillusion that the world, especially China, can protect her.
Without the US's support and backing, Israel would not survive against regional middle east powers. Israel is too small to fend off itself for long. Nuke is the only option after the USA's support. Now my Pakistini brother, you must understand that China has a global strategic interest to safeguard, otherwise we would be entrap into endless fighting. Our support to Pakistan is UNCONDITIONAL. We only need Pakistan to maintain stability and keep terrorist operation from taking over the country. Everything else, you need to trust us. Pakistan today can fend off any threat and power on its own. It is one of the top 15 strongest countries in the world and it is only maximize about 30% of its full potential. If Pakistan economy can developed further, you will have more money to buy weapons from us at very low cost and on a soft loan basis. We didn't ask anything in return. We have promise to protect Pakistan from any threat. So don't worry, brother!
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