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China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

China already have de fecto occupation in AP and indian government never disclose that to the Indian. Indian border guard were permitted for occasional patrolling along the territory but have to drop the weapons with the sight of Chinese soldiers and remain still as long as the chinse are in sight.
where did you get this?
With due respect, Bangladesh will think twice about joining any alliance that has India in it. To me a China-Russia-India-Iran alliance sounds like a staunchly anti-Sunni alliance, and we are a majority Sunni nation.
I don't know whether Iran will be accept in SCO but it's clear to us that we are forming an alliance with Russia. That is the projection right now. We are not anti-Sunni, neither are Russian. Both are into mutual beneficial relationship. As for India, it is non-alliance country. Any alliance with India will strictly be economy for the benefit of both. Militarily, I doubt it. China-Russia is enough to accomplish security role worldwide.
With due respect, Bangladesh will think twice about joining any alliance that has India in it. To me a China-Russia-India-Iran alliance sounds like a staunchly anti-Sunni alliance, and we are a majority Sunni nation.
cool down. it is about border settlement, not go too far for alliance with Inida.
China, Russia and Iran alliance is possible, but that is to deal US and west, has nothing to do with muslim.

I don't think we can easily settle border issue with India these days unless they handle us AP, which is highly unlikely. No point to make a fuss here.
seems like china going to leave Pakistan as USA did, if border disputes are settled.

Why Pakistan loves being used up and thrown afterwards like dirty underwear is beyond me.
Pakis are just full of themselves I guess.

I live in a place filled with so so so many chinese! And if I were to ask where Pakistan from, they wouldn't be able to point (a bit exagerated, but this is how bad it is). There are not many Pakistanis here, so you don't get a Chinese saying hello to us or "oh, you from Pakistan, our modt friendly nation."

We're just living in delusion of 'higher than himalyas, sweeter than honey' and meanwhile China, just as US did, will rape our resources and we'll be like their nuclear waste (buried deep underground).

China will find much more wealth and power from India than Pakistan. Pakistan is just a tool to feed its eastern border, through gawadar, and to sell its c.r.a.p (railway engines, super cheap toys, phones, etc)

\waits for them to come here, label me raw agent, indian, cia and american etc.

The only ' all weather' care & concern is that of a mother to her child.

Besides this all relationships are transnational. The sooner nations realise this the happier they will be.

Nothing moves nations more than economy & jobs. To achieve this nations make friends & ' enemies' as they go along.
The improving relationship between China and India doesn't mean the end of China-Pakistan strategic partnership. Having a new friend doesn't mean abandon the old friends. China sees India as a huge market for investment, that’s all, far from a strategic partnership. India is a potential rival for China, not an enemy, there is no such enemy’s enemy is our friend relationship here. And Pakistan is a trustful friend for China not because India. Why should Pakistan and India consider each other enemy anyway? Historical conflict? We don't even consider Japan as enemy.
i'm disgusted by some people that try to disturb the relationship between Pakistan and China.
I don't know whether Iran will be accept in SCO but it's clear to us that we are forming an alliance with Russia. That is the projection right now. We are not anti-Sunni, neither are Russian. Both are into mutual beneficial relationship. As for India, it is non-alliance country. Any alliance with India will strictly be economy for the benefit of both. Militarily, I doubt it. China-Russia is enough to accomplish security role worldwide.

China-Russia alliance is great, but including Iran will mean alienation of Sunni nations who number close 1.3 billion people in the world. I agree that India will remain non-aligned and China-India relations will be limited to economic spheres for mutual benefit, which I already mentioned is good for all of us, I see nothing wrong with it.

I was responding to @cnleio 's comment that China seeks a strategic (military) alliance with India and what that may imply for the future.
seems like china going to leave Pakistan as USA did, if border disputes are settled.

Why Pakistan loves being used up and thrown afterwards like dirty underwear is beyond me.

You can choose your friends but not your neighbours.

This is why we don't go out all guns blazing even when we can.

Because in long term, that is not the solution.

Chinese are smart to realize that the future of Asia is in a united, friendly and tension-free region.

I am sure soon all border issues will be solved in a positive manner and East, Southeast and Far east Asia would be a peaceful business zone, creating more Singapores, Hong Kongs, Bangalores, Tokyos, Seouls, Ahmedabads, VIshakhapatnams etc.
Eternal enemy? Oh come now, the world isn't black and white. lol. :lol:
For them, the world is either Sunni(good) or Shia and others(bad).......it's very much like black and white........just read the posts below.....

With due respect, Bangladesh will think twice about joining any alliance that has India in it. To me a China-Russia-India-Iran alliance sounds like a staunchly anti-Sunni alliance, and we are a majority Sunni nation.
China-Russia alliance is great, but including Iran will mean alienation of Sunni nations who number close 1.3 billion people in the world.....
China-Russia alliance is great, but including Iran will mean alienation of Sunni nations who number close 1.3 billion people in the world. I agree that India will remain non-aligned and China-India relations will be limited to economic spheres for mutual benefit, which I already mentioned is good for all of us, I see nothing wrong with it.

I was responding to @cnleio 's comment that China seeks a strategic (military) alliance with India and what that may imply for the future.
When come to foreign policy, I am probably the best to talk to.
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