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China/Pakistan/India - Was Nehru smarter than Modi?

No, read the Reuters article.

Even officials in New Delhi have told Reuters that it is the "new assertive posture" of the Modi government that is escalating the situation on the borders.

Yes. That is according to India's own internal military report:

It wasn't China, but Nehru who declared 1962 war - The Times of India

I guess you have heard of the Henderson-Brooks report, compiled internally by the Indian Army back in 1962.

Kindly let me know do you have it alone or everybody do... as reckoned globally... post reply once you are out of influence of sa.(enjoyment)..

Have been to china knows the reality... go ahead an enjoy.. have been a host to chinese and know the reality... its will happen sooner or later... you know what I am talking about.
I do not hate Muslims at all. I have had several friends who are Muslim. :cheers:

I don't know why, but this line has become a standard dialogue for all Muslim haters who want to say it on the face but at the same time try to project oneself as an unbiased person; the same typical "I have many Muslim friends, but......................"!!

And this is actually the most used & abused line for all haters based on religion, race or ethnicity, very sad.

he is a msulim hater :D

@Chinese-Dragon Just check what you are posting against all Indian Muslims in general in last few pages before giving negative ratings to people stating the obvious, as in the case of the above post. And try to respect the TT title that has been given to you here.

I have mentioned in my previous post in last page, I am again repeating, stop insulting some Indians and stop calling them separatists and traitors just because they are Muslims.
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I am surprised there are no Pakistanis commenting in this thread. I think it would be a mistake if they turned down China's offer again like Ayub Khan did in 1962, luckily I believe they would not turn down such an opportunity again.

Must be very disappointing for you, right?
Must be very disappointing for you, right?


Despite India attacking us during the worst famine in our history, we still won.

Pakistan's mistake was not to take Kashmir after India had already been comprehensively defeated on both fronts by the PLA in 1962. Due to Ayub Khan's anti-China stance, he preferred to side with India back then.

But the opportunity is not lost, look at how much the Indian Army is now crying that they "cannot fight a two-front war".

The Indian Army itself already admitted they have no chance of beating China alone, not even including the two-front war they are looking for.

America is Pakistan's ally, and Russia is China's ally. India literally has no where to turn in a two-front war scenario.

Despite India attacking us during the worst famine in our history, we still won.

Pakistan's mistake was not to take Kashmir after India had already been comprehensively defeated on both fronts by the PLA in 1962. Due to Ayub Khan's anti-China stance, he preferred to side with India back then.

But the opportunity is not lost, look at how much the Indian Army is now crying that they "cannot fight a two-front war".

The Indian Army itself already admitted they have no chance of beating China alone, not even including the two-front war they are looking for.

America is Pakistan's ally, and Russia is China's ally. India literally has no where to turn in a two-front war scenario.

congratulation! you have just earned 50 cents

China Hires As many as 300,000 Internet Trolls to make the Communist Party look good

These hired guns supposedly earn 50 cents (or .5 Yuan) for every post. While the Chinese government has only implicitly acknowledged their existence, the brigade likely functions at various levels, with some commenters even employed by websites or internet providers themselves.
You can make claims as much as you like, neither I nor my Government considers Pakistan to be a rogue state.

As for border incidents, India always comes up with a story completely different to that of Pakistan. Reality is a facade until they release detailed information about the border incidents, otherwise I'll have to choose between the word of the PK government and the word of the Indian government, and frankly you can guess which one I choose. Hint: It's the same answer I choose when it comes to the so-called Sino-Indian border incursions, i.e. Not the Indian government.

Terrorists "trained" in Pakistan, obviously those terrorists are also enemies of the Pakistani state.

Which further proves that the Pakistani state is on our side, since terrorists who attack them also hate us.
Your observation is correct. These indians are playing uncle sam's card to arouse suspicion about Pakistan. Those who are attacking Pakistan are also attacking China, so they have a common enemy. RAW funded TTP type terror groups are active all over the region. ISIS is the latest brand of these terror outfits and like the TTP that is also a creation of the zionazis.

Despite India attacking us during the worst famine in our history, we still won.

Pakistan's mistake was not to take Kashmir after India had already been comprehensively defeated on both fronts by the PLA in 1962. Due to Ayub Khan's anti-China stance, he preferred to side with India back then.

But the opportunity is not lost, look at how much the Indian Army is now crying that they "cannot fight a two-front war".

The Indian Army itself already admitted they have no chance of beating China alone, not even including the two-front war they are looking for.

America is Pakistan's ally, and Russia is China's ally. India literally has no where to turn in a two-front war scenario.

India barely had a credible military back then when China attacked us, before that China continuously promised us a peaceful solution of border issues through dialogue, and then back-stabbed us at a opportune moment. It is unfortunate to see that now a wolf is trying to get into a sheep's skin.

And seeing the kind of mentality you are showing here against Muslims in general, and also the kind of treatment Chinese government is dishing out to the ordinary Muslims of Xinjiang, we can conclude that probably Ayub Khan was aware of the anti-Muslim views of China & Chinese, so he didn't get involved in the China's war.
Maybe, but nehru did have lady mountbatten which gave him extreme power ;)
@Chinese-Dragon Just check what you are posting against all Indian Muslims in general in last few pages before giving negative ratings to people stating the obvious, as in the case of the above post. And try to respect the TT title that has been given to you here.

If you guys love your Indian Muslims so much, why did you voluntarily elect the mass murderer of Indian Muslims to be your leader? :lol:

Speaks volumes. And is yet another step on the road to a second Partition.

I have mentioned in my previous post in last page, I am again repeating, stop insulting some Indians and stop calling them separatists and traitors just because they are Muslims.

On the contrary, Indian Muslims deserve some respect for fighting against the colonial British creation of "India".

The British creation that fights other countries to uphold their border lines drawn by white British men, the "McMahon line" for instance.
If you guys love your Indian Muslims so much, why did you voluntarily elect the mass murderer of Indian Muslims to be your leader? :lol:

Speaks volumes. And is yet another step on the road to a second Partition.

We will see whether we will have a fourth Han country first or another partition of India.

BTW, the "master stroke" here is that you are being openly anti Muslim here (as majority of Chinese are) and the rootless global Islamists from the fort of Islam are forced to cheer you. ;)

Good work. :tup:

On the contrary, Indian Muslims deserve some respect for fighting against the colonial British creation of "India".

The British creation that fights other countries to uphold their border lines drawn by white British men, the "McMahon line" for instance.

The Mongol (Yuan) and Manchu creation of the artificial "China" with buffer regions and forced Hans made out of uncooked barbarians, seems it is higher on the failed state index. So let's wait and watch. ;)

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The Mongol (Yuan) and Manchu creation of the artificial "China" with buffer regions and forced Hans made out of uncooked barbarians, seems it is higher on the failed state index. So let's wait and watch. ;)

Manchus are Chinese. :lol: There is no country called Manchuria. They speak Chinese and follow Chinese culture, there are only about 50 people in the world who are native Manchu speakers. They are Chinese, same as the majority of Mongols in the world, who live in Inner Mongolia.

Whereas India's de facto national language is English. And the people of Britain won't bother to learn any Indian language, let alone become Indians.

But if you believe Indian Hindus and Indian Muslims can live in the same country forever without any problems (especially once they start becoming a majority), then good luck to you. :azn:

I have known several Chinese of Manchu descent, there is literally no way I can distinguish them from Han. They speak only Chinese, are culturally Chinese, and only follow native Chinese religions. They have fully assimilated.

Something which you cannot achieve. Your Dharmic demographic has only shrunk against the tide of Islam, rather than you assimilating them, they have been assimilating you. Nowadays the word Indian is tied with being a Muslim, hence all your troubles in America and airports.

Muslims won't convert to Hinduism, apostasy is against their own laws. The demographic tide is irreversible for you. Though as long as you keep appeasing them with Sharia courts (you already have those) and Sharia law once their numbers are large enough, then you can hold off another partition. As long as the other Indians don't have a problem living under Islamic laws.
Your Dharmic demographic has only shrunk against the tide of Islam

Nope. There are more Dharmic people in the world than ever. One can see the great imprint of Dharma all over the world. You see Yoga and spirituality becoming common in so many far off places.

India is the only living ancient civilization. The Egyptian, Persian, Greek civilizations all got wiped out, the Dharmic civilization came out intact from the mess.

The world needs it. That is why it survived. ;)
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