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China is making the lauch vehicle up to 130 tons LEO

EXCELLENT. As I said before, once China poessess 130 ton LEO rocket(China's own Saturn V) , CHINA will truelly be capable of sending man to the MOON.

It is now official, China will send a man to the moon before 2020!!!
Here is the translate!!!


Xinhua Beijing March 3 (Xinhua any Qinqin Rosa) CPPCC National Committee, the China Aerospace Technology Corporation, China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology 3, Party Secretary Liang Xiaohong exclusive interview with Xinhua, disclosed that China is now the largest carrying capacity launch vehicle being developed feasibility studies, carrying capacity will reach 130 tons, is 6 times the active carrier.

Liang Xiaohong said that the great body of model rocket, rocket diameter is serving about 2 times the diameter of the rocket to meet the subsequent manned missions to deep space exploration missions such as the demand for launch as well as moon landing mission. China Carrier Rocket Technology Research Institute will undertake research tasks.

According to reports, the implementation of the development of heavy rocket is an important measure for space development strategy, China is also implementing a large-scale basis for deep space exploration mission, will greatly enhance China's carrier rocket carrying capacity, independent access to space capabilities, to maintain space superiority is a core competence The key pillars. The project is led in a great leap in space technology, it is also the basis of radiation and leading industrial countries, science and technology and civilian industrial and technological progress, capacity upgrades.

Liang Xiaohong told reporters that the Long March series of rockets and other "catch up" models of different kind in the world advanced in the field of heavy-duty carrier rockets, the United States, Russia, have been or are being developed to carry out a representative heavy launch vehicles, China has demonstrated the development of heavy-duty carrier rockets means that aerospace power at the same time started to compete.

He said the need to overcome a lot of heavy development of advanced launch vehicle technologies, such as high-thrust engine technology, large-diameter rocket design and manufacturing technology, precision guidance, on-orbit cryogenic propellant management technology, will drive the progress of the relevant scientific and technological research, For example, guidance theory, combustion theory, new materials and computer development.

In addition, the heavy-duty large diameter rocket launch vehicle, high-thrust engine production and manufacturing, will be directly contributing to the national infrastructure to enhance industrial capacity, such as advanced materials research and development applications; large-scale structure of the manufacturing process and equipment research and development; major component of the test, transport protection.

Liang Xiaohong said that the development of heavy launch vehicle will pull the progress of civil industry, will pull a large number of direct radiation associated with this high-tech industry and civil industry, mechanical manufacturing, production, processing, materials, computer science, basic industries and other countries, high the development of science and technology make a significant contribution to national economic development.
Here is the translate!!!


Xinhua Beijing March 3 (Xinhua any Qinqin Rosa) CPPCC National Committee, the China Aerospace Technology Corporation, China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology 3, Party Secretary Liang Xiaohong exclusive interview with Xinhua, disclosed that China is now the largest carrying capacity launch vehicle being developed feasibility studies, carrying capacity will reach 130 tons, is 6 times the active carrier.

Liang Xiaohong said that the great body of model rocket, rocket diameter is serving about 2 times the diameter of the rocket to meet the subsequent manned missions to deep space exploration missions such as the demand for launch as well as moon landing mission. China Carrier Rocket Technology Research Institute will undertake research tasks.

According to reports, the implementation of the development of heavy rocket is an important measure for space development strategy, China is also implementing a large-scale basis for deep space exploration mission, will greatly enhance China's carrier rocket carrying capacity, independent access to space capabilities, to maintain space superiority is a core competence The key pillars. The project is led in a great leap in space technology, it is also the basis of radiation and leading industrial countries, science and technology and civilian industrial and technological progress, capacity upgrades.

Liang Xiaohong told reporters that the Long March series of rockets and other "catch up" models of different kind in the world advanced in the field of heavy-duty carrier rockets, the United States, Russia, have been or are being developed to carry out a representative heavy launch vehicles, China has demonstrated the development of heavy-duty carrier rockets means that aerospace power at the same time started to compete.

He said the need to overcome a lot of heavy development of advanced launch vehicle technologies, such as high-thrust engine technology, large-diameter rocket design and manufacturing technology, precision guidance, on-orbit cryogenic propellant management technology, will drive the progress of the relevant scientific and technological research, For example, guidance theory, combustion theory, new materials and computer development.

In addition, the heavy-duty large diameter rocket launch vehicle, high-thrust engine production and manufacturing, will be directly contributing to the national infrastructure to enhance industrial capacity, such as advanced materials research and development applications; large-scale structure of the manufacturing process and equipment research and development; major component of the test, transport protection.

Liang Xiaohong said that the development of heavy launch vehicle will pull the progress of civil industry, will pull a large number of direct radiation associated with this high-tech industry and civil industry, mechanical manufacturing, production, processing, materials, computer science, basic industries and other countries, high the development of science and technology make a significant contribution to national economic development.

In this article time line is not clear for development

And BTW can you tell us present capacity of Chinese rockets ????
In this article time line is not clear for development

And BTW can you tell us present capacity of Chinese rockets ????

curentlly Chinese have 60 ton LEO payload rocket. By 2014 they will have 130 ton LEO payload rocket which is the same as USA Saturn V rocket that send man to the moon!

EXCELLENT. As I said before, once China poessess 130 ton LEO rocket(China's own Saturn V) , CHINA will truelly be capable of sending man to the MOON.

It is now official, China will send a man to the moon before 2020!!!

Yeah, 2015-2020 Moon landing, and 2025-2030 Mars landing.

This is too much HKC!!!
Hope it gets prepared in 30-40 years.

In the US, it is commonly accepted knowledge that China is at most 20 years behind US in technology. Saturn V is 1960's tech, so it should certainly be doable by China in this decade. The current batch of Chinese managers are not known to overpromise and underdeliver.
In the US, it is commonly accepted knowledge that China is at most 20 years behind US in technology. Saturn V is 1960's tech, so it should certainly be doable by China in this decade. The current batch of Chinese managers are not known to overpromise and underdeliver.

China is aiming at something like Ares V.
This is only a feasibility study, not an actual plan or timetable for development. China's 60 ton rocket as far as we know also isn't out of feasibility studies either. Talking about a 130 ton rocket that's also still a feasibility study is really premature. That's in the same category as people talking about DDG-1000 Zumwalt class destroyers when the 052D hasn't even started construction yet.
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