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China Lost World War II

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A working knowledge of English is also required to connect to the world at large, unless you are satisfied with being connected to fellow Chinese only?

India is a land of many languages, and English has gradually emerged as a lingua franca that helps people communicate better and get work done. In a democracy, since everyone must be heard, it is vital that people understand each other. Which brings me to the point that you are being a bit disingenuous here. You speak as if you have only one language in China so if you know Mandarin it is fine. Most Chinese languages are mutually unintelligible. So instead of adopting the common language of the world, you have imposed Mandarin on those who otherwise speak Tibetan/Cantonese/Manchu/Uyghur etc., thereby hegemonizing your own people. Also, I guess, it helps that no one needs to be heard in China before decisions are made - the Politburo decides everything. But then you pride yourself on that, don't you?

As for GDP figures, assuming you are using nominal GDP, India's GDP is about $2 trillion. As for China's GDP?

China's GDP figures are overstated to the extent of at least 30%-40%, using elementary accounting gimmicks like including internal debt in GDP calculations, etc. Of course, the true extent of this fudging is not known because your government behaves shadily and no one really knows what does on in your country.

The Economist says so:
And so does the Wall Street Journal:
For All Its Heft, China’s Economy Is a Black Box - WSJ
And CNNMoney agrees:
Is China cooking its books? - Jul. 15, 2015

Your own top leaders agree with this assessment, although they use their words carefully:
China's Li Doesn't Believe His Own Numbers - Bloomberg View
China's GDP is man-made, unreliable: top leader| Reuters

It does not make me happy to point out the fraud committed by the Chinese government in reporting economic statistics. The world economy as a whole is suffering because financial institutions chose to believe your cooked-up numbers and over-leveraged, leading to the current painful correction. Even India is getting hurt in the process. Do you think the Chinese government should apologize for lying about economic statistics because it treats everything as a matter of pride?
Calm down Man!

Our eco has nothing to do with you just keep your focal point on your own business .
from Foriegn Policy? :omghaha: Not a surprise, the OP author is yet another hired prostitude of those Neocon Nazi scums.

China was a clear and admirablely honourable winner of WWII, make no mistake about it.

Cairo-Conference - WW2 Winners Conference - China-US-UK:


No amount of Neocon low IQ spinning can get around the following facts:

China Proper was the single largest battlefield of the the Eastern Theater of WW2 .

The US only came in at almost the end of the war to harvest. Japan's loss was already the writing on the wall after Berlin was gone. Yes, the 2 nukes helped a lot, but not the essential for Japan's surrender which would come sooner or later.

Actually those 2 nukes saved Japan at large, without which the entire Japan Proper could have been sunk little by little, painfully but surely.

The Japanese troops that China destroyed during WW2 were way more than what the US and the Soviets did putting together.

Only because of the existence of China, Japan failed to take India and didn't attack the Soviets on its Far Eastern front. This was crutial for the eventual victory of the Soviets over the Nazi Germans.

In other words, if China had failed during WW2, the Europe would have fallen as a consequence. And the entire history of WW2 would have been re-written.

The entire nation of China fought since the Day 1 till the Day Last of WWII , until China received the Unconditional Surrrender paper signed by japan. (which loser did that?)

Despite being an agrarian country, China was just too large, the Chinese were just too smart and too brave, to be swallowed by tiny Japan despite its newly-industrialised nationwide militarism.

No surprise, as a key member of Allied Forces and an universally-recognised winner of WW2, China became one of 5 Founding Fathers of the UN and UNSC.
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Wow, this is quite a new low....

If more than three quarter of Japanese forces had not been busy fighting the British, French and Americans in various theaters of the Pacific front, these soldiers would be deployed in China. Considering China couldn't deal with less than a quarter of the Japanese Army, it is quite a tall claim you make.


Close to about 9 million soldiers in the Imperial Army, Navy, Air Service. About 1-2 million where in China. The the rest where all over Asia, Pacific, Arctic, Japan.

Its similar to the Japanese epic of "The Conqueror of 10 Directions" or "Lord of 4 Winds".
We celebrate it as Independence Day, not Victory Day. Claiming victory after getting the crap beaten out of you is not a bright idea.

Japan was simultaneously fighting on several fronts. That such a small country could do as much as it did is crazy in itself. Though not in a good way.

If more than three quarter of Japanese forces had not been busy fighting the British, French and Americans in various theaters of the Pacific front, these soldiers would be deployed in China. Considering China couldn't deal with less than a quarter of the Japanese Army, it is quite a tall claim you make.
Wish Japanese still think so.:cheesy:

Close to about 9 million soldiers in the Imperial Army, Navy, Air Service. About 1-2 million where in China. The the rest where all over Asia, Pacific, Arctic, Japan.

Its similar to the Japanese epic of "The Conqueror of 10 Directions" or "Lord of 4 Winds".

1.55 million Japanese army died in China!

number of injuries and deaths in China warland more than 2.55 Million ( 89% of whole Japanese army injuries and deaths in WW2)

in 1945, we got 1.28 million Japanese POW ( 50% of whole Overseas Japanese POW)
No amount of Neocon low IQ spinning can get around the following facts:

China Proper was the single largest battlefield of the the Eastern Theater of WW2 .

The US only came in at almost the end of the war to harvest. Japan's loss was already the writing on the wall after Berlin was gone. Yes, the 2 nukes helped a lot, but not the essential for Japan's surrender which would come sooner or later.
Talk about spin...:rolleyes:

Not only is it spin, you are spinning BS. The US fought Imperial Japan since the attack on Pearl Harbor. I guess revisionist history in China is worse than we thought. Next yr the revisionist history will have China who nuclear bombed Japan.
1.55 million Japanese army died in China!

number of injuries and deaths in China warland more than 2.55 Million ( 89% of whole Japanese army injuries and deaths in WW2)

in 1945, we got 1.28 million Japanese POW ( 50% of whole Overseas Japanese POW)
Most the pow were shorter than 1.5m, in the late time of the war, Japanese have seen a serious shortage of recruitment. The war had been unsustainable for Japan, a big-size little country.:rofl:

Talk about spin...:rolleyes:

Not only is it spin, you are spinning BS. The US fought Imperial Japan since the attack on Pearl Harbor. I guess revisionist history in China is worse than we thought. Next yr the revisionist history will have China who nuclear bombed Japan.
Nope we thought little Vietnam has nuked Japanese.:rofl:
1.55 million Japanese army died in China!

number of injuries and deaths in China warland more than 2.55 Million ( 89% of whole Japanese army injuries and deaths in WW2)

in 1945, we got 1.28 million Japanese POW ( 50% of whole Overseas Japanese POW)

In the Height of the Great Imperial Japanese Empire [Dai Nippon Teikoku] the size of the Imperial Japanese Army was 6.2 million. The Imperial Japanese Navy had a personnel of 1.7-2.0 million. The Imperial Japanese Air Service had an additional 1 million. The Imperial War Machine was 9-10 million strong.

Statistically speaking, about 1/4th of the Imperial Army's strength was concentrated to deal with China. When the Japanese Empire was at war with the United States, most of the battle hardened soldiers of the Kwangtung Army were sent to deal with them in the Pacific Islands, after they were mobilized to conquer most of Southeast Asia (defeating the British, Dutch, French). The soldiers stationed in China to deal with the Chinese were mostly conscripts.

Constitutively speaking, the Americans were a greater threat to the Great Imperial Japanese Empire than the Chinese rebels ever were. There is no debate on this.

1.55 million Japanese army died in China!

number of injuries and deaths in China warland more than 2.55 Million ( 89% of whole Japanese army injuries and deaths in WW2)

in 1945, we got 1.28 million Japanese POW ( 50% of whole Overseas Japanese POW)

Hypothetically speaking, let's say that Japan did not go to war with America and the West, if Japan concentrated our resources on China, yes, then China would have been probably conquered and Subsumed into the Empire.

Dividing one's forces is never a practical tactic. I think our German allies at the time, the Nazi German Third Reich, did the same blunder when fighting a two front war with the West and the Soviets vis-a-vis Operation Barbarossa.
You are the reason why I say: Vietnamese are some ungrateful people. At 1954 China just finished the war in Korea, dead 118000, wounded 383000, and the weapon debt from USSR China paid off until 1964. That's why China knew what French and America can do together. Chine just couldn't make it at that time. And with the help from China and Russian, Vietnam could only get free until 1976. And you think you can make it at 1954? And you say China betry you? Have you ever respect to the chinese soldiers who died in Vietnam?

Stop bullshitt, without China or Russia, Vietnam still can get independent, whether Vietnam has to work with Japan or U.S. the results is the same and they have been fighting for thousands of years. Look at why Republic of Vietnam hates you Chin that much.

The end game, China did not do anything for free. It helped Democratic Vietnam (which is now Communist Vietnam) destroyed Republic Vietnam and U.S. in Vietnam to leverage itself, bring U.S. to negotiation table recognize China as great power. Both China and U.S. hand shake behind Vietnam back tried to split Vietnam like they do with Korea, this led to Sino-Vietnam war in 1979 and Cambodia war at the same year. Why did Russia support Vietnam during Sino-Vietnam war? You may have guessed why.
Stop bullshitt, without China or Russia, Vietnam still can get independent, whether Vietnam has to work with Japan or U.S. the results is the same and they have been fighting for thousands of years. Look at why Republic of Vietnam hates you Chin that much.

The end game, China did not do anything for free. It helped Democratic Vietnam (which is now Communist Vietnam) destroyed Republic Vietnam and U.S. in Vietnam to leverage itself, bring U.S. to negotiation table recognize China as great power. Both China and U.S. hand shake behind Vietnam back tried to split Vietnam like they do with Korea, this led to Sino-Vietnam war in 1979 and Cambodia war at the same year. Why did Russia support Vietnam during Sino-Vietnam war? You may have guessed why.

If I may interject,

I think one of the factors that makes the Vietnamese effective fighters is the location of their country. The Vietnamese Viet Minh were exceptional guerilla fighters. In fact, during the latter part of the Japanese Occupation of French Indochina, the Vietnamese were already perfecting their guerilla capabilities. The Viet Minh were exceptional in striking Japanese convoys stationed in French Indochina --- so much that after the surrender --- many of the Japanese officers and regiments stationed in French Indochina joined the Viet Minh.

I suppose some of our officers found honor in the Vietnamese anti-colonialist cause.
Then why does the CPC still call itself that? Isn't it time for a logo change? Like Capitalistic Party of China?
The Party cannot afford to call itself anything else.

Think about it for a moment. Every country needs a set of moral principles as guidance, at least on the surface anyway. The US have democracy and capitalism. The Western countries shares the same even though each may execute these ideals differently.

Communism is the political expression of Marxism, or to put it another way, communism is the executor of Marxism. The Soviet Union and China failed at communism, which discredited Marx. As far as we know, and I could be mistaken, China have not made an official statement that communism failed. For China, it was embarrassing enough to adopt capitalism as necessary for national survival, it would be even worse for face if China had to publicly admit that communism failed.

The Party have 'communism' in its label simply because there is nothing else to replace it.
yeah yeah yeah,We have lost WWII like all countries in the whole world except US,happy?
Hypothetically speaking, let's say that Japan did not go to war with America and the West, if Japan concentrated our resources on China, yes, then China would have been probably conquered and Subsumed into the Empire.

Dividing one's forces is never a practical tactic. I think our German allies at the time, the Nazi German Third Reich, did the same blunder when fighting a two front war with the West and the Soviets vis-a-vis Operation Barbarossa.
That hypothesis did not exist, at least CPC armies were larger and larger inside territory occupied by Japanese at all time and far more powerful than your focus, KMT armies.:rofl:
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