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China may push for RCEP deal without India: Chinese daily

But you started with the following suggestion:
Please change the flag

Have you seen the post it had some words before that "If you think ur not Indian but more pakistan or chinese,"
Have you seen the post it had some words before that "If you think ur not Indian but more pakistan or chinese,"

The bottom line is that you are impersonating the moderators by a suggesting a flag change - Something a moderator would do or recommend.

Who gave you such an authority?
The bottom line is that you are impersonating the moderators by a suggesting a flag change - Something a moderator would do or recommend.

Who gave you such an authority?

I neither impersonated or influenced, its about perspective from which you have read the post, I can not help in this regard nor do have inclination to lend you any.

But , from your current post i m inclined to believe that initial post had some truth in it...
And you language skills seriously need more training.

But guess what ? We are not interested in OBOR, get it ? Now get lost.

How shameless do you have to be to keep coming back after being insulted repeatedly ? now shooo..
Dude, look at the map you posted. How could you get 50% just by referring to that map? In addition, where did you get the idea that India was even considered as a part of OBOR in the beginning, let alone use it as a part of the denominator?
I neither impersonated or influenced, its about perspective from which you have read the post, I can not help in this regard nor do have inclination to lend you any.

But , from your current post i m inclined to believe that initial post had some truth in it...

Pretending alone would not save you from the wrongdoings that you seem to have committed or indulged into.
So stop word juggling.

You are in no position to impose your thoughts on others as to what flags they should possess. Should you have any doubt, contact the higher authorities for help. Don't confront the forumites, cause you have no right whatsoever.

I have no other choice but to put you on IGNORE.
Because you committed an infraction.

Have a good day.
Let me repeat it again.

We are not interested in the OBOR , stop begging for our participation or for my attention.

I know you guys are without any shame, but seriously, get lost. Stop knocking on my window for attention.
You are over-evaluating your attention. Get the elementary math right before claiming your attention to be worthwhile.
Pretending alone would not save you from the wrongdoings that you seem to have committed or indulged into.
So stop word juggling.

You are in no position to impose your thoughts on others as to what flags they should possess. Should you have any doubt, contact the higher authorities for help. Don't confront the forumites, cause you have no right whatsoever.

I have no other choice but to put you on IGNORE.

Because you committed an infraction.

Have a good day.

Its free forum, everyone has right to express their views, if you have problem with view you can report post or move on.

Only part that made any sense to me...if you haven't, I surely would

Good day
You are over-evaluating your attention. Get the elementary math right before claiming your attention to be worthwhile.

..and you are back :lol:

You are shameless ..... let me tell you again, we are NOT INTERESTED in the OBOR.

How long do I have to keep saying it till you finally understand and stop begging us ?
..and you are back :lol:

You are shameless ..... let me tell you again, we are NOT INTERESTED in the OBOR.

How long do I have to keep saying it till you finally understand and stop begging us ?
Are you high? :) You can keep saying that China is begging India for OBOR all you want. I have no intention to change your mind.
Are you high? :) You can keep saying that China is begging India for OBOR all you want. I have no intention to change your mind.

And I am tell you to stop begging Indians like me to join the OBOR.

Now get lost ....... you begging is annoying. Shooo.......shoo (that is how we get rid of dogs in India) :agree:
And I am tell you to stop begging Indians like me to join the OBOR.

Now get lost ....... you begging is annoying. Shooo.......shoo (that is how we get rid of dogs in India) :agree:
Hahahaha. It is really funny. :D It is so convenient to use "stop begging me" for any argument. :D I wonder how a person's brain could be so messed up logically.
...... and the dog is back begging for a bone called OBOR :lol:

How many times do you have to be insulted and humiliated before your "high iq" finally get it ? now shoot .... shoo....shoooo.
I never feel insulted or humiliated by you. Your behavior only insult and humiliate yourself. I am, however, amused. :)
I never feel insulted or humiliated by you. Your behavior only insult and humiliate yourself. I am, however, amused. :)

So you admit you have no shame or self respect. ........... but we are still not joining the OBOR :lol:

Now ............shoo.......shooo............go fetch.
Who cares we don't want to be a part of your reciept or w/e you call it. kthxbai.
Your op pic is beautiful, Is it you ?

China doesnt restrict any mncs from entering the chinese market- not just indian 1s, but from any other countries. In fact, it is highly welcoming of any mncs that can provide anything that china does not already have.

Indian companies themselves cant compete(with Chinese companies) or provide any value-added services or goods that China needs.

You are thus, blaming indian mncs's own imcompetency on the chinese(regulations, policies- whatever).

Hence, your statement is pseudo-oxymoronic.
Go through this link will ANS you prefectly
only exceptional edge that india has over china is its endless call centres that are staffed with ppl speaking heavily-accented english.

and you have endless labour stuffed in factories .................

Sometime I feel you actually are Arvind Kejriwal . Both you have one thing in common , hate for NAMO.

However looks like Kejri is caught with his pant down and is now hiding. You need to search for another clown to continue your tirade against NAMO. 2019 is lost case. Try 2024. Best of luck Keju.
This guy was blaming Modi for delivery of M 777 through plan instead of ship. As Modi himself took decision how to bring artillery from USA :rofl:

India doesn't want to join OBOR, or RCEP, or new WTO rounds. This kind of isolationism is self-defeating. India tried it before, and it didn't work.
It is actually in our self Interast, You chinese dont understand. Actualt OBOR has no benefit towards India (can you state any to India ?) infact hurting our sovernity claim We already have access to south east Asia, middle east, Africa, Europe. only Issue is Central Asia and Russia (will be taken care by Iran project).

Regarding RCEP its fortunate will didnt join it as well, already flush with cheap blangladesi undies and chinese thailand and malasya products.
We will go for one to one trade negotiation with selected countries only (you will see it soon...) which will cover our specific concerns and will be mutually beneficial.
There is no need/benefit to enter in bad deal out of desperation of leftout.
congrats in advance for rcep, no bad feeling

Plz keep that role of watchman with yourself @ashok321
No RCEP, no WTO Doha Round, no TPP, and now no OBOR. India has managed to isolate herself yet again.
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