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China/Pakistan/India - Was Nehru smarter than Modi?

BTW, the "master stroke" here is that you are being openly anti Muslim here (as majority of Chinese are) and the rootless global Islamists from the fort of Islam are forced to cheer you. ;)

The way these zionazi pets are forced to cheer for uncle sam and its master the assrahell I suppose!
Nope. There are more Dharmic people in the world than ever. One can see the great imprint of Dharma all over the world. You see Yoga and spirituality becoming common in so many far off places.

India is the only living ancient civilization. The Egyptian, Persian, Greek civilizations all got wiped out, the Dharmic civilization came out intact from the mess.

The world needs it. That is why it survived. ;)

You know there are more Buddhists in China than in the rest of the world COMBINED, right?

What happened to the rest of the Buddhists, especially in South Asia where Buddhism originated? They are wearing a new banner now.

If they are unwilling to fight then they will be swept away.
You know there are more Buddhists in China than in the rest of the world COMBINED, right?

What happened to the rest of the Buddhists, especially in South Asia where Buddhism originated? They are wearing a new banner now.

If they are unwilling to fight then they will be swept away.

Well, in India Buddhism swayed a large number of people from the earlier Dharmic way of life (Panth) and then there was a great seer called Shankarachayra who restored Dharma's original path through the power of persuasion and tarkshashtra (logical arguments). Also probably there was lack of support from the latter day rulers like it was originally.

It was Ashoka Morya who was responsible for Buddhism spreading to all corners of Asia. After the dynasty became weak, probably the state support withered.

Anyway, many of us believe that Buddha was an incarnation and came down to reform the Dharma and show a new way. I respect and revere Buddhism as much as any Dharmic religion.

And yes, the non violent teachings of Buddhism didn't work effectively against uncivilized violent barbarians. I hope that mistake is not repeated and they are spoken to in the language they understand.
If you guys love your Indian Muslims so much, why did you voluntarily elect the mass murderer of Indian Muslims to be your leader? :lol:

Speaks volumes. And is yet another step on the road to a second Partition.

China has always been a mass-murdering genocidal state and continue to be so, even now China executes 10,000+ people EVERY YEAR officially as part of their so called judicial process, the numbers are many times higher than the death sentences given by rest of the world put together every year, this is state sponsored official genocide being conducted by China every year, many of them are political. And here you are trying hard to show Modi as a murderer for a riot that he allegedly failed to control effectively, and even then the death toll in that riot was less than a 1000, the whole world knows which state is genocidal.

A habitually genocidal regime of China and their atrocities on the helpless Muslims of Xinjiang and freedom-loving people of occupied Tibet are also known to the world, and the world also know about the systematic annihilation of the critiques of CCP and pro-democracy scholars, we don't even know whether Liu Xiaobo is dead or alive and here you are talking about our PM.
China has always been a mass-murdering genocidal state and continue to be so, even now China executes 10,000+ people EVERY YEAR officially as part of their so called judicial process, the numbers are many times higher than the death sentences given by rest of the world put together every year, this is state sponsored official genocide being conducted by China every year, many of them are political. And here you are trying hard to show Modi as a murderer for a riot that he allegedly failed to control effectively, and even then the death toll in that riot was less than a 1000, the whole world knows which state is genocidal.

A habitually genocidal regime of China and their atrocities on the helpless Muslims of Xinjiang and freedom-loving people of occupied Tibet are also known to the world, and the world also know about the systematic annihilation of the critiques of CCP and pro-democracy scholars, we don't even know whether Liu Xiaobo is dead or alive and here you are talking about our PM.

We didn't elect them, whatever they did wrong was not our responsibility. We the Chinese people didn't have to give up our humanity in exchange for economic growth, we got to keep both.

Whereas the Indian people lost both, by voluntarily electing a mass murderer yet still having your growth rate at 4-5%. :cheesy:
We didn't elect them, whatever they did wrong was not our responsibility. We the Chinese people didn't have to give up our humanity in exchange for economic growth, we got to keep both.

Whereas the Indian people lost both, by voluntarily electing a mass murderer yet still having your growth rate at 4-5%. :cheesy:

We didn't elect any mass-murderer, but Chinese people vehemently support their genocidal regime.
We didn't elect them, whatever they did wrong was not Responsibility. We the Chinese people didn't have to give up our humanity in exchange for economic growth, we got to keep both.

Whereas the Indian people lost both, by voluntarily electing a mass murderer yet still having your growth rate at 4-5%. :cheesy:

Your president came to meet a mass murderer. Shame on him. And he cancelled visit to friendliest country. spineless fellow. Would you agree.
you should be glad because he was blamed for killing those people whom you hate so much.

Cat is out of the bag, and he is not the only Chinese with such hatred, apparently he shares the general stance of CCP in his hatred and Islamophobia against Muslims, just look at Xinjiang!!
Cat is out of the bag, and he is not the only Chinese with such hatred, apparently he shares the general stance of CCP in his hatred and Islamophobia against Muslims, just look at Xinjiang!!

You can believe what you want, the irony is that Pakistan loves us and hates you. So do the other Muslims of the subcontinent. :P

We are also the largest trading partners of all the major Muslim nations in the world, from Saudi to Iran to Indonesia.

So if you are right, you are just arguing that we are a lot cleverer than you thought.
You can believe what you want, the irony is thavengeves us and hates you. So do the other Muslims of the subcontinent. :P

We are also the largest trading partners of all the major Muslim nations in the world, from Saudi to Iran to Indonesia.

So if you are right, you are just arguing that we are a lot cleverer than you thought.
But spineless. Meets a mass murderer and cancels friendly visit. Was he afraid of suicide attack to avenge zinjian
But spineless. Meets a mass murderer and cancels friendly visit. Was he afraid of suicide attack to avenge zinjian

Xi Jinping strolled into India on one side, while the PLA strolled into India on the other side.

I'm sure you remember all the crying from India about the "Chinese incursion". :lol:

Do you know who the head of the PLA is? You guessed right, Xi Jinping. :D As the ultimate authority over the PLA, he was the only one who could have given that order, and Modi couldn't do anything except cry about it.
Xi Jinping strolled into India on one side, while the PLA strolled into India ocisit other side.

I'm sure you remember all the crying from India about the "Chinese incursion". :lol:

Do you know who the head of the PLA is? You guessed right, Xi Jinping. :D As the ultimate authority over the PLA, he was the only one who could have given that order, and Modi couldn't do anything except cry about it.

Stupid response. Now do you expect me to teach you basics of international relations. why a president visits a country and does not visit other.
Stupid response. Now do you expect me to teach you basics of international relations. why a president visits a country and does not visit other.

You were the ones crying about a "Chinese incursion" yet you couldn't do anything about it, even while Xi Jinping was strolling into India, with the PLA doing the same thing on the other side. :lol:

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