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China needs a voice that matches its national strength, international status: Xi Jinping

China already spends billions with another 100mil increase to their propaganda department & it doesn't help china 1 bit. I would argue it actually made things worse for china & turn public opinion against them. Because china have no idea how to convince people outside their own bubble. youtubehttps://www.axios.com/china-foreign-influence-spending-317a9be4-8ead-4abf-8ac4-3f27974d7a9d.html

again...it is not about "convincing" anyone. if you are "convincing" then you are on the defensive. I am saying that China needs to go on the OFFENSIVE! means have multiple english news channels and news vloggers, push millions of news articles, editorials, video logs and discussions about blm, about systemic genocide in the u.s. facism in europe, keep hammering them from hundreds of directions to the point where everything they say becomes irrelevant and force their own people to despise not just their government but their entire society.
again...it is not about "convincing" anyone. if you are "convincing" then you are on the defensive. I am saying that China needs to go on the OFFENSIVE! means have multiple english news channels and news vloggers, push millions of news articles, editorials, video logs and discussions about blm, about systemic genocide in the u.s. facism in europe, keep hammering them from hundreds of directions to the point where everything they say becomes irrelevant and force their own people to despise not just their government but their entire society.
Given the influence of Jew media, we are unlikely to convince many people who are already under the sway of Zionist Jews. Eventually, the conflict will be resolved on the battlefield when we shock Western countries with a massive thermonuclear strike on their population centers. After Armageddon Day, the survivors in Western countries will place a very high value on peace with other countries.
Given the influence of Jew media, we are unlikely to convince many people who are already under the sway of Zionist Jews. Eventually, the conflict will be resolved on the battlefield when we shock Western countries with a massive thermonuclear strike on their population centers. After Armageddon Day, the survivors in Western countries will place a very high value on peace with other countries.
well a thermonuclear strike may well spell the extinction of humanity. the aim should be to give those in the zionist ignorance the red pill (matrix) and gain an intellectual & ethical supremacy over their population.
Don’t forget the Iranians. Persians are geniuses when it comes to sales and communication.

They are such geniuses that they are sanctioned by the whole world and have nothing to show for it like North Korea does.

Tricking others works until it's time to lay out the cards. See India.
again...it is not about "convincing" anyone. if you are "convincing" then you are on the defensive. I am saying that China needs to go on the OFFENSIVE! means have multiple english news channels and news vloggers, push millions of news articles, editorials, video logs and discussions about blm, about systemic genocide in the u.s. facism in europe, keep hammering them from hundreds of directions to the point where everything they say becomes irrelevant and force their own people to despise not just their government but their entire society.

That's called whataboutism & that is what RT does & it doesn't work. RT is pretty much regarded by most people as a propaganda mouthpiece of the Kremlin & is never taken seriously as a news outlet. Even banned in some countries. Even left leaning latin america Telesur or the US based The Young Turks is much more respected than RT. Forgot to add this is akso what Wion does btw. So china wants to follow Wion example now?

Going on the "offensive" as you put it. Only works if you speaking from a moral highground or lived in moral & civilized country like Sweden & not a shithole like Russia or this case China otherwise it just come off as an obvious propaganda.

If you want to see an actual successful Propaganda channel & is respected by almost every countries. Is Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera has done more to boost Qatar's images & reach in the international field than what China spends on their entire media apparatus. When the Saudi blockaded Qatar most public opinion are in supports of Qatar thx in no small part to Al Jazeera.

China propaganda is only slightly better than North Korea. I mean just look at this forum balls to wall filled with chinese propaganda but managed to convince no one.
That's called whataboutism & that is what RT does & it doesn't work. RT is pretty much regarded by most people as a propaganda mouthpiece of the Kremlin & is never taken seriously as a news outlet. Even banned in some countries. Even left leaning latin america Telesur or the US based The Young Turks is much more respected than RT. Forgot to add this is akso what Wion does btw. So china wants to follow Wion example now?

Going on the "offensive" as you put it. Only works if you speaking from a moral highground or lived in moral & civilized country like Sweden & not a shithole like Russia or this case China otherwise it just come off as an obvious propaganda.

If you want to see an actual successful Propaganda channel & is respected by almost every countries. Is Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera has done more to boost Qatar's images & reach in the international field than what China spends on their entire media apparatus. When the Saudi blockaded Qatar most public opinion are in supports of Qatar thx in no small part to Al Jazeera.

China propaganda is only slightly better than North Korea. I mean just look at this forum balls to wall filled with chinese propaganda but managed to convince no one.
no offence but you are wrong on all counts. the west including the u.s. (especially the u.s.) has no moral high ground none what so ever, they stand on millions of dead bodies of the people they colonized, not to mention the ethnic cleansing of the native indians and 300 years of the worst possible slavery of africans you could possibly imagine. so people don't listen to them because of their moral high ground, they listen to them because of PROLIFERATION of their mouth piece media. and lets face it, their media is a mouth piece of the powers behind the curtains. the entire problem is that CHINA is doing the countering through Chinese...no no no...need to have Chinese, other asian, white, Pakistani, arab, hispanic, african american media outlets ALL saying the same negative things about the demonic west. so ALL that China needs to do is proliferate into the social and main stream electronic and print media far FAR more than them. For China, that is an easy task. they can easily create media outlets all over the world in foreign countries that mostly concentrate on the crimes against humanity committed by the western civilizaiton. Do that and just see how fast the tide turns against the west. they will be put on the defensive and fast.
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no offence but you are wrong on all counts. the west including the u.s. (especially the u.s.) has no moral high ground none what so ever, they stand on millions of dead bodies of the people they colonized, not to mention the ethnic cleansing of the native indians and 300 years of the worst possible slavery of africans you could possibly imagine. so people don't listen to them because of their moral high ground, they listen to them because of PROLIFERATION of their mouth piece media. and lets face it, their media is a mouth piece of the powers behind the curtains. so ALL that China needs to do is proliferate into the social and main stream electronic and print media far FAR more than them. For China, that is an easy task. they can easily create media outlets all over the world in foreign countries that mostly concentrate on the crimes against humanity committed by the western civilizaiton. Do that and just see how fast the tide turns against the west. they will be put on the defensive and fast.

Didn't you read my earlier posts China is already posting their propaganda everywhere. It's on youtube, Tik Tok, Instagram & what have you. China even paid influencers & It's doesn't work it just come off as desperate. Laowhy & Serpentza even admitted that China is paying content creators thousands of dollars to go to xinjiang & spout government propaganda.

Also native american genocide? China is doing actual genocide right now?! The problem with china is not arguing in good faith they just engages in obvious deflection tactics to stop criticism & it shows. Even your argument is flawed. You basically argue that the west did genocide in the past so China should be allowed to commit genocide.
Didn't you read my earlier posts China is already posting their propaganda everywhere. It's on youtube, Tik Tok, Instagram & what have you. China even paid influencers & It's doesn't work it just come off as desperate. Laowhy & Serpentza even admitted that China is paying content creators thousands of dollars to go to xinjiang & spout government propaganda.

Also native american genocide? China is doing actual genocide right now?! The problem with china is not arguing in good faith they just engages in obvious deflection tactics to stop criticism & it shows. Even your argument is flawed. You basically argue that the west did genocide in the past so China should be allowed to commit genocide.
negative. that is NOT what I am arguing. What I am saying is that China's media outlets should not even bother entertaining what the western/american media is saying. Chinese media outets' aims should not be to engage in "whataboutism" or "butyoudiditism" or what not, their aim should be to EXPOSE the hypocrisy of the west to the whole world and its own people that have lying baked into their civilization; Chinese medias' and Chinese supported media's aim should be to demonize west as an civilization that is ruled by some very evil and blood thirsty powers. for example, forget about what the westernlies on xinjiang; don't respond to those lies; RATHER, expose the west as habitual liers and thugs...have hundreds of thousands of media outlets around the globe that hold programs after programs, discussions after discussions about how the west lies, high light over and over again how the u.s. lied about the Iraqi WMDs. don't just have "people" everywhere talking, PROLIFERATE IT! there's a difference between "everywhere" and proliferating, means that CHINA dominates the mainstream media world, Chinese narrative dominates the social media. engage other govenments around the world that are sick and tired of western hegemony, support them, invest in them and have them create their media outlets that proliferate the Chinese narrative. the west will be on the run in no time.

remember, the west believes in lying over and over again a million times to the extent that even the ones who would normally ignore them would think that they are speaking the truth. Well here, China IS speaking the truth. Just need to speak it in the same way that the west lies...the truth will crush the lies of the liars.
Not going to happen. CCP is too old school/weak in propaganda and not sophisticated enough. 😁

people actually walking the walk rather than empty talk the talk is not sophisticated?

that's the reason the west goes down right here
negative. that is NOT what I am arguing. What I am saying is that China's media outlets should not even bother entertaining what the western/american media is saying. Chinese media outets' aims should not be to engage in "whataboutism" or "butyoudiditism" or what not, their aim should be to EXPOSE the hypocrisy of the west to the whole world and its own people that have lying baked into their civilization; Chinese medias' and Chinese supported media's aim should be to demonize west as an civilization that is ruled by some very evil and blood thirsty powers. for example, forget about what the westernlies on xinjiang; don't respond to those lies; RATHER, expose the west as habitual liers and thugs...have hundreds of thousands of media outlets around the globe that hold programs after programs, discussions after discussions about how the west lies, high light over and over again how the u.s. lied about the Iraqi WMDs. don't just have "people" everywhere talking, PROLIFERATE IT! there's a difference between "everywhere" and proliferating, means that CHINA dominates the mainstream media world, Chinese narrative dominates the social media. engage other govenments around the world that are sick and tired of western hegemony, support them, invest in them and have them create their media outlets that proliferate the Chinese narrative. the west will be on the run in no time.

remember, the west believes in lying over and over again a million times to the extent that even the ones who would normally ignore them would think that they are speaking the truth. Well here, China IS speaking the truth. Just need to speak it in the same way that the west lies...the truth will crush the lies of the liars.

Ignoring the crazy rants. China simply can't. The CCP are culturally & mentally backward & can't take criticism without taking it personally. That's the cold hard truth. If china got accused of committing genocide they should have let in inspectors & be done with it instead of dragging this out.

You can say west lies or did this or that but it is china the one that is doing the bad things right now. Your argument is pretty much let china do bad things because the west did it first. Is just the "Nuh uh, you" argument but for adult.
yeah, the CPC doesn't know how to control the narrative without censorship, social credit and re-education camps. :coffee:

cpc isn't so shameless as USA to lie in broad daylight, such as Iraq's WMD
yeah, the CPC doesn't know how to control the narrative without censorship, social credit and re-education camps. :coffee:

they just couldn't do genocide as you guys did to the native Indians and blacks, remember 300 local tribe's bodies in Christian school of Canada?
Not going to happen. CCP is too old school/weak in propaganda and not sophisticated enough. 😁

just hire RT should do the job :rofl:
Ignoring the crazy rants. China simply can't. The CCP are culturally & mentally backward & can't take criticism without taking it personally. That's the cold hard truth. If china got accused of committing genocide they should have let in inspectors & be done with it instead of dragging this out.

You can say west lies or did this or that but it is china the one that is doing the bad things right now. Your argument is pretty much let china do bad things because the west did it first. Is just the "Nuh uh, you" argument but for adult.
erm...dead on arrival approach to claim to "ignore crazy rants" while instead of arguing based on merit, one goes on a rant him/herself. and you are wrong, calling the CCP culturally and mentally backwards while incapabel of taking criticism is a notion that most of the nonwhite world does not agree with. if anyone wants to check anything, they can get a visitor's visa or business visa or what have you and go check whatever the hell they want as visitors. Thousands of Pakistani students in China that have gone to xinjiang, even spent The Holy Month of Ramadan there with literally ZERO evidence of any genocide. if they can go as visitors, so can others. I'll be as blunt as possible, it is not the place of western so called "inspectors" to go into a sovereign nation's internationally recognized and accepted territory to do an "inspection". you let that happen just once and it opens up a shit storm of more demands for inspections so as far as I'm concerned, GOOD ON CHINA to tell these self proclamed "human right inspectors" to fck off and stay fcked. Pakistan did the same, Turkey did the same, Russia did the same, phillipines did the same, a bunch of other countries did the same. xinjiang is & will always be China's sovereign territory unlike iiok or westbank or gaza, etc. that are globally recognized as disputed territories where, oddly enough, the west never raises any hues and cries about violations of human rights...can you spell hypocrisy? no? Well rest assured, I can...and so can China...and it will proliferate far and wide drowning out the brow beaten lies of the west...

but alas...if China's success has got you severely butthurt then you can call my comments a rant all you want, won't change anything albeit, I do feel for your throbbing butthurt so...
erm...dead on arrival approach to claim to "ignore crazy rants" while instead of arguing based on merit, one goes on a rant him/herself. and you are wrong, calling the CCP culturally and mentally backwards while incapabel of taking criticism is a notion that most of the nonwhite world does not agree with. if anyone wants to check anything, they can get a visitor's visa or business visa or what have you and go check whatever the hell they want as visitors. Thousands of Pakistani students in China that have gone to xinjiang, even spent The Holy Month of Ramadan there with literally ZERO evidence of any genocide. if they can go as visitors, so can others. I'll be as blunt as possible, it is not the place of western so called "inspectors" to go into a sovereign nation's internationally recognized and accepted territory to do an "inspection". you let that happen just once and it opens up a shit storm of more demands for inspections so as far as I'm concerned, GOOD ON CHINA to tell these self proclamed "human right inspectors" to fck off and stay fcked. Pakistan did the same, Turkey did the same, Russia did the same, phillipines did the same, a bunch of other countries did the same. xinjiang is & will always be China's sovereign territory unlike iiok or westbank or gaza, etc. that are globally recognized as disputed territories where, oddly enough, the west never raises any hues and cries about violations of human rights...can you spell hypocrisy? no? Well rest assured, I can...and so can China...and it will proliferate far and wide drowning out the brow beaten lies of the west...

but alas...if China's success has got you severely butthurt then you can call my comments a rant all you want, won't change anything albeit, I do feel for your throbbing butthurt so...

well said 👍

The west lie and spread hatred against China all day, but like you said, in this age of internet, anybody can visit and record street realities with just a phone

erm...dead on arrival approach to claim to "ignore crazy rants" while instead of arguing based on merit, one goes on a rant him/herself. and you are wrong, calling the CCP culturally and mentally backwards while incapabel of taking criticism is a notion that most of the nonwhite world does not agree with. if anyone wants to check anything, they can get a visitor's visa or business visa or what have you and go check whatever the hell they want as visitors. Thousands of Pakistani students in China that have gone to xinjiang, even spent The Holy Month of Ramadan there with literally ZERO evidence of any genocide. if they can go as visitors, so can others. I'll be as blunt as possible, it is not the place of western so called "inspectors" to go into a sovereign nation's internationally recognized and accepted territory to do an "inspection". you let that happen just once and it opens up a shit storm of more demands for inspections so as far as I'm concerned, GOOD ON CHINA to tell these self proclamed "human right inspectors" to fck off and stay fcked. Pakistan did the same, Turkey did the same, Russia did the same, phillipines did the same, a bunch of other countries did the same. xinjiang is & will always be China's sovereign territory unlike iiok or westbank or gaza, etc. that are globally recognized as disputed territories where, oddly enough, the west never raises any hues and cries about violations of human rights...can you spell hypocrisy? no? Well rest assured, I can...and so can China...and it will proliferate far and wide drowning out the brow beaten lies of the west...

but alas...if China's success has got you severely butthurt then you can call my comments a rant all you want, won't change anything albeit, I do feel for your throbbing butthurt so...

Just because I see Jaka Parker video of North Korea doesn't means North Korea is a nice place to live.
What you & many others sees in Xinjiang are what the CCP wants you to see. That's why there's an international push for an unfettered access.

Evidences mostly from the chinese own government side so you can't accuse me of using just the "west" source:
Interment camp


Guide the masses of farmers and herdsmen to spontaneously carry out family planning sterilization surgery, implement the free policy of birth control surgery, effectively promote family planning work, and effectively control excessive population growth.[44

Look I was gonna put more but It start to get too depressing. So anyway this pretty much give you the idea:
Just because I see Jaka Parker video of North Korea doesn't means North Korea is a nice place to live.
What you & many others sees in Xinjiang are what the CCP wants you to see. That's why there's an international push for an unfettered access.

Evidences mostly from the chinese own government side so you can't accuse me of using just the "west" source:
Interment camp


Guide the masses of farmers and herdsmen to spontaneously carry out family planning sterilization surgery, implement the free policy of birth control surgery, effectively promote family planning work, and effectively control excessive population growth.[44

Look I was gonna put more but It start to get too depressing. So anyway this pretty much give you the idea:
uhm...yeah, so 'bout that "controlled" access...you may wanna go re-read my post again...there are Pakistani students LIVING in xinjiang, they go to school there, they go to the markets there, they go where ever the hell they want, they even go to the remote villages for site seeing during weekends like most college students do on there free days. furthermore, as far as your so called "unfettered access" to the western inspectors is concerned, you need to remember the following:

1. it's not their nor your place to ask for "unfettered access" from anyone. in urdu, its called "auqaat may raho"!

2. China is not a nation that has a minority ethnic group as the majority of its prison population, it is the u.s. that has the minority black and latino population as the majority of its prison population. So let's give that "unfettered access" to american prisons so that the EASTERN including CHINESE inspectors can verify that people are not being unfairly persecuted, shall we? ;)

3. oh and while we are at it, let's also have that "unfettered access" to the guantanamo bay prison as well shall we?
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