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China plans chequers to checkmate India .

india couldnt make a toy plane let alone missiles.

dont exaggerate indian ability.
that was in regards to?
if india ever mess with china again, china will pummel india into oblivion just like 1962.
really? it took 90000 PLA Troops to route 10000 Indian troops and the kill ratio was in India's favor. This is why we still claim "Southern Tibet" while you sit in Tibet daring not to move south anyfurther.
the chinese police forces could beat the indian army, indian army is poorly equipped.
india has always been a rag tag military, it still cannot beat pakistan.

the south china sea fleet of the PLAN could wipe out the entire indian military.
india dont have the street smart to beat china which was shown in 1962.

chinese are just smarter than indian, china operates with sun tzu in mind, india operates with the heart.
The Indian Army is a shooting army and they proved that to the PLA and the Pakistani army very well. Not only are the Indian troops armed well, they also have the best training, better than the PLA who don't even know their own decencies like the Indian army does.
the J-10 is being exported to our ally pakistan.
J-10 and J-11 can beat that indian-russian made piece of crap Su-30MKI.
Specs so no. The Su-30MKI is better than anything the PLAAF or PAF have in their inventory and with MLU it'll remain that way.
china will always humiliate india in a military fight, 1962 is the norm.
india can NEVER defeat china EVER!

india dont even have a defence industry.

india thought they had better weapons than china and china absolutely butt r@ped india in 1962.
china taught the inferior indians a lesson not to mess with a power like china.
china squashed india like a bug and the indian goo oozed out.

india is still living with that humiliation from 1962.
the chinese lead over india in military and everything is much much larger than in 1962.

as i said before, india is not a challenge to the might of the PLA.
india should first try to beat pakistan, because pakistan and india are militarily equal.
wow, your a real tribute to your people. You must be the pride of China.
the chinese are peparing for the americans. india isnt a concern, yet. maybe in another 2 decades.

but for now its just too self centered to say that the chinese aircraft carriers are meant to squeeze india
the chinese are peparing for the americans. india isnt a concern, yet. maybe in another 2 decades.

but for now its just too self centered to say that the chinese aircraft carriers are meant to squeeze india
On that front I disagree. The PLA will only go to war if they can win. Taiwan is not an option. The Chinese are more concerned with Spartley Islands, Japan and Vietnam then they are with India.
India otoh has Pakistan which is a very serious security concern but more so than Pakistan and China, it is the USN and Deigo Garcia that gives India nightmares. Pakistan has more offensive capability vis India than China does, that is why we have 70 percent of our military stationed towards Pakistan. The biggest threat is the biggest. THough not likily the most likily threat the USN USAAF can inflict serious damage to the Indian economy, ports and shipping lanes and bomb India civilians. This is the same problem China faces, not an invasion but the USN and USAF bombing China and its assets.
The Brahmos missile is for the USN not just for the PLAN. India does not need a supersonic cruise missiles for PLAN ships.
The FFGA is aimed towards destroying the superiority of F-35's and F-22s. The nuclear subs etc...
These are all weaponsystems that can be employed against the US military in the IOR. There is little threat coming from China since 1990's and onwards. What they are doing is modernization of their forces and so is India. The Chinese do not have the capability of achieving air superiority of Delhi given its current air defense systems both air borne and ground based. However the USN and USAF with stealth bombers and fighters could avoid all these counter measures and bomb Parliament or MOD building.
India's GDP is exactly what China's was little less than 10 years ago. China, India can handle. Pakistan as well. The USN and USAF is far from. While the Chinese military lack of transparency is cause for suspicion the PLA and its arms are well with in China and can not hope to launch an offensive as they did in 1962, in 1987 both sides mobilized troops to the border and the PLA backed down when they realized India has and equal number plus defensive positions thanks to the Mi-26 at the time. Pakistan is more of a wild card.
remember that Indian higher ups in the army has said they can and do intend to fight a 2 front war. Its possible with the current numbers, 70 percent to Pakistan plus armor and the rest to Tibetan border with mountain infantry and heavy life aircraft both fixed wings helos.
However when engaging the USAF and USN India currently can only provide pockets of resistance to overwhelming fleet of advanced aircraft in very large large numbers with force multipliers like AWACs. In little over a month, the US military can set India back more than a decade with conventional weapons.
What India needs is minimum deterrent against the US military. While relations are good at the moment, one must not forget the USN in 1971.
The FGFA will be a game changer, and would make the US military think twice.
Pakistan unfortunately has accepted the fact they can not stop the USAF and even US Army drones.
if india ever mess with china again, china will pummel india into oblivion just like 1962.

the chinese police forces could beat the indian army, indian army is poorly equipped.
india has always been a rag tag military, it still cannot beat pakistan.

the south china sea fleet of the PLAN could wipe out the entire indian military.
india dont have the street smart to beat china which was shown in 1962.

chinese are just smarter than indian, china operates with sun tzu in mind, india operates with the heart.

the J-10 is being exported to our ally pakistan.
J-10 and J-11 can beat that indian-russian made piece of crap Su-30MKI.

china will always humiliate india in a military fight, 1962 is the norm.
india can NEVER defeat china EVER!

india dont even have a defence industry.

india thought they had better weapons than china and china absolutely butt r@ped india in 1962.
china taught the inferior indians a lesson not to mess with a power like china.
china squashed india like a bug and the indian goo oozed out.

india is still living with that humiliation from 1962.
the chinese lead over india in military and everything is much much larger than in 1962.

as i said before, india is not a challenge to the might of the PLA.
india should first try to beat pakistan, because pakistan and india are militarily equal.

Repeating the same shut again and again will not make you any stronger.

For you part where you talk about exploring or should I say reexporting
Your copy paste miltry eqip and ac nobody but guys whocant afford the real toys buy them.
Looks like you have not read history. We faced 4 War with Pakistan and defeated in all 4. Biggest surrender in 1971 after WW2.

Indeed, China can't do jack just bullying her neighbours. You failed to defeat Vietnam. Still waiting to capture Taiwan for last 50 years. Can't do anything against S.K. and Japan. :lol:tried more adventurous 2 times in 70's and 80's and lost both in Sikkim. Communist are known for words and no action. You don't have courage to defeat any country. How you will fight ? with Su 30 MKK and copied one i.e J-11 and another copied of Su-27 against better Sukhoi 30 MKI with Brahmos. :no:

u won 4 War with PAKISTAN ???


in 1965 u got SLAP from pakistan
in 1971 you used Terrorist and invasion (crossing Int border) and doing violation and call WON ? the surrender of army from Pakistan was a political intervention LOL
in 1999 Kargil (Your military officials especially the general who was leading that Kargil mission watch his video what he said about Kargil)

After 2000 you can't even dare to cross border your surgical strike drama even hit you back after 26/11.

You are the only country in this whole world who call herself SUPER POWER and cant do anything "ALONE" against China or Pakistan. Always need support of your zionist friend USA and Isreal to support you in UN.

Every country knw your drama bollywood style politics. In front YES SIR YES SIR and behind > US > please tell our enemy to ceasefire!

now stop posting your bullshit ... your NAVY ... we know your capability when (so called story) 3 boats coming ACROSS THE BORDER into INDIA and hold MUMBAI for 48 hours and Your SUPER DUPER NAVY was sleeping at that time. You are going to fight or even try to close CHINA NAVAL or its Military power ? lolllll
On that front I disagree. The PLA will only go to war if they can win. Taiwan is not an option. The Chinese are more concerned with Spartley Islands, Japan and Vietnam then they are with India.
India otoh has Pakistan which is a very serious security concern but more so than Pakistan and China, it is the USN and Deigo Garcia that gives India nightmares. Pakistan has more offensive capability vis India than China does, that is why we have 70 percent of our military stationed towards Pakistan. The biggest threat is the biggest. THough not likily the most likily threat the USN USAAF can inflict serious damage to the Indian economy, ports and shipping lanes and bomb India civilians. This is the same problem China faces, not an invasion but the USN and USAF bombing China and its assets.
The Brahmos missile is for the USN not just for the PLAN. India does not need a supersonic cruise missiles for PLAN ships.
The FFGA is aimed towards destroying the superiority of F-35's and F-22s. The nuclear subs etc...
These are all weaponsystems that can be employed against the US military in the IOR. There is little threat coming from China since 1990's and onwards. What they are doing is modernization of their forces and so is India. The Chinese do not have the capability of achieving air superiority of Delhi given its current air defense systems both air borne and ground based. However the USN and USAF with stealth bombers and fighters could avoid all these counter measures and bomb Parliament or MOD building.
India's GDP is exactly what China's was little less than 10 years ago. China, India can handle. Pakistan as well. The USN and USAF is far from. While the Chinese military lack of transparency is cause for suspicion the PLA and its arms are well with in China and can not hope to launch an offensive as they did in 1962, in 1987 both sides mobilized troops to the border and the PLA backed down when they realized India has and equal number plus defensive positions thanks to the Mi-26 at the time. Pakistan is more of a wild card.
remember that Indian higher ups in the army has said they can and do intend to fight a 2 front war. Its possible with the current numbers, 70 percent to Pakistan plus armor and the rest to Tibetan border with mountain infantry and heavy life aircraft both fixed wings helos.
However when engaging the USAF and USN India currently can only provide pockets of resistance to overwhelming fleet of advanced aircraft in very large large numbers with force multipliers like AWACs. In little over a month, the US military can set India back more than a decade with conventional weapons.
What India needs is minimum deterrent against the US military. While relations are good at the moment, one must not forget the USN in 1971.
The FGFA will be a game changer, and would make the US military think twice.
Pakistan unfortunately has accepted the fact they can not stop the USAF and even US Army drones.

How would FGFA make US military think twice? It would still be years before this air craft is ready. By then, US will have plenty of 5th generation fighters.

You make India sound like its an enemy of the US. That is pathetic as India is buying many US weapon systems. If most Indians think like you do, then US shouldn't sell you any thing. Especially the Apache that India has recently agreed to buy.

If you start to think of other countries as enemies, then it will be a self fulfilling prophecy.
that was in regards to?
which weapon is made in India?

really? it took 90000 PLA Troops to route 10000 Indian troops and the kill ratio was in India's favor. This is why we still claim "Southern Tibet" while you sit in Tibet daring not to move south anyfurther.
classic pathetic indian excuse for their inabiliy`the number is rather entertaining, its very bollywood```kid during WWII allied force america alone had 25 million plus troops against only 9 million entire Nazi german troops so you were suggesting allied force won because of its numerical superiority?

besides in 62 its was the chinese board skirmish troops fighting against the elite indian troops still humiliated yours. the PLA elite troops were at southeast and north east (taiwan trait, russia and NK border) at that time.

Specs so no. The Su-30MKI is better than anything the PLAAF or PAF have in their inventory and with MLU it'll remain that way.

wow, your a real tribute to your people. You must be the pride of China.

nowadays indians start growing a habit that like to use Russian marketing campaign as 'facts'```at some point they suggest that Su-30 MKI is better than EF2000, Rafale and even F-22`! lol they really play you lot like a headless chicken, just like the aircraft carrier they are building for you`lol
u won 4 War with PAKISTAN ???


in 1965 u got SLAP from pakistan
in 1971 you used Terrorist and invasion (crossing Int border) and doing violation and call WON ? the surrender of army from Pakistan was a political intervention LOL
in 1999 Kargil (Your military officials especially the general who was leading that Kargil mission watch his video what he said about Kargil)

After 2000 you can't even dare to cross border your surgical strike drama even hit you back after 26/11.

You are the only country in this whole world who call herself SUPER POWER and cant do anything "ALONE" against China or Pakistan. Always need support of your zionist friend USA and Isreal to support you in UN.

Every country knw your drama bollywood style politics. In front YES SIR YES SIR and behind > US > please tell our enemy to ceasefire!

now stop posting your bullshit ... your NAVY ... we know your capability when (so called story) 3 boats coming ACROSS THE BORDER into INDIA and hold MUMBAI for 48 hours and Your SUPER DUPER NAVY was sleeping at that time!


and their head of security were shot like turky by just one terriorist``you just cant associate india as 'super power' with all of these jokes coming out of that country
Please get serious Indians........

India doesn't even have any thermonuclear weapons

India doesn't even have Agni-2 in service (it keeps failing tests), nevermind Agni-3

China has thousands and thousands of nuclear weapons.

In a war against India, Chinese artillery rockets and aircraft from Tibet can reduce New Delhi to rumble and kill all your GOI politicians within hours. It would be a total lopsided devastation like when Timur conquered Delhi. After New Delhi is totally flattened, the rest of India will become separate countries.

Timur himself recorded the invasions in his memoirs, collectively known as Tuzk-i-Timuri.[20][20][24][26][27] In them, he vividly described the massacre at Delhi:

In a short space of time all the people in the [New Delhi] fort were put to the sword, and in the course of one hour the heads of 10,000 infidels were cut off. The sword of Islam was washed in the blood of the infidels, and all the goods and effects, the treasure and the grain which for many a long year had been stored in the fort became the spoil of my soldiers. They set fire to the houses and reduced them to ashes, and they razed the buildings and the fort to the ground....All these infidel Hindus were slain, their women and children, and their property and goods became the spoil of the victors. I proclaimed throughout the camp that every man who had infidel prisoners should put them to death, and whoever neglected to do so should himself be executed and his property given to the informer. When this order became known to the ghazis of Islam, they drew their swords and put their prisoners to death.

One hundred thousand infidels, impious idolaters, were on that day slain. Maulana Nasiruddin Umar, a counselor and man of learning, who, in all his life, had never killed a sparrow, now, in execution of my order, slew with his sword fifteen idolatrous Hindus, who were his captives....on the great day of battle these 100,000 prisoners could not be left with the baggage, and that it would be entirely opposed to the rules of war to set these idolaters and enemies of Islam at liberty...no other course remained but that of making them all food for the sword.[28]

As per Malfuzat-i-Timuri,[24][26] Timur targeted Hindus. In his own words, "Excepting the quarter of the saiyids, the 'ulama and the other Musalmans [sic], the whole city was sacked". In his descriptions of the Loni massacre he wrote, "..Next day I gave orders that the Musalman prisoners should be separated and saved."

During the ransacking of Delhi, almost all inhabitants not killed were captured and enslaved.

Timur's memoirs on his invasion of India describe in detail the massacre of Hindus, looting plundering and raping of their women and children, their forced conversions to Islam and the plunder of the wealth of Hindustan (Greater India). It gives details of how villages, towns and entire cities were rid of their Hindu male population through systematic mass slaughters and genocide and their women and children forcefully converted en masse to Islam from Hinduism.

Muslim conquest in the Indian subcontinent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is purely from an Indian view point, understandably so since it has been written by an Indian. We worry about the Chinese because they are a threat to us. Now, if we were to look at this aspect from the Chinese perspective, things would be different. We are not a threat to the Chinese, they are vastly superior to us militarily. So where Chinese threats lie? The greatest threat to China is the US. The second biggest threat is Russia. These countries can cause serious damage to China's interests. There is presently an ongoing detente between Russia and China as business interests are converging and also common enemy, the US keeps them together on most international issues. But Russian economy has come out of the post Soviet collapse morass and high energy prices have given the Russian surplus cash. Russia is modernising its military at a fast pace, rebuilding its navy, adding teeth to its air force, reforming and rearming the army. Russian leadership is strong and resolute, the state intelligence apparatus keeps detractors and political opponents in line. Russia, when it moves into top gear is a real juggernaut. The Chinese know this and despite all the smiles and the hand shakes, China keeps a wary eye on its long borders with Russia. The US? Is the enemy no 1. And it is in your face slam bang in the South and East China seas. US super carriers are a regular feature here. As if the awesome firepower that accompanies an US supercarrier was not enough, tens of nuclear powered Los Angeles class and Virginia class submarines laden with Tomahawks patrol the western Pacific. The US also has permanent bases in Japan, Philippines and South Korea, all within striking distance of mainland China. So there is real Chinese concern here. They are really worried about the Americans. That takes care of enemies no 1 and 2. Is India the no 3? No way. My guess is that this position belongs to Japan. Though still under a self imposed mandate to restrict offensive weapons and capabilities, Japan has a surprisingly powerful military and a very respectable defence budget. But mainly, it is Japan's industrial and technological prowess that will make it possible to arm itself very rapidly when the time comes. Moreover, the US and Japan will definitely be on the same side if war with China breaks out, so that makes things easier for Japan as they don't have to go it alone.

Having analysed the likely threat perception of China, let us now come back to the topic of the thread and look afresh at the issue of China acquiring 3 carriers by 2016 and its implications to India. By 2016 India would have at least 2 carriers Vikramaditya and Vikrant. Between the two of them, they can field a minimum of 4-5 squadrons of Mig 29Ks or other alternatives like Tejas naval ets. No Chinese carrier will have this kind of aviation asset till the Chinese launch their own 100.000 ton super carriers sometime by 2025. Add to this the fact that the air assets of the Indian carriers can by reinforced by fighters based on the Indian mainland and the island bases upto a distance of 4000 KMs into the Indian Ocean(with inflight refuelling). This practically rules out any conflict with the Chinese carrier in 2016 as the Chinese will be heavily outnumbered. Can the Chinese send all three carriers to Indian Ocean to threaten India? Chinese carriers steams into Hambantota or Gwadar? Hambantota is around 4800 KMs from Hainan and Gwadar nearly 6500 KMs. A carrier rushing at 25 knots from Hainan would take around 6 days to reach Gwadar. If the analysis carried out in the first para means anything, China will keep all three carriers in the China Seas to push the USN further away and deny the use of the China Seas for navigation to the Americans and also enforce the 9 dash line. Apart from sending the odd carrier on a good will visit to the Indian Ocean to be able to return to East China sea as soon as the need arises, China will have to wait till it acquires atleast 5-6 carriers to be able to spare 1-2 for the Indian ocean permanently and for that, they will need bases in the IOR. This gives us atleast till 2022-2025 to build the capability to handle 2-3 Chinese carriers in the Indian ocean.

I do not think that there is any reason for us to worry about Chinese carriers in the Indian Ocean before 2022 or 2025 by which time, we would have added our third and fourth carriers and they would be 65,000 ton CATOBARS.

Just my two paisas.

See highlighted sentence above :

Your list did not include Japan and of course India as well.
How would FGFA make US military think twice? It would still be years before this air craft is ready. By then, US will have plenty of 5th generation fighters.

You make India sound like its an enemy of the US. That is pathetic as India is buying many US weapon systems. If most Indians think like you do, then US shouldn't sell you any thing. Especially the Apache that India has recently agreed to buy.

If you start to think of other countries as enemies, then it will be a self fulfilling prophecy.
Yes the United States has considerable 5th generation aircraft right now and soon the F-35 but when near full induction of the FGFA is done the USN would have to think twice.
The United States military knows that there is no way they can assault India on land. Even if they are rebels these will only be a hindrance to the Indian army as they are right now if less. The vast superiority India has on home ground is not to be overlooked. The United States will loose support if they loose to many lives. This is why Iraq was successful. Saddam and his men failed to kill enough US soldiers for Congress to be pressured. The Vietnamese succeeded here. What India needs to do is either have the US forces on the ground in India, that however is highly unlikely. The US can change politics in India by just dropping bombs and they know ground invasion is off the table. So the question becomes how will India bleed US military? the ans is short.
Sink USN ships. Each ship would cost the lives of hundreds of sailors and carrier in thousands.
How will India achieve this? Brahmos is one method, low RCS fighters armed with ASM are another. Hence why DRDO is working on hypersonic Brahmos 2 with a longer range. Such a missile is over kill for PN and PLAN even the Brahmos as well. Make it so that the enemy doesn't want to fight a war with India.
As to why? Even with the warming relations it was only 2 decades ago and less the United States would have gone to war with India and even sanctioned India. India has not alliance with the United States, we are NOT NATO or Japan that houses US bases. Why does India buy US military equipment? Because we have access to it, and a war with the United States is unlikily but a chance still exists especially when the United States allies are located all over the globe. 1971 is reminder of that. The Pentagon knows that India especially Indian army does not like the United States, infact thats why the US military is so keen on exchange programs, to build trust. But its better to prepared since the US military plays the role of a police state dictating what is wrong and right even if India has similar values, India is not the United States.
In short a war with the United States is highly unlikely, that has been calculated but its not off the table, rather on the side. But a war with the United States would be much more devastating than a war with Pakistan and China combined.
which weapon is made in India?
The ones that matter in war time.
classic pathetic indian excuse for their inabiliy`the number is rather entertaining, its very bollywood```kid during WWII allied force america alone had 25 million plus troops against only 9 million entire Nazi german troops so you were suggesting allied force won because of its numerical superiority?

besides in 62 its was the chinese board skirmish troops fighting against the elite indian troops still humiliated yours. the PLA elite troops were at southeast and north east (taiwan trait, russia and NK border) at that time.
Where do you get your BS?
How do you think the PLA was able to cut of Indian army supply lines and withdrawals? It is mountian warfare. One needs atleast 1 to 5 advantage. Read some books, India troops stationed on the border were not "elites" but border defense. There was a numerical superiority. Yes the PLA had 90 000 soldiers, even the PLA would admit that. When India did decide to mobilize 2 regiments the PLA withdrew. You should know this. Why do you think the Indian army has "southern" Tibet? Because the PLA was generous?

nowadays indians start growing a habit that like to use Russian marketing campaign as 'facts'```at some point they suggest that Su-30 MKI is better than EF2000, Rafale and even F-22`! lol they really play you lot like a headless chicken, just like the aircraft carrier they are building for you`lol
Would we rather listen to Chinese propaganda on who super duper your jets are? Why the secrecy? ans. Its a cold war tactic. The fact remains the Su-30MKI is still more capable than anything the PLAAF and PAF have in service. Care to prove me wrong? after all specs is all we armchair generals have that and snipits from reportings, but China doesn't offer either of these just speculation like 8 ton payload for the J-10. lol

and their head of security were shot like turky by just one terriorist``you just cant associate india as 'super power' with all of these jokes coming out of that country
A coordinated attack that was months in planning and you take that as an excuse? "head of security"? No he was a high ranking police officer. A modest man. You are not.
Please get serious Indians........

India doesn't even have any thermonuclear weapons

India doesn't even have Agni-2 in service (it keeps failing tests), nevermind Agni-3

China has thousands and thousands of nuclear weapons.

In a war against India, Chinese artillery rockets and aircraft from Tibet can reduce New Delhi to rumble and kill all your GOI politicians within hours. It would be a total lopsided devastation like when Timur conquered Delhi. After New Delhi is totally flattened, the rest of India will become separate countries.

There is only so much India can match China in. But costs associated with Ballistic missiles does not allow New Delhi to have many. While some odd Agni 2 are in service they are not mated with warheads. Some Prithvi varients are pointed towards Pakistan though. India does not intend dominate Beijing in missiles.

There are 2 advantages PLA have over the Indian military. 1 is ballistic missiles and artillery, and the second is the corps of engineers to support the movement of the massive artillery pieces and tanks. And even if the PLA bomb New Delhi with Ballistic missiles don't you think India would do the same? even to a lesser extent?
The PLA currently deploy short range ballistic missiles in Tibet, not to target cities but Indian army and air force. They have more target than they have missiles because most of the PLA's artillery pieces are pointed towards the shores. Even India's ballistic missiles are pointed towards Pakistans military with a few pointed towards its cities with nuclear payloads.
Your optimism is nothing to worry about. If the PLA was as optimistic as you they would have gone to war with India in 1987 when Southern Tibet aka Arunchal Pradesh became part of the Indian union with its seats in parliament. Right now the only thing CCP can do is staple visas.

See highlighted sentence above :

Your list did not include Japan and of course India as well.
He is correct, USA can bomb Beijing from afar thanks to the USN and USAF and Russia has a large border with a massive reserve of armour. Japan is mostly a defensive force hence why its called JSDF. They have very little offensive capability, ie the Japanese military right now exists to protect the Japanese island and its territories for this they have a formidable navy.
India shares the highest peeks in the world with China. Its kargil on a massive scale and defenders paradise. While the Indians can choose the battlefield the chooses are bleak. Akasi Chin? Its a barren wasteland with a few nomads. No strategic value, Kashmir and Arunchal Pradesh are a different story. They are populated and fertile valleys often resembling heaven on earth. India already controls Arunchal Pradesh and has defensive positions. Some of Kashmir as well. A war with China is highly unlikely especially over rocks.
Vietnam has more of a heavily guarded border with China. Vietnam can inflict more collateral damage than India.
Having analysed the likely threat perception of China, let us now come back to the topic of the thread and look afresh at the issue of China acquiring 3 carriers by 2016 and its implications to India. By 2016 India would have at least 2 carriers Vikramaditya and Vikrant. Between the two of them, they can field a minimum of 4-5 squadrons of Mig 29Ks or other alternatives like Tejas naval ets. No Chinese carrier will have this kind of aviation asset till the Chinese launch their own 100.000 ton super carriers sometime by 2025. Add to this the fact that the air assets of the Indian carriers can by reinforced by fighters based on the Indian mainland and the island bases upto a distance of 4000 KMs into the Indian Ocean(with inflight refuelling). This practically rules out any conflict with the Chinese carrier in 2016 as the Chinese will be heavily outnumbered. Can the Chinese send all three carriers to Indian Ocean to threaten India? Chinese carriers steams into Hambantota or Gwadar? Hambantota is around 4800 KMs from Hainan and Gwadar nearly 6500 KMs. A carrier rushing at 25 knots from Hainan would take around 6 days to reach Gwadar. If the analysis carried out in the first para means anything, China will keep all three carriers in the China Seas to push the USN further away and deny the use of the China Seas for navigation to the Americans and also enforce the 9 dash line. Apart from sending the odd carrier on a good will visit to the Indian Ocean to be able to return to East China sea as soon as the need arises, China will have to wait till it acquires atleast 5-6 carriers to be able to spare 1-2 for the Indian ocean permanently and for that, they will need bases in the IOR. This gives us atleast till 2022-2025 to build the capability to handle 2-3 Chinese carriers in the Indian ocean.
The PLAN Admiral said it himself, its not that China has a aircraft carrier but she intends to do with it. IOR would be death trap since the Malacca Straits are guarded by squadron and more based in Andaman Islands. PLAN may intend to use the air craft carrier in the South China Sea and open up another front with Taiwan. However, if she is on the wrong side of Taiwan, the PLAN could loose her ship.
There is also another matter. It will take at least a decade for the PLAN to figure out how to use her. Carrier operations are no walk in the park. SOP safety standards etc need to be established.
And you don't need a large carrier to sink another carrier. The Russian's didn't believe it was necessary. The USN carriers are built to dominate other countries land based air forces, ie power projection. While they have Harpoons on board a majority of their arsenal are bombs that frequently come down on Iraq and Afghanistan.
Carriers also have more purpose other than a possible war, they can be used for disaster relief and policing the high seas.
There is a reason why India opted for a smaller carrier. Its less of logistical burden and India does not intend to invade Iraqistan anytime soon. Its a strategic asset that provides air support for the fleet. The IAC 2 will be larger and likily have steam or EM catapults but it too will be under 100 000 tons. The Indian Navy has learnt from its experience that carriers are only operational for 3-4 for peace time. That is why IN wants a larger fleet rather than a single large carrier. 365 days a year. 1 carrier for 3 of its fleets will allow India to cover most of the IOR. Ofcourse the western fleet facing Pakistan will have the newest.
China has already won the diplomatic war with India she has more allays in Indian ocean... With this pace China wont need for a material war to win India for a political gain.
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