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China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

^^ that's correct

my be all powers fighting war will be severely weak

this will be great opportunity for India to increase its influence

but i don't think that a regional superpower like India can remain neutral in war

but if we manage to do so and just sell materials and food to powers fighting war on massive scale, take tough decisions , we may emerge as power with enormous economic weight and very powerful military

Definatly we can. Remember Israel didn't participate in Desert Storm though provoked many times.
Important to note is that the Western powers first use of a deadly flu virus to destroy their enemies and overthrow the established global order was first used less than a century ago in 1918 when the Spanish Flu variant was unleashed at the ending of World War I and killed an estimated 50-100 million people which represented fully 3-6% of the world’s entire population. Some 500 million, or 27%, were infected.

HAHAHAHA! The USA had the ability to genetically manipulate influenza virus in 1918??!! We were able to collect and disburse it? What nonsense! The Spanish flu killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Mankind barely knew what a virus was, did not understand DNA, and had ZERO capabilities along these lines. The OP article is total gibberish. Do people really swallow such pap?
China already has a fully modernized ground forces, air defense and coastal defense. China can definitely take on the US military close to its border or close to its shores.

China is now modernizing its navy and air force very quickly to project power through the first island chain into the Western Pacific and deep into the South China Sea to the Straits of Malacca. We are approaching world class standards in submarines and surface fleet. Our aircraft carrier is undergoing sea trials now and we'll have three carriers in total launched by 2015. The balance of military power will shift very quickly from 2016 to 2025 from USA dominated to China dominated East Asia.
Yes! Excellent news and great progress in the military buildup by China. The Military strength of China guarantees the peace within the region and can challenge any aggression from the US/NATO within the near future.....Insha-Allah!.......:smokin:
HAHAHAHA! The USA had the ability to genetically manipulate influenza virus in 1918??!! We were able to collect and disburse it? What nonsense! The Spanish flu killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Mankind barely knew what a virus was, did not understand DNA, and had ZERO capabilities along these lines. The OP article is total gibberish. Do people really swallow such pap?

You don't need to have any knowledge of DNA structure to spread an infectious disease and I say that as someone who studies medicine. Nowhere in the article it says that they genetically manipulated or engineered the influenza virus but it says that they helped it become pandemic. At least the part you quoted doesn't say anything about engineering the virus. Although some experts, including some experts who are in FAS, believes that the second wave of 2009 flu pandemic originated from the US labs.
I don't buy the news but it is something that needs to be discussed on the forum, even nonsense needs to be analyzed.
Is that meant to be rhetorical?

Yes. Too subtle, I guess.

---------- Post added at 09:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 AM ----------

You don't need to have any knowledge of DNA structure to spread an infectious disease and I say that as someone who studies medicine. Nowhere in the article it says that they genetically manipulated or engineered the influenza virus but it says that they helped it become pandemic. At least the part you quoted doesn't say anything about engineering the virus. Although some experts, including some experts who are in FAS, believes that the second wave of 2009 flu pandemic originated from the US labs.
I don't buy the news but it is something that needs to be discussed on the forum, even nonsense needs to be analyzed.

I thought Iranians were generally rational people.
You don't need to have any knowledge of DNA structure to spread an infectious disease and I say that as someone who studies medicine. Nowhere in the article it says that they genetically manipulated or engineered the influenza virus but it says that they helped it become pandemic. At least the part you quoted doesn't say anything about engineering the virus. Although some experts, including some experts who are in FAS, believes that the second wave of 2009 flu pandemic originated from the US labs.
I don't buy the news but it is something that needs to be discussed on the forum, even nonsense needs to be analyzed.

There's a difference between a natural occurring virus and the one engineered by man. It's impossible for any country at the time of WWI to artificially develop the strain. Not even the Nazis had that kind of technology, so impossible for the Americans to do that.

And if someone did actually spread the virus, could have been aliens did it :confused:
So, you think you are like god who can tell what would have happened if you had not helped us. I'm not surprised at all, some of you indians are as arrogant as your zionist masters.
you dont have master because none wants to accept you as his students
A grim Ministry of Defense bulletin issued to Prime Minister Putin and President Medvedev today states that President Hu has “agreed in principal” that the only way to stop the West’s aggression led by the United States is through “direct and immediate military action” and that the Chinese leader has ordered his Naval Forces to “prepare for warfare.”

Hu’s call for war joins Chinese Rear Admiral and prominent military commentator Zhang Zhaozhong who, likewise, warned this past week that: “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a Third World War,” and Russian General Nikolai Makarov who grimly stated last week: “I do not rule out local and regional armed conflicts developing into a large-scale war, including using nuclear weapons.”

A new US intelligence report has also stated that China has up to 3000 nuclear weapons compared with general estimates of between 80 and 400. To further pour more gasoline on the fire, the Washington Times has just reported that North Korea is making missile able to hit the US.

The raising of global tensions between the East and West was exploded this past fortnight when Russian Ambassador Vladimir Titorenko and two of his aides retuning from Syria were brutally assaulted and put in hospital by Qatar security forces allegedly aided by CIA and British MI6 agents attempting to gain access to diplomatic pouches containing information from Syrian intelligence that the United States was flooding Syria and Iran with the same US-backed al Qaida mercenaries who toppled the Libyan government.

Further evidence in these diplomatic pouches, this bulletin says, reveals that the United States is preparing an “ultimate solution” to the Middle East Crisis should nuclear war break out by attacking Syria and Iran with lethal biological agents intended to kill tens of millions of innocent civilians.

The discovery of the biological agent to be used by the West was revealed a fortnight ago by Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Centre in the Netherlands who lead a team of scientists that discovered that a mere five mutations to the avian flu virus was sufficient to make it spread far more easily and would make it the most lethal killer of mankind ever invented.

Should the US begin an attack utilizing this deadly virus, this bulletin continues, its most likely method of delivery would be via its RQ-170 Sentinel Drone which is operated by the CIA.

These frightening assessments of future US actions against its enemies were revealed in this bulletin based upon Russian intelligence analysts examination of the RQ-170 Sentinel Drone brought down over Iranian territory last week by the Russian made Avtobaza ground-based electronic intelligence and jamming system used against this unmanned aerial vehicle with little damage and that showed it be equipped with a sophisticated aerosol delivery system.

Important to note is that the Western powers first use of a deadly flu virus to destroy their enemies and overthrow the established global order was first used less than a century ago in 1918 when the Spanish Flu variant was unleashed at the ending of World War I and killed an estimated 50-100 million people which represented fully 3-6% of the world’s entire population. Some 500 million, or 27%, were infected.

Archived KGB files on the Spanish Flu pandemic have always stated that this deadly virus was “bio-engineered” by US military scientists who used as their “guinea pigs” American Soldiers who were the first recorded victims and were stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas.

To fully understand the underlying reasons behind the United States and its Western allies push for Total Global War was recently detailed by the top American investigative journalist Greg Hunter whose shocking in depth report titled “Is the World Spinning Out of Control?” revealed that the entire edifice of the Western economic systems is crumbling under the weight of over $100 Trillion in debt no one is able to pay and wherein he warned: “Never in history has the world been this close to total financial chaos and nuclear war at the same time.”

Sadly, but as always, the American people are not being allowed to know the horrific future their elite leaders are planning for them, a situation made even worse this past week when the US Senate passed a new law by a 93-7 vote that is warned will destroy America for all time by giving total control of this once free nation over to its military forces and destroy their Constitution.

As we noted in our previous report, it is worth mentioning again the words of the American Founding Father, Thomas Jefferson, who warned his fellow citizens over 200 years ago about what is happening today by saying:

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III | EUTimes.net

I would like to be part of a healthy talk to discuss why anything wrong like WW3 may happen? And here, we have news as below:

The President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, declared on Sunday in a meeting with the Indonesian Foreign Minister in Teheran that nuclear weapons pose a threat to the security of the international community. Rather than trying to develop nuclear weapons, The Islamic Republic of Iran stands against them and in favour of a nuclear free world.

Ahmadi-Nejad: Nuclear Weapons Threaten the World - English pravda.ru

And here, I must say that statement of Iran’s President is fit to the 1000s of years old great history/ culture of Iran, comparable to their high reputation. and then its also very clear that Iran’s nuclear program is for peaceful purposes, like to generate electricity. And as a NPT signatory, they are right on their claim for nuclear energy to generate electricity. I think, Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad would be even rewarded with Nobel Peace Price for the type of thinking he has. and yes there are few diplomatic disputes between West and Iran which would be solved with diplomatic negotiations? then here, how we find any type of WW3 thing and the reasons for any war related to Iran?

And yes we know that Iran has some verbal conflicts with Israel but how do it effects health of Israel if Iran doesn’t care internal matters of Israel or West? I mean, there is no claim by NATO that Iran has any hand or is supporting any type of war in West or anywhere else, like how NATO claim that war in Afghan gets support from few parts of Pakistan, then here, why there is any reason to create any type of threat of WW3 type things involving Iran in the world by this type of news? Yes Iran is oil/ gas rich but world may pay for it, other than any new ‘War for Oil’ type thing which may result in WW3 this time as Russia might have offered security guarantee to Iran till now, who knows? And if case of this type of war, whether the war will be a success for the concerned nations or not, but, the whole rest of world may have to pay very high prices for oil/ gas during that war and afterward? Don’t we have any fair way to solve our energy needs other than this type of techniques?

And about Syria, yes they have few internal problems which we hope may be fixed soon. but why other states worry even if few things go wrong in another state which doesn’t effect health of their own countries? Why do we interfere in any country until it doesn’t affect our heath, make sense?

And about Qatar, why they want any direct Panga with another super power country, Russia? Where they stand in power balance of this world? they would control their security personnel for any further incidents like this.
There's a difference between a natural occurring virus and the one engineered by man. It's impossible for any country at the time of WWI to artificially develop the strain. Not even the Nazis had that kind of technology, so impossible for the Americans to do that.

And if someone did actually spread the virus, could have been aliens did it :confused:

The problem is that nowhere in the article it mentions that they engineered the virus. read my post and the article again. so what you're saying is irrelevant.
easy bhai easy..their is no chance for WW3...:no:
but if it happens we will have a chance for survive by taking a role of referee..:lol:
You will not get a chance to be referee , Your intimate friend will not let you to be so , they must involve you , otherwise India will be the only super power .
Ive been reading this thread for the last few days and we all keep seeming to go off at a tangent. Its all very simple americans and west are in trouble financially that is a recognised fact that the most ardent american or western supporters would agree. The excuses for invading afghan iraq libya ie wot, wmd and now human rights in the case of libya seem to be wearing thin. It would appear that further adventures in syria, iran and pakistan are being considerd. If the west are allowed to pick off all these smaller countries by force and force them to comply with american interests it is simply obstructive to Chinese and Russia and threaten their futures and interests. So Russians and China together do have the ability not to be bullied and stand up. Its only natural that people like me would think when will russian/chinese put a stop to this???
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