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China opens new highway near Arunachal Pradesh border

Tibet wasn't under CCP control before 1950, even under ROC or last Qings never had control over Tibet, you are claiming territory beyond that without knowing about the people living there. :omghaha::omghaha:
True very true and sad for our poor country man.
True very true and sad for our poor country man.

I have still to find a Chinese who really knows who live in Arunachal Pradesh. All fools form China I have talked to told me people in Arunchal are Tibetans, speak Tibetan language and follow Tibetan Buddhism. :omghaha::omghaha:
They are Chinese more than Tibetan,perhaps littlle Chinese know thatt.
Tibet wasn't under CCP control before 1950, even under ROC or last Qings never had control over Tibet, you are claiming territory beyond that without knowing about the people living there. :omghaha::omghaha:

Seven Sister States, Kashmir, Assam, Bhutan, Khalistan etc where not under Indian Control until the British colonized India and place these countries on the Indian Map.
Seven Sister States, Kashmir, Assam, Bhutan, Khalistan etc where not under Indian Control until the British colonized India and place these countries on the Indian Map.

They are part of India, China owned none of them except for some claims based on fake maps. :lol: Half of your country was the part of Sikh empire, other part was the part of Afghanistan. :wacko: 
They are Chinese more than Tibetan,perhaps littlle Chinese know thatt.

How are they Chinese when they were never called Chinese.
Seven Sister States, Kashmir, Assam, Bhutan, Khalistan etc where not under Indian Control until the British colonized India and place these countries on the Indian Map.
Troll save your Baluchistan or else India will start bullying your small nation too :lol:
When the people from Arunachal Pradesh were in the cities in India, they were ridiculed by the locals for looking Chinese. It is a well known fact. The AP certainly do not have the dark skin like the South Indians.They don't speak the Chinese language only because they are being ruled by India.
When the people from Arunachal Pradesh were in the cities in India, they were ridiculed by the locals for looking Chinese. It is a well known fact. The AP certainly do not have the dark skin like the South Indians.They don't speak the Chinese language only because they are being ruled by India.

They speak Sino-Tibetan language family, more specifically Tibeto-Burman languages. It's kind of funny Tibetans and Hans are very closely related ethnicity in origin.

Credit: China opens strategic Tibet highway near Indian border

Hmm the above doesnt look like a new highway. Photo must be showing another location.

Indian media always try to sensationalize things ..do you even know the history behind the aksai chin..which china thinks it is part of china..even tibet is illegally occupied by them..see my avatar pic which truely depicts the real map of india..

You fantasy will never come true!
hong kong and shanghai are part of India ..happy!! 
Seven Sister States, Kashmir, Assam, Bhutan, Khalistan etc where not under Indian Control until the British colonized India and place these countries on the Indian Map.
what state is khalistan..is that the baluchistan you are talking about?? 
When the people from Arunachal Pradesh were in the cities in India, they were ridiculed by the locals for looking Chinese. It is a well known fact. The AP certainly do not have the dark skin like the South Indians.They don't speak the Chinese language only because they are being ruled by India.
india is not defined by color which you canadians do..keep your color to your self!
All the fools from China whom I talked with think that people live in Arunachal are Tibetans who speak Tibetan language since their CCP gave it a fake name South Tibet. :omghaha::omghaha:

when you were saying the people from AP are Tibetans, good that you people are endorsing they are Chinese
The people living in AP are close relatives of our folks from Xizang. They are a part of us, we a part of them
They will learn to speak Putonghua while retaining their own language in no time

The new generation of our folks living in Xizang are at least billingual ( Xizang language and Putonghua; and bi-cultural (Xizang and Han culture).

Our folks from Xizang are singing Han songs:


hong kong and shanghai are part of India ..happy!!

is that the effect of smoking 2 chillams, and for the third one Tianjin a part of india too!
Thanks..I am also thinking of including Bejing as well :bounce:
I think this area belongs to China, when you search for historical facts it's obvious, but I don't see India giving it to China, and it seems China doesn't really want it, they just use it to say "look we both claim territory controlled by the other (aksai chin), so let's keep the statut quo and move on" Inside them they think it belong to China but they are pragmatic and want to move on with compromise, unlike India who want both territories...thought if India falls apart one day I hope China will take over south Tibet or whatever you call it because as I think it belong to China but more than that, people living here would have a better lives as Chinese than as Indians.
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