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China may push for RCEP deal without India: Chinese daily

Services - Consulting, IT development, IT Support, Business Advisory, Tax Planning, etc.
Ridiculous to compare India and China based on maturity of their manufacturing industries, it's apples and oranges.
China has spent decades perfecting itself into a manufacturing hub for the world.

As far as India's concerned, we are known for our service industry which has a definite competitive edge.
Indian IT professionals are known to work harder than most westerners for peanuts as far as compensation is concerned, and that is why protectionist measures are being enforced around the world in the developed english speaking countries.

Now this forum has deteriorated to a point where no one is willing to have a sensible discussion about almost anything so I am sure this post would get spat upon as well.
Isnt that the same service industry who got kicked out of usa because they are creating trouble for locals .
Why dont you start convincing Chinese?
What make indians to buy Chinese products? Their raw materials etc.

Can any one check each product for quality when consignments are bought ?

Why do automobile companies withdraw models from the market to rectify defects in sub systems years after the machines are sold ?
So you are damn sure this year indians wont buy chinese products ? :)
As i said before made in india products are worst as compare to made in China . (apparently local indians agreed on this)
baniya mentality wont allow indians to buy worst & costly products while cheap & good products are in market .
Isnt that the same service industry who got kicked out of usa because they are creating trouble for locals .
Why dont you start convincing Chinese?
What make indians to buy Chinese products? Their raw materials etc.

So you are damn sure this year indians wont buy chinese products ? :)
"Creating trouble for locals"? Don't think you understand what's going on in the US regarding their protectionist measures.
*HINT: You might get an idea if you read my previous post.

"Creating trouble for locals"? Don't think you understand what's going on in the US regarding their protectionist measures.
*HINT: You might get an idea if you read my previous post.
Indians buy Chinese porducts for the same reason Pakistanis buy Chinese products.
We are an impoverished nation and the only true differentiator is having a low price point.
The chinese have used Supply economies of scale very well to come-up with very cheap products from their huge manufacturing base.
So although the Silicon valley will lead innovation for some time and depend on the likes of FoxCon, Indians will need to progress to an even higher point up the prosperity value chain to be able to look elsewhere.
So you are damn sure this year indians wont buy chinese products ? :)
As i said before made in india products are worst as compare to made in China . (apparently local indians agreed on this)
baniya mentality wont allow indians to buy worst & costly products while cheap & good products are in market .

Make up your mind on what your point & objection is.
"Creating trouble for locals"? Don't think you understand what's going on in the US regarding their protectionist measures.
*HINT: You might get an idea if you read my previous post.

Indians buy Chinese porducts for the same reason Pakistanis buy Chinese products.
We are an impoverished nation and the only true differentiator is having a low price point.
The chinese have used Supply economies of scale very well to come-up with very cheap products from their huge manufacturing base.
So although the Silicon valley will lead innovation for some time and depend on the likes of FoxCon, Indians will need to progress to an even higher point up the prosperity value chain to be able to look elsewhere.
They blame that h1b visa holders are taking their jobs .

Make up your mind on what your point & objection is.
:D my piont is loud & clear . if Chinese products are junk why dont indians start buy indian products instead of Chinese?
If it fades & tears , it is a low quality Cheap product

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If you can't even compete with China in low end products such as tri-color printing, considering your much cheaper labor, the future of your manufacturing is not very bright. Let alone high-tech products like passenger jets.
my piont is loud & clear . if Chinese products are junk why dont indians start buy indian products instead of Chinese?

A buyer will buy whatever he feels is cheaper of better depending on who he is , what he wants & when he wants.

For instance, a laborer will not look for quality but buy a Rs 10 pencil cell from China while a housewife will possibly buy the Rs 30 Indian one for herself coz she knows it will last one year on the wall clock & if not replaced in time will not ruin the machine by leaking. A labourer will throw the cell away after a few weeks & replace it with another Rs 10 one.

Markets will always have the cheap & top end products, its for the buyer to decide if he wants a use-n- throw type or one which last long - & pay accordingly

Hope this helps

If you can't even compete with China in low end products such as tri-color printing, considering your much cheaper labor, the future of your manufacturing is not very bright. Let alone high-tech products like passenger jets.

This reply must suit your thinking & thoughts - Great lets keep it that way.

When we need opinions on our future , we shall ask.
If you can't even compete with China in low end products such as tri-color printing, considering your much cheaper labor, the future of your manufacturing is not very bright. Let alone high-tech products like passenger jets.
Their heads are in the right place, it's the brains that I am worried about.
This reply must suit your thinking & thoughts - Great lets keep it that way.

When we need opinions on our future , we shall ask.

Chinese companies don't sell to you, Indian importers do. Chinese only manufacture products according to what customers are willing to pay. Don't blame Chinese, blame your cheapskate importers and consumers instead.

Their heads are in the right place, it's the brains that I am worried about.

Their left brains have nothing right, and their right brains have nothing left. :partay:
Chinese companies don't sell to you, Indian importers do. Chinese only manufacture products according to what customers are willing to pay. Don't blame Chinese, blame your cheapskate importers and consumers instead.

I am not blaming anyone, simply stating facts

Make ur mind first either Chinese products are junk or better .

Low cost items are junk
India & china economic cooperation is what prevented wars , this is why India hasn't hardened its stance on Chinese imports.
Even Lord Ganesha is made in China. What could be more than this?
Indian Gods/prophets are manufactured in China.

Hollow threats of snoutband Indians who have no alternative to buy locally but to import from China.
Medicine active ingredients in bulk (powdered form), solar panels in millions of containers/shiploads etc etc..

Bragging is in Indians DNA. Indian PM Modi included.

The ego which makes people brag is what pushes men for troubles and this is what we've been watching for so many decades.
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