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China plans chequers to checkmate India .

india cant even beat pakistan in a war, how the hell are indian even a match for the chinese military.

india is a rag tag military, thats why india always stuggles to beat the pakistan military.

china dont need to worry about india, the south china sea fleet of the PLA can beat the entire indian military.
india cant even beat pakistan in a war, how the hell are indian even a match for the chinese military.

india is a rag tag military, thats why india always stuggles to beat the pakistan military.

china dont need to worry about india, the south china sea fleet of the PLA can beat the entire indian military.

Looks like you have not read history. We faced 4 War with Pakistan and defeated in all 4. Biggest surrender in 1971 after WW2.

Indeed, China can't do jack just bullying her neighbours. You failed to defeat Vietnam. Still waiting to capture Taiwan for last 50 years. Can't do anything against S.K. and Japan. :lol:tried more adventurous 2 times in 70's and 80's and lost both in Sikkim. Communist are known for words and no action. You don't have courage to defeat any country. How you will fight ? with Su 30 MKK and copied one i.e J-11 and another copied of Su-27 against better Sukhoi 30 MKI with Brahmos. :no:
Communist are known for words and no action. You don't have courage to defeat any country.

>> said we would interveen in korea
did it, check
>>said we would invade Vietnam
did it, check
>>Mao said the mainland would defer the taiwan issue for 100 years
its been 40ish years so far
>>SK? what about it
NK sinks SK ship, shells island and still get 7 mil in aid
one of the biggest investor in china
>>copied weapons -__-
cause copied bullets cant hurt you right?
india cant even beat pakistan in a war, how the hell are indian even a match for the chinese military.

india is a rag tag military, thats why india always stuggles to beat the pakistan military.

china dont need to worry about india, the south china sea fleet of the PLA can beat the entire indian military.
The problem with trolls like you is that you lack basic education and therefore don't know what the heck you're talking about!

Why teenage juvenile delinquents like you not banned from posting crap on PDF is beyond comprehension. The quality of PDF is heading South and sure taking a hit with illiterates. Jeeez! :tdown:
india cant even beat pakistan in a war, how the hell are indian even a match for the chinese military.

india is a rag tag military, thats why india always stuggles to beat the pakistan military.

china dont need to worry about india, the south china sea fleet of the PLA can beat the entire indian military.

ask pakistanis about it,then write here;)
Their nuclear arsenal is more reliable than yours.

How about that?

i was talking about conventional war although.but if nukes are used then they will be finished and india will suffer huge destruction.

and put china even here.you will receive same result.and era of nukes have gone.
Wow, your all so called experts in the field.
I'm surprised that you people think that India is rag tag military. Try explaining that to the Pakistani military or the PLA who backed down in 1987 when the Indians had equal amount of firepower. The first rule to a war is, don't fight one if you can't win. Thats where the PLA stands with India. Why do you think India occupies "Southern Tibet"? 90,000 PLA Troops get the drop on 10 000 Indian soldiers and border guards and you claim victory despite having to withdraw. Explain that from you Chinese textbooks.
As far as China's naval ambitions. They are certainly aggressive but it depends before whom. If it was a Japanese dystroyer, PLAN would back off. In fact they don't mess with the Japanese navy, reason? They can't afford to. The Japanese navy is superior in terms of training and equipment. They have more ASW assets and one of the largest diesel sub fleet in Asia. Unfortunatly, the Vietnamese navy has none of these advantages over PLAN. The are more for coastal defence which makes sense given the size of the country. On the bright side, Russia does not consider China as a friend or an ally. They may not be the Soviet Union anymore but Russia doesn't like the growing PLA, its a concern for them as well, which is why Russia doesn't sell anymore subs to China. Or any advanced offensive systems. The Al-31 is one example. The Russians will not sell the utilities to build AL-31 engines to China partly because the want to keep the Chinese aerospace industry out of Russian markets. With out a good engine, the J-10 will not be exported and the PLAAF will have rely on Russia for spares for their Flanker engines. This of course is another topic.
Are the PLAN capable of taking on the Indian ocean? Not yet.
Training wise the Indian navy superior, they have operated more weapons systems and have great naval tradition and war-time experience. Pakistan can attest to that.
Equipment wise, the Indian navy is very different from the PLAN. Despite PLAN's "Aegis" type missile destroyers they are far from.
The HQ-10 is based on tot technologies acquired from the S-300 system and the HQ-16 from VLS Shtyl. They aren't the same systems, but they certianly have similar performance. These systems give the PLAN air defense. Not really an Aegis system like the USN. They also have subsonic cruise missiles as well as couple of supersonic. The PLAN seem to bend more towards a defense role, but this is entirely due to the lack of air defense due to the fact they have no Carrier at the moment.
The Indian navy ships are usually armed with subsonic and supersonic cruisemissiles, as well as Barak air defence systems. Not to mention its sole aircraft carrier. The Viraat has more fire power than Indian Navy's western fleet!
If the 2 navies every encounter each other in times of war, it would most likily be the Indian Navy that finds the PLAN since they have the only Carrier at the moment. After firing off missiles, the Chinese have 80 percent chance to intercept the Brahmos. While the Indian navy has more than 90 percent chance to intercept anything the PLAN have and the mojority of the missiles the PLAN are subsonic.
If you want to compare ships let me know. Its not the numbers, that count, its the quality and Indian ships are much better armed than PLAN ships and will be for the next decade.
You think Bramos was more difficult to intercept than sub-sonic missiles. That's wrong.

Looking at world naval powerhouses, you'll find most of anti-ship missiles are sub-sonic including the US.

Why? because missiles like bramos give too much infra to UV signal to have a super sonic speed, which unfortunately was just 2 or 3 Mach. The combination of such a greater signal and a not that fast speed make it a perfect target of modern air defence missiles which can achieve 5 or 6 mach and about 9 G overload. Additionaly the super sonic speed make it a short legged missile.
You think Bramos was more difficult to intercept than sub-sonic missiles. That's wrong.

Looking at world naval powerhouses, you'll find most of anti-ship missiles are sub-sonic including the US.

Why? because missiles like bramos give too much infra to UV signal to have a super sonic speed, which unfortunately was just 2 or 3 Mach. The combination of such a greater signal and a not that fast speed make it a perfect target of modern air defence missiles which can achieve 5 or 6 mach and about 9 G overload. Additionaly the super sonic speed make it a short legged missile.
This is called showing Bias.
One, does the HQ-16 or HQ-10 or S-300 Naval systems use infared seekers? No. A radar has a much better range than infared seekers. The RAM is one choice but the Idea of a supersonic anti ship missile is to reduce reaction time of CIWS or quick reaction missiles.
The Barak was tested in India against all subsonic missiles in India's inventory. That included Kh-35 and Sea Eagle among others. It proved to be 100 percent successful unlike the Khastan CIWS which had difficulty inctercepting targets with missiles at altitudes lower than 1.5 km. Recently Israel tested Barak 8. This happened because the Indian Navy and DRDO are funding and developing Barak 8 with Israel. The target was Brahmos. The success rate according to Israeli defense papers, was 90% percent.

If supersonic cruise anti shipe missiles are easy to intercept why did the Soviet Union armada depend on them?
For 2 reasons,
1. Its twice as effective in terms of evading defenses.
2. Its kenitic engery has a much higher chance of breaching US warship hulls.
While supersonic cuisemissiles are expensive and short ranged they do offer these 2 advantages.
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