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China paper slams U.S. for cyber role in Iran unrest

Western Whites' logic

Sovereignty of Western states >
Human right of Western states >
Human right of China / Russia / Muslim states >
Sovereignty of China / Russia / Muslim states


i don't believe the people's rights and sovereignty are mutually exclusive. but do you really think those who are keen on finger-pointing china's "human rights issue" are slightly concerned about the well-being of chinese people?
i don't believe the people's rights and sovereignty are mutually exclusive. but do you really think those who are keen on finger-pointing china's "human rights issue" are slightly concerned about the well-being of chinese people?

Most countries care about the human rights of people. No matter what race or nationality. If no one cared about the human rights of chinese people that would be extremely hypocritical. Also if no one cared, human rights activists and other countries would be speaking out against it.
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Excuse me, please do not make a racist comment like that. Your comment has been reported.

No i am not Indian, i am Australian. You can't face the fact that the Chinese government abuses human rights and freedoms.

my little curry girl, you are free to whine before your kindergarten teacher when teased.

wasn't you talk about china's state-controlled media and brainwashing? how comes you shift to human rights abuse and my attitude towards somethings havn't been discussed yet? do you realize that you are thoroughly brainwashed?

stop defending yourself before 1) learn to stick to the topic 2) don't try to shift to another one when you are screwed a topic
Most countries care about the human rights of people. No matter what race or nationality. If no one cared about the human rights of chinese people that would be extremely hypocritical. Also if no one cared, human rights activists and other countries would be speaking out against it.

little curry girl, the world is too complicate for you to understand. bye:wave:
Again, please stop your racist comments towards Indians. The racism you are directing at me is meant for Indians, which i am not. But that doesn't mean i will accept those comments from you.

You are representing you country whilst talking on here, and by acting very racist you are only giving people a bad impression of you fellow countrymen.

Please refrain from making racist remarks, thank you.
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The country with no free speech criticizes other nations that have have this attribute. I am surprised they even know what free speech is.

Frankly its amusing how much the internet is a thorn in the side of China.

What a joke!

Are you telling us the United States don't know what free speech is?

...The right to freedom of speech allows individuals to express themselves without interference or constraint by the government. The Supreme Court requires the government to provide substantial justification for the interference with the right of free speech where it attempts to regulate the content of the speech. A less stringent test is applied for content-neutral legislation. The Supreme Court has also recognized that the government may prohibit some speech that may cause a breach of the peace or cause violence. For more on unprotected and less protected categories of speech see advocacy of illegal action, fighting words, commercial speech and obscenity. The right to free speech includes other mediums of expression that communicate a message. The level of protection speech receives also depends on the forum in which it takes place....

First Amendment | LII / Legal Information Institute

You (India system) have sold the soul to British, but kept the name (freedom of speech/democracy) with you.

No wonder therefore you have unprecedented communal violence and murder: the number 1 in the world. :tdown:
Excuse me, please do not make a racist comment like that. Your comment has been reported.

No i am not Indian, i am Australian. You can't face the fact that the Chinese government abuses human rights and freedoms.

You can't deny the fact that racist Australians murders Indians simply because they are Indians.
You can't deny the fact that racist Australians murders Indians simply because they are Indians.

That's got nothing to do with him being racist towards Indians.

Also it's very clear you have no idea of the situation in Australia nor have you been reading the thread about it.

No Indian has been killed for being Indian. Maybe you should know what you are talking about before you open your trap.

And it's also unfortunate that you generalize a whole population on an actions of a few. Shall i say All americans are racist since you "all" use to lynch black people?
little curry girl, the world is too complicate for you to understand. bye:wave:
I guess this is the sentiment of the PRC government...

Google, do not take Chinese netizens hostage - People's Daily Online
The Chinese society has generally less information bearing capacity than developed countries such as the U.S., which is an objective reality that no one can deny.

The Chinese people is not as smart as the rest of the world, the PRC leadership recognized that 'objective reality'. Thanks for confirming.
What a joke!

Are you telling us the United States don't know what free speech is?

You (India system) have sold the soul to British, but kept the name (freedom of speech/democracy) with you.

No wonder therefore you have unprecedented communal violence and murder: the number 1 in the world. :tdown:

Mr Miagi,

Care to provide source of this profound knowledge or is this an empty rhetoric? Did you sold your soul to ussr before turning to communism? If not, then you have no reason to curse indians for their democratic framework when your own is inspired by others.
You can't deny the fact that racist Australians murders Indians simply because they are Indians.

LOL, two enemies neutralizing each-other is the best deal PRC can get.BTW, your whining seems to be non-coherent with commies in power

After recent attacks on Indian students in Australia, Chinese embassy counsellor Liu Jin said that his government was actively intervening to ensure safety of their nationals.

Talking to the ‘Sydney Morning Herald’, Liu said that there are over 130,000 Chinese students in Australia, who, on the whole, had good study and living environment, but attacks on Chinese students also occurred in recent years.

Though the Chinese envoy refused to list the number of attacks and where they took place, his remarks raised concerns in the education sector over the future of the 15.5 billion Australian dollars overseas student industry.

China Raises Concern over Racist Attacks in Australia, too

Alas, you need to be in line with what xinhua feeds you if you don't want your memorial at tianmen.

Care to provide source of this profound knowledge or is this an empty rhetoric? Did you sold your soul to ussr before turning to communism? If not, then you have no reason to curse indians for their democratic framework when your own is inspired by others.

India is the murder capital of the world

June 18, 2008

A survey by the National Crime Records Bureau for the year 2006 has said that India witnessed 32,719 murders -- roughly three people killed every hour -- placing it in the top of the list of countries with the highest number of murders.
In terms of number of murders worldwide, India is followed by Russia (28,904), Colombia (26,539), South Africa (21,995), Mexico (13,829) and the United States (12,658).


rediff.com: India is the murder capital of the world

This is a simple and well-known fact, as opposed to the your proclaimed "profound" complexity, of course except to some brain-washed. Your system has been cursed by the millions of the victims under the name of democracy, not by me.

BTW, is your IQ so low that you couldn't even hide your petulancy by not resorting to personal insultaion/attack?
Yes they must let people say those things. It's called free speech. rofl. Shows just how out of touch and brainwashed everyone is in china.

In my country, i can go out on the street and scream something like "Death to Australia" or something like that, and nothing would happen to me because thats free speech. I can walk up to my prime minister and called him a ******* idiot and nothing would happen to me.

That's free speech. You couldn't do that in china of course. I don't even think you could comprehend free speech.

China also censors Chinese human rights websites, can you justify that?
xdrive is against censorship because that will disable him from viewing the child **** sites that he loves so much.

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