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China Navy has got 19 new ships year-to-date 2016!

India is starting to the dump the Russian weapons in favor of the American weapons.

But what is the Russian response? Russia has decided to supply S-400 to india. This is what I'm talking about. Actually weapons are just one small factor in it, if you study the indian psyche you'll discover that they long to be part of the west, they long to be seen as westerners and I'm using the term 'long' not 'want' because that is a lot stronger term. The popularity of Fair & Lovely cream in india is just a symptom of that disease. Russia can never overcome this indian craze to be in place of the British Raj and that is why in the end india is bound to line up with her British Raj aka the west.
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But what is the Russian response? Russia has decided to supply S-400 to india. This is what I'm talking about. Actually weapons are just one small factor in it, if you study the indian psyche you'll discover that they long to be part of the west, they long to be seen as westerners and I'm using the term 'long' not 'want' because that is a lot stronger term. The popularity of Fair & Lovely cream in india is just a symptom of that disease. Russia can never overcome this indian craze to be in place of the British Raj and that is why in the end india is bound to line up with her British Raj aka the west.

Indians cannot be trusted, now they are itching to get a bloody nose from China again.
The issue of India, in my opinion is not an issue, as their military is in such a mess, they are of no threat to anyone. They are not loyal to anyone when it comes to buying arms, and at the moment they don't seem to have the money to buy the items they really want.


So true and these Indians think they can take on China!

So true and these Indians think they can take on China!

The EMALS to India is a fishing project.

India to provide all funds, while the US can freeload all the cost of their EMALS development, just like what Russia has done with the PAK FA.

To be honest, many Viet members here also believe that they can take on China.
The EMALS to India is a fishing project.

India to provide all funds, while the US can freeload all the cost of their EMALS development, just like what Russia has done with the PAK FA.

To be honest, many Viet members here also believe that they can take on China.

Those Indians actually thought that Russia would
provide them with technology in return for putting
in 50% of the development costs for the PAK-FA.

Those Indians actually thought that Russia would
provide them with technology in return for putting
in 50% of the development Costa for the PAK-FA.


The US won't share their EMALS technology with India, Russia also won't share its PAK FA technology with India, but they all need India to provide the funds.

It is the time to grow up for India, the military strength cannot be bought with money, but you have to start everything from scratch. You cannot build a skyscraper into the sky without any foundation.
The US won't share their EMALS technology with India, Russia also won't share its PAK FA technology with India, but they all need India to provide the funds.

It is the time to grow up for India, the military strength cannot be bought with money, but you have to start everything from scratch. You cannot build a skyscraper into the sky without any foundation.

Can you remember years ago so many Indians were arguing with us that France will provide them with
jet engine technology as long as they brought say 200

No amount of logic could persuade them that no country
gives up this kind of technology for any money.
Can you remember years ago so many Indians were arguing with us that France will provide them with
jet engine technology as long as they brought say 200

No amount of logic could persuade them that no country
gives up this kind of technology for any money.

The western capitalists don't like to create the new competition, unlike China who still believes some universal values.

China already knew that since 70 years ago, the core technology cannot be bought from them, you have to make it by yourself.
What a horror to the Indians.
I made a count on the newly-operated PLA naval ships year-to-date 2016, and surprisingly found PLA Navy has got 19 new naval ships during the first seven months of 2016 (Jan. to July, 2016), or one new ship every 10 days. The 19 ships include:
- one aegis destroyer,
- two frigates,
- three light frigates,
- one amphibious warfare ship,
- four tank landing ships,
- three replenishment ships,
- one minesweeper,
- one icebreaker
- two survey ships
- one space tracking ship

P.S. submarines are not included in the research. Because it is hard to find the news about submarines commissioning.

Below is the list of the 19 ships, incl. links to the commissioning news.
- 052D Aegis destroyer x 1 (7,000 ton): 175 Yinchuan

- 054A frigate x2 (4,000 ton each): 531 Xiangtan, 532 Jingzhou

- 056 corvette x3 (1,300 ton each): 506 Jingmeng, 507 Tongren, 508 Qujing

- 071 amphibious warfare ships x1 (25,000 ton): 988 Yimeng Shan

- 072B landing ships x4(5,000 ton each): 916 Tianmu Shan, 914 Wuyi Shan, 915 Culai Shan, 917 Wutai Shan

- 903A replenishment ship x3 (23,000 ton each): 966 Gaoyou Lake, 963 Honghu Lake, 964 Luoma Lake

- 082B mine countermeasures vessel x1 (600 ton): 811 Rongcheng

- Type-272 icebreakers x1 (5,000 ton): Haibing 723

- Survey ships x2 (6,000 ton each): 874 Deng Jiaxian, 876 Qian Weichang

- Space tracking ship x 1 (30,000 ton): Yuanwang-7
But what is the Russian response? Russia has decided to supply S-400 to india. This is what I'm talking about. Actually weapons are just one small factor in it, if you study the indian psyche you'll discover that they long to be part of the west, they long to be seen as westerners and I'm using the term 'long' not 'want' because that is a lot stronger term. The popularity of Fair & Lovely cream in india is just a symptom of that disease. Russia can never overcome this indian craze to be in place of the British Raj and that is why in the end india is bound to line up with her British Raj aka the west.

What type of cocaine are you on? If that was the case it wouldnt have gone for nuclear weapons. Or actively, openly produce new ballistic missiles from the land and sea. Or actively produce SSBNs. From the very beginning, it was not only a democracy, but also a socialist leaning, command economy, also not western leaning.

You guys have no spine, when trolls here threatened to block rivers that affect your country, arm countries like Myanmar, even ban fasting in your holy months, dig into your own psyche. Your pimp got you screwed up.
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