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China PLA Type 99 Tank is Inferior ?

hmm i always feel that it is easier to deal with Ukraine than russia but anyways, as far as any expert knows type 99, espacially T99A2 is a fine tank, it may not be the best in the world but it is enough to give any tank a run for their money after all it was after the gulf wars that china design the T99 to be able to provide resistance to western tanks like the M1A1
No. I don't think the Type 99 or any of its variants so far were built to handle the M1's. Rather, the Soviet tanks to the north of the country. If the PLA wanted a tank that can stand against something like the M1A1, they would have built a western tank on the lines of the leopard 2. Besides, if the US wanted to invade China for what ever reason. The armor would be dystoryed by the USAF as seen in Iraq. What they learnt in Iraq is that the T series have a problem of cooking its crew. They are trying to reduce this problem like the Russians by putting more armor to repel hits on the turret.
No. I don't think the Type 99 or any of its variants so far were built to handle the M1's. Rather, the Soviet tanks to the north of the country. If the PLA wanted a tank that can stand against something like the M1A1, they would have built a western tank on the lines of the leopard 2. Besides, if the US wanted to invade China for what ever reason. The armor would be dystoryed by the USAF as seen in Iraq. What they learnt in Iraq is that the T series have a problem of cooking its crew. They are trying to reduce this problem like the Russians by putting more armor to repel hits on the turret.

Building western tank demands western technology base. China has only russian and some chinese technology base. No use building a tank that only superficially resembles western tank.

Iraq is in a different league from china.

Building western tank demands western technology base. China has only russian and some chinese technology base. No use building a tank that only superficially resembles western tank.

Iraq is in a different league from china.


Very true, that's why we have hardly seen any potent weapon from Chinese.
No. I don't think the Type 99 or any of its variants so far were built to handle the M1's. Rather, the Soviet tanks to the north of the country. If the PLA wanted a tank that can stand against something like the M1A1, they would have built a western tank on the lines of the leopard 2. Besides, if the US wanted to invade China for what ever reason. The armor would be dystoryed by the USAF as seen in Iraq. What they learnt in Iraq is that the T series have a problem of cooking its crew. They are trying to reduce this problem like the Russians by putting more armor to repel hits on the turret.

actually the war in iraq provided with a lot of input in the construction of the Type99, they saw how the soviet tanks was wasted with western air and armor, while it was not necessarily designed to take on the M1 one on one the M1 was one the of considerations. also the air combat is dealt with by the air-force and sams in place, china is not iraq flying into china is not a cakewalk. but also the russian tanks are a large design factor as well, but it is generally agreed that M1A1 are better than the t90 one on one always thus any tank that can defeat the M1 will have a good change against the Russian tanks. also i think the heat problem is solved with better air conditioning
actually the war in iraq provided with a lot of input in the construction of the Type99, they saw how the soviet tanks was wasted with western air and armor, while it was not necessarily designed to take on the M1 one on one the M1 was one the of considerations
What they learn't is that the americans tend to move further with stronger logistics and a harder punch. The soviets mobilized much slower but it was a "heavier" war machine. They, the PLA learnt the armor on the T series was not suffiecent. A normal RPG or even LAW could kill the crew and best case scienerio, knock the tank out. Which was too far absurd.

also the air combat is dealt with by the air-force and sams in place, china is not iraq flying into china is not a cakewalk.
At the time Iraq had one of the most heavily concentrated air defence systems. Yet they lost to the new Eagles and today to the SuperHornets. Mind you during the first gulf war, Iraq had more technology than even the PLA, exept the invovative training.
Now today, the PLA is more heavily armed but the USAF has its first squadron of Raptors. During the gulf war, you only saw a fraction of what the US was capable of. They could easily pull off 10 more Irags with the same goals as the first gulf war.

but it is generally agreed that M1A1 are better than the t90 one on one always thus any tank that can defeat the M1 will have a good change against the Russian tanks. also i think the heat problem is solved with better air conditioning
You have multiple methods. The Soviets first, did not intend for their tanks to fight american armor but to slow them down where needed. The American thrust would be stopped with ATGM and artillery. T series where never intended to fight such tanks, but rather provide the Red Army with mobile artillery for bunkers.

IF you want to defeat the T series, you can easily wipe the floor with them by using ATGM which are diffucult to seek and dystroy, being man portable etc...But that does not mean you don't need armor altogether.

What the Chinese did, was made the T series more survivable just like the new T-90. However, I don't care to know which tank is better. They both have their advantages and the T-90 is light enough to transport on the illusions.

I don't think the Chinese could have built a heavy MBT with the military embargo. Even if they did, it would require a complete overhual, and the PLA has a lot more infastructure than the IA spread out.

So whats allows expensive, isnt always convienent.

also i think the heat problem is solved with better air conditioning
Try finding a reliable AC small enough to fit a T-72 with out cramping the crew anymore. Its difficulte. The T series dont have much room on the inside as the PLA is aware.
What they learn't is that the americans tend to move further with stronger logistics and a harder punch. The soviets mobilized much slower but it was a "heavier" war machine. They, the PLA learnt the armor on the T series was not suffiecent. A normal RPG or even LAW could kill the crew and best case scienerio, knock the tank out. Which was too far absurd.

At the time Iraq had one of the most heavily concentrated air defence systems. Yet they lost to the new Eagles and today to the SuperHornets. Mind you during the first gulf war, Iraq had more technology than even the PLA, exept the invovative training.
Now today, the PLA is more heavily armed but the USAF has its first squadron of Raptors. During the gulf war, you only saw a fraction of what the US was capable of. They could easily pull off 10 more Irags with the same goals as the first gulf war.

You have multiple methods. The Soviets first, did not intend for their tanks to fight american armor but to slow them down where needed. The American thrust would be stopped with ATGM and artillery. T series where never intended to fight such tanks, but rather provide the Red Army with mobile artillery for bunkers.

IF you want to defeat the T series, you can easily wipe the floor with them by using ATGM which are diffucult to seek and dystroy, being man portable etc...But that does not mean you don't need armor altogether.

What the Chinese did, was made the T series more survivable just like the new T-90. However, I don't care to know which tank is better. They both have their advantages and the T-90 is light enough to transport on the illusions.

I don't think the Chinese could have built a heavy MBT with the military embargo. Even if they did, it would require a complete overhual, and the PLA has a lot more infastructure than the IA spread out.

So whats allows expensive, isnt always convienent.

Try finding a reliable AC small enough to fit a T-72 with out cramping the crew anymore. Its difficulte. The T series dont have much room on the inside as the PLA is aware.

1. okay

2. indeed in 1991 china was very behind in military tech, the embargo was in place and Russian equipment has just only started in roll in and home made stuff is far inferior, but today in important areas it is very possible that aside from raptors and B-2's not much else can have a easy time, but anyways we all know the USAF in superior to the PLAAF in just about every-way but that has nothing to do with the tank, any current combat plane can take out a tank given total air superiority.

3. as far as i know the soviet tanks were meant to over run Europe which would mean having to steam roll over what ever NATO forces are in the area, now im not saying they are better just that there are so many of them. the west depended on helicopters(with ATGM like u said) to stop the Russians. but of course weapons like the RPG-7 will pay big roles too.

4.yes okay

5. for a lighter tank the chinese have the type-96G for that

6. err... you know the military embargo is still going on right? and the type-99 especially the type-99A2 is a complete modern MBT and as far as anyone knows there are no problem making it in china

7. not sure what u meant by this-> "So whats allows expensive, isnt always convienent."

8. i said i think they solved it by im not sure u'll have to look it up but airconditioning isnt some super duper high tech to figure out its just the size they have to worry about
Don't you dare insult Chinese, you smelly retard Yanks. In fact, all the military weapons your country invented or created were a bunch of trash. Needless to say, worsen than craps or junks. Deep down think for you. Is it true everything your country invented is the true creations of yours? I don't think so. Sorry to burst your bubble. Those military weapons produces either were copied or taken from somebody else. For an example, Germany is assisting, conniving, and aiding the Yankees to their military technology development. Japan is aiding the Yankees on the economy, and no exclusion of the Germans. Nowadays, even China is helping the Yankees to pull them up from collapsing. Nothing can be hiding. I pity those Yankees have being cheated by their government boasting this and that. The Yanks government was hiding many things, whereas you idiots won't get the idea what is really going on. And most importantly, don't accuse China for stealing your secret weapons documents or things like that. Yanks, Russians, and China are the same. For the westerners', don't think you can get away from this. You (Europeans) all were not excluded too. India is not worth mentioning.:oops:
Indian had a potent weapon! Guess what? Their mouth

we have build akash SAM and 3000 of them are in service.

we actually build many potent weapons like insas , prithvi , Arjun mbt, brahmos supersonic cruise missile etc.

these weapons mentioned above are in service.
we have build akash SAM and 3000 of them are in service.

we actually build many potent weapons like insas , prithvi , Arjun mbt, brahmos supersonic cruise missile etc.

these weapons mentioned above are in service.

with 75% russian helps and 100% foreign parts``yes they are indeed indian paint jobs`:P
with 75% russian helps and 100% foreign parts``yes they are indeed indian paint jobs`:P

no friend. they are semi indigenous which means they dont have 100 % foreign parts. they are in service and are potent weapons. my post was reply to a troll.

p.s my friend, J 10 still has AL 31 FN.
no friend. they are semi indigenous which means they dont have 100 % foreign parts. they are in service and are potent weapons. my post was reply to a troll.

p.s my friend, J 10 still has AL 31 FN.

ok``i thought you were the troll``sorry:wave:
No, this is to those who always claims something diff.

Well the Point is why the tank Barrel is moving up and Down while moving on the uneven ground, I have hardly seen this type of thing in any tanks video around the world.

Some tank can shoot good while on the move and some can shoot while on stationery. is type 99 is good in shooting in stationery only?

This post shows you know nothing about tanks and just want to troll and flame.

Its a capable tank.
If anything, I think Chinese tanks are more reliable than russian tanks. Chinese tanks have to be able to operate in the desert, in the humid south, and in the frozen north. Whereas russian tanks are mainly designed for cold climates.


Russian tanks can be sturdy under harsh conditions. The Iraqis used all the wrong stuff during the Gulf War. No ERA, no integrated battlefield management system, nothing digital, no laser range finder, all analogue, all manual, no composite armor, no counter measures, no APS, no DU armor, no DU shells (used steel penetrators), etc.

Equipping tanks with the required features is very important.

I saw this video about the T-90 Vladimir, and I was impressed. Everyone wanting to know about tanks should watch it.

Note: We won't find such features in export variants such as the T-90S.
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