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China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

Why are you trying to derail the thread and why are you obsessed with pakistan this thread is not the place. Back on topic America will back down with Russian?Chinese threat to their evil plan to steal third world goodies

Derail a troll thread !!!!!!!!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

And guys anyone has idea on whose side martians and djinns would fight.

and would china employ its stardestroyers and tractor laser.
haha hearing china and russia teaming up together causing some jealous looser jump out of chair! :lol: :P

lol, someone got his nerve touched so hard so that cause him to spit out this stupid flame bail conclusion!!! what a great accusation on earth!

your ungrateful vietnam must learn to know that nobody on earth having any sympathy for such a backstabber like you, thirty years ago if without china helped then now you now in the usa hands (of course i know you are dreaming of being in the yankee hands more than in your vc because you r so disappointed to your failed of economy and the stupid management of your viet cong leadership).

today you can stand on your leg then you turning back to bite the chinese, you r trying to rob and bully smaller nations around you but in the other ways you scream to the world that you r being oppressed by the them, how shameless you r vietnamsee? your greedy viet cong government has brainwashed your people and make you think that you r so right, everything from vietnam is always truth and other are just wrong! your paranoid also causes you eager to confront with your neighbors with over confidently. even i am not in the conflicts with your jerking country but i do feel unfair for your neighbors, who has been fought against the most thick face thief for centuries!

-here again, you just show how foolish in your vietnamse though, you must remember your viva viet is nothing to this world, and without china your vietnam and india will be beaten down to **** if "chia is really down" one day! that time don't scream for help because there r no body is really your friend anymore and nobody is willing to make friend with such shameless clown like you! Will you say india, japan or south korea will jump in to help you, no if i don't wanna say they would send some bombs to burn your nasty vietnam for showing up their loyalty to the usa. will you say russia? if you have that though then you must forget about that right now or be seen as a damn fool! remember if china down then there will be no "powerful" russia anymore, in fact that time the russkie are too busy to save their own axx from the west aggression instead of caring what so called "vietnam"!

-let me tell you clown the last time, before jump into that shitty accusation on your neighbosr you should watch at yourself first, to see how your neighbors view about your vietnam then coming back here to tell that blatant lie!

-who could forget your viet of dominated and assimilated the khmer in the southwest vietnam, who can forget vietnam of invading cambodia and killing million of chinese ethnic roof in vietnam among centuries? who can forget vietnma of killing thousand of american soldiers and its allies to help "free" vietnam from communism! finally your vietnam is the reall enemy of any forces on this planet, let wake up and open your eyes viet looser!

-stop using that "small country" to defend for your false, not because you small so you can do whatever you want, as a neutral observer i do see your viets has been overreacted toward your neighbors especially china, who is the real thief here, not china but YOU! why so many smaller nations but living peacefully with bigger ones without any problem but only your viet? why china can be a good friend of pakistan but your vietnam? stop lying! you once dare to bully the whole asean and now you act as if you r so nice to them and wanna lead them to fight for yourself interests, don't you see that you r too fool these days?

shameless!!! blatant though again!!! not because people don't agree with your viet is a china lapdog, you just show your aggression to the world, that deeply inside your ideas, just look back at how you destroyed the khmer kingdom and assimilated their people centuries ago? also did you forget how the u.s and japanese and french did to your vietnam "not even once"? people have to thank god that your greedy vietnam is just a tiny weak nation, if you have more capacity then i bet anybody disagree with you will be blame a china fanboy and become bullied by you everyday!

YOU r the one who has been smoking too much shitty propaganda from your government, you must watch yourself instead of teasing other members here who dislike you!!!

vietnam is just a shameless blatant boy, don't draw yourself as if you r so pity and cheat people for sympathy!!! VIETNAM is the most cunning THIEF!!!

Wow ... pretty long post but meaningless. The bottom line you want Vietnam just turns itself be an enemy of US.

China so many times invaded Vietnam should Vietnam treats China as its enemy?
French invaded Vietnam should Vietnam treats French as its enemy?
Japan invaded Vietnam should Vietnam treats Japans as its enemy?
US invaded Vietnam should Vietnam treats US as its enemy?
Cambodia attack Vietnam should Vietnam treats Cambodia as its enemy?

[If] all of countries listed above are Vietnam enemy what else Vietnam got left?

Dude, you made me fall off a chair. Whatever you been smoked I would love to share it too.

PS: Caused you been smoked that made you forgot to take out American flag. Can you remove it before you starting "hates" Amrica.
Explain please.

The original article is a paranoid and delusional spewing of half facts and made-up B.S. The virus is one glaring example. There are more.

It does you no good to keep falling back on the "They didn't ENGINEER the virus." That is irrelevent. Mankind did not have the technical capability to even ISOLATE the virus, let alone engineer some "Dr. Evil" plan to spread it far & wide. The virus as a biological entity wasn't even "discovered" until 1892 by a Russian. They knew there was a microscopic, disease-causing agent, but as far as even seeing them, mankind was in its infancy in this area.

Further evidence in these diplomatic pouches, this bulletin says, reveals that the United States is preparing an “ultimate solution” to the Middle East Crisis should nuclear war break out by attacking Syria and Iran with lethal biological agents intended to kill tens of millions of innocent civilians.

Shady, hocus-pocus "New World Order Skull & Bones" steaming s--t. There is ZERO evidence for any of it. The OP conveniently uses words like "alledgedly" to implant ideas into gullible minds. "Iran is alleged to have upwards of 100 thermonuclear warheads." This is a true statement. I can easily find someone who believes this... therefore, it is "alleged."

The discovery of the biological agent to be used by the West was revealed a fortnight ago by Dutch virologist Ron Fouchier of the Erasmus Medical Centre in the Netherlands who lead a team of scientists that discovered that a mere five mutations to the avian flu virus was sufficient to make it spread far more easily and would make it the most lethal killer of mankind ever invented.

Should the US begin an attack utilizing this deadly virus, this bulletin continues, its most likely method of delivery would be via its RQ-170 Sentinel Drone which is operated by the CIA.

FOUCHIER IS THE SCIENTIST WHO ENGINEERED THE DEADLY VIRUS. HE IS DUTCH! But in the next sentence, it is made to appear that he is apparently some secret agent working for the USA, and that this virus would be crop-dusted on people. How did we go from a Dutch virologist to the USA killing people with it? Where is the connection?

These frightening assessments of future US actions against its enemies were revealed in this bulletin based upon Russian intelligence analysts examination of the RQ-170 Sentinel Drone brought down over Iranian territory last week by the Russian made Avtobaza ground-based electronic intelligence and jamming system used against this unmanned aerial vehicle with little damage and that showed it be equipped with a sophisticated aerosol delivery system.

REALLY? So the Russians have already examined the drone? The Iranians themselves have barely begun to look at it, yet all of a sudden we have "Russian experts declaring the drone to be an aerosol weapon."

Archived KGB files on the Spanish Flu pandemic have always stated that this deadly virus was “bio-engineered” by US military scientists who used as their “guinea pigs” American Soldiers who were the first recorded victims and were stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas.

Archived KGB files? How about some supporting documentation? Keep in mind that the KGB's propaganda arm during the cold war did not hesitate to simply make stuff up for public consumption.

And the statement here contradicts what you have been saying lately.

Archived KGB files on the Spanish Flu pandemic have always stated that this deadly virus was “bio-engineered” by US military scientists

Did the Americans, or did they not, bioengineer the virus in 1918? Be consistent.

Must I continue to shred this ridiculous article to ribbons?
WHAT? These armchair generals are still fighting the next world war based on a BS article making outlandish claims written by a non existent Sorcha Faal???



Let them fight their III,IV,V world wars.

I find this best comedy source on internet.Extreme stupidity could be hilariously entertaining.
There's a difference between a natural occurring virus and the one engineered by man. It's impossible for any country at the time of WWI to artificially develop the strain. Not even the Nazis had that kind of technology, so impossible for the Americans to do that.

And if someone did actually spread the virus, could have been aliens did it :confused:

By end of the WWII the only thinkable nation which possessed such capability were Japan. They have been secretly testing various strains of viruses, finding ways to spread them and in what ways it will affect a human being etc. You can find out more by reading up on Japan's Unit 731. The person in charge, Shirō Ishii, was taken to the U.S. and received immunity amongst other leaders of this secret unit, in exchange for their data.
The original article is a paranoid and delusional spewing of half facts and made-up B.S. The virus is one glaring example. There are more.

It does you no good to keep falling back on the "They didn't ENGINEER the virus." That is irrelevent. Mankind did not have the technical capability to even ISOLATE the virus, let alone engineer some "Dr. Evil" plan to spread it far & wide. The virus as a biological entity wasn't even "discovered" until 1892 by a Russian. They knew there was a microscopic, disease-causing agent, but as far as even seeing them, mankind was in its infancy in this area.

I didn't talk about the article itself, I was talking about the biological fact that you wouldn't need to know anything about the DNA structure to make a virus pandemic and I'm saying that as a med. student.

You don't even need to isolate the virus, neither do you need to know what a virus is. You know that a disease is highly contagious and can affect humans, that's enough for spreading it. Examples of using contagious lethal diseases in wars can date back to even Antiquity, but just FYI, you can take a look at this webpage:
Biological warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Mongol Empire established commercial and political connections between the Eastern and Western areas of the world, but it did so through the most mobile army ever seen. The armies, being the most rapidly moving travelers who had ever moved between the steppes of East Asia (where bubonic plague was and remains endemic among small rodents), managed to keep the chain of infection without a break until they reached, and infected, peoples and rodents who had never encountered it. The ensuing Black Death may have killed almost half of the population of Europe in the next decades, changing the course of Asian and European history.

During the Middle Ages, victims of the bubonic plague were used for biological attacks, often by flinging fomites such as infected corpses and excrement over castle walls using catapults. In 1346, during the siege of Kafa (now Feodossia Ukraine) the attacking Tartar Forces which were subjugated by the Mongol empire under Genghis Khan, used the bodies of Mongol warriors of the Golden Horde who had died of plague, as weapons. An outbreak of plague followed and the defending forces retreated, followed by the conquest of the city by the Mongol army. It has been speculated that this operation may have been responsible for the advent of the Black Death in Europe. At the time, the attackers thought that the stench was enough to kill them, though it was the disease that was deadly.[7][8]

During the First World War, the Empire of Germany pursued an ambitious biological warfare program. Using diplomatic pouches and couriers, the German General Staff supplied small teams of saboteurs in the Russian Duchy of Finland, and in the then-neutral countries of Romania, the United States, and Argentina.[citation needed]

In Finland, saboteurs mounted on reindeer placed ampoules of anthrax in stables of Russian horses in 1916 .[24] Anthrax was also supplied to the German military attaché in Bucharest, as was glanders, which was employed against livestock destined for Allied service.

The point is that you don't need to know anything about the nature of a disease to spread it scientifically speaking, and hence your reasoning was wrong.
The point is that you don't need to know anything about the nature of a disease to spread it scientifically speaking, and hence your reasoning was wrong.

I'll grant that mankind understood what a communicable disease was in 1918. Of course they did. But how does that translate into the use of the 1918 flu strain as a weapon? Again, the OP flatly states the virus was bio-engineered. That is laughably incorrect. How are we supposed to believe ANY of it? It is a joke.

Address the remainder of my post if you want to continue to defend the article.

As a med student, I would expect you to have superior critical thinking skills. I would expect you to recognize inflammatory, cheap propaganda immediately, rather than post it to a defense forum.
"prominent military commentator Zhang Zhaozhong who, likewise, warned this past week that: “China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a Third World War,” "


Zhang Zhaozhong's personal blog has already dismissed the report. which is fabricated from Iran.

This article isn't worth so much mouth water...
I'll grant that mankind understood what a communicable disease was in 1918. Of course they did. But how does that translate into the use of the 1918 flu strain as a weapon? Again, the OP flatly states the virus was bio-engineered. That is laughably incorrect. How are we supposed to believe ANY of it? It is a joke.
The problem is I don't see where he claimed you bio-engineered the virus in 1918. and He didn't talk about using the flu strain as a weapon in 1918. I don't know how you came up with that idea. tell me, precisely, where he claims that the USA used flu strains and bio-engineered the virus in 1918. But if you ask me if it's possible to make a virus pandemic without knowing a heck about DNA structure, I'll answer, Yes, It's possible.

Address the remainder of my post if you want to continue to defend the article.
The remainder of your post wasn't directed at me. Was it?
And I don't want to defend the article, because It has many flaws, but has some points too. I'm not the author of the article that I want to defend it and If I had been the author, I wouldn't have written many of the things he has written but the main point is that what you claim is biologically false.

As a med student, I would expect you to have superior critical thinking skills. I would expect you to recognize inflammatory, cheap propaganda immediately, rather than post it to a defense forum.
To be quite honest, everything I read these days has some cheap propaganda in it. Maybe it's because that these days everything they write that contains some information about the conflict between Iran and the USA is somehow turned into a cheap propaganda in some way but as you see many people have participated in the topic and that means people believe the article has a point in it.
It's right here.

Archived KGB files on the Spanish Flu pandemic have always stated that this deadly virus was “bio-engineered” by US military scientists

The author presents this in such a way that even if he doesn't believe it himself, he leaves it open and worded in such a way that 90% of what I would call the uneducated readership, would in fact believe it.

The article is cleverly constructed so that taken as a whole, it appears the USA is ready to annihilate people by the hundreds of millions with viruses via drones.

And I don't want to defend the article, because It has many flaws,

It is worse than "many flaws", it is grossly inaccurate, paranoid, cheap propaganda. I see zero in it that even has the slightest basis in reality. It's irresponsible, inflammatory fiction... designed to be accepted as plausible by many people.

I can find all sorts of similar propaganda about Iran. Torture chambers, secret weapons programs, secret terrorist armies financed by Iran, etc. I don't post them here because they are junk.
Wow ... pretty long post but meaningless. The bottom line you want Vietnam just turns itself be an enemy of US.

China so many times invaded Vietnam should Vietnam treats China as its enemy?
French invaded Vietnam should Vietnam treats French as its enemy?
Japan invaded Vietnam should Vietnam treats Japans as its enemy?
US invaded Vietnam should Vietnam treats US as its enemy?
Cambodia attack Vietnam should Vietnam treats Cambodia as its enemy?

[If] all of countries listed above are Vietnam enemy what else Vietnam got left?

Dude, you made me fall off a chair. Whatever you been smoked I would love to share it too.

PS: Caused you been smoked that made you forgot to take out American flag. Can you remove it before you starting "hates" Amrica.

Well said, bro. I don't know why that kid just came here ranting his ignorant mind and diss Vietnamese. Haters gotta hate.

It's funny how everyone here are experts in this forum about world war. Haven't you all heard the phrase "love your enemies"? Yeah, it's not that simple.
It's right here.

Archived KGB files on the Spanish Flu pandemic have always stated that this deadly virus was “bio-engineered” by US military scientists
Yea but he doesn't say that they did it in 1918. In fact many people believe that the H1N1 virus that became pandemic in 2009 had been bio-engineered by the US military scientists. The time line hasn't been precisely mentioned, so we can't say that the author claims that the USA did it in 1918.

The author presents this in such a way that even if he doesn't believe it himself, he leaves it open and worded in such a way that 90% of what I would call the uneducated readership, would in fact believe it.

The article is cleverly constructed so that taken as a whole, it appears the USA is ready to annihilate people by the hundreds of millions with viruses via drones.
Exactly. That's how many articles about Iran's nuclear program are written as well. The article has many flaws, I don't disagree with that, but I like nonsense propaganda, it serves many purposes, and for people who understand the flaws, it can wake up the brain cells.

It is worse than "many flaws", it is grossly inaccurate, paranoid, cheap propaganda. I see zero in it that even has the slightest basis in reality. It's irresponsible, inflammatory fiction... designed to be accepted as plausible by many people.

I can find all sorts of similar propaganda about Iran. Torture chambers, secret weapons programs, secret terrorist armies financed by Iran, etc. I don't post them here because they are junk.
well, you don't but many do.
I'll grant that mankind understood what a communicable disease was in 1918. Of course they did. But how does that translate into the use of the 1918 flu strain as a weapon? Again, the OP flatly states the virus was bio-engineered. That is laughably incorrect. How are we supposed to believe ANY of it? It is a joke.

Address the remainder of my post if you want to continue to defend the article.

As a med student, I would expect you to have superior critical thinking skills. I would expect you to recognize inflammatory, cheap propaganda immediately, rather than post it to a defense forum.

Actually in old times spreading of diseases was a common military tactic and it worked very well. However now a days you can increase and decrease The virulence by controlling how well it binds to receptors. And also it's antigen and antibody activation if you master those you can make a virus that will wipe out earth if you want.
You have every thing then why dnt you kick USA from JAPAN and Taiwan ????
China has already successfully intimidated Taiwan into abandoning independence. Right now the pro-China party rules Taiwan.

China already patrols the Diaoyutai Islands against Japanese protests. We even shot down a Japanese fighter plane over Diaoyutai.
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