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China needs to worry about effect of India industrial transfer on production chain

more importantly, trucks have to stop at the state borders to pay local duties and taxes before allowed to drive on. To travel from Guizhou to Shanghai, a Chinese driver can traverse 4 provinces without stopping. If and Indian drivers has to drive through 4 states to get to his destination, he would have to stop to pay taxes and duties 4 times, wasting at least one day at each stop.
R u serious????
I suppose it should be the same in any country...
U just can drive from A to B within one country without any trouble at regional border....

For example 3550km-long G45 Daqing–Guangzhou Expressway
This expressway transverse countless provinces from Northeast China to Southern China.....
At any provincial border, you can see at most a welcome banner and receive a welcome short message.....

They need an Indian Deng Xiaoping- some1 who can induce a revolution economically
They don't have one yet, their national leader is way less competent than the mayor of my city.
Their efforts made in reshaping their country is less than we are doing for our poorest province.

This Chinese City Is Performing Better Than Shanghai
Batterie are low value products?
R u serious?

Pardon my knowledge of electronics. By low value I meant in comparison to chips for signal processing, microprocessors, VLSI etc. manufactured by Texas Instruments, Intel and Samsung and other chip manufacturing companies.
This is not possible in India because most truck drivers are illiterate, and more importantly, trucks have to stop at the state borders to pay local duties and taxes before allowed to drive on. To travel from Guizhou to Shanghai, a Chinese driver can traverse 4 provinces without stopping. If and Indian drivers has to drive through 4 states to get to his destination, he would have to stop to pay taxes and duties 4 times, wasting at least one day at each stop. The system India has is insane.
First time i heard this.
wait a min, i just realised this thread was started by Bussard Ramjet - the same guy who posted more than a dozen threads on China's demographics and a few on how India's economy will take over China, along with a few on the so-called, unilateral China-India 'rivalry'.
It's okay to post threads as long as the discussion is meaningful, polite and civil.

Freedom of speech is allowed within limitations.

However, if the threads are seen to be flame-bait, insulting or trolling, then it's not okay.
wait a min, i just realised this thread was started by Bussard Ramjet - the same guy who posted more than a dozen threads on China's demographics and a few on how India's economy will take over China, along with a few on the so-called, unilateral China-India 'rivalry'.
I am just waiting, as ever his thread will end up with "everyone will have the SAME productivity per capita"....

This is not possible in India because most truck drivers are illiterate, and more importantly, trucks have to stop at the state borders to pay local duties and taxes before allowed to drive on. To travel from Guizhou to Shanghai, a Chinese driver can traverse 4 provinces without stopping. If and Indian drivers has to drive through 4 states to get to his destination, he would have to stop to pay taxes and duties 4 times, wasting at least one day at each stop. The system India has is insane.
Can anyone elaborate???
Ahh. First for indians lets first work and do something good then it will talk for itself. As for chinese on pdf please remember where were you even 10 years back, stop behaving like arrogant princes. Tech ever evolving thing, india is in the process if absorbing tech. We produce brilliant engineers just not brilliant scientists in enough numbers . Look at the r&d budgets of indian companies, other than some in pharma sector, its pathetic. We harp about l&t but it spends less than 1% of sales on r&d vs compare us mega industrials which spend over 3% to 5% of sales. I dont know if it is the case now but government should increase r&d budgets massively, increase compensation for scientists and may be even have a minister for r&d who could be an eniment scientist.
There's nothing wrong with opening factories in India, so long Chinese companies retain complete control. Moreover, time is money, so Chinese companies should NOT be expected to deal with India's legendary red tape and bureaucracy. Land, water, and electricity should all be taken care of quickly before a factory is to be built. Otherwise, it's just a waste of time. Countries such as Somalia, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka, and Kenya are just as suitable and these jobs will go to them if India doesn't act fast.
i think vietnam is ready for some of China's low end assembly factories. indians on the other hand besides being deemed lazy (by white folks, their words) and not suited for working. Do Chinese factories want to encounter this?
Tens of millions of Indian workers strike in fight for higher wages


No matter how strong your kung fu is, you can't beat all of them up!
Also look at this:

Most engineering students in India lack basic skills

"The latest National Employability Report by Aspiring Minds says more than 80 per cent of engineers in India are unemployable, a trend that has not shown any improvement in the past five years."


Now how would any company survive in this type of environment?

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