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China may push for RCEP deal without India: Chinese daily

We Should not Allow Any More China Goods to India, Let them allow Indian Companies to Enter China First,

China doesnt restrict any mncs from entering the chinese market- not just indian 1s, but from any other countries. In fact, it is highly welcoming of any mncs that can provide anything that china does not already have.

Indian companies themselves cant compete(with Chinese companies) or provide any value-added services or goods that China needs.

You are thus, blaming indian mncs's own imcompetency on the chinese(regulations, policies- whatever).

Hence, your statement is pseudo-oxymoronic.

Services - Consulting, IT development, IT Support, Business Advisory, Tax Planning, etc.
Ridiculous to compare India and China based on maturity of their manufacturing industries, it's apples and oranges.
China has spent decades perfecting itself into a manufacturing hub for the world.

As far as India's concerned, we are known for our service industry which has a definite competitive edge.
Indian IT professionals are known to work harder than most westerners for peanuts as far as compensation is concerned, and that is why protectionist measures are being enforced around the world in the developed english speaking countries.

Now this forum has deteriorated to a point where no one is willing to have a sensible discussion about almost anything so I am sure this post would get spat upon as well.

This statement is as much as a widely-propagated myth by bharatis that 'india is the office of the world while china is the factory of the world', when the only exceptional edge that india has over china is its endless call centres that are staffed with ppl speaking heavily-accented english.
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It's a myth that India doesn't have competitive products. Chinese protectionism is the reason why India runs a large trade deficit with China.

It's a myth that India doesn't have competitive products. Chinese protectionism is the reason why India runs a large trade deficit with China.


This graph is irrelevant.

Please highlight any products which India produces that:

1)are compeititive with what Chinese companies produces
2)caters to the Chinese market.

E.g Sure i know india is a major, compeititive producer of spices- but do the foul-smelling spices(to the Chinese nose) sell well in China? Do China ever need to restrict Indian spices from being exported to China?
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RCEP may not be good deal for India

Nascent industry? I thought India was an industrial powerhouse whose products are being unfairly targeted by Chinese protectionism.

Indian industry is not nascent, but it didn't achieved the kind of economies of scale that Chinese industry achieved. It need some more time.

Anyway India is business friendly nation and not trade friendly one. India has one of the highest non trade barriers anywhere in the world.
Nascent industry? I thought India was an industrial powerhouse whose products are being unfairly targeted by Chinese protectionism.

Not at the status at which it can compete with others with no help.
This statement is as much as a widely-propagated myth by bharatis that 'india is the office of the world while china is the factory of the world', when the only exceptional edge that india has over china is its endless call centres that are staffed with ppl speaking heavily-accented english.
Do yourself a favor, dont be lazy and do some reading. What you have stated was true 12 years back.
To get you started, I will give you this report on the spectrum of services that come out of India and are exported to the world:

But again, I am sure nothing can deter you from ranting against India.
I am not blaming anyone, simply stating facts

Low cost items are junk
Indians love low cost items as that's all they can afford. Indian business men become rich by buying low cost Chinese made products and selling to Indians with huge margin.
Indians love low cost items as that's all they can afford. Indian business men become rich by buying low cost Chinese made products and selling to Indians with huge margin.

Huge margin? What do you pay your workers? Your products are already dirt cheap.
Indians love low cost items as that's all they can afford. Indian business men become rich by buying low cost Chinese made products and selling to Indians with huge margin.

....and do you know the best part ??? The Chinese earn a bad name in the process .Most of these importers then go on to become assemblers in India and then take the next step to manufacturing , with backward integration viz Micromax .

There's a saying out here in Hindi - Khanjar tarbooz par giray ya tarbooz khanjar par , katna tarbooz ko hi hain !

P.S In case you're interested in translation of the above phrase(which I very much doubt ) , do ask your iron brothers out here .I'm sure they'd oblige .
Junk products for junk people

China is the largest Hi tec exporting nation in this world
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