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China May Deliver 300 of Type 99 Main Battle Tank to Pakistan

Al-Khalid Tank yourself.....

Is it true that Al-Khalid ll is rusting in storage at HMC Taxilla, Why haven't we started its mass production? Or is it not a priority in our doctrine right now?
Is it true that Al-Khalid ll is rusting in storage at HMC Taxilla, Why haven't we started its mass production? Or is it not a priority in our doctrine right now?

cause HIT wale are busy in upgrading it with changes there are 400-600 of these tanks will continue to be produced... Type-99 areThe replacement of older type-59s,69s and Type90IIMs
Agree, without proper air-cover Tank battalions will be a duck shoot for enemy Air-force, no matter how many they are.

This is what a bomber does to a 56 ton tank.


T-99 A2 is quite good one of the best Tanks in the world. But we even if we go for it we would still do massive changes in it according to our needs

The S version is nice!

Lol..also we begged Chinese government to accept us into Peoples' Republic of China, when you refused it, we joined NATO instead which makes the second quality tanks. I really wish we could get Chinese ToT on tanks and aircraft so that we wouldn't need to get second class quality stuff like Leopard 2, K2 from West and Korea.
why you dont build some yourself.I heard many words from the EU friends,Turkey has no FRIENDs.
and that K2 crap is half USA made,the koreans wont sell you if USA say so.

Pakistan may not opt for Chinese tanks this time. China always cheats on the specifications and does not deliver as per contract.
Dont speak it too loud!how can we make money if we dont cheat,like we build your country a nuclear generator,but that is fake,it burns coal!
Mr. China, you are comparing apples and oranges. As per PLA policy, China does not give its military hardware to any country, including Pakistan. While China steals all western technology via Pakistan, it gives only third rate export systems to Pakistan. I have first hand experience on seeing the pathetic and sub-par quality of chinese weapon systems.
Hmmmm....sounds right.Watch that generator it may blow up.Anyway,do you still have something we can steal?not some fish and chips but more like gunpowder the weastern people "steal" from china hundreds of years ago.

Mr. China, you are comparing apples and oranges. As per PLA policy, China does not give its military hardware to any country, including Pakistan. While China steals all western technology via Pakistan, it gives only third rate export systems to Pakistan. I have first hand experience on seeing the pathetic and sub-par quality of chinese weapon systems.
you know what,theres no such stealing thing in technology,good things are wanted by people,and they will go to people who need them.like the japanese learn how to build battleships from UK in the early 1900s,like your ancestors learn how to build a house from Rome.You have the good stuff,you cant hide them for long.
Posts removed i.e. they were off-topic and without any evidence. Please put up a separate thread.
It is better to opt for Attay Tank of Turkey..... just need to localize it
Tank to Heavy for Pakistani Terrain

That's not an issue. It's about ground pressure and the Abrams and Leopard have blown this myth out of the water (Afghanistan and Iraq). The only barrier would be existing Pakistani transport equipment, bridges and so forth.
That's not an issue. It's about ground pressure and the Abrams and Leopard have blown this myth out of the water (Afghanistan and Iraq). The only barrier would be existing Pakistani transport equipment, bridges and so forth.
Now you have a solid point
That's not an issue. It's about ground pressure and the Abrams and Leopard have blown this myth out of the water (Afghanistan and Iraq). The only barrier would be existing Pakistani transport equipment, bridges and so forth.

Until a few years ago the army used to conduct field exercises around our area twice every year. Once in summer & once in winter. The intetreting thing about winter exercises being that every now & then You would see a tank got stuck in sand as the stream flowing by our village would dry up during winter months. It was both weird & pretty amusing at the same time. They always had a pulling vehicle that we used to call a crane & I remember very clearly that on one occasion even that crane had difficulty in pulling that tank out of the sand. Rest of the formation had moved on leaving that tank behind & it was after 2 days that a pulling vehicle came over & pulled it out.
Considering the fact that it was only the dry bed of seasonal stream & the difficulty tanks had in that sand & then comprehending how it must have been for tanks & their crews down south in desert areas was a bit worrying.
I hope the situation is different now.
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