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China May Deliver 300 of Type 99 Main Battle Tank to Pakistan

Its possible because Pakistan don't buy all Chinese stuff, with TOT from China for 99A2 Pakistan can put Turkish, Ukrainian, French and home developed systems in it, making it a new and different rank.

@Zarvan does MVRD & AVRD still exists or work shifted to other department?

If you are going to re-hash the 99A2 with completely different systems, then what is the point of buying it in the first place?
Saudi wants to buy 500 MBT99 in Billion $, China refused!

Turkey wants to get MBT99 in TOT, we said no way, after that Turkey went for SK's K2 and make the copy named Altay!

Turkey wants to get HQ-9 in TOT, we said no way! after HQ-9 beats everyone in back to back testing!

You can choose whatever you want to have, China is not beg someone to have MBT99!

Case closed!
If you are going to re-hash the 99A2 with completely different systems, then what is the point of buying it in the first place?

It will be similar as MBT-2000 & Al-Khalid tanks are same but very different too.
I hope there will be lots and lots of changes to the tank as Pakistan is know to purchase modified versions.

who will protect them there basically isn't a strong SAM defenece network, the army still uses stingers, SA-7s, AAA batteries, its just pointless, the airfoce is too small and theres no real air defence, they'll be wiped out. its better to invest in A SAM network before thinking about this bullshit.
Well its nice that you thought from that point as well but the scenario you are talking about occurs when the enemy has complete air superiority. Like Israelis had during 6 Day War, there was no aircraft in the air to challenge IDF. PAF has never let IAF enjoy such a comfort and neither they will.

I am not saying that SAMs are useless they are quite important as well and if our tanks are well protected under their umbrella then its as ideal as a situation can get. But SAMs aren't essential for tanks to survive.

T-99 A2Z
If we are buying type 99 we better by type 99A2 improved version, and at least 600 by 2020
I hope there will be lots and lots of changes to the tank as Pakistan is know to purchase modified versions.

Well its nice that you thought from that point as well but the scenario you are talking about occurs when the enemy has complete air superiority. Like Israelis had during 6 Day War, there was no aircraft in the air to challenge IDF. PAF has never let IAF enjoy such a comfort and neither they will.

I am not saying that SAMs are useless they are quite important as well and if our tanks are well protected under their umbrella then its as ideal as a situation can get. But SAMs aren't essential for tanks to survive.
no offense but i don't know what world you're living in you're talking as if PAF is on parity with IAF when this couldn't be further from the truth, The IAF have more 4th generation fighters and its rapidly growing there air fore is bigger, in the past the imbalance wasn't so great now its bigger then its ever been and i doubt it will change, the PAFs role will be limited to defending the skies/air bases they can't risk CAS with the army. and even in the past wars the indians managed to take out an entire brigade of tanks in longewala with only a few hunters yet no 1 wants to talk about it(this event is a historical fact which people on this board don't want to talk about) and in the 1970s/80s PAF had a more formidable airforce for that period of time as compared to now. to put it simply buying tanks means shit when the enemy has a better airforce and is superior numerically. Having a solid SAM defence is the only option. the PA needs a massive SAM belt similar to what the egyptians had against the israelis in 73. seriously your original comments is like wishful thinking
Al Khalid and Type 99 can serve in front line formations for Armored battles against Indian Tanks in the plains of Rajistan.

Our other Tanks such as Al-Zarrar, T-80, can serve as static defensive formations.

We need to have a powerful striking armored column and these tanks will serve that purpose.

However we do have a crucial weakness in Armored Aviation. Our fleet of Cobra Gunships are horribly out of date and we need to invest in modern Armored Aviation to complement these tanks.


They will only be "wiped out" in the mental masturbations of bharti fan boys.

Do you know the amount of firepower required to "wipe out" thousands of tanks spread across vast plains and deserts, along with artillery backup, mechanized forces, radars, MRLs, infantry units, SAMs, air cover, and what not?

And india doesn't have massive fleet of B-52s that can damage such a large deployed force, and moreover... indian jets would be saving their a$$es from PAF in the air..

Pakistan already enjoys edge in artillery. Our offensive forces are better mechanized and can maneuver faster than laggy but large indian ground forces.

Our armor strength is massive. We need to keep strengthening it by retiring old tanks and replacing them with modern, hard-hitting battletanks...and increase the production of our trump-card (Al Khalid tank series!!). :pakistan:

Really...can you please elaborate on that.

I always thought Pakistan's Artillery was its achilles heel. Even Musharraf saw it as one of its core weakness of the Pakistani Army.
Saudi wants to buy 500 MBT99 in Billion $, China refused!

Turkey wants to get MBT99 in TOT, we said no way, after that Turkey went for SK's K2 and make the copy named Altay!

Turkey wants to get HQ-9 in TOT, we said no way! after HQ-9 beats everyone in back to back testing!

You can choose whatever you want to have, China is not beg someone to have MBT99!

Case closed!

Lol..also we begged Chinese government to accept us into Peoples' Republic of China, when you refused it, we joined NATO instead which makes the second quality tanks. I really wish we could get Chinese ToT on tanks and aircraft so that we wouldn't need to get second class quality stuff like Leopard 2, K2 from West and Korea.
I always thought Pakistan's Artillery was its achilles heel. Even Musharraf saw it as one of its core weakness of the Pakistani Army.


Pakistan's artillery has been superior to indian for almost 2.5 decades now. That's why indians wanted to upgrade so badly.

Our artillery edge is accepted by even senior indian members here.

Pakistani artillery guns have superior rate of fire and more range than anything india has in her arsenal as of now..

For example, core of indian artillery is formed by bofors...while core of Pakistan Artillery is formed by M109A5s...

M109A5 is superior in every way to old, scrapp boffors..it can hit targets 30km away while bofors barely clock 21kms..

Then Pakistan also have superior towed artillery guns as in Turkish MKEK Panter that can hit targets 40km away with supreme accuracy (due to modern Turkish design that leads the "shock" of firing to ground, and gun remains remarkably stable)...

Not to mention real monster truck artillery guns SH-1 with effective firing range of 52km!!

Quality wise, indian artillery is no way near us. However, they'll close the gap once their orders of M777 etc comes online...
Looks like war is upon us... Very soon. Time for new mapping :D

But on serious note. China and Pakistan might attack India. Time to go for shopping. Chinese are arming Pakistan and all these new weapons will be delivered in 3 or so time

This is not of our interest. We just dont care what they buy.
no offense but i don't know what world you're living in you're talking as if PAF is on parity with IAF when this couldn't be further from the truth, The IAF have more 4th generation fighters and its rapidly growing there air fore is bigger, in the past the imbalance wasn't so great now its bigger then its ever been and i doubt it will change, the PAFs role will be limited to defending the skies/air bases they can't risk CAS with the army. and even in the past wars the indians managed to take out an entire brigade of tanks in longewala with only a few hunters yet no 1 wants to talk about it(this event is a historical fact which people on this board don't want to talk about) and in the 1970s/80s PAF had a more formidable airforce for that period of time as compared to now. to put it simply buying tanks means shit when the enemy has a better airforce and is superior numerically. Having a solid SAM defence is the only option. the PA needs a massive SAM belt similar to what the egyptians had against the israelis in 73. seriously your original comments is like wishful thinking
I am living in the sane world were normal people live. Though I would agree with you that IAF has more aircrafts as compared to PAF but do you think that all of IAF's jets would be deployed over Indo-Pak border and dragon would be left unattended? Please answer the question serious, I am not talking about China intervening for Pakistan. We have very good and brotherly relations with Iran but that doesn't mean there are no PAF jets deployed at that border. I don't know why people love to live in the bubble that IAF would be using all 150 odd MKI (150 because the whole world knows MKIs have a serviceability of just 50-55% ), Mirages, Mig-29 on Pakistani front and India's eastern border would be defended by Mig-21, Mig-27 and Jaguars. Secondly as far as CAS is concerned PAF's motive would be that there is no indian jet attacking the tank formations.

As far as SAM network is concerned let me tell you something, during the indo pak tensions post Munbai drama Lahoris were surprised when they saw Chinese SAMs on the outskirts of the city. These were medium to long range SAMs that Pakistan has not disclosed and till today they wont accept the fact that they posses them. When it comes to armed forces they like to keep things hidden and maintain the element of surprise. And i think you would know the importance of surprise since its the cornerstone of Cold Start Doctrine?

Lastly the event you are talking about took place in 70s not 80s. Yes 80s were good years for PAF but all that was done during the decade was neutralized by the embargo in 90s and since you are very fond of history you can yourself find where PAF stood in 90s and where it is today.

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