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China Military Buildup Shifts Balance of Power in Asia in Beijing’s Favor

The last time US can organizing their political forces and masses in their homeland to effectively support their war against enemies is in WW II, and we can see the end of two empires at once ,Japan Empire and German Nazi.

The rest is just their government venture
US supply lines were extended and China launched a massive human wave attacks which shocked the USA and caused its forces to retreat but USA was able to stabilize the lines and re-capture Seoul from the Chinese.

Don't read too much into propaganda. During the initial phase of the Korea War, it was Chinese 9th & 13th Army group of 270,000 men vs the US 8th Army & the X Corps of 240,000 men. And by the end of the war, the total strength was 1.2 million Chinese & N.Korean combined vs 1.1 million on the UN side.
While it is indeed true that Chinese military power is growing these reports usually take the doom and gloom approach to achieve additional funding for the US military, considering this is a report to Congress.

Any conflict in the region will likely bring not only US forces, but other countries in the region, most notably Japan and potentially India. The US and its allies have a massive logistical advantage and could enforce a blockade around China, effectively strangling China and its economy/military to death. China's ability to wage sustained high intensity warfare decreases the further away you get from its shores, so a blockade will be difficult for China to counter. From comments and reports I've read, China has little to no capability to counter the US submarine force. US submarines along with Japans advanced diesel electric subs would pose significant costs to Chinese forces. I also want to point out that out of the 300+ Chinese naval ships the report cites a large percentage of these are frigates and light corvette/missile boats. These ships offer only medium to short range anti-air capability, and are sitting ducks for US and allied air power. The US also has a significant advantage in fighting experience and inter-operability. With US investments in hypersonic vehicles, directed energy (lasers, rail guns), long range air defense and strike( SM-6, SM-3 llA, LRASM, UCLASS, L-RSB, JASSM-ER, Tomahawk Block IV), advanced ISR platforms and drones, the US and its allies has ample capability to pose significant and crippling costs on Chinese forces and its economic well being. It is my desire to see peaceful solutions to future conflicts, but US forces will respond overwhelmingly if the need arises.
It is my desire to see peaceful solutions to future conflicts, but US forces will respond overwhelmingly if the need arises.

Wow sounds just like another Nobel Peace prize winner from the land of bombertunities. Is there a template for the "declaration of peace" in the U.S.? Every political figure there, every writer from the likes of New York Times, Washington Post sing the same tune: peace by our rules or we will bomb the crap out of you.

It sure has worked very well hasn't it? ;)
Don't overestimate the effectiveness of a DF-21D to successfully penetrate the defense of a USN CBG. I'm not saying that a DF-21D is a useless weapon, but overcoming USN defense might not be as easy as some people like to believe. And if you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you.


As you can see in the chart, the USN has already fielded a proven ABM with the block 1A and has started employing the block 1B. These have been tested several times and has successfully intercepted SRBMs and MRBMs with a success rate of 85 percent. The radar used in the intercepts are the AN/SPY-1D(V) with BMD software. By 2020, the US is planning on fielding the block IIB, which will be capable of intercepting ICBMs.

Anti-Satellite SM-3

AMDR & the Arleigh Burke Flight III

By 2020, the US is scheduled to begin contruction on the newest variant of the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, the Flight III. It will replace some of the Ticonderoga-class cruisers and will also include the replacement for the SPY-1 radar, AMDR (Air and Missile Defense Radar). With Improved sensitivity, dual band capability (S and X bands), and lessons learned from AEGIS BMD, AMDR will provide sufficient ballistic missile defense for the US Navy's carrier groups.


Again, I'm not saying that this is an invincible defense system. Every defensive measure has its flaws. But to say that the DF-21D will effortlessly sink every USN ship in the South and East China Seas is a bit rediculous.

Analysis done by me
Don't overestimate the effectiveness of a DF-21D to successfully penetrate the defense of a USN CBG. I'm not saying that a DF-21D is a useless weapon, but overcoming USN defense might not be as easy as some people like to believe. And if you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you.
The technical vulnerabilities of the DF-21D, which have yet to see an open water test to finally prove the system, have been exposed a long time ago. Those vulnerabilities are even before the SM-3.
Don't overestimate the effectiveness of a DF-21D to successfully penetrate the defense of a USN CBG. I'm not saying that a DF-21D is a useless weapon, but overcoming USN defense might not be as easy as some people like to believe. And if you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you.

View attachment 133170
As you can see in the chart, the USN has already fielded a proven ABM with the block 1A and has started employing the block 1B. These have been tested several times and has successfully intercepted SRBMs and MRBMs with a success rate of 85 percent. The radar used in the intercepts are the AN/SPY-1D(V) with BMD software. By 2020, the US is planning on fielding the block IIB, which will be capable of intercepting ICBMs.

Anti-Satellite SM-3
AMDR & the Arleigh Burke Flight III
By 2020, the US is scheduled to begin contruction on the newest variant of the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, the Flight III. It will replace some of the Ticonderoga-class cruisers and will also include the replacement for the SPY-1 radar, AMDR (Air and Missile Defense Radar). With Improved sensitivity, dual band capability (S and X bands), and lessons learned from AEGIS BMD, AMDR will provide sufficient ballistic missile defense for the US Navy's carrier groups.
View attachment 133207

Again, I'm not saying that this is an invincible defense system. Every defensive measure has its flaws. But to say that the DF-21D will effortlessly sink every USN ship in the South and East China Seas is a bit rediculous.

Analysis done by me

Sounds your "advanced" defense strategy focuses on increasing the accuracy and speed of detection. What about quantity? We are talking possibly hundreds of guided missiles flying at you simultaneously. Accuracy and response time is no longer the name of the game.

Anyway, without going into the technical details, it seems an extremely lofty goal to send sail your warships thousands of miles away to attack someone who has the resource and will to fight back, and expect not getting hit yourself. You can believe and try that. But I wouldn't bet on it.
Sounds your "advanced" defense strategy focuses on increasing the accuracy and speed of detection. What about quantity? We are talking possibly hundreds of guided missiles flying at you simultaneously. Accuracy and response time is no longer the name of the game.

Anyway, without going into the technical details, it seems an extremely lofty goal to send sail your warships thousands of miles away to attack someone who has the resource and will to fight back, and expect not getting hit yourself. You can believe and try that. But I wouldn't bet on it.

Thats the reason a carrier battle group would comprised of multiple destroyers and cruisers armed with hundreds of missiles. Don't forget that the U.S. has offensive weapons as well with thousands of cruise missiles launched from long range from submarines, planes, and surface ships. And considering that the U.S. has the ability to destroy satellites or jamming, the DF missiles would be useless if they do not know where they are in the vast ocean.
Bill Gertz overhypes the China "threat." That's his MO and that's how he gets people to read his articles, which I would take with a truckload of salt.
Talking about offence Power





and don't forget they didn't include nor registering their auxiliary ships such as replenishment ships, logistics ships and Hospital ships as their main combatant warship with the prefix of USS

Nah, manned fighters won't be useful in initial phase of the conflict if US and China ever have direct confrontation. As long as the sky belong to China, US won't send their warplanes to the front line. They will depend more on Tomahawk and other missiles. Unless US want a bloodbath at their side scenario in the early phase of the conflict.

So mobile missile platform like Submarines and Destroyers will be the one that open fire at the beginning of the war.
Don't overestimate the effectiveness of a DF-21D to successfully penetrate the defense of a USN CBG. I'm not saying that a DF-21D is a useless weapon, but overcoming USN defense might not be as easy as some people like to believe. And if you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you.

View attachment 133170
As you can see in the chart, the USN has already fielded a proven ABM with the block 1A and has started employing the block 1B. These have been tested several times and has successfully intercepted SRBMs and MRBMs with a success rate of 85 percent. The radar used in the intercepts are the AN/SPY-1D(V) with BMD software. By 2020, the US is planning on fielding the block IIB, which will be capable of intercepting ICBMs.

Anti-Satellite SM-3
AMDR & the Arleigh Burke Flight III
By 2020, the US is scheduled to begin contruction on the newest variant of the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, the Flight III. It will replace some of the Ticonderoga-class cruisers and will also include the replacement for the SPY-1 radar, AMDR (Air and Missile Defense Radar). With Improved sensitivity, dual band capability (S and X bands), and lessons learned from AEGIS BMD, AMDR will provide sufficient ballistic missile defense for the US Navy's carrier groups.
View attachment 133207

Again, I'm not saying that this is an invincible defense system. Every defensive measure has its flaws. But to say that the DF-21D will effortlessly sink every USN ship in the South and East China Seas is a bit rediculous.

Analysis done by me

The US can intercept any type of Chinese missile fired at it. The US has been testing against supersonic target missiles for years now. China has to use Soviet tactics of saturation to be able to strike US battle groups which is why their ground based missile forces have grown so large. China will rely heavily on this force in a conflict, an degradation of their launchers and bases will hinder China's ability to wage war.

As for the Df-21D, it will have to rely on a network of space and maritime based ISR sensors to be able to track and engage ships across the vast Pacific. I can guarantee you that those sensors will be attacked at the outset of a conflict. The fact that the Df-21D has not been tested against moving ships at sea is telling.
The US can intercept any type of Chinese missile fired at it. The US has been testing against supersonic target missiles for years now. China has to use Soviet tactics of saturation to be able to strike US battle groups which is why their ground based missile forces have grown so large. China will rely heavily on this force in a conflict, an degradation of their launchers and bases will hinder China's ability to wage war.

As for the Df-21D, it will have to rely on a network of space and maritime based ISR sensors to be able to track and engage ships across the vast Pacific. I can guarantee you that those sensors will be attacked at the outset of a conflict. The fact that the Df-21D has not been tested against moving ships at sea is telling.

But that also true to China too. Both have a very capable missile defense. So I think the war will end with just both side trade missile fire until one of them goes bankrupt. Or until someone got lucky and capable to penetrate the others defense and hit a critical sector.
But that also true to China too. Both have a very capable missile defense. So I think the war will end with just both side trade missile fire until one of them goes bankrupt. Or until someone got lucky and capable to penetrate the others defense and hit a critical sector.

The one who wins will be the side that gains situational awareness superiority. This is where the US has excelled at, and has invested so much money in ISR platforms. If I can see you before you see me your likely dead.
What if china took out all the satellites then what will you see then

View attachment 133542

Just an what if scenario, in which the US and her allies has the more capabilities to took out all of Chinese satellites. Don't you think US and Soviet has been engaged each other in anti-satellites weapons races since more than four decades just for nothing?

But that also true to China too. Both have a very capable missile defense. So I think the war will end with just both side trade missile fire until one of them goes bankrupt. Or until someone got lucky and capable to penetrate the others defense and hit a critical sector.

And you must taking into account, if there is any trade missile it must be between the Mainland China against US fleets in and around Pacific Ocean. The collateral damage of the Chinese mainland side must be much worsen than US, and if the industrial capabilities of the US and her Allies in Europe left untouched who do you think can continue to trade in the business?
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