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China issues safety notice to tourists in Turkey


Look at these idiots dream

China says tourists attacked in Turkey during anti-China protests| Reuters

China has warned its citizens traveling in Turkey to be careful of anti-Beijing protests, saying some Chinese tourists have recently been "attacked and disturbed".

The notice, posted on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website on Sunday, said there had been "multiple" demonstrations in Turkey targeting the Chinese government.

Relations between Turkey and China have been strained recently over the treatment of Muslim Uighur people in China's far western region of Xinjiang, who have reportedly had been banned from worship and fasting during the holy month of Ramadan.

China's treatment of the Uighurs is an important issue for many Turks, who see themselves as sharing a common cultural and religious background. Turkey vowed on Friday to keep its doors open to ethnic Uighurs fleeing persecution.

"Absolutely do not get close to or film the protests, and minimize to the greatest extent outside activities on one's own," the Chinese notice said.

Turkish daily Hurriyet reported a small group of people last week attacked a Chinese restaurant in Istanbul's touristy Tophane district, smashing windows.

On Sunday in Istanbul, several hundred protesters marched towards the Chinese consulate carrying flags and chanting anti-China slogans outside the building, located towards the end of a leafy uphill road from the coast of the Bosphorus strait.

Earlier in the day, some of the protesters had burned a Chinese flag.

"They (the Uighurs) are our brothers and are being persecuted for their faith. They did nothing wrong, their only fault is to be Muslim," said 17-year old Muhammet Gokce who was wearing a blue head band with the words "East Turkestan you are not alone".

"Turkey should embrace its brothers, should save them from the brutal hands of communist China."
I remember visiting Istanbul a couple of years ago. People would ask me were I was from and I would say Pakistan and the Turkish would always have a smile on their face. when I said that. Beautiful country.
More Chinese tourists to visit Greece in 2015
三月 12, 2015

According to Greek Deputy Minister of Tourism Elena Kountoura, more Chinese tourists are expected to visit Greece in 2015. Indications have been already encouraging since last year. Greek statistics demonstrate that in the nine months of 2014 37,196 Chinese visited Greece. This constitutes an increase of 107.2% in comparison with the relevant period of 2013. On the whole, however, the share of the Chinese market in Greek tourism is rather low and equals with 0.2%. As far as previous years are concerned 28.328 Chinese tourists – having China as their departure point – visited Greece in 2013 as opposed to 12.203 ones in 2012 and 15.838 ones in 2011. It is now estimated, however, that about 100,000 Chinese tourists are visiting the country per year, given that many come through Schengen countries.
More Chinese tourists to visit Greece in 2015
三月 12, 2015

According to Greek Deputy Minister of Tourism Elena Kountoura, more Chinese tourists are expected to visit Greece in 2015. Indications have been already encouraging since last year. Greek statistics demonstrate that in the nine months of 2014 37,196 Chinese visited Greece. This constitutes an increase of 107.2% in comparison with the relevant period of 2013. On the whole, however, the share of the Chinese market in Greek tourism is rather low and equals with 0.2%. As far as previous years are concerned 28.328 Chinese tourists – having China as their departure point – visited Greece in 2013 as opposed to 12.203 ones in 2012 and 15.838 ones in 2011. It is now estimated, however, that about 100,000 Chinese tourists are visiting the country per year, given that many come through Schengen countries.

Good for Greek economy
What's wrong with the world?

Last month in Tunisia, 38 tourists were killed, this month, pass the relay baton to Turkey by voilence.

Unless absolutely required, it is wise to avoid travel to the Middle East and North Africa. Even Egypt has been officially at war against ISIS in Sinai now.
Good for Greek economy

Tourism is always Greece's strong point. Tourism can't save the country.

Unless absolutely required, it is wise to avoid travel to the Middle East and North Africa. Even Egypt has been officially at war against ISIS in Sinai now.

But the Turkey is charming, their food, icecream and massage are good and attractive.

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