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China needs a voice that matches its national strength, international status: Xi Jinping

Any more excuses?

Notices that every news outlet from multiple country & with different political leaning seems to agree that china covid cover up was responsible for the global pandemic. Which circle back to my previous point that China can say many things but reality just does not care.

oh save the horse manure. every single source you have mentioned have blood on their hands and well known for lying when it came to Iraqi WMDs. I don't think you understand what the the actual issue is, it's not the credibility of China, it's the credibility of the west that is fast proving itself to be a cartel of bigoted rogue ex colonial racist nations. so take your bleeding butt else where.
oh save the horse manure. every single source you have mentioned have blood on their hands and well known for lying when it came to Iraqi WMDs. I don't think you understand what the the actual issue is, it's not the credibility of China, it's the credibility of the west that is fast proving itself to be a cartel of bigoted rogue ex colonial racist nations. so take your bleeding butt else where.

Yet you & everyone else's here that claims to hate still rely on western media for your information. Especially if it fit your narrative. It as if you don't really care as long as it serves your purposes. Now that's true hypocrisy.

I take news orgs more seriously than I do China & if we talking about who gots more blood on their hands than the country that killed millions of its own people should counts as one. Not only that China has supported numerous dictatorships that killed their own people. From Sudan killing in the darfur, Assad'd killing of its own people using chemicals, Myanmar Junta with what they are still doing right now & Of course North Korea.
Yet you & everyone else's here that claims to hate still rely on western media for your information. Especially if it fit your narrative. It as if you don't really care as long as it serves your purposes. Now that's true hypocrisy.

I take news orgs more seriously than I do China & if we talking about who gots more blood on their hands than the country that killed millions of its own people should counts as one. Not only that China has supported numerous dictatorships that killed their own people. From Sudan killing in the darfur, Assad'd killing of its own people using chemicals, Myanmar Junta with what they are still doing right now & Of course North Korea.
if you take news from these "orgs" seriously then I bet you must be shopping for beachfront property on the moon after having buying beach front property in azrizona! :lol: if you still wanna believe the "orgs" after having been caught lying with their pantaloons around their ankles so many times the hey you do you yourself man but don't get upset when others refuse to be as stupid as you are. ;)
if you take news from these "orgs" seriously then I bet you must be shopping for beachfront property on the moon after having buying beach front property in azrizona! :lol: if you still wanna believe the "orgs" after having been caught lying with their pantaloons around their ankles so many times the hey you do you yourself man but don't get upset when others refuse to be as stupid as you are. ;)

So we should trust the chinese is that what you're arguing?
if you take news from these "orgs" seriously then I bet you must be shopping for beachfront property on the moon after having buying beach front property in azrizona! :lol: if you still wanna believe the "orgs" after having been caught lying with their pantaloons around their ankles so many times the hey you do you yourself man but don't get upset when others refuse to be as stupid as you are. ;)
You can use your common sense. Read the scientific literature papers; everything is there. Forget the news - read the academic journals. It is all there. You just dont want to accept because of Iron Bro. That Iron Bro has screwed up entire world. Let us see what you would have had to say if you lost family members.
Ask the vietnamese that; vietnamese folks sent them in mass body bags. Tibet was another case in case you forget not to mention Korea.
what about korea? China went into korea just as the u.s. went into korea, just that u.s. went into korea with the intention of eliminating the north while China went into korea with the intention of preserving the north. tibet has historically been a part of China's history so I fully support tibet being a part of China. as for vietnam, read my post again, I wasn't talking about just "invading", I was talking about "invading under false pretexts". there is just no justification for what the west has done man...they are proven liars, having taken lies to a whole new level deemed impossible and have caused the deaths of millions! their lies once against showed up just 3 weeks ago when isreal was attacking land locked and unarmed people and them retaliating somehow becomes a war crime for the west while isreal carrying sheer genocide becomes simply "the right to self defence". no sir, this shit is just not gonna fly! and GOOD ON CHINA AND RUSSIA FOR STANDING WITH THE PALESTINAINS! bottom line, the west stands indicted and convicted. there is just no ifs ands or buts about it. nothing they say shall be believed or even entertained. END OF DISCUSSION!
what about korea? China went into korea just as the u.s. went into korea, just that u.s. went into korea with the intention of eliminating the north while China went into korea with the intention of preserving the north. tibet has historically been a part of China's history so I fully support tibet being a part of China. as for vietnam, read my post again, I wasn't talking about just "invading", I was talking about "invading under false pretexts". there is just no justification for what the west has done man...they are proven liars, having taken lies to a whole new level deemed impossible and have caused the deaths of millions! their lies once against showed up just 3 weeks ago when isreal was attacking land locked and unarmed people and them retaliating somehow becomes a war crime for the west while isreal carrying sheer genocide becomes simply "the right to self defence". no sir, this shit is just not gonna fly! and GOOD ON CHINA AND RUSSIA FOR STANDING WITH THE PALESTINAINS! bottom line, the west stands indicted and convicted. there is just no ifs ands or buts about it. nothing they say shall be believed or even entertained. END OF DISCUSSION!
look friend; having experienced both duplicity of US, and Communist bloc and lost friends first hand - all of these are imperialists and use us for their gains. I give credit to my cuban compatriots who fought on the other side; their leadership broke and directly negotiated and finished 30yr old conflict in its tracks.

morale of the story - western or eastern - same load of shit
Not going to happen. CCP is too old school/weak in propaganda and not sophisticated enough. 😁
Belive me if china just announce for jobs in the west with better salaries all BBC, CNN anchors will be lining up like lambs!
As china is the biggest economic super power on earth either u like it or not!
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