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China needs to worry about effect of India industrial transfer on production chain

Everything is just 'being done being done'...what was done till now ? There are several reports that Chinese workers are working in several projects. Don't try to cheat around. CPEC brings much wanted infrastructure to Pakistan but there is a huge cost. Without jobs and money getting generated for the Chinese I do not see a reason them getting involved this much just to uplift Pakistan.

FYI...we just inaugurated the world's largest solar power plant.


Buddy, we are talking about nuclear plants, coal power plants, 6 lane motorways, solar parks, all being constructed as we speak. They started last year when CPEC was officially signed, how on earth can we finish these projects within one year. No country in the world can finish these projects within one year, we are human beings not supernatural creatures. I understand the brainwashing enmasse by your state sponsored media has impacted your reasoning ability, but being so immature in an argument makes you look like a complete ignorant buffoon, please use your mind. CPEC was signed in 2015, its 2016. By 2017, the aforementioned projects will finish as more will start this year. Chinese will get the strategic outreach into West Asia and Middle East and strategic access into Indian Ocean in return. You can keep on fantasizing but it will never change the reality on ground.
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OK, according to indian newspaper....as usual, claim based on nothing...

I feel so sorry that you have to deal with such crazy neighbour every day....

Brother not only crazy, their middle class has been radicalized and brainwashed to hate Pakistan and China , infact it was Anti Pakistan and Anti China rhetoric of Modi, which got him elected. We are dealing with an India, which has moved away from its traditional values of peace espoused by Gandhi, its middle class has been brainwashed into believing they are a superpower while being unaware of the mass poverty which dwarfs Sub Saharan Africa when put to comparison.
Buddy, we are talking about nuclear plants, coal power plants, 6 lane motorways, solar parks, all being constructed as we speak. They started last year when CPEC was officially signed, how on earth can we finish these projects within one year. No country in the world can finish these projects within one year, we are human beings not supernatural creatures. I understand the brainwashing enmasse by your state sponsored media has impacted your reasoning ability, but being so immature in an argument makes you look like a complete ignorant buffoon, please use your mind. CPEC was signed in 2015, its 2016. By 2017, the aforementioned projects will finish as more will start this year. You can keep on fantasizing but it will never change the reality on ground.
Check out this solar city in China.
Hope similar one can be built in Pakistan.

Brother not only crazy, their middle class has been radicalized and brainwashed to hate Pakistan and China , infact it was Anti Pakistan and Anti China rhetoric of Modi, which got him elected. We are dealing with an India, which has moved away from its traditional values of peace espoused by Gandhi, its middle class has been brainwashed into believing they are a superpower while being unaware of the mass poverty which dwarfs Sub Saharan Africa when put to comparison.
Their middle class is actually the poor according to our standards....
They always claim they have the biggest middle class.....what a joke....
They always claim -est....they probably don't know the difference between one of the -est and the -est....
No worry, bro...with such crazy mentality, they will ruin themselves....
Check out this solar city in China.
Hope similar one can be built in Pakistan.

Their middle class is actually the poor according to our standards....
They always claim they have the biggest middle class.....what a joke....
They always claim -est....they probably don't know the difference between one of the -est and the -est....
No worry, bro...with such crazy mentality, they will ruin themselves....

Amazing solar city in China, hopefully Pak-China collaboration will bring economic dividends for the entire region. Brother China's pivot to the west policy, involving its OBOR initiative is actually about economic uplift and integration of 64 countries, Pakistan is proud to be a neighbor, a friend and an active partner in CPEC, which forms the core of OBOR initiative. Chinese company EPC provided solar pannels for our Quied-e-Azam solar park being constructed in Southern Pakistani city of Bahawalpur in the desert area which is ideal for this type of electric production. Alongside Chinese , a German firm is also involved in this project. CPEC will set a new example for the world for joint collaboration, Iran has already officially asked to join CPEC.
That is the same question I ask zombies like you. CPEC just started and how come it is a game changer ? How will that alter the power balance of the entire region before even it started ? So soon to conclude. And, follow the context of the argument instead of blindly replying to the comment like an insomniac, brain-washed brute.

Did I touch a raw nerve mate, go back look at what you said then talk to me, you don't even know yourself what you're talking about !!!

First you said no CPEC project has started , when I showed you that they started, you said why didn't they get completed in one year, as if we are supernatural creatures, now you're saying since these projects are not completed it means nothing, are you tipsy or on drugs ?
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Cut the crap. I was told CPEC will fix everything. I asked how ? I never said none of the projects started I asked what is the progress. Even you gave timelines and proposals and no progress. Pathetic little thing beating around the bush.

Is this defect by birth or you're trying to fake it dude ? Everyone here witnessed what you asked, your frustration is visible, it is you who is beating around the bush. God how can some one be so dumb, I feel sorry for your family for having to bear with you every day.

They are just jealous....
I just don't get it, why they behave so crazily when we are doing our own projects.....
Everything we have in China, we will share with our friends without the world!
China does not monger war around the world, we "monger" development and inclusive growth!

Expressway in the remotest mountainous region in Western China

350km/h HSR linking counties deep in the mountains of Central China

Trains will be used in Russia

Bridge across the bay

Wind energy

Village roads in Central China

Buddy this Indian dude was way too crazy, lol, I still can't believe CPEC and Chinese presence has made them so frustrated, they don't even know what they are saying in an argument. On a national level, their frustration is visible in the form of arrest of a Lt Colonel ranking intelligence officer from Pakistan, no country sends such a senior intelligence officer in a hostile country, they usually manage the espionage network from outside. But this guy was in Pakistan to sabotage and subvert CPEC, just to make sure China doesn't gain strategic access into the Indian Ocean, which will affect the Indian regional hegemonic ambitions.
It's okay to post threads as long as the discussion is meaningful, polite and civil.

Freedom of speech is allowed within limitations.

However, if the threads are seen to be flame-bait, insulting or trolling, then it's not okay.

The thing is- he is opening ton's of 'India is beating China in everything' threads and then not participating at all. Thus, it's apparent he's jsut trying to make statements
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Why do you guys always claim world's biggest, longest, blah blah blah, without even confirming it is the real -est? I've seen such claims sooooo many times in PDF.

Well, at least they don't claim to be zyx superpower anymore.
This is not possible in India because most truck drivers are illiterate, and more importantly, trucks have to stop at the state borders to pay local duties and taxes before allowed to drive on. To travel from Guizhou to Shanghai, a Chinese driver can traverse 4 provinces without stopping. If and Indian drivers has to drive through 4 states to get to his destination, he would have to stop to pay taxes and duties 4 times, wasting at least one day at each stop. The system India has is insane.
Pls elaborate!
I am curious.....
Pls elaborate!
I am curious.....

The Indian government considers you literate if you can sign your name. India's functional literacy rate (i.e. being able to read news papers) is around 50%. Truck drivers in India are mostly poor farmers from the countryside who are most likely too illiterate to use a smartphone application. Therefore, this Chinese trucker app won't catch up in India because to use a smartphone, you have to be able to read.

India does NOT have a uniform national goods and services tax. Each state separately taxes goods that are sold within its borders. States even tax goods that are transported through them. If the company has a single distribution warehouse for the entire country, then its goods will be taxed each time it enters a different state. This is obviously very expensive and time consuming. What this means is that if a company wants to sell its products nationwide, it's cheaper to set up a separate warehouse and distribution system FOR EACH STATE.
The Indian government considers you literate if you can sign your name. India's functional literacy rate (i.e. being able to read news papers) is around 50%. Truck drivers in India are mostly poor farmers from the countryside who are most likely too illiterate to use a smartphone application. Therefore, this Chinese trucker app won't catch up in India because to use a smartphone, you have to be able to read.

India does NOT have a uniform national goods and services tax. Each state levies and taxes goods that passes through its borders separately. If the company has a single distribution warehouse for the entire country, then its goods will be taxed each time it enters a different state. This is obviously very expensive and time consuming. What this means is that if a company wants to sell its products nationwide, it's cheaper to set up a separate warehouse and distribution system FOR EACH STATE.
Thanks for your clarification....

India's functional literacy rate (i.e. being able to read news papers) is around 50%
I think letter languages are easy to write???

India does NOT have a uniform national goods and services tax. Each state levies and taxes goods that passes through its borders separately. If the company has a single distribution warehouse for the entire country, then its goods will be taxed each time it enters a different state. This is obviously very expensive and time consuming. What this means is that if a company wants to sell its products nationwide, it's cheaper to set up a separate warehouse and distribution system FOR EACH STATE.
Haven't they already passed some uniform tax?
This is quite shocking.....I think America also has different good tax in different state, do they have the problem?

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