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China may push for RCEP deal without India: Chinese daily

yeah! but most of this product is a fake Chinese imitation, so it can not count as Indian products; I still think shrimps is the biggest ! :yahoo:

India does produce good mangoes and maybe coconuts.
And I forgot pineapples.
I only see can pineapple from Thailand and Philippine, I have not see it from India yet. lots of Mangos from south american and Mexico, Coconut from Vietnam, Thailand....
hmm... where is the stuffs from India? their should hurry up and get those things out!!
I only see can pineapple from Thailand and Philippine, I have not see it from India yet. lots of Mangos from south american and Mexico, Coconut from Vietnam, Thailand....
hmm... where is the stuffs from India? their should hurry up and get those things out!!

40% of Indian produce rot in the field due to a lack of cold storage.
40% of Indian produce rot in the field due to a lack of cold storage.

It's more than 40%. The current storage systems are woeful and primitive and costs a lot to us.

There are huge problems with our agriculture sector. We are doing our best to address them.

Coming to RCEP, India does not need it BUT Good luck to China in making it a success.
China has perfected its huge manufacturing base to become a powerhouse. It is now using its clout to find markets to sell the over capacity. I can think of 2 cases where this can be beneficial to other countries:
1) A country that can use these products to make even higher value products
2) A country that cannot hope to create an infrastructure big enough to make their own products

In case of India, I cannot see 1) happening anytime soon and 2) is not true for India in terms of its own abilities and size (unless of course, it squanders away its demographic dividend).

The cases where this move of China can hurt other countries:
1) It will kill local manufacturing industry since it cannot compete with China in terms of cost, the only other way is to compete in terms of Quality (which I think, China is catching up)
2) The above will have a ripple effect on employment (like how it affected the United States) and create a huge income disparity in the country.
3) Once adjusted to low cost goods, its very difficult for a country to move its masses away from them even if it hurts the long term prospects of the country.

So, the move by China is right to try to find markets for its over capacity. Its up to the other countries to figure out if it helps them in the long run or ruins them.
keep hearing a lot about Pakistan mangoes -
@Syed.Ali.Haider is the only American Pakistani I know.. do you know where I can get to taste a Pakistani Mango in the Boston area?
I live in Canada. We can buy it in Chinese grocery stores. Expensive but very sweet.
I live in Canada. We can buy it in Chinese grocery stores. Expensive but very sweet.
never thought that a chinese store would sell Pakistani Mangoes.. Thanks for the heads up.. I ll snoop around the Asian store (thats what they call it here) and see.. do they have markings that say its a Pakistan Mango?
never thought that a chinese store would sell Pakistani Mangoes.. Thanks for the heads up.. I ll snoop around the Asian store (thats what they call it here) and see.. do they have markings that say its a Pakistan Mango?
Fruits all have country of origin at least in my area of the wood
keep hearing a lot about Pakistan mangoes -
@Syed.Ali.Haider is the only American Pakistani I know.. do you know where I can get to taste a Pakistani Mango in the Boston area?

You can try these guys but their supply is intermittent: http://aammangoes.com/about.php

The best bet is Toronto when the fruit is in season, but you cannot bring them across the border.
The best bet is Toronto when the fruit is in season, but you cannot bring them across the border.
as much as I would like to try out that Mango - am not going to drive across the border for that :). but thanks a lot for the link - I dont like to order food online.. I dont trust the quality. I was checking if my local whole foods has it.. but... where do you get your fix of the Pakistan Mango? do you get it int he US at all?
RCEP is just a way to dump its excess capacity on other countries. Good that India wants to part with RCEP. It will be good in long term and will give boost to Make in India program and create more jobs for locals.
as much as I would like to try out that Mango - am not going to drive across the border for that :). but thanks a lot for the link - I dont like to order food online.. I dont trust the quality. I was checking if my local whole foods has it.. but... where do you get your fix of the Pakistan Mango? do you get it int he US at all?

For me, it is easy to drive to Toronto to get my fix. :D
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