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China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

By Dr. Sawraj Singh

Russia and China are going on the offensive and pose a growing challenge to the West. Russia and China have finally realized that the West wants to maintain its arrogance, hegemony, and monopoly over the world and wants to maintain the western-dominated unipolar world with America as its undeclared leader. The West is unwilling to accept the reality of the emerging multipolar world. The west has become even more aggressive in resisting the change and continues to deny the fact that the twenty-first century is Asia’s century. The brutality and barbarity with which they murdered Gaddafi in Libya was much more than the way they murdered Saddam, his sons, and his grandson.

Russia and China have realized that they have to stand up to the West; otherwise, the West will walk all over them. Therefore, they have gone on the offensive. Recently, Russia took three steps which represent this changed attitude. The first, Russia has warned that it can use nuclear weapons first when it feels its security is threatened. This is the first time that a major nuclear power has declared that it can use nuclear weapons for offensive purposes. The second, Russia has sent warships to Syria’s coast to defend Syria from any invasion or to intercept naval supplies to the opposition forces in Syria. Again, in the recent times, Russia has not directly intervened in the Middle East conflict before. This greatly raises the stakes in Syria. The West will have to realize that Syria is not Libya. In Syria, the West risks facing the combined strength of Russia, Iran, Syria, Hamas and Hezbollah. The West risks a very big, crushing, and humiliating defeat in the Middle East this time, which may prove fatal for some of the closest allies of the US, including Israel.

Russia has just announced its response to the installation of the American missile System. It has warned the NATO and the US that Russia will apply the Iskander Tactical Missile System in the Southern Krasnodar and Kaliningrad regions, which border Poland and Lithuania. This will bring not only the US, but practically the whole Europe under the range of the Russian missiles. Russia has also threatened to come out of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). The treaty was signed in April 2010 for a ten-year reduction in the strategic weapons, the nuclear missiles to 1,530 units, and the submarine-based missiles and heavy bombers to 700 units. If the START breaks down, then there can be renewed race of nuclear weapons. The West should understand that it takes money to develop more sophisticated nuclear weapons. The West is going through a severe economic crisis whereas Russia can get financial help from China, who needs its vast oil, gas, and other energy resources. America has no treaty to provide that kind of cash now. Therefore, in a new weapons race, America is likely to lose. America has 15 trillion dollars deficit whereas China has surplus money to invest.

India should not forget the lessons of history. In 1962, when China defeated India, then America and the western countries were unable to do a single thing to change the course of that war.
After the war, India realized that it has to move closer to Russia. In the 1971 war, the outcome was different. India and Russia were able to defeat Pakistan and America. The American sixth fleet did not even intervene and Pakistan was dismembered. This war clearly established India and Russia as the leading powers in Asia at the expense of America and the West. However, now the tables have turned. Russia and China can dismember India while America and the West will be hardly able to do anything just as they were unable to do anything in 1962 and 1971. India should not rely upon America and the other western countries. India should revive its time-tested friendship with Russia. Russia still remains India’s best hope for a better future.

China has warned the USA not to meddle in the Asian affairs because it is not an Asian country. None of the Asian countries, even with the American support, has the ability to face the combined strength of Russia and China. America should understand that the only reason its fate is not similar to the UK, which has become a fourth-rate power, is because Russia and China were divided. The day Russia and China joined forces, the American era and the West’s hegemony ended. India should read between the lines. Russia’s warning of using nuclear weapons is against all of the American allies and potential allies as well.
Simple Fact No country on the Earth can take on the USA military not Russia or China they still have 10-15 years to go.
China already has a fully modernized ground forces, air defense and coastal defense. China can definitely take on the US military close to its border or close to its shores.

China is now modernizing its navy and air force very quickly to project power through the first island chain into the Western Pacific and deep into the South China Sea to the Straits of Malacca. We are approaching world class standards in submarines and surface fleet. Our aircraft carrier is undergoing sea trials now and we'll have three carriers in total launched by 2015. The balance of military power will shift very quickly from 2016 to 2025 from USA dominated to China dominated East Asia.
1st word of india bashing was used by a guy called Aryan_b refer page 2 post 21
and this is what we call

I wouldnt call that bashing just stating facts about you indians getting all hot under the collar And I mentioned it again because you indians are burning having made the wrong choice and allied yourselfs to the unjust white liars not from our neighbourhood. So back to topic why are you lot getting excited when its not about you. Indias choice in this matter is immaterial and irrelevant. Russia and china will win this confrontation and india neads to be weaned of the white man
I wouldnt call that bashing just stating facts anout you indians getting all hot under the collar And I mentioned it again because you indians are burning having made the wrong choice and allied yourselfs to the unjust white liars not from our neighbourhood. So back to topic why are you lot getting excited when its not about you. Indias choice in this matter is immaterial and irrelevant
sorry brother that is where you got us wrong, no comman man wants INDIA to get alligned to any one unless provoked or attacked by one side in the first place.
We were the leaders of the NAM nations and still remain the leaders.
we will give both the west and the east a good platform to persue peace but its upto the concerned parties to persue peace or war.

we still maintain a good relationship with Russia and we have normalized our relationship with US for one and only purpose to feed the INDIAN economy not to get alligned with some one in a military conflict with the other.
I wouldnt call that bashing just stating facts anout you indians getting all hot under the collar And I mentioned it again because you indians are burning having made the wrong choice and allied yourselfs to the unjust white liars not from our neighbourhood. So back to topic why are you lot getting excited when its not about you. Indias choice in this matter is immaterial and irrelevant

Indeed, I'd almost agree with you. But 20 pages of arguing about something so immaterial... Surely, something's not right here. :azn:

Trust me, I really do get bored of going into every other thread only to find some idiots badmouthing my country... even when the topic has nothing to do with India. :D But hey I understand some of you guys have nothing better to do.
I wouldnt call that bashing just stating facts anout you indians getting all hot under the collar And I mentioned it again because you indians are burning having made the wrong choice and allied yourselfs to the unjust white liars not from our neighbourhood. So back to topic why are you lot getting excited when its not about you. Indias choice in this matter is immaterial and irrelevant

India's choice is irrelevant i agree, so why would you whine over it being right or wrong ?

We are not interested in kissing neighborhood bully's ......, unlike some.. so kindly save us your white black red pink racial genetic and what not theories and let us make decisions that we think are in our interest.
^^^^^ ashokbhai & butters sorry to give you the impression about knocking indians. I am dissapointed that many of your country men choose to ally with whites and outside our neighbourhood. I have advocated on this forum and elsewhere that china pakistan and india need to resolve our issues peacefully. We should all kick americans together they are the enemy of all the downtrodden poor of our neighbourhood

---------- Post added at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ----------

India's choice is irrelevant i agree, so why would you whine over it being right or wrong ?

We are not interested in kissing neighborhood bully's ......, unlike some.. so kindly save us your white black red pink racial genetic and what not theories and let us make decisions that we think are in our interest.

What you and india do is a matter for another thread so go and start one and we can discuss. Back to topic China and Russia can and will make america stand down and leave our neighbourhood
^^^^^ ashokbhai & butters sorry to give you the impression about knocking indians. I am dissapointed that many of your country men choose to ally with whites and outside our neighbourhood. I have advocated on this forum and elsewhere that china pakistan and india need to resolve our issues peacefully. We should all kick americans together they are the enemy of all the downtrodden poor of our neighbourhood

Brother, i too don't want too much of US influence in our region but I am not in favour of a war, but this thread is about a new Global war and suffering that is about to be the after math of this war.
So my position and most of the INdians position as of now is to keep out of such senarios and as we are both friends of west and east we will ask both parties to back down from a impending catastrophe rather than take sides and be part of the genocide that is about to befall on the humans
^^^^^ ashokbhai & butters sorry to give you the impression about knocking indians. I am dissapointed that many of your country men choose to ally with whites and outside our neighbourhood. I have advocated on this forum and elsewhere that china pakistan and india need to resolve our issues peacefully. We should all kick americans together they are the enemy of all the downtrodden poor of our neighbourhood.

No thanks. You guys do that with your BFF. We have no issue with the Americans. It's you and your BFF that do so it's up to you two bum-chums to kick whoever's bum you feel like.

We'll look after our own interests.
But no where in the article it says that Russia is joining forces with China, It just highlights Russia may go to war if Syria or Iran is attacked also the article specifies USA's supposed action plan.
Brother, i too don't want too much of US influence in our region but I am not in favour of a war, but this thread is about a new Global war and suffering that is about to be the after math of this war.
So my position and most of the INdians position as of now is to keep out of such senarios and as we are both friends of west and east we will ask both parties to back down from a impending catastrophe rather than take sides and be part of the genocide that is about to befall on the humans

But if america continues in its wars eg syria iran pakistan etc it eventually threatens all of us
In the Middle East, the governments of China and Russia have also followed parallel but typically uncoordinated policies. They both want to sell Iran weapons, nuclear energy technologies, and other products. In addition, Beijing and Moscow have defended Tehran at the Security Council while warning against any Iranian ambitions to acquire nuclear weapons. In addition, they both opposed the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq but have shared concerns that an early American military withdrawal from that country could lead to an increase of Islamic militarism throughout the Middle East, which could disrupt China’s energy supplies and reinvigorate the Muslim insurgency in southern Russia. Thus far, however, neither country has sought to make issues related to Iran or Iraq major areas for bilateral Sino-Russian cooperation or significant points of confrontation with Washington.

More recently, China and Russia have declined to coordinate their policies regarding Libya or other manifestations of the Arab Awakening despite common fears of contagion, dislike of Western military intervention on humanitarian grounds, and concerns about losing valuable commercial opportunities. Sino-Russian cooperation in the Libyan War has thus far predominately consisted of their government officials’ citing each other’s opposition to Western interference.

The limits of foreign-policy harmonization between China and Russia are also visible in South Asia, where the two governments have adopted divergent positions on critical issues. For instance, despite the recent improvement in Chinese-Indian relations, Russia’s ties with New Delhi still remain much stronger than those between China and India. Persistent border disputes, differences over India’s growing security ties with the United States, competition over energy supplies, and other sources of Sino-Indian tensions have consistently impeded realization of the vision of a Moscow-Beijing-New Delhi axis that has periodically arisen over the past decade, especially when Russian Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov visited New Delhi in 1998.

The Russian military has begun to cite China’s growing military potential as a reason why Russia needs to acquire more warships and retain tactical nuclear weapons (TNWs) despite U.S. pressure to negotiate their elimination in the next round of the strategic arms talks. It is difficult to sustain a major conventional military force in the Russian Far East, but TNWs can help compensate for shortages in numbers. The Commander in Chief of the Russian Navy, Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky, has also cited Beijing’s interest in the Arctic as a reason to field a larger fleet. (Russian strategists often describe control over the Arctic region as a vital national interest and fundamental for sustaining Russia’s great power status in the 21st century). Until recently, Russian analysts were confident about maintaining military superiority over China for at least the next decade, but recent displays of growing Chinese defense capabilities, combined with a more confrontational manifestation of Chinese diplomacy, appear to be causing the same unease in Russia as in other countries.

Richard Weitz, Ph.D., is Senior Fellow and Director, Center for Political-Military Analysis, Hudson Institute
But if america continues in its wars eg syria iran pakistan etc it eventually threatens all of us
Forming a good aliance by Russia ,China, India and other countries in UN and bringing in a resolution in the UN that US can not go on a rampage like "they can do what ever they want" will prevent the impending catasprophe.
But unfortunately most of Europe is with the US in a genocide and no one is out there to stand up and say enough if enough
Well we would expect on outsiders trying to concentrate on differences and sing the tune what suits them ie whites americans etc (Richard Weitz)

---------- Post added at 01:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 PM ----------

Forming a good aliance by Russia ,China, India and other countries in UN and bringing in a resolution in the UN that US can not go on a rampage like "they can do what ever they want" will prevent the impending catasprophe.
But unfortunately most of Europe is with the US in a genocide and no one is out there to stand up and say enough if enough

I think if russia china and others stood up to be counted it would stop americans and west
Russia does want a Russia - China - India nexus, but again India's non aligned policy comes in the forefront.
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