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China paper slams U.S. for cyber role in Iran unrest

Yes they must let people say those things. It's called free speech. rofl. Shows just how out of touch and brainwashed everyone is in china.

In my country, i can go out on the street and scream something like "Death to Australia" or something like that, and nothing would happen to me because thats free speech. I can walk up to my prime minister and called him a ******* idiot and nothing would happen to me.

That's free speech. You couldn't do that in china of course. I don't even think you could comprehend free speech.

China also censors Chinese human rights websites, can you justify that?

Have you heard there are tens of thousands riots in China? At least our Indian friends enjoy publicizing that news very much. Perhaps you are selective blind: on one hand you love to hear that and expect evil Chinese system to collapse, and on the other hand you deny that to paint a bleak picture of the evil system. :lol:

We call it a split personality! http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/dissociative-identity-disorder-multiple-personality-disorder
What Are the Symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder?

Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by the presence of two or more distinct or split identities or personality states that continually have power over the person's behavior. With dissociative identity disorder, there's also an inability to recall key personal information that is too far-reaching to be explained as mere forgetfulness. With dissociative identity disorder, there are also highly distinct memory variations, which fluctuate with the person's split personality.


BTW, for what purpose did you curse your PM? When you failed to suppress your whim or when you just finished a nasty fight with your wife?

BTW again, my friends in China actually told me how they enjoy cursing CPC in the public, and nobody cares them. Does that make you less/more happy? :woot:

Myopias have no limits, indeed!
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BTW, for what purpose did you curse your PM? When you failed to suppress your whim or when you just finished a nasty fight with your wife?

I didn't curse my pm. It's fairly obvious by my writing that i implied that i could do that if i wanted to. I was demostrating how freedom of speech is in my country, and it's funny that you actually thought i did that.

It shows you have poor English reading skills.

Also are you really from America? Because you write like a non native English speaker.
...The right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without interference or constraint by the government. The Supreme Court requires the government to provide substantial justification for the interference with the right of free speech where it attempts to regulate the content of the speech. A less stringent test is applied for content-neutral legislation. The Supreme Court has also recognized that the government may prohibit some speech that may cause a breach of the peace or cause violence. For more on unprotected and less protected categories of speech see advocacy of illegal action, fighting words, commercial speech and obscenity. The right to free speech includes other mediums of expression that communicate a message. The level of protection speech receives also depends on the forum in which it takes place....

First Amendment | LII / Legal Information Institute

Could any Aussie little girl or American old uncle explain this to me?
India is the murder capital of the world

This is a simple and well-known fact, as opposed to the your proclaimed "profound" complexity, of course except to some brain-washed. Your system has been cursed by the millions of the victims under the name of democracy, not by me.

BTW, is your IQ so low that you couldn't even hide your petulancy by not resorting to personal insultaion/attack?

Owing to the current censorship in china and your personal pathetic comprehending skills, i am sure that you and your brigade of trollers here were simply banned from site where CCP conducted IQ test. And somehow, you felt insulted and thus moved to US or were deported but that didn't changed your stance of amalgamating the IQ score at your wish to show arbitrary genetic superiority of yourself and your likes nonetheless hypothetical. But hey, whatever proves your point, doesn't matter how naive and stupid it sounds.

Second when you quit being cheer leader for that IQ chart and get off your high horse, you may wanna check how these values are calculated before you run this rhetoric again ( i know lot of Chinese are very good at copy-paste job). "Avg IQ of nation is correlated to GDP, GDP growth in past 50 years and Raven's Progressive Matrices whose SPM and CPM test data are as old as 1968 for india". Age limit for india test was 15 years whereas Chinese as old as 79 years were taking this aptitude test. Not to mention the obvious that Indian economy opened in 1990's and that of China in 1970's.

Now coming to the self-proclaimed article of "India as murder capital of world" by Indian media which can only be printed and distributed in (read) brain-washed :lol: democracy, India with second highest population will have high number of murder cases. And if that high IQ (myth) brain of chinese can munch out mathematical data and calculate murders per one hundred thousand or per million population, you will be in for a great shock :Woot:

For reference, you ought to see this list
List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just as a bonus, do you think these police officers are keeping low homicide rate in china? Exactly, you need to take Chinese commie figures with whole truckload of salt.

I wonder when Indian media prints some progressive news over its neighbors, it is disregarded as immature, biased and untrue whereas these degenerating news piece as old as 2 years are enthusiastically preserved in text file named "High IQ Chinese, India sucks" . Checking its authenticity becomes irrelevant, redundant and trivial. :lol:

Smooth runs the wet dreams when CCP spoon-feed data is believed
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Have you heard there are tens of thousands riots in China?

This is response to your above and previous posts.

The Changing of the Guard. -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

Not only is the regime aware that it is judged by its performance rather than its pronouncements, it knows that mass demonstrations occasioned by perceived slights to China--and such large-scale protests occurred during the incidents just mentioned--could turn into mass protests aimed at the regime itself. This fear is not paranoiac; there is no dearth of kindling to stoke the fire. Today's China is rife with revolts, some involving clashes with the security services, by workers and peasants--and other segments of society--over a range of issues: job losses, land seizures, rising socioeconomic inequality, corruption, environmental degradation and the ineffectiveness of courts. Moreover, the protests are growing in number and size and are becoming better organized. According to official Chinese data, the number of protests increased from 58,000 in 2003 to 85,000 in 2005 (almost four million people took part in 2004), and the Ministry of Public Safety likened the sharp upswing since the latter half of the 1990s to a "violent wind." The true number--tightly guarded by the authorities--is quite likely to be much higher.

No wonder you moved to the states as a professional karate coach. :lol:
Most Chinese believe that US attacked Baidu and backstab Iran.
Don't tell me US cyber army don't have such ability.

That was like killing two birds with one stone. was done by none other than the US. The US has an army of 37,000 cyber warriors it was reported. What would Iran gain by attacking a Chinese website? LOL it's just hilarious
I really like US china game, Now I guess afgan it china bad time start.:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:
Yes they must let people say those things. It's called free speech. rofl. Shows just how out of touch and brainwashed everyone is in china.

In my country, i can go out on the street and scream something like "Death to Australia" or something like that, and nothing would happen to me because thats free speech. I can walk up to my prime minister and called him a ******* idiot and nothing would happen to me.

That's free speech. You couldn't do that in china of course. I don't even think you could comprehend free speech.

China also censors Chinese human rights websites, can you justify that?

USA never support Basque, N. Ireland, Qecbec, Kurdistan, Scotland, Corsica, Venice. But being keen on Chinese minorities' problem.

Why? because all above are related to NATO!
Yes they could. Once again, it's called free speech. See you don't even know this. And you are so quick to call western countries "hypocritical"

In a country where there is free speech, you can say whatever you want, without the fear of arrest.

In china you would say something like "i hate the government" you would be arrested. If you post, you get arrested.

CIA always use freedom of speech to play colour revolution!

Dirty American imperialism!
The country with no free speech criticizes other nations that have have this attribute. I am surprised they even know what free speech is.

Frankly its amusing how much the internet is a thorn in the side of China.

As your navie principle,

Anti-China must be human right fighters, like East Turkistan terrorist groups!

Anti-USA must be terrorists!
Excuse me, please do not make a racist comment like that. Your comment has been reported.

No i am not Indian, i am Australian. You can't face the fact that the Chinese government abuses human rights and freedoms.

Tibet is not Sovereignty problem,

It is just Human right abuse!

But your Western Whites and your minion Indian enjoy distort Chinese history and our legitimate sovereignty over Tibet!

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