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China needs 'three aircraft carriers': General

The premier naval power in the Indian Ocean is the US Navy. That's it. End of discussion.

Who is the premier naval power in the South China Sea?

India was blessed with advantageous geography. Yet it still cannot even blink without the permission of the white man.

You say India is the 2nd strongest navy. Wait until the nuclear submarines are in the water until you say that, you're shameless. Indian Navy is not even at the level of the Chinese navy in 1974 when our first nuclear sub went into the water.

India is buying conventional subs. It cannot make even 1. How dare you say that India is 2nd strongest when you rely on foreign suppliers.

Not really, its coastline can be easily blocked when facing a Superpower navy like the USN.
China is not as rich as India,we are very confident to handle "much more threat" with only 3AC,i personly oppose china having more than 3 unless our economic surpass U.S's ,

Totally agreed. It is a totally wast of money to maintan them while we can well handle the denfence with less than 3 carriers.

We do not need so many carriers to interfer other countries like what some country is doing ...you know...
Your nuclear sub is not deployed yet, so it doesn't count as your current naval assets, just like we don't count our J-20 as our current air force assets as well.
3 carriers will cost us too much money on each one, so we need to build more to lower the average cost.
Our destroyers are not old, they are mostly equipped the Chinese equivalence of the Aegis combat system.

Whereas Indian navy right now still relies on a 50 years old British carrier.

You are comparing destroyers and carriers??
Canada and Australia both have unrestricted access to purchasing LM2500 from United States, which is superior to any gas turbine engine China is capable of producing. China on the other hand, must rely on its own. In addition, Canada and Australia do not have significant naval ambition beyond their own coast.

Oh and why don't you post that Chinese part in English and see how fast you get banned? Maybe I'll translate that to accelerate the process:

"From your IQ, you must be unable to hack it in China and went to seek refuge in Canada. A retard that thinks he's something? A dog sh*t."

While you were banned, the average IQ of this forum jumped up 30 points. That's a fact.

Viraat is just a grandma carrier, of course i would rather choose the super destroyers with Aegis over it at any time.
Not denying that.I'd rather have you compare apples with apples (i.e. frigates with frigates and destroyers with destroyers)
There is no comparison here. The V-boat the navy have now is gonna be a training ship used for scientific and engineering purpose. But I doubt it is maybe too deep for you guys to understand.
Not denying that.I'd rather have you compare apples with apples (i.e. frigates with frigates and destroyers with destroyers)

To be honest, one single carrier battle group does not have the true power projection, since the carrier group cannot be 365 days on the duty. Meanwhile your carrier needs the training time and the maintenance time as well.

Therefore, a minimum of 3 carrier battlegroups is needed to form a real power projection.

For now, except the US carriers, no other country's carrier has the real power projection.
Not True. They have a single base since very long. We have many large bases in IO. IN and US navy has better coordination. We never had any any issue. Never heard any. Why you comparing China sea with Indian Ocean? Indian Ocean is very big much bigger than India also. Most of the country uses IO due to business shipping on daily basis. China sea is not as important compare with IO. You are comparing Asia with Australia.

Who is Premier naval power in Arabian Sea and bay of Bengal ?

Launch a BM and you will know the answer in no time. Who Blinks 1st. As usual, Chinese are known for only talking and no actions. If you have any Guts attack India and you will get the answer. You did when we were weak. Not any more.

Yes, It will be next year. you'are shameless with 0 knowledge. Submarine ? We have many Submarines. India is making 4 Nuclear BM Submarines on own. 1st will be placed in next 2 years. We are using Air Craft carrier since 24 years and you don't have a single one.

We are using Aircraft carrier for last 24 years and you still don't have a single one.

Yes, we are buying. Doesn't matter in War. What matter Quality and Quantity. Also most of these, we are making Aircraft carrier, Nucleur Submarine, Destroyers, Frigates, Corvettes everything on own. We will add some 100+ Warships in next 15 years worth 100 billion $ on own.

Ships of the Indian Navy

Check - More than 50% are made by us only. In Future, it will be 75%. Our Economy was not strong 15-20 years back, that's why we were slow earlier. Not any more.

We did do something besides talking. In 1950 we warned the US to stay out, in 1 sentence. It didn't listen. In 1962, we warned India to stay out, in 1 sentence. What happened?

Haha. Give me a break. I have nothing against India and Indians, only delusional overseas radical right wing nuts from India.
To be honest, one single carrier battle group does not have the true power projection, since the carrier group cannot be 365 days on the duty. Meanwhile your carrier needs the training time and the maintenance time as well.

Therefore, a minimum of 3 carrier battlegroups is needed to form a real power projection.

For now, except the US carriers, no other country's carrier has the real power projection.

Agreed. For a regional navy 1 carrier in the past seemed to be enough but not so anymore. Which is why both navies have embarked on this route. I guess these are the only 2 countries that can afford to do so.
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