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China Lost World War II

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Why pple here still quarrelling abt the WW2 winners and losers ??

1.JP surrendered to China, thats true

2.VN wrested our independence from the Japanese in 1945, thats true.

For who trying to deny the Truth, then just starts the war again, we VN will teach you another lesson after 1954 victory against France, 1975 victory against US imperialist :)


US marine tried to run out of VN as fast as possible

I must have to say; the CHINESE have the AMERICANS to THANK for BLOCKING the FULL MOBILIZATION of the JAPANESE WAR MACHINE into China from 1931 till 1945.

So as much as how Chinese Nationalists can be anti-American, the Americans seem to be the most concerned of the Chinese throughout the Pacific War. From behind the scenes to the military theater.

Just so ironic.
Many thanks to the Americans. and I think Americans benefits a lot from Chinese's resistance too.
they team up for common interest.
Japanese can escape from the punishment for a while but can't escape forever. Sooner or later, you Japanese has to face up to it directly.

See the final singal from the 9.3 Vday parade?
Cairo is a city name shielded by Japanese books. Cairo Declaration was issued by China, America and Britain together.

Cairo is the capital of Egypt. Every Japanese knows this. Its not shielded in any books.


Why pple here still quarrelling abt the WW2 winners and losers ??

1.JP surrendered to China, thats true

2.VN wrested our independence from the Japanese in 1945, thats true.

For who try to deny the Truth, then just starts the war again, we VN will teach you another lesson after 1954 victory against France, 1975 victory against US imperialist :)


US marine tried to run out of VN as fast as possible


I admire the Vietnamese Spirit of Anti-Imperialism, Anti-Colonialism.

I admire that. :)
That's why I said had it been realized. I think you need to understand that during the early part of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War, Japan was fighting with one arm behind its back. You understand that right? The United States was blocking Japanese full mobilization in China by threatening to cut scrap metal exports, as well as oil exports to Japan. Japan mobilized only 1/4th of its Army into China.

I think everything would have been different had Japan deployed the ENTIRE Imperial Army into China.

And THAT's just the truth.

Good Point, Sir. :)
Your sophistry just want to find a bit feeling of comfort, the glory of past time has gone for ever. That time is the weakest time of our country (thank for shit KMT), and your top in all history. But the time has gone for ever. I know your Japanese introspection about the war mainly focus on the reasons of the failure of the war, but the all elements of the war(intention, reason, means etc) were absolutely improper, your failures in strategy appeared everywhere in the war. The final failure has been destined at the begin, what you said was purely pseudo proposition in both logic and reality. You all so-called successes just were because your enemies such as KMT were too weak, not you were strong or bravery. And you will sustain the consequence of your predecessors' stupidity, brutality and failure.
Do you know in the wars of Mongols and Manchu, the over 90% troops and generals of Mongols and Manchu were Han. :agree:
I must have to say; the CHINESE have the AMERICANS to THANK for BLOCKING the FULL MOBILIZATION of the JAPANESE WAR MACHINE into China from 1931 till 1945.
The intervention of US just accelerated the process of the end of the war, but the result of the war has been destined at the begin of the war.:agree:
So as much as how Chinese Nationalists can be anti-American, the Americans seem to be the most concerned of the Chinese throughout the Pacific War. From behind the scenes to the military theater.

Just so ironic.
I know your Japanese mind: Japan is perfect, but US is better.:rofl:
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Cairo is the capital of Egypt. Every Japanese knows this. Its not shielded in any books.


I admire the Vietnamese Spirit of Anti-Imperialism, Anti-Colonialism.

I admire that. :)
me too. God help Who helps themselves.
Many thanks to the Americans. and I think Americans benefits a lot from Chinese's resistance too.
they team up for common interest.

Of course, you should be thanking the United States. As I said before , time and time again, the greatest guarantor of China's independence was not the KMT or the CPC, but the United States. It was America , by her shear military power and psychological and physical imposing threat -- that forced the Japanese to mobilize most of Japan's Military Machine to address the American Threat.

If it was not for America; Japan would have invaded China will full force early in the 1930s. If it was not for America, Japan would have brought to bear in China some 6 million soldiers of the Imperial Army.

So, instead of lambasting the United States, or imposing anti-AMERICAN sentiments on its populace, the Chinese Government and Academics should stress the role of AMERICA in China's Sovereignty and Independence.

Because , TRUST ME, had it not been for America, Japan would have invaded China will FULL POWER. Not 1/4th Power.
Why you guys hate communism so much? Just because the communist advise equality, support the black, support the Africans, support the former colonies, right? To be honest, the colony system collapsed, Communism hasn't won completely, but achieved great success.
Communism ENFORCES equality, which is absurd in the first place.

To date, there is only one successful Marxist/communist society -- the monastery.

In the monastery, which includes the nunnery, everyone is a volunteer. No one forces anyone to live a life of voluntary poverty and service. But outside the monastery, everyone wants to own more, eat more, drink more, and generally do more in order to make their lives easier. The results are competition and inequality. Marxists hate that and the result is the horror that was the communist experiment.

If communism was so great, then why did it failed ? I asked in the past: Why not the microwave oven came from the Soviet Union or China ?

Care to answer that question ?

The following communique is for automatic release at 7:30 P.M., E.W.T., on Wednesday, December 1, 1943.

Extraordinary precautions must be taken to hold this communication absolutely confidential and secret until the hour set for automatic release.

No intimation can be given its contents nor shall its contents be the subject of speculation or discussion on the part of anybody receiving it, prior to the hour of release.

Radio commentators and news broadcasters are particularly cautioned not to make the communication the subject of speculation before the hour of release for publication.

Secretary to the President

President Roosevelt, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and Prime Minister Churchill, together with their respective military and diplomatic advisers, have completed a conference in North Africa.

The following general statement was issued:

"The several military missions have agreed upon future military operations against Japan. The Three Great Allies expressed their resolve to bring unrelenting pressure against their brutal enemies by sea, land, and air. This pressure is already rising.

"The Three Great Allies are fighting this war to restrain and punish the aggression of Japan. They covet no gain for themselves and have no thought of territorial expansion. It is their purpose that Japan shall be stripped of all the islands in the Pacific which she has seized or occupied since the beginning of the first World War in 1914, and that all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa, and The Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China. Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed. The aforesaid three great powers, mindful of the enslavement of the people of Korea, are determined that in due course Korea shall become free and independent.

"With these objects in view the three Allies, in harmony with those of the United Nations at war with Japan, will continue to persevere in the serious and prolonged operations necessary to procure the unconditional surrender of Japan."
Even without United states, China would defeat Japan, just much longer time. Mao was different from any Chinese leaders in KMT or Qing emperors. He turned the war into People's War and regained the long term missing mobility in Chinese civilization. In Sino-Japan wars, China could mobilize tens of thousands of troops even with a population of hundreds of millions. But Mao found the long lost mobilization of Chinese civilization due to long term unification. In Warring Kingdoms period, in Qin, Han, Tang dynasty, China could mobilize most of population into warriors. Mao did it. Even before pacific wars started, Japanese Army was losing ground in Northern China. Japan couldn't make any more progress in China which prompted Japan leaders to make a Gamble in South-East Asia.

Mao could mobilize the people, which made CCP to annihilate KMT's 8 millions army with US support just by 3 years and stopped MacArthur's UN army. Mao unified a China bigger than Europe within just three years, Napoleons and Hitler couldn't do this. As long as Mao's portrait in TiananMen, If there is next Sino-Japan war, you should expect hundreds of millions Chinese army, not just several millions on the paper.

KMT was even worse than Qing emperors, even though they were official governments. They had never truly unified China, and behaved like chicken before Japanese. More than 50% of KMT army surrendered to Japan.

Anyone do not understand Maoism will never understand PRC. If one day a stupid leader similar to Gobachev takes Mao's portrait off, PRC can collapse within several years. No matter how Western media painted Mao, he is the leader of Chinese People, he is the one truly understand Chinese civilization. His status in China will be much more important than Confucius. When most leaders suffered in Cultural Revolution passed away, Mao's status in China will get higher and higher..
China was so weak in the hand of sh!t KMT! China was an Arg nation with no industry and busy at civil war, even that, Industry Japan still can't Conqu all of China!

see what happened in Korea from 1950-1953, while Chinese army in the Hand of CCP?

We beat Japanese' masters' aSe badly!
It likes to say Christianism collapsed, because none of a country is led by Bishop, is only Christian by name.
Actually, the monarchy of England is head of the Anglican Church.

Christianity is a religion so unless you are willing to say that Marxism is a religion, you are in error with your argument.
I know your Japanese mind: Japan is perfect, but US is better.:rofl:

America, pound per pound, was the major force that BROKE the Great Imperial Japanese Empire.

It was only America that broke and EVISCERATED the Imperial Navy. It was AMERICA ALONE who ERADICATED the entire 14th Area Imperial Japanese Army (450,000 strong) during the Operation to retake Philippines. America's 8th and 6th Army TOTALLY ANNIHILATED the 14th Area Army. This had never happened before, considering the 14th Area Army was one of the most well trained.

No other "Allied Power" gave a bloody lip to Japan but America. Period.

I don't think we have to argue this fact. This reality.


This is why America is the GREATEST MILITARY POWER, GREATEST POWER in this earth.
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