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China issues safety notice to tourists in Turkey

I would continue to make money off these guys and supply weapons to the Kurds and other separatist groups in Turkey. It's time China need to start acting more like US

In my stomach. Going to come out really shitty tomorrow:rofl:

Yes I think China should support Kurds and try to destabilise Turkey. Chinese intelligence services need to act more like CIA and go global to protect Chinese interests instead of waiting for problems to come to China before it decides to act.

Need to become proactive instead of reactive.
''Turkey is located along the Silk Road Economic Belt'' Turkey is where your silk reaches European market and possibly Middle East and Northern Africa and almost all the countries on your way to European market are Muslim populated countries in a very brotherly relationship with Turkey.
Turkish President will visit China soon, and for sure will visit East Turkistan.

Could it be possible that your brain is smaller than your eyes? :lol:

Why not regarding an unwanted Chinese in Taiwan?

Yeah, quite sure he will NOT visit Xinjiang. He already did once, and that's great. This time, after what just happened, I'm sure he isn't allowed there.

This plan is problematic for China itself, almost all those regional places pointed in your map face some very serious crisis one way or another your belt ends in Turkey and depends on your relations with Turkey. This map is failure for those who want to trade safer and faster.
History is a proof.

Nonsense. The first Silk Road was a gigantic succes. It went through Central Asia, and it was extremely prosperous back then. It can be again. Central Asia has a small population, and is economically dependent on China. So they'll behave and indeed they want to be part of the Silk Road. Otherwise, how do you think Uzbeks can eat food? Or Tajiks? Or the Kyrgyz? Aside from having half their population live and work in Russia.

Yes I think China should support Kurds and try to destabilise Turkey. Chinese intelligence services need to act more like CIA and go global to protect Chinese interests instead of waiting for problems to come to China before it decides to act.

Need to become proactive instead of reactive.

No. Turkey isn't supporting any militants inside China. It's just hot air and a bunch of zombies waving silly baby blue flags. Unless Turkey starts aiding and arming terrorists in China, you should never help any Kurds against Turkey. Turkey just harboring dissidents is not enough of a reason. Otherwise go fight India, with that old pedophile, the Dalai Lama in there.
This notice is of very limited usefulness, because no one would ever think about going to terrorism country ever once, unless he is looking for joining ISIS.

Good news for us...It means now we have more room for more sophisticated and classy tourists:usflag::usflag:
Good training terrorists on the way, I bet you guys will offer them good weapons.

You're also the number 1 destination for jihadists in the world too. Be proud.

Too true.

More Chinese tourists to visit Greece in 2015
三月 12, 2015

According to Greek Deputy Minister of Tourism Elena Kountoura, more Chinese tourists are expected to visit Greece in 2015. Indications have been already encouraging since last year. Greek statistics demonstrate that in the nine months of 2014 37,196 Chinese visited Greece. This constitutes an increase of 107.2% in comparison with the relevant period of 2013. On the whole, however, the share of the Chinese market in Greek tourism is rather low and equals with 0.2%. As far as previous years are concerned 28.328 Chinese tourists – having China as their departure point – visited Greece in 2013 as opposed to 12.203 ones in 2012 and 15.838 ones in 2011. It is now estimated, however, that about 100,000 Chinese tourists are visiting the country per year, given that many come through Schengen countries.
I have sympathy for Greece, she is a very great country, but she has to neighbor with a world famous dangerous terrorist training campaign country.

Im sure you yourself know the answer to this. :-) since they dont want to offend you publicly(for strategic reasons) by making their stance clear of who they support in this matter. however if geo political situation changes some day then im sure pakistan(even the government) will become more vocal about this:pakistan::enjoy:

All this has nothing to do with Pakistan so not sure what you expect from them. Why don't you relax with the block capitals, you might give yourself a hernia.
All this has nothing to do with Pakistan so not sure what you expect from them. Why don't you relax with the block capitals, you might give yourself a hernia.

I know. But me and him included pakistan in our discussion. Reason i mentioned it.
Moreover all the threads i have seen here about china, pakistani always jump to support china, but surprisingly on this one they all went silent/dumb. :lol: We all know the reason why.(Turkey being a good friend if pakistan and a muslim one at that, plus poor innocent fellow muslim uygurs being oppressed by an atheist regime who doesnt even believes in religion at all).:lol: :azn:
Looks like counter strike for that Ramzan issue raised by Turks..
Since when is Turkiye an Islamist country,are you ok?

Since Erdogan is in power. The turkish nationalist, imperialist, islamist leader.

Since Erdogan is in power. The turkish nationalist, imperialist, islamist leader.
The name is Turkish Republik and will stay that way.
Since you live in Germany,you could have more knowledge of Turks and Turkiye but i guess you know nothing about Turkiye.
You honor your name,you are a joke.
Du bist ein Scherz!
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