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China may have ‘passed the point of no return’ as Covid infections soar

Dont BS all the time that Chinese vaccines are no good all the time just to make out something of bad in China. After all, pakistan, indonesia and many other countries in the world do mainly use chinese vaccines and yet they manage the pandemic well now. At the same time, with the fabled western vaccines widely administered, there are still many deaths in the US, EU and yes such as Taiwan too now. So, its not the problem of Chinese vaccines, but have to do with the attitudes of Chinese gov on the virus and pandemic, they are just too cautious in dealing with the pandemic.
you take Pakistan is counting its covid dead accurately

Have you checked our vaccination percentages, yes it's even higher than the US. We had one of yhe highest tripple vax in the world. So stop bullshiting.

that assumes vaccines are effective
Who is Ding? Dong said 100 milion will die. Lol
100 million is too large. If you scale by U.S. experience, it may be 3 million. That matches well with Dr. Ding's estimate.
Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding is an epidemiologist and health economist, Chief of COVID Task Force at the New England Complex Systems Institute, co-founder of the World Health Network, and the Chief Health Economist for Microclinic International. He is also on the COVID-19 mortality expert committee for the World Health Organization.

He was formerly a faculty member and researcher at Harvard Medical School and Harvard Chan School of Public Health between 2004-2020, Senior Fellow at the Federation of American Scientist, and an epidemiologist at the Brigham and Women's Hospital.

In January 2020, he was recognized in the media as one of the first to alert the public on the pandemic risk of COVID-19
2 years ago CCP was going to be the hero of the world. We would be making wolf warrior movies about the CCP saving the world from covid.
2 years, a failed vaccine, a failed locked down, and failed propaganda later, here we are.
Our resident government employees are doing their best to copy paste their propaganda but even people on PDF are starting to see through it.
2 years ago CCP was going to be the hero of the world. We would be making wolf warrior movies about the CCP saving the world from covid.
2 years, a failed vaccine, a failed locked down, and failed propaganda later, here we are.
Our resident government employees are doing their best to copy paste their propaganda but even people on PDF are starting to see through it.
These are deaths for yesterday per worldometer:

Hong Kong 33
Taiwan 18
China 5

And they are cremating bodies non-stop 24 hours a day and have ordered refrigerated trucks to store bodies.

Hong Kong media rarely revealed that China's epidemic situation is soaring, epidemic deaths are increasing, and "more than 2,700 people have died at home from the epidemic in Beijing" alone"​

The Central News Agency quoted Hong Kong Ming Pao as further reporting today that through the investigation of a number of hospitals, funeral homes and related funeral industry chains in Beijing, the hardest hit area of the current epidemic, it was found that there has been a recent explosion of funeral services caused by the sharp increase in deaths related to the epidemic. Beijing industry insiders revealed to Ming Pao that the hospital morgue is currently full, "one grid stuffed into two corpses", and there are 30 bodies stacked on the ground of the morgue; Some funeral homes purchase refrigerated containers, which store 20 to 30 bodies in one container; Moreover, yesterday (17th) alone, "more than 2,700 people" died at home from the epidemic in Beijing, and the funeral service fee doubled.

According to the report, relevant people told Ming Pao that at present, funeral homes are constantly burned 24 hours a day, such as the larger funeral homes in the city, such as Babaoshan and Eastern Suburbs, which can cremate more than 300 people a day, but there is still a backlog of more than 2,000 remains, "which cannot be burned in a week." The person said that due to the deterioration of a large number of unfrozen remains, the above two museums had previously urgently purchased refrigerated containers for centralized storage.

These are deaths for yesterday per worldometer:

Hong Kong 33
Taiwan 18
China 5

And they are cremating bodies non-stop 24 hours a day and have ordered refrigerated trucks to store bodies.

Hong Kong media rarely revealed that China's epidemic situation is soaring, epidemic deaths are increasing, and "more than 2,700 people have died at home from the epidemic in Beijing" alone"​

The Central News Agency quoted Hong Kong Ming Pao as further reporting today that through the investigation of a number of hospitals, funeral homes and related funeral industry chains in Beijing, the hardest hit area of the current epidemic, it was found that there has been a recent explosion of funeral services caused by the sharp increase in deaths related to the epidemic. Beijing industry insiders revealed to Ming Pao that the hospital morgue is currently full, "one grid stuffed into two corpses", and there are 30 bodies stacked on the ground of the morgue; Some funeral homes purchase refrigerated containers, which store 20 to 30 bodies in one container; Moreover, yesterday (17th) alone, "more than 2,700 people" died at home from the epidemic in Beijing, and the funeral service fee doubled.

According to the report, relevant people told Ming Pao that at present, funeral homes are constantly burned 24 hours a day, such as the larger funeral homes in the city, such as Babaoshan and Eastern Suburbs, which can cremate more than 300 people a day, but there is still a backlog of more than 2,000 remains, "which cannot be burned in a week." The person said that due to the deterioration of a large number of unfrozen remains, the above two museums had previously urgently purchased refrigerated containers for centralized storage.

I feel bad for all the innocent Chinese victims of the CCP's hubris.
When Trump F-ed up the response to covid, he was voted out. Chinese people have no such saving grace.
Just how long is China going to keep this up?

It is going to wreck it's economy.

The only solution is to let the virus spread unimpeded through its population and then achieve "herd immunity".

BD has been at "herd immunity" since February and it's "vulnerable" is being protected by the fact that the young and healthy population has developed natural immunity.

No point sacrificing the future of the young to save some old people.

The power of Natural Immunity was missed by the world, especially the Western world. History will judge those led by the 'scientists' like Fauci and by the American Democratic party. They have destroyed the world in more ways then we know right now.
What you say in your post is spot on EVERY count!! And with global applications.
China had the wrong 'zero Covid' policy. Partly driven by political consideration / ego, as you pointed out here in another post.
BTW, Chinese members here have been calling the Zero Covid policy wrong.

I feel bad for all the innocent Chinese victims of the CCP's hubris.
When Trump F-ed up the response to covid, he was voted out. Chinese people have no such saving grace.
You don't live in America. You live in Canada which is even more totalitarian about Covid then Democrats have been. Trump was a saint compared to what followed him about Covid policies. IF Desantis becomes the next POTUS then history will rightly say that he won because of Florida's Covid policies, just like history has already judged Hillary lost nomination to Obama due to her support for the Iraq War.
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The power of Natural Immunity was missed by the world, especially the Western world. History will judge those led by the 'scientists' like Fauci and by the American Democratic party. They have destroyed the world in more ways then we know right now.
What you say in your post is spot on EVERY count!! And with global applications.
China had the wrong 'zero Covid' policy. Partly driven by political consideration / ego, as you pointed out here in another post.
BTW, Chinese members here have been calling the Zero Covid policy wrong.

You don't live in America. You live in Canada which is even more totalitarian about Covid then Democrats have been. Trump was a saint compared to what followed him about Covid policies. IF Desantis becomes the next POTUS then history will rightly say that he won because of Florida's Covid policies, just like history has already judged Hillary lost nomination to Obama due to her support for the Iraq War.
Are you an anti vaxxer?
These are deaths for yesterday per worldometer:

Hong Kong 33
Taiwan 18
China 5

And they are cremating bodies non-stop 24 hours a day and have ordered refrigerated trucks to store bodies.

Hong Kong media rarely revealed that China's epidemic situation is soaring, epidemic deaths are increasing, and "more than 2,700 people have died at home from the epidemic in Beijing" alone"​

The Central News Agency quoted Hong Kong Ming Pao as further reporting today that through the investigation of a number of hospitals, funeral homes and related funeral industry chains in Beijing, the hardest hit area of the current epidemic, it was found that there has been a recent explosion of funeral services caused by the sharp increase in deaths related to the epidemic. Beijing industry insiders revealed to Ming Pao that the hospital morgue is currently full, "one grid stuffed into two corpses", and there are 30 bodies stacked on the ground of the morgue; Some funeral homes purchase refrigerated containers, which store 20 to 30 bodies in one container; Moreover, yesterday (17th) alone, "more than 2,700 people" died at home from the epidemic in Beijing, and the funeral service fee doubled.

According to the report, relevant people told Ming Pao that at present, funeral homes are constantly burned 24 hours a day, such as the larger funeral homes in the city, such as Babaoshan and Eastern Suburbs, which can cremate more than 300 people a day, but there is still a backlog of more than 2,000 remains, "which cannot be burned in a week." The person said that due to the deterioration of a large number of unfrozen remains, the above two museums had previously urgently purchased refrigerated containers for centralized storage.

They only classify deaths caused by the covid infections as those deaths due to respiratory failures in the end. All other deaths from complications of other diseases already with the patients are not classified as covid caused deaths. Thats why there are such low number of deaths they published. In the Wuhan out break 3 years ago, overwhelming majority of the deaths were due to respiratory failures in the end and therefore claasified as covid caused deaths.

I feel bad for all the innocent Chinese victims of the CCP's hubris.
When Trump F-ed up the response to covid, he was voted out. Chinese people have no such saving grace.
You pity yourself and your masters Americans right now.
I wouldn't be surprised if 1 million will actually die from COVID in China. Remember that 4 million people perished in India during their biggest wave? Given the similar population size, it's not out of the realm of possibility at all.

We also need to remember that 21 million people died of various causes in China in 2019 before COVID.


Beijing Crematoriums Strain Under China Covid Wave​

By Laurie CHEN
12/16/22 AT 3:45 AM
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Covid-19 is spreading rapidly across China after three years of strict containment measures ended

Covid-19 is spreading rapidly across China after three years of strict containment measures ended AFP
Workers at Beijing crematoriums said Friday they are overwhelmed as China faces a surge in Covid cases that authorities warn could hit its underdeveloped rural hinterland during upcoming public holidays.
Covid-19 is spreading rapidly across China after three years of strict containment measures ended last week, with health authorities now admitting the true scale of the outbreak is "impossible" to track.
China's top Covid response body on Friday urged local governments to step up monitoring and treatment services for people returning to rural hometowns to visit family for upcoming New Year's Day and Lunar New Year celebrations.
The latter is the world's largest annual migration, with three years of pent-up demand due to prolonged zero-Covid domestic travel restrictions waiting to explode.
State media and Chinese health experts have downplayed the severity of Omicron, with expert Zhong Nanshan recently saying that Covid should be called the "coronavirus cold".

But millions of unvaccinated elderly people remain vulnerable, and there have been widespread shortages of antigen tests and fever medicines in shops.
Two Beijing funeral homes contacted by AFP confirmed they were operating 24 hours a day and offering same-day cremation services to keep up with a recent surge in demand, despite official data registering no new Covid deaths since December 4.
"We're being worked to the bone! Over 10 of our 60 staff are positive (for Covid) but we have no choice, it's been so busy lately," one crematorium staffer told AFP.
"We are cremating 20 bodies a day, mostly old people. A lot of people have been getting sick recently."
Another Beijing crematorium told AFP that there was a week-long waiting list for a spot.
A recent study by researchers at the University of Hong Kong estimated China could experience about a million Covid deaths this winter without timely intervention such as fourth-dose booster vaccinations and social restrictions.
China has only reported nine official deaths from Covid since mid-November, despite logging more than 10,000 daily infections since then.
There were no Covid deaths reported nationwide between May 28 and November 19.
In the earliest Wuhan outbreak, many deaths of Covid-positive patients went unreported due to strict national criteria for classifying Covid-related deaths, Chinese media reported at the time.
Managers of five nursing homes told Chinese media in a Thursday report that they were unable to procure antigen tests or medicines due to shortages, and had no emergency plans for a wide-scale outbreak.
Staff at multiple Beijing nursing homes contacted by AFP Friday refused to speak about conditions there.
Many elderly homes nationwide have continued pandemic-era "closed-loop" protocols in which staff are required to live on-site, according to notices posted online in recent days.
In addition, China's lack of a primary care system means that hospital facilities are easily swamped by an influx of people with relatively minor ailments.
Videos of Covid patients sitting on stools receiving saline drips outside crowded hospitals have also been going viral on social media in recent days.
AFP geolocated one video to a hospital in Hanchuan county, Hubei province, whose staff confirmed it was filmed Tuesday.
"The patients in the video volunteered to sit outside in the sun because it was... a little bit crowded inside," the staffer told AFP.

According to state data, 2 people died of COVID-19 since early December...

If this is not the high time to keep top leadership responsible for a deadly policy failure, I do not know when is the right time.
Have you checked our vaccination percentages, yes it's even higher than the US. We had one of yhe highest tripple vax in the world. So stop bullshiting.

Wow, now is bashing time right? You bozos wanted us to open up and now it's spreading. You do know US had 100'000 deaths since March? China will have the same but not to the tune of 4 mil dead Indians. Nobody i saw were needing oxygen cylinders. The old will die which was what the West wanted when we protected them for so long. And itbwas the world. first deaths in months at that time but hell the world wanted us to open, and now you asking us why some people are dying?

Then past two years of draconian measures were ill-considered. China would be better to go in tune with the world.
Hong Kong 33
Taiwan 18
China 5

And they are cremating bodies non-stop 24 hours a day and have ordered refrigerated trucks to store bodies.
I Don't beleieve the chinese really think rotw is that stupid, these statistics are for fooling the chinese mainlanders whise only source if information is their government, 5 people only!

Atleast dont make it laughable bro...meanwhile just in beijing..in just couple of videos you can count 30 plus bodies in one hospital--

Anothe one with 100s of cars jammed outside a crematorium, I guess people in china go to crematoriums for music concert.

Are you an anti vaxxer?

No, absolutely not. But by the time I was eligible for the vaccine, multiple blood donations confirmed I was carrying 'high titer' of Covid antibodies and so I chose not to vaccinate. I am fairly young and in good health and am not around elderly people. Even my Primary Care doctor told me it would be 'insane' to ignore Natural Immunity.
I have a separate thread started by me about my own vaccination status. It was started a long time ago and time has proved me correct.

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