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China Lost World War II

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So India will not claim the land that Britan took, right?

We celebrate it as Independence Day, not Victory Day. Claiming victory after getting the crap beaten out of you is not a bright idea.

Do a bit search ...... do try to find reasons why Japs instead of conquering entire China preferred to stay with coastal line and then attacked Southern Countries...... and then they moved to West to encircle entire China in order to weaken resistance forces and avoided face to face conflict......:-)

Japan was simultaneously fighting on several fronts. That such a small country could do as much as it did is crazy in itself. Though not in a good way.

China would have won WW2 eventually with or without the US joining the fight,what the US did was just cut the war short by a few years.

Japan was essentially a small power pretending to be a major one,much like Vietnam after 1975 thinking they were the 3rd strongest military power on earth..LOL

What can I say.. history only proves that these small time players need a reality check from time to time.

If more than three quarter of Japanese forces had not been busy fighting the British, French and Americans in various theaters of the Pacific front, these soldiers would be deployed in China. Considering China couldn't deal with less than a quarter of the Japanese Army, it is quite a tall claim you make.
That such a small country

Nice one....... small Germany was messing with Russia, England, France, USA at the same time ...... you need to read develop more knowledge friend
Of course we have won the war,with the help of allies.We alone killed more than half a million of japanese invaders.Not many countries have contributed more than us.What have pinoys and Indians have done?You are a bunch of coward slaves in that time,nothing more.Stupid thread.
We were weak in that times but still far stronger than most of other countries.

But then we got ourselves a Republican democracy, and stopped being slaves. The Chinese people had to live through Mao.

Nice one....... small Germany was messing with Russia, England, France, USA at the same time ...... you need to read develop more knowledge friend

Are you high? You randomly quote a part of a sentence and speak some totally unconnected stuff and think you have done someone a service?

The thread is on a very narrow point? Did China emerge victorious in WWII. There is no doubt that China, along with the Soviet Union, suffered the most as a result of Axis aggression during the War. The only difference is that the Chinese were forced to endure and wait for the war to wind down and the inevitable defeat of Japan, as it bleeded out into the Pacific. One could say that China was to Japan what the Soviet Union was to Germany - their graveyard. But that would not be accurate. After the first year of unchecked German advance, the Soviets were able to bog down and eventually militarily defeat the Germans. On the other hand, the Japanese continued their Chinese carnage unchecked till developments on the Pacific front had totally sapped Japan and the war had nearly ended. In other words, the Chinese suffered and sacrificed so that the West could claim victory.

But the fact is that similar resentment is felt even in Russia, where it is felt that the invaluable contribution they made to the war effort is undervalued by the Western countries. The Russians are right about it. I think this Western reaction to Soviet and Chinese contributions is partly prejudice, but is also based on one historical fact. Let us leave aside for a moment how much the Soviets and Chinese contributed, but did they willingly become part of the War? Stalin, until the last moment, was still hoping to secure a peace treaty with Hitler, knowing fully well what was happening on the Western front. Similarly, the Chinese were not active belligerents - they were forced to fight for survival by the brutal Japanese.

I am not trying to belittle the Chinese. I feel their pain and the suffering that they had to endure during WWII, and can understand the anger they feel towards the Japanese historically. What the Japanese did during their occupation was heinous, and any so-called Nationalist Japanese leader who denies these brutalities should be made to answer for their lies. I otherwise admire Japanese society, but reading about the atrocities that they committed in China and the Pacific front opened my eyes to their dark past. I just hope that the Japanese have learnt from their dark past.
Are you high? You randomly quote a part of a sentence and speak some totally unconnected stuff and think you have done someone a service?

Answered your question .... if you got problem then it can't be helped
Answered your question .... if you got problem then it can't be helped

I think you should take time out from writing in pigdin, take out the dictionary and structure your views into coherent sentences so that they can be responded to.
Back in World War 2, China was a a weak country that hadn't industrialized yet. No way it could've stand up to Japan, just like no way the Soviet Union could've stand up against Nazi Germany. Japan opened up it's economy in 1854 and was an industrialized nation before it invaded China, so it had better military equipment, training, and supplies. China opened up its economy and started industrialization in 1978.

Fast forward to present day, China's military is close to reaching military parity with the strongest military in the world after only 30 years of growth. All thanks to China's "Technocratic Party." Remember, the communist party died out when China opened up it's economy to the world by adapting to suitable ideals that can grow the nation economically, hence it became a technocratic party with state capitalism very much the opposite of Communism. China is only Communism in name only.
Back in World War 2, China was a a weak country that hadn't industrialized yet. No way it could've stand up to Japan, just like no way the Soviet Union could've stand up against Nazi Germany. Japan opened up it's economy in 1854 and was an industrialized nation before it invaded China, so it had better military equipment, training, and supplies. China opened up its economy and started industrialization in 1978.

Fast forward to present day, China's military is close to reaching military parity with the strongest military in the world after only 30 years of growth. All thanks to China's "Technocratic Party." Remember, the communist party died out when China opened up it's economy to the world by adapting to suitable ideals that can grow the nation economically, hence it became a technocratic party with state capitalism very much the opposite of Communism. China is only Communism in name only.

Then why does the CPC still call itself that? Isn't it time for a logo change? Like Capitalistic Party of China?

Then why does the CPC still call itself that? Isn't it time for a logo change? Like Capitalistic Party of China?

Oh, I get it, it would still be CPC!!!:-)
Chinese commies tried to use same kind of trick on Vietnam which the western use on them, using Vietnam as chess piece to leverage its position with U.S. but failed.

If Soviet did not split Mongolia, Chinese will be now thinking they are descend of Genghis Khan, was one of the world ruler.
You are the reason why I say: Vietnamese are some ungrateful people. At 1954 China just finished the war in Korea, dead 118000, wounded 383000, and the weapon debt from USSR China paid off until 1964. That's why China knew what French and America can do together. Chine just couldn't make it at that time. And with the help from China and Russian, Vietnam could only get free until 1976. And you think you can make it at 1954? And you say China betry you? Have you ever respect to the chinese soldiers who died in Vietnam?
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We celebrate it as Independence Day, not Victory Day. Claiming victory after getting the crap beaten out of you is not a bright idea.

Japan was simultaneously fighting on several fronts. That such a small country could do as much as it did is crazy in itself. Though not in a good way.

If more than three quarter of Japanese forces had not been busy fighting the British, French and Americans in various theaters of the Pacific front, these soldiers would be deployed in China. Considering China couldn't deal with less than a quarter of the Japanese Army, it is quite a tall claim you make.

French? France was defeated in 60 days. British? British abandoned Singapore, HK, Malaysia to their own fate. Only the US Navy was really active in the war.

It was not 1 quarter. It was 1 half. Get your shit straight Indian.

Back in World War 2, China was a a weak country that hadn't industrialized yet. No way it could've stand up to Japan, just like no way the Soviet Union could've stand up against Nazi Germany. Japan opened up it's economy in 1854 and was an industrialized nation before it invaded China, so it had better military equipment, training, and supplies. China opened up its economy and started industrialization in 1978.

Fast forward to present day, China's military is close to reaching military parity with the strongest military in the world after only 30 years of growth. All thanks to China's "Technocratic Party." Remember, the communist party died out when China opened up it's economy to the world by adapting to suitable ideals that can grow the nation economically, hence it became a technocratic party with state capitalism very much the opposite of Communism. China is only Communism in name only.

Great theory except that it flies against reality. In 1967 China got the hydrogen bomb before France did and built a nuclear submarine in 1970 before France did. What now lol?
We celebrate it as Independence Day, not Victory Day. Claiming victory after getting the crap beaten out of you is not a bright idea.

Japan was simultaneously fighting on several fronts. That such a small country could do as much as it did is crazy in itself. Though not in a good way.

If more than three quarter of Japanese forces had not been busy fighting the British, French and Americans in various theaters of the Pacific front, these soldiers would be deployed in China. Considering China couldn't deal with less than a quarter of the Japanese Army, it is quite a tall claim you make.
Just like basketball, China make a team with America and win the game, maybe China get fewer points, but still win together, that's also the reason why China is one of the permanent members of UN. India want to join the little club, but what Contribution have you done to the world except population? UK took the land from China(Which China never accept.), what rights have you done to claim it. UK steal the tea from China to give it to India, why still so proud to plant it?
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French? France was defeated in 60 days. British? British abandoned Singapore, HK, Malaysia to their own fate. Only the US Navy was really active in the war.

It was not 1 quarter. It was 1 half. Get your shit straight Indian.

Great theory except that it flies against reality. In 1967 China got the hydrogen bomb before France did and built a nuclear submarine in 1970 before France did. What now lol?

Depends on how you define numbers. The Sino-Japanese War stretched from 1937-45, as opposed to the Pacific War from 1941-55. During the entire Sino-Japanese War, Japanese troop deployment totaled 4.1 million. In the Pacific War, Japanese troop deployment was 7.1 million. Since these numbers do not conclusively prove either way (as the Sino-Japanese War ran twice as long and troop deployment figures are bound to be inflated as a result), I decided to chose an easier way to decide the issue. Japanese military casualties in WWII was between 2.1-2.5 million, whereas in the China front it was around 4,80,000. So I extrapolated the numbers to arrive at one-fourth during the course of the entire war.

Believe me, these numbers make China look good. If you want me to concede that by engaging half of its troops in China, Japan suffered less than one-fourth of its casualties, I will do so. But please understand it does no favour to your China-won-the-war story, along with showing your forces in a poor light.

Next time,if you want to get people to "get their shit straight", try to show at least some elementary calculations/analysis instead of merely stating things as if your word is the final authority on anything.

As for the rest of your post, I have seen its quality, so do not engage with me again as I will not respond to a buffoon.
Depends on how you define numbers. The Sino-Japanese War stretched from 1937-45, as opposed to the Pacific War from 1941-55. During the entire Sino-Japanese War, Japanese troop deployment totaled 4.1 million. In the Pacific War, Japanese troop deployment was 7.1 million. Since these numbers do not conclusively prove either way (as the Sino-Japanese War ran twice as long and troop deployment figures are bound to be inflated as a result), I decided to chose an easier way to decide the issue. Japanese military casualties in WWII was between 2.1-2.5 million, whereas in the China front it was around 4,80,000. So I extrapolated the numbers to arrive at one-fourth during the course of the entire war.

Believe me, these numbers make China look good. If you want me to concede that by engaging half of its troops in China, Japan suffered less than one-fourth of its casualties, I will do so. But please understand it does no favour to your China-won-the-war story, along with showing your forces in a poor light.

Next time,if you want to get people to "get their shit straight", try to show at least some elementary calculations/analysis instead of merely stating things as if your word is the final authority on anything.

As for the rest of your post, I have seen its quality, so do not engage with me again as I will not respond to a buffoon.

typical Indian analysis.
Just like basketball, China make a team with America and win the game, maybe China get fewer points, but still win together, that's also the reason why China is one of the permanent members of UN. India want to join the little club, but what Contribution have you done to the world excrpt population? UK take the land from China(Which China never accept.), what rights have you done to claim it. UK steal the tea from China to give it to India, why still so proud to plant it?

I would like to respond, but you first have to stop speaking in a cheap imitation of English so that I can at least understand you! Do you have factories for use-and-throw cheap knockoff English as well?
I would like to respond, but you first have to stop speaking in a cheap imitation of English so that I can at least understand you! Do you have factories for use-and-throw cheap knockoff English as well?

unlike Indians where you are forced to learn English otherwise you'll be poor and forgotten, in China we don't need English that much. such is the difference between a 1 trillion economy and 10 trillion economy.
I would like to respond, but you first have to stop speaking in a cheap imitation of English so that I can at least understand you! Do you have factories for use-and-throw cheap knockoff English as well?
Just like basketball, China made a team with America at WW2 and won the game together, maybe China get fewer points, but still won together, that's also the reason why China is one of the permanent members of UN. India want to join the little club, but what contribution have India done to the world except population? UK took the land from China (Which China never accept.), what rights does India have to claim it. UK stealed tea from China to give it to India, why does India still so proud to plant it?

Sorry, just speak too much German and typied in a hurry and not like you, English is not my mother language, I can't use it properly.
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